The mage is fierce

Chapter 130 Rush into the former Canbao

One of his men was obviously a little puzzled: "Brother Tims, let's chase it quickly."

Tims smiled even more: "Who is in front of you?"

"Lord Blue--"

"What will happen if Lord Lan catches up?"

The four men next to him showed strange expressions - as if they were a little disgusted and excited, as if they had seen something... One of his men swallowed his saliva and said:

"Just... it's like rain... There is still flesh and blood in it. Last time I stood next to it, here..." He pointed to his right crotch and then said, "I was hit by a piece of rotten meat here. It's good for two days..."

Tims smiled and said, "Then we have to go up and suffer again?"

The four people next to him probably tasted this taste and couldn't help shaking their heads and said with lingering fright: "No!"


A golden melon has been flat, and Lan Junyou's legs are tight, instigating a black charcoal-like high-headed horse to run straight behind Su Minghai...

Su Minghai fell... and finally felt something wrong - why did the ground vibrate so much that I didn't fall so heavily?

Lang Junyou's momentum is as high as a mountain and as deep as the sea, which vaguely oppressed Su Minghai's reaction - although he had noticed the huge power behind him, he was immersed in the problem of how his footsteps were so heavy.

Until Lan Junyou approached five feet behind him, Su Minghai woke up suddenly - on this straight street, he was followed closely by a nine-level horseman!

In front, Liu Mingtong's brilliant house was already far away, and Su Minghai began to take a long breath:


This breath is getting longer and longer, as if it is endless.

This breath sucked the surrounding airflow, and even the shadow under the power of the Blue Army gradually dissipated.

Lang Junyou squeezed his lips tightly and was absorbed - time passed so slowly. Su Minghai ran straight out more than 30 feet, but this breath was still unfinished; he had chased out more than 30 feet, but there was still two feet behind this man's back!

"In front is the adult's courtyard wall. When you get there, you always have to turn! As soon as you turn, you can't hide my turn! Fight for this good horse and die alive, and I will teach you to die under my hands today!" Thinking of killing a magician immediately, even a very patient person like Lan Junyou couldn't help but jump in his heart.

The knight's best job is to ride a horse on the flat ground, crushing the horse with a weight of more than 2,000 catties, and no matter how powerful the magician is, he dare not take it.

Lan Junyou's eyes suddenly lit up and waved!

Because Su Minghai finally turned around, he immediately made Lan Junyou within the attack range!

In the dark, there was a flash of a cold star - Su Minghai's eyes narrowed like a slit, his pupils shrank like a needle, and suddenly there was a cold star in his eyes, and his body suddenly flew like a swallow -

Su Minghai jumped up and waved his shield!

The shields hit each other, and the shields are broken!

Su Minghai turned his left hand, and his five fingers changed. He used seven techniques to hide five dark power, and slapped back on the golden melon!

But Su Minghai only used the fifth of the seven techniques, and his left hand suddenly turned into a strange chicken paw; five dark strands gushed out four strands, and his forearm also bent into a strange angle--

With one palm, Su Minghai's left hand finger broke one finger in one way, and with the fifth one, five finger bones were broken; a dark force broke an arm bone, and four dark force gushed out, and his wrist, ulna, radial and humerus were crushed!

But these five techniques and four dark powers were used, and Su Minghai's body finally closed into a ball, twisted his waist and crotch, and then put his right foot on the whining big whining!


Another continuous sound of bone fragmentation. Su Minghai's body continued to twist, his left foot returned, and he supported himself on the golden melon. His whole body shot out like a cannonball!


Su Minghai flew and hit the hard courtyard wall. He clicked twice and broke two ribs. His throat was fishy and spit out a mouthful of blood again.


Another loud noise!

Su Minghai finally used his shield, palm and right leg to eliminate the crispness of the blue army, and repeated his left foot to remove the aftermath of the opponent's sprint.

The blue army You Changqi was hit four times in a row by Su Minghai, and the momentum of the whole person suddenly stopped in the air, while **'s tall horse continued to rush forward and crashed into the wall, actually hitting a huge gap in the wall of Liu Mingtong's house!

"What a powerful magician!"

Lang Junyou nailed his feet to the ground like nails, trying to suppress the rolling qi and blood, and slowly raised his head. I saw Su Minghai jump up, and his whole body had recovered as before. The short sword in his hand buzzed, jumped out seven or eight sword flowers and rushed straight at himself.

Su Minghai is also uncomfortable. He was attacked by Liu Mingtong in the back mountain, and his blood volume has gone 23 points. It is too late to recover. As soon as he entered the gate, he was scraped off 9 points by crossbows. However, the blue army made a big blow, and there were four or five waves of damage in it, and the second wave put him into a state of broken bones. Under this series of blows, Su Minghai's blood volume has now become 13/82, and even the maximum blood volume has dropped by 27 points.

Su Minghai's sword and seven flowers stabbed the blue army. However, as a nine-level cavalry warrior, Lan Junyou is best at endurance and coordination. Su Minghai's sword clearly enveloped the seven key points of the blue army's chest and abdomen, but this strong man like a door panel shook and dodged three swords. A cold light flashed around his waist, but he pulled out two short blades of his body. Zheng Zheng and fought with Su Minghai with four swords and survived this round of offensive.

Su Minghai's short sword shrank and stabbed again. It was divided into two, four and eight. This sword stabbed eight sword lights.

Lan Junyou's two short-edged dances like flower-piercing butterflies, flying up and down, not even moving his footsteps, and then took over Su Minghai's eight swords.

There was another roar in the distance, and Liu Mingtong and four others were getting closer and closer.

Su Minghai met the blue army, a cavalry warrior, and couldn't help admiring his amazing defensive ability. The short sword shrank and stabbed again. This time, he has used all the solutions. In an instant, twelve swords have been stabbed out!

But Lan Junyou shouted, and the short blade in his hand danced faster, which could resist Su Minghai's twelve swords.

When he saw Su Minghai come out of these twelve swords, his eyes opened and his veins and blood suddenly jumped. He knew that the teenager issued twelve swords at the same time, which was the limit of the other party. Although his round of defense was difficult, the cavalry soldier had a long strength. Although he thought that although he could not fight back, he could definitely survive until the arrival of the reinforcements, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, the situation suddenly changed - a thrilling roar suddenly sounded in my ear: