The mage is fierce

Chapter 123 It's none of my business to set fire

The sun gradually set in the west, and behind the lush woods on the ridge, a trace of red afterglow was projected, and the dirt road in front of the forest also appeared a bright white. Suddenly, a breeze broke out, brushed the forest, and fell powerlessly into the open space in front of it. The slender and weak grass stems swayed and sprinkled golden yellow all over the ground. The sound of cicadas in the wild did not care, and continued their boring and single noise.

After this half-day, Su Minghai has already recovered his strength and is lazily crossing his legs, leaning against a horizontal tree, and his mouth is still nibbling a picked wild fruit. He brought 20 to 30 days of food in his space at any time, and he was very sure:

"Hey, let's consume. Why is this mountain more than ten miles in size? More than 2,000 people have spilled in, and you can't even get a blister. Since you want to stay outside and spend time with me, I'm willing to accompany you - isn't it easy to support me alone in this forest?

When I was thinking about it, a loud noise suddenly came from the distance:


I jumped up and watched, and I saw "bang!" in the sky. A huge fireworks exploded. Then, at a higher place on the top of the mountain next to it, the petals of white smoke spread all over the sky, and the voice became louder, echoing in the mountains for a long time. After a while, there was a muffled sound from behind him. As soon as this sound came into his ears, Su Minghai heard that it was from the white stone river**:

"Ha ha, Liu Mingtong finally can't stand it. Do you want to do it?" Su Minghai smiled and pretended to be a sneer, but he was secretly alerted in his heart: "This Liu Mingtong chose to start acting at the dusk that I can easily escape. Is there any conspiracy?"

It's just that no matter what he thinks, he can't figure out why Liu Mingtong did this.


A powerful voice came from afar. It turned out that Liu Mingtong personally ordered, and 400 shield soldiers stood up and took a step forward.


The soldiers in this front are all the elites of the former Cangbao, and 400 people stepped out at this step, like one person. He shouted in unison and was forceful. Su Minghai was more than 100 meters away from them and could feel a blood on the battlefield.

"The big shield seems to have increased by a hundred... But this thing is so cumbersome, what's the use of going up the mountain?" Su Minghai muttered to himself, looked carefully, and his face suddenly changed - after this big shield, almost everyone brought a handful of hay!

Liu Mingtong is crazy! Shit! Unexpectedly, it will be set on fire in your own backyard!

The former Cangbao is the center of Cangshan Mountain. Outside the fort, there are more than 17,000 civilians, not to mention many wild people. The so-called mountain, water and water, the surrounding mountains and forests are the food and clothing of the people. When this fire was released, the fire spread. I don't know how many people's livelihoods will be destroyed. Isn't the hearts of the former Cangbao dissipated?

"Is it that I was in a hurry and drove Liu Mingtong crazy? Doesn't he even want the family business?"

Su Minghai's mind turned around, but he did not dare to stop. He randomly arranged a few traps around him and immediately turned to the top of the mountain.

Near the stone wall, there is a clean open space to the west. In the east, there is a little cramped and open land, but it is only about 40 meters wide, and there are many shrubs and weeds. What Su Minghai has to do now is to clear a fireproof belt that is empty enough before the fire reaches the top of the mountain.

In this early summer, the weather is rainy and the trees are lush. To be honest, it is difficult to set a fire. Although Su Minghai has a 'fire explosion', it can remove the moisture of vegetation within a radius of six or seven meters at a time. But he had to carry firewood and grass, set fire everywhere, and was busy until it was dark before he burned the west side of the stone wall into a sea of fire.

Fortunately, this stone wall is six feet high and can be used as a natural firewall. Su Minghai turned back to the east of the wall to avoid the fire, did not dare to rest for a moment, and continued to clean up the weeds in the open space. Looking at the fierce fire that has spread to the mountainside, my heart has gradually settled down - in this mountain forest, there is always some canyon wind at night. Although both sides are lit at the same time, because of this wind, it burns to the top of the mountain, there is a sequence - like now the fire in the west slope is halfway up the mountain, but the east slope fire is still oppressed. As for the people who set fire, It can be at least doubled in the east. Hey hey, Liu Mingtong, Liu Mingtong, you are still a veteran of the battle array, and you have miscalculated again!"

Liu Mingtong did not feel that he had the idea of miscalculation at all - he did not think that this fire would burn Su Minghai and set it on fire, nothing more than to prevent Su Minghai from escaping at night, cleaning up the woods by the way, leaving space for his men to line up to oppress Su Minghai's activities. So he is very leisurely now. Su Minghai went to sprinkle nine lightning nets on Linyuan and killed the 17 elites of the former Cangbao, which still can't add a trace of sadness to his face.

"Your excellency! The lookout on the top of the mountain said that Su Minghai was also set on fire and probably wanted to clean up an open space. Now I'm hiding in the east of the stone wall.

Liu Mingtong finally smiled at the corners of his mouth and waved his hand:

"Well, I know, continue to contact... Well, tonight, you are going to work a little harder..." At this moment, even the usual demeanor of being close to the people came back, whispering, kind, and almost tearing tears of the entourage who came to report.

Turning to Wuxingdong again:

"Xingdong, how's it going? How's the wound on your shoulder? Can we continue to fight tomorrow?

Wu Xingdong grinned and laughed:

"Your Excellency, I just cut a layer of skin. What's the matter! Don't say that you used the injured medicine, but it's useless. It's early now!" With that, he patted his shoulder fiercely and said, "No... Lord, you see, it's all right..."

Liu Mingtong said solemnly, "That copper money dart belongs to the original Ai thorn... Alas... Unfortunately, Ai stabbed to death... This kind of blood-refined hidden weapon can contain a lot of magic power. You are just a seven-level warrior. You haven't reached the point of Yuanli's metalife, so it's better to pay attention to it."

Gvin whispered:

"My lord, the fire burns a little slowly..." Liu Mingtong waved his hand and interrupted Gavin:

"Haha, burn slowly, okay! Gavin, you said that the forest is semi-dry and wet, and the thick smoke is rolling up. Then Su Minghai is on the top of the mountain, and you can get used to the smell of this barbecue... Hahaha..."

Liu Mingtong was extinguished by Su Minghai's large and small forces. He had just been teased by this frivolous boy and was half angry. Now even Su Minghai has been smoked more, which can make him feel much better. Gavin was beside him and saw that Liu Mingtong was a little out of position, and the corners of his mouth squirmed, as if he wanted to persuade him. But he opened his mouth and finally lowered his head without saying anything.

After another hour, another entourage came to report:

"Your excellency! The fire in the east has reached the top, and Su Minghai has nowhere to hide and returned to the west of the stone wall!" Liu Mingtong said "I know" and waved his hand to him to retreat. Looking up to the sky and laughing:

"Haha... Su Minghai can become a gray chicken this time..." He turned his head and praised Wu Xingdong loudly:

"Xingdong, you are a rough person and delicate. Today, Su Minghai ate this big turtle, but he relies on your head..."

Wu Xingdong was so happy that his eyes were almost shining, and he said happily:

"Hey, my lord, I got something for a while, and I got something for a while... hehe..." At this time, he didn't know that Liu Mingtong had taken him as a scapegoat and deliberately let him come up with this bad idea, and he was actually very proud.

Wu Xingliang next to him coughed, stared at Wu Xingdong, and hit him on the forehead and scolded:

"If the adults hadn't ambush troops and horses near here, would your idea be useful? This is Lord Hongfu. What are you so proud of?

His words were also ordinary, but Liu Mingtong had a ghost in his heart. After listening to it, he felt that Wu Xingliang had something to say, and his face was a little bad. In fact, Gavin was also a little depressed about Liu Mingtong's such methods. At this time, when he saw a smile on Liu Mingtong's face, he immediately said:

"Your Excellency, it's not early now, and it's time for us to go..."

Liu Mingtong was stunned when he heard the words, and also turned around and laughed:

"It's not bad. It seems that the fire won't burn out until tomorrow morning. Brothers have worked hard all day and it's time to rest..." Xin pointed to the leader:

"You arrange it. Success will be tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Everyone will work hard for a few more days. Tonight, let everyone take turns to rest and improve their strength... Ha ha... Jiawen, Xingliang, Xingdong, Xi Li, let's go, too."

These more than 2,000 soldiers and horses thought they were going to stay up late until dawn tonight, but now they can take turns to rest, and suddenly there is a thunder of joy.

The leader of 600 people in Houshan is Sang Taixin, the captain of the Falcons. He is very good at continuous fighting in the jungle. At this time, although his figure stands straight, a well-sighted person can see that the muscles of the person's whole body are in a relaxed state, but the slender tendons are in turn from time to time - that is to say, the muscles of this person's whole body are resting at any time and can attack immediately!

Every half a quarter of an hour, my men keep reporting:

"Your Excellency, Su Minghai is sitting on the stone wall and seems to be resting..."

"Your Excellency, Su Minghai is still sitting on the stone wall..."

"Your Excellency, Su Minghai is still resting, and there is no movement..."

The fire is as bright as day. These people have a clear grasp of Su Minghai's every move through the lookout on the top of the mountain.

Santai stood there boredly. From less than midnight to the dawn, the fire on his side to the top of the mountain was about to go out, but there was only one sentence, which made his ears almost cocoon. But he slowly wondered: "The fire has been extinguished. Su Minghai wants to break through the siege, so he is counting on the darkness in the middle of the night. Otherwise, how can he leave at dawn? Why hasn't there been any movement yet?"