The mage is fierce

Chapter 142 Xie Pengze's Guest

The teenager couldn't help but be stunned when he heard the words. Yu Chizhao looked coldly, and there was a sense of pleasure in his heart. The soldier opposite him is called Ban Sihong, who is two years older than Yu Chizhao and knows more about the world than him. Seeing that the teenager pressed the sword in white, he was extraordinary and did not dare to neglect it. He explained:

"This prince, it's not that we don't pass it on. In fact, it's an order from the adults. Anyone who invites him to see him personally will refuse. Therefore, the prince has a big deal, and he has to wait for a few days. When the adult changes the rules, he will visit again.

The teenager was also kind. He was not angry when he heard the words. He raised his voice with a smile and said, "Lord Xie, why don't you see him?"

Seeing that this man was so ignorant, even Ban Sihong was a little angry. He raised his eyebrows and was about to scold him, but he saw that the teenager actually bowed his head to him and said, "That's it, I'll wait."

After saying that, he turned around and walked to the other side of the street, sat on the wonton stall of Old Liang and smiled, "Uncle, please help me bring wontons for one night."

Yu Chizhao was already angry, but somehow he didn't want the teenager to stay here. Seeing that he actually sat down on the opposite side, he couldn't help saying, "Son, your excellency has been ordered. I haven't seen any foreign guests recently. You wait in vain. You'd better go..."

When the teenager heard the words, he turned around and raised his eyebrows and said, "Brother, I will eat a bowl of wonton here. If Lord Xie doesn't come out, he will leave and will never embarrass you two again."

Although Yu Chizhao is not very worried, he also knows that the young man is well dressed and wears a long sword. He should be a Xiushi who goes out to travel. The gifts on his back are obviously several local products. I'm afraid that there is a relative relationship with Xie Pengce, and I must not offend myself. Seeing that he sat facelessly on the opposite side, he could only pretend to be deaf and dumb and continue to be his clay statue Bodhisattva in front of the gate.

He was so angry that old man Liang brought the wonton in a moment. The teenager turned his back to the county guard, took a spoon and tasted it. He gave a thumbs up to the old man Liang and praised, "Uncle, this wonton is thin but not sticky. The filling is made of beef mallet, and the fascia has been removed before processing. There are borax, soda, chicken soup, alkaline water, green onion and ginger, mixed with mushrooms, eggs, green beans, and colored peppers. It is fresh but not fishy, chewy but not greasy. Even this bowl of soup is cooked with beef bones... Ha ha... Uncle's craftsmanship is extraordinary!"

Since old man Liang can set up this wonton stall in front of the county guard's mansion, the taste is naturally unique. Now when it comes to the itch, he smiles and smiles. After a long time, he said, "The prince is this master. The little old man's little craftsmanship can't be praised so much... Ha ha, as long as the prince eats well, it's fine!"

"Oh - Uncle's words are too modest. You use chicken soup in your beef and beef bone soup outside. This hand is not a connoyan, and you can't make it. To be honest, this small wonton can make people eat 18 different flavors. It's really the first time I've met..."

I don't know how many times Yu Chizhao and Ban Sihong ate at this wonton stall. I only felt that it tasted good, but I never knew that there were so many Taos in this bowl of wontons. Hearing this, I couldn't help but secrete more in my mouth. However, the teenager and old man Liang were like confidants, discussing the way of diet there, and they gritted their teeth with more hatred.

While thinking about it, I suddenly heard a noise inside. When I turned my head and saw Mr. Xie Pengze, who had always been elegant, wearing a middle coat and only one shoe on his feet, he ran out cracklingly, and hurriedly followed a dozen soldiers. When he arrived at the door, he shouted, "There are guests visiting just now!"

Before the two talked at the door, they saw the young man in white opposite him at a glance. He quickly rushed forward and bowed and saluted:

"Ponce doesn't know that adults have come here. If you don't have a long way to welcome, please forgive me!"

The young man in white turned around, his eyebrows were like spring, and he came forward to help Xie Pengze and said, "Haha, Lord Xie, why should you be so polite... Speaking of which, Mr. Su took the liberty to visit and disturb your official duties, and I'm even more sorry... Lord Xie, you have a blessing. The wontons here taste really good. Come on, let's come together. Eat a bowl."

Xie Pengze was overjoyed despite his wearing only middle clothes. He sat down beside the teenager with a bare foot and smiled:

"Old Liang's wonton is unique to our stone pillar, haha... No wonder the adults eat so much..."

The old man Liang knew what bigwigs had come, but he had been doing business here all year round, and he was used to seeing the world. He bowed his head and retreated to cook wontons. Later, when Yu Chizhao and Ban Sihong saw that the teenager called himself Su, how could they not know that the young magician Su Minghai had arrived, they suddenly panicked. Now Su Minghai is famous. In the hearts of these young people, he has already become an idol. He hurried forward and knelt on one knee:

"Lord Su, the little man has no eyes. I don't know if it's the arrival of the adult. How much neglect there is. Please forgive me!"

Then he heard the sound of the front panel stool. The teenager turned around and his eyes fell on himself like substance. These two people don't know what their temperament is. When Su Minghai looks at them like this, they can hardly kneel down in the two wars.

Su Minghai glanced at the two people with a smile and helped them up and said, "How can Su be such a big brother? Please get up quickly!" He turned his head and said to Xie Pengze, "Lord Xie is indeed worthy of Juhua's famous general. He has raised a group of good soldiers!"

Xie Pengce originally thought that the two did not know how to offend Su Minghai and was about to scold him, but when he saw Su Minghai say a word, he took off the long sword hanging from his waist and handed it to Ban Sihong, "Just now, Su caused trouble to the two. Although this long sword is not a good thing, it is also a refined thing, and Brother, please accept..."

Ban Sihong was so panicked that he couldn't accept it. He couldn't accept it. He was at a loss and almost sweated on his head. Xie Pengze saw it and quickly got up and said:

"Ban Sihong! Thank you very much for what Lord Su gave you!"

When Ban Sihong heard this, he was relieved and took the long sword. Su Minghai suddenly had another long knife with a sheath in his hand, and handed it to Yu Chizhao. He smiled and said, "This eldest brother's name is, hehe, this long knife is what I occasionally got from Cangshan. Please take it."

"Your Excellency, I'm in Lieutenant Chi Zhao!" Yu Chizhao stood up and sang famous. Then he took the long knife in Su Minghai's hand and said with shame, "The villain... the villain... can't afford it... Thank you for your kindness!"

These two soldiers, who can guard the door in front of Xie Pengze's mansion, are both middle-level soldiers in the army. Su Minghai smiled and said, "You are all warriors under the command of Grandpa Zhao. How can you not be a hundred steel knives? Haha, won't it be enough to help Grandpa Zhao kill more enemies in the future?