The concubine doesn't sleep, and the tyrant rolls away

Chapter 61: The Poison

Cheng Zifei didn't have the patience to play games with him. Seeing that he had never spoken, she turned around and left. Unexpectedly, the teenager caught up with him again, and this time he finally squeaked: "Girl, girl... You are very poisonous, or, let me take a look for you?"

Is it poisonous? This man is brainless and looks like a smart teenager. Why does he talk like this?

Cheng Zifei was suddenly unhappy. She thought he was a shy and shy teenager. She turned to her for something difficult, but she didn't expect to be a liar! She has seen a lot of street swindlers in her previous life, and it is rare for such a young and handsome man to come out to cheat!

She asked with a sneer, "Oh? So you are still a master? Can you see at a glance that I am highly poisoned? So what's your name? What kind of poison is in me? What will happen if it is poisoned?

She expected this man to be a liar, but the trick was too young. If you want to eat with your mouth, you have to talk endlessly. How can you be as hesitant as him? So I deliberately asked a lot of questions to see what he said.

The teenager hesitated for a moment and looked at her worriedly: "Girl, I didn't lie to you. You are really poisoned. My name, my name is Zimo, the poison in you, if I'm not mistaken, it should be 'Bingtilian'.

Hmm, the names mentioned are beautiful, but the poison of "Bing Tilian"? Cheng Zifei sneered, "I don't care what your name is, don't follow me again!" Otherwise, you will regret it! You don't have to worry about me!"

After saying that, she turned around and left, not wanting to pay attention to such a madman anymore. Originally, his expression was a little like Murong Ming, which moved his compassion for a moment, but he didn't expect him to be a scoundrel!

Cheng Zifei launched a light skill this time and wanted to get rid of him. However, the teenager named Zimo stood still for a while, but still caught up with him. He chased and shouted, "Girl, you must not use your true anger. Girl, stop quickly."

His light skills are obviously very good, and may even be higher than Cheng Zifei. Seeing that he followed far away, he still set aside ten steps away. Although he shouted anxiously, he was polite and never exceeded the rules.

The two ran all the way and soon left the streets of Qingshi Town, with a wide official road in front of them.

Cheng Zifei saw that he had left the market town and still followed him and couldn't help stopping. When the teenager made trouble, she forgot to exchange broken silver and buy food. She is going to travel around the world, can't she run on two legs? She doesn't want to embarrass herself like this.

Turning her head and saw that the teenager was speechless, but she followed him from afar, and she didn't care. She turned around and found a pawnshop, treating all those gold and silver jewelry as dead, and exchanged it for more than 200 taels of silver!

Cheng Zifei collected the silver ticket and went out of the pawnshop to find that the teenager was still waiting at the door and couldn't help frowning. She doesn't worry about what this person can do to her, but someone who keeps following her is also annoying.

After inuching, Cheng Zifei bought another fast horse, bought some food, and bought several sets of ordinary coarse cloth clothes. After a general look, he was finally ready to stop this time, but the teenager still timidly followed.

Cheng Zifei sneered secretly. Can he still fight for horsepower even if he has deep internal strength? Since he is free, let's ride a horse to practice with him! When the next shot, the horse flew away and let the teenager chase after him.

However, not long after running through Qingshi Town and entering the official road, Cheng Zifei felt suffocating, and there was needle-like pain in her heart and lungs. She barely gritted her teeth on the horse, but she had no strength to control the horse anymore.

Is what the teenager said true? In the pain, Cheng Zifei couldn't help looking back, but there was no shadow of that teenager?

A wave of acupuncture pain came and gradually enveloped the whole body. At the last moment when she fainted, Cheng Zifei saw herself fall off the horse.

It was already night when she woke up again. She was lying in a forest with a bonfire next to her. The horse was tied to a tree not far away. Obviously, someone saved her.

Cheng Zifei slowly sat up, and the tingling feeling of her heart had disappeared, but she still felt a little weak and tired, as if her strength had been drained, and she was soft and unable to use her strength.

She looked around and didn't find the teenager or anyone else. She tried to slowly adjust her breath and stand up, but found that her body was empty, and even the internal power of Wen's water system was gone!

This shocked Cheng Zifei. According to Wen Ruxue's words, her water system internal skills have been practiced to seven layers, and she is already the best in the water system! Even if the eldest son of the Wen family comes to compare, he can only barely draw with her! Now all her internal strength has been wiped out?

Cheng Zifei quickly touched the water spirit beads hanging around her neck. Fortunately, the water spirit beads were still by her side, and she was not afraid that her internal strength would not come back! But how can your internal strength disappear in half a day? Does this have anything to do with poison in yourself? What's wrong with the teenager's "Bingtilian"?

While meditating silently, she suddenly felt the breath behind her. Cheng Zifei hurriedly turned her head and found that the teenager was coming from afar with a pile of branches.

Zimo walked to her and put down the branch and smiled: "Are you awake? Your hearing is very sensitive, and you can still know that I came from behind after losing all your internal strength.

Now he speaks fluently, not like the shyness of the day. If it hadn't been for the same face and clothes, Cheng Zifei would almost think that she had seen the wrong person.

"What kind of poison is Tilian? How did you see that I was poisoned? Did you save me? Who the hell are you? What's the purpose of following me?" Cheng Zifei doesn't like this feeling of being weak, which will make her feel that things can't be controlled and her own safety.

Zimo grabbed her hand and tried for a while before saying, "Actually, my full name is 'Ye Zimo', but people in the world call me 'So Soul Ink', do you know?"

Soul ink? She is not a top person at all. How did she know his name? However, from the name, he must be a scary person and may not be a decent gentleman.

Cheng Zifei shook her head and said, "I don't know. I just want to know what poison I got? Why is it poisoned again? Why did you save me?"

Ye Zimo looked at her strangely and threw a few branches into the fire: "It turns out that you are not from the world. No wonder you don't know the power of 'Bing Dilian'.' And Tilian is an extremely domineering poison, a seedling poison planted when you are young. It will grow up slowly as you grow up until it grows all over your body. But..."

His voice stopped, which seemed to be a little embarrassed, and there was a faint red on his face. At this moment, he was similar to the teenager in the day, a little shy and a little shy.

Cheng Zifei knew that there were many vaccines in her previous life. She was planted on people since childhood and broke out under certain conditions when she grew up. But I didn't expect that there was such a domineering poison in ancient times, and now I quickly asked, "What on earth is it? Does it matter if it is full of the whole body, but with trigger conditions? So what is the cause of my poisoning? Will it be poisoned again in the future?"

Ye Zihei immediately said strangely, "How dare you know? Do you know that you have 'Bing Dilian'? Then how can you combine with the same person again?

He paused for a long time before saying the word "combination". Cheng Zifei finally understood that the so-called "Bingtilian" really meant "Bingti"! Did Ye Zimo mean that she and Murong Xiuyuan had a round room? Because of the two people's yuan room, she was poisoned? Doesn't that mean that Murong Xiuyuan was also poisoned by this "Bingtilian"?

Ye Zimo saw that she didn't speak, coughed and said, "Actually, this poison doesn't matter to you, but if the man has the root of lotus, you must suffer from the ten thousand needles. I don't know who framed you? How could such a cruel poison be put on you? This poison is harmless to men, but you have to take the antidote within 12 hours after each sex, otherwise you will die of pain and heartache.

How can it hurt to death? Cheng Zifei suddenly opened her eyes wide and asked slowly word by word, "Then if I don't have sex with that person in the future, will I have to suffer and won't be poisoned?"

She has left the palace of Qi and will no longer pester Murong Xiuyuan. Does it mean that she will not get sick in the future?

Unexpectedly, Ye Zimo looked at her and shook his head pitifully and said with regret: "If you had met me a day earlier, I would have been able to help you remove the 'and Tilian' on your body. Unfortunately, the lotus body has been broken and you are powerless. I can only temporarily suppress your pain now. In the future, you will be poisoned on this day of the month, and it will be more and more painful again and more. Unless you can find the poisoned man and let him hand over the 'Lotus seed', you can be free.

"Will the poisoned person be the one who has sex with me?" Cheng Zifei blurted out, and she couldn't help but avoid it. If this poison is from Murong Xiuyuan, no matter how difficult it is, she will go back to find the antidote!

Ye Zimo's voice was still pitiful, but denied her idea: "Who will poison himself? Although this poison is harmless to men on the surface, it needs to be planted and raised at least five years ago. Who would be willing to raise a poison in their own blood?

Cheng Zifei was even more shocked when she heard it. Did she and Murong Xiuyuan both have been poisoned since childhood? Is it possible that "Cheng Zi Fei" married Murong Xiuyuan when she was a child? If the two can't get married, it will be useless. Who can hate "Cheng Zibi" to the bone and control Murong Xiuyuan?

"Cheng Ziqi" is only a daughter, but Murong Xiuyuan is the son of the emperor and the prince of Qi in the Yan Dynasty. Who can spread poison on him unconsciously?