The mage is fierce

Chapter 237 Long Wind Sword Saint

But in this chaos, Jide finally forgot one thing - he has just taken action, but Garfield has rushed for two rounds in a row. The battle is full of fierceness, and the intention has reached the most pleasant time!

So as soon as Gide came out, Garfield twisted his body strangely and sank it, and then came with a burst of force - this grip was actually threatened by Garfield! At this time, the two horses are facing each other. Although the speed is not fast, their strength is beyond human capacity. Jedd only felt that his five fingers were painful and cracking, shouted, and took off his hand. The two horses passed by by mistake, and Garfield's ape's arm was soft, and he grabbed Jide's back armor belt and pulled him up in the air. His right elbow was knocked out, and he immediately hit Jedd's lumbar spine to crack.

Garfield actually captured Jedd on the horse. Press the enemy master on the horse's back, put his left fist and right elbow down repeatedly, pounding, beating Jide into a dizzy and tragic series of screams.



The pro-army is the most trusted subordinate of a general. The remaining nearly 40 cavalry guards saw the capture of the main general. How could they give up and slapped their horses to rob people one after another. At this time, Garfield's cavalry, who was less than 30 horses, were overjoyed and roared, followed by knives and slashing people. Cavalry kept falling from horses along the way, and in a blink of an eye, they were trampled by the horse's hoof.

"Jid was captured!"

"Jid was captured!"

Zhao Hongtao has led the team around and started the second round of charge. Nearly 1,000 people in the back of Jide's phalanx saw that the main man was captured, and suddenly there was chaos. Zhao Hongtao's 1,500 cavalry broke into the middle, like waves and set foot on a bloody road. But these people are soldiers and horses personally led by Jide. Although the formation is scattered, they have formed three or five teams and continue to resist stubbornly. The left and right wings on both sides completely collapsed in an instant and began to escape.

Garfield's horsepower is strong. Although he brought two people, Jid's own army behind him could not catch up. Instead, he was killed by 30 cavalry and killed a lot. When Garfield returns to this array, there are only two or three kittens left, and there will be no more waves. Garfield's horse went straight under the high platform, throwing Gide underground with a "bang" and shouting, "Duke! Garfield. Bob, capture the enemy general Jed here!"

Next to Yan Wei, everyone was strong and rushed up and tied Jide. However, this man was punched all the way by Garfield and had no resistance, and he only had half his life left.

Seeing that his son finally made great achievements, Luke on the stage. Bob's serious face finally couldn't stand it and showed a smile. Zhao Hongzhi had learned the Duke's style at this time and laughed, "I have such a fierce general, why can't I fail!"

and Bob and Xie Pengze looked at each other and nodded. Bob immediately ordered:

"Order! Zhao Hongtao led the cavalry to rush forward 20 miles and blocked the road!"

"Order! Gavin. Kozmo led 1,200 former Cangbao soldiers to shuttle through the mountains and forests, and must block the deserters' journey!"

"Order! Lau Ryan and Wu Xingliang led the left and right wings to clean up the battlefield and surrender the troops!"

More than ten people under the stage were immediately separated from each other and went to pass the order. Xie Pengce was still worried when he saw Zhao Hongzhi's excitement. He bowed forward and said, "Your Excellency, don't worry, Shizhuguan has prepared a horned horse. Now he has almost set out and traveled for 130 miles overnight. As long as the new gate is closed, it can be made up in the future!"

Yao Mountain is a huge mountain stone, and the stone color is as beautiful as Qiongyao jade, hence the name Yao Mountain.

On the sixth day of April, at the end of the Hai Dynasty, the new moon sank to the west. On the bank of Yao Mountain, the first person was tall, with thick hair and thick beard, leading three followers to walk. Although this man was wearing gray leather armor, he looked forward to himself, as if the emperor's dragon robe was not as bright as he was. It was Yu Yantai, the holy magician of Lance's giant and known as the long wind sword saint.

In the field, there were more than a dozen people standing far and near. They were all strong and restrained, and their momentum was like the abyss. They were all good players above the peak of level six. From Su Minghai's appointment to now, although it has only been more than a day, the heavenly gentry masters who learned the news and thought that they could benefit from it rushed over, hoping to see the demeanor's decisive battle. At this time, when these people saw Yu Yantai's arrival, they bowed and saluted one after another, "I have seen Master Yu Sheng!"

Yu Yantai saw Su Minghai's single shadow on the other side and sitting cross-legged under a huge stone. He seemed to be extremely lonely. He nodded to the people around him and said, "The stars are shining tonight. I can't stop everyone from coming to this Yao Mountain to see the scenery. But this is the place where I and Lord Su are in a decisive battle, please don't make any noise, otherwise once we are disturbed, it will be bad if we can't control the strength in our hands and hurt anyone!"

Although his words were polite, there was a murder in it, which meant that as Lance's holy magician, I have the confidence to win. Everyone kept silent and didn't have to cheer. Among them, it is also secretly pointed out that Su Minghai's heart is still determined. If someone shouts and is upset, which makes him cruel and kills people, then I can't help you. However, in his words, he seemed to be open and upright, as if he could not see Su Minghai alone and fell down in momentum. Instead, he was fighting for him. Su Minghai's two lifetimes together, how could he not hear his meaning?

All the masters in the field usually regard Yu Yantai as a god. They know that this person seems to be easy-going and simple, but he has always been vicious. Hearing the words, he kept silent and didn't even dare to hear a cough. Closer, he was even more afraid of disturbing his breathing. He quickly retreated his body far away quietly, and the whole scene suddenly became silent.

When Yu Yantai saw that the people retreated and no longer dared to speak loudly, he turned his attention to Su Minghai and laughed, "What a handsome teenager! What a pity! What a pity!" After saying that, he pulled out his gray and cold wind sword. In the silent night sky, there was only a choking sound, and the sound of the long sword coming out of its sheath. Yu Yantai drew his sword and stood on his shoulder, holding his hands on the hilt of the sword, and then took a long breath. After this breath, the whole upper body seemed to have faintly increased a lot. Su Minghai sat on the ground and looked up as if he had covered the starlight all over the sky!

Su Minghai saw that Yu Yantai was so powerful, but he didn't seem to be seen. He smiled with his teeth, pure and kind, gentle and elegant, like a young man. In this spring night, he saw his lover slowly coming from behind the flowers and trees. He said, "Yu Shiya is elegant, and he has the heart to make friends with him. However, I have to come." After saying that, he stood up and walked forward to Yu Yantai's feet. There was a bang in his hand, which also showed his light-flowing 'crow's razor' and took a sword flower out of thin air.

Seeing that Su Minghai had such a magic soldier in his hand, Yu Yantai's eyes suddenly condensed and said in a low voice, "This is the case. What can I say! Tonight is a decisive battle, let's rely on our own means!" After saying that, he suddenly changed his face, cut his body with a long sword on his head, bringing a strong wind. The original gray light on the long sword suddenly dimmed, so that even the sword body could not be seen.

The reason why magicians can grow into magicians is that they have to focus on martial arts, but also because they are all the most practical people. The so-called most practical is naturally to kill if you can defeat the enemy. If you can't defeat the enemy, you will escape. If you encounter a strong enemy, you must fight first. Although Yu Yantai knew that Su Minghai had a record of killing Liu Mingtong, he thought that people like Liu Mingtong, who indulged in secular power, could easily take it down by himself, so he did not think that this teenager was his enemy before. But now that Su Minghai's sword technique is calm, he has obviously reached the peak of swordsmanship. The benefit of the long sword in his hand and his Changfeng sword suddenly took action first and hit him unprepared.

He is known as the 'Long Wind Sword Saint' under the name of the sword, which means that when he came out of the sword, there was only the sound of the wind and no shadow of the sword. However, the sword is very strong, like a long wind. Yu Yantai is a magician, and these characteristics of swordsmanship are naturally spread all over the world. Although Su Minghai's sword light is secret, he can't hide his powerful consciousness. But at this moment, this sword strike is really traceless in the divine consciousness. I can only feel the turbulent air changes, and I don't know where the sword body is at all.

But Su Minghai was still smiling. As soon as he smiled, countless brilliant stars jumped out of his hand, and the world was shining brightly!

Yu Yantai saw that Su Minghai finally did not get rid of the teenager's habit of showing off, and at this juncture, he still had to make good-looking swordsmanship. Suddenly, he was overjoyed, and the sword in his hand changed slightly and continued to split Su Minghai.

There were two noises in the field, and then a churning silver dragon suddenly jumped in the air.

Although Yu Yantai slightly avoided Su Minghai's sword light, the other party's sword was too fast, and there was still the sound of two long swords fighting in a sword light. It turned out that Yu Yantai was single-handed at this moment. Su Minghai intercepted it. One person gathered and dispersed. He could not stand the strength of this old magician's attack at all. As soon as his hand was light, he knew that he had shot the long sword in Su Minghai's hand!

This soaring silver dragon is cold and crystal flowing under the starlight, and you can know at a glance that it is the weapon of this young magician. The masters onlookers in the distance never expected that the magician's duel would be so quickly to distinguish the winner. When he turned his hand, Su Minghai had already taken off his hand and flew away, and all of them were so shocked that they opened their mouths. But their mouths opened, but they couldn't stop, as if they were going to open them indefinitely. One of them was as big as the size of a sea bowl. It was not until there was a sound that they knew that the whole jawbone had been unconsciously dislocated.