The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 20 Take care of yourself before taking care of the world!

Chengying waited for me in the living room. During the period when I saw the landlord off, he quickly sorted out the incident into a detailed electronic file and sent it directly to the elder for a report.

I roughly browsed Chengying's report and felt that Chengying's report was so wonderful that it could be read as a novel, so I couldn't help squatting on the sofa and reading it.

Chengying found more information than me. Obviously, he did not enter the fantasy created by centipede, but he could write vividly after listening to my description afterwards. He saw me staring at the reasoning part of the screen in a daze, poured a glass of water and began to explain the reason to me: "When the centipede spirit released your resentment, I tested it with reiki and found that it was indeed not malicious. It was only trapped in the crystal coffin after being caught by Fang Ya as a core spell. I also hope you can find it. This is not intended to hurt you."

I nodded, turned to the bottom of the report and looked at Chengying and asked, "What's wrong with me being clamped in my dream?"

Chengying pointed to the report on the screen and showed me: "Those are all Fang Ya's resentment. It was Fang Ya's resentment that was originally in the house, but she was not strong enough, so she dragged the centipede to make a spell to increase the formation. The centipede spirit has no intention of harming others, so he tried his best to remind the tenant to be careful. Unfortunately, those nerds couldn't understand the hint of centipede essence and thought that the house was haunted and fled in horror. Only when you entered the strange space it opened up did you dig out the truth of this matter.

I touched my chin and felt that Chengying's words were quite praised. I couldn't help but be proud in my heart: "So what happened when I first moved in without feeling the aura of centipede spirit and Fang Ya's resentment?"

Chengying was silent for a moment.

Then look at me and slowly say, "The aura of centipede essence and Fangya's resentment are basically in a balanced state. In most cases, there will be no aura or resentment will leak out, and very few times..."

He paused for a moment and then whispered, "You didn't notice..."

I immediately put on an embarrassing face and dragged the mouse to the last look. Sure enough, Chengying mentioned this matter in the final self-analysis and quickly clicked the mouse and shouted, "Delete and delete!" It's okay for the elders to see it!

Chengying took off my hand and said, "It's useless to delete it. Do you think the elders won't ask about this matter after reading the report?"

When I thought about it, I suddenly felt sad. Click on the penguin and prepare to send an email to the elders.

Yu Guang looked at Chengying's notes and was stunned: "Fang Ya is not dead?"

Chengying nodded: "Hmm."

...Are you kidding! Then the landlord didn't cry for nothing?!

I didn't believe it. I sat up straight and looked at Chengying and asked, "Fang Ya is not dead? What's wrong with that pile of ashes?

"It's the same as you think." Chengying casually took over my words: "Fang Ya's hair."

"But but..." I was a little entangled: "Then if it's hair, how can resentment be so strong?"

Chengying looked at me strangely: "Can't hair resentment be strong? As a Taoist priest, don't you know that hair is the most resentful object in human beings?

"But hasn't the landlord ever seen Fang Ya again? Colleagues and friends in the unit also said they didn't know..."

Chengying looked at me blankly, threw a newspaper in my face casually, and wrote lightly, "Isn't it easy to play missing? Leave abnormally, leave without saying goodbye, and then change places and change a phone card. As long as you don't take the initiative to contact the other party, that person will probably not know your situation until death.

I pulled off the Milan beauty and plastic surgery advertisement on my face and looked at Chengying and almost vomited blood: "So Fang Ya doesn't love the landlord as much as she said?"

"No, she does love the landlord, but she hasn't reached the point of dying for the landlord." Chengying slowly took over my words and looked at my expression so complicated that it could only be described as face text = mouth = slightly squeezed the corners of my lips.

"I can understand what you think and guess the reason why Fang Ya did this. In fact, she played a very fierce move, which can make the landlord never forget her in the next life. In fact, some men eat women. When two women compete for a man, they always choose the one who is willing to cry and cut their wrists for themselves, because they always feel that this little woman has lost herself. I can't live.

In fact, if they are a little more rational, they can think clearly with their heads. Those are all disguised by the poor woman with pear blossoms and rain and peony. The world is so big that as long as you want to live, you can't live without anyone who is really separated. That woman can live before she meets you, and she can live without you.

With a smile, he looked at me and said slowly, "Look, isn't the landlord's low IQ fooled by Fang Ya?"

I closed my mouth and gritted my teeth and silently cursed Fang Ya a hundred times and a hundred times in my heart. Sister Fei also brewed a sad mood when she came out of the fantasy, and now it seems to be in vain! Xie and Zhang also divorced, and I'm not going to believe in love anymore!

Chengying poked my head and continued to say lightly: "There are many women in the world who habitually rely on men, and most men also like women who don't have their own opinions. It seems that men are very shrewd and capable, and can decide everything with one hand, but with their limited brain capacity, there is absolutely no I have thought that such a woman around me will only be a burden, because how can a person who can't even take good care of himself be ashamed to drag others down?

Human beings are selfish, and no one has the obligation to help another person forever. Even Mo Han will leave you alone one day. At that time, like the heroine in those third-rate Korean dramas in romance novels, you have to hold Mo Han crying and say that you can't live without him?

I thought about the scene of crying with my brother's thigh in my arms... Before the manuscript was finished, I shivered: "I swear in your name that this will never happen."

Chengying snorted coldly: "It's really difficult for your IQ to tell that my reputation is better than yours. Do you know how to add notes to the elder's email?

I nodded silently, and I have silently corrected the world view values and dating in my heart.

From now on, I will never make that kind of poor Notre Dame friend who is powerless with pear blossoms and peony. I will also make a violent girl who can kill a legion with a firewood knife, because I now understand that the former not only does not have basic EQ and positive IQ, but also keeps recruiting us. It causes many trouble, and although the latter may not be able to take good care of themselves, at least it will not cause trouble to others.

... What if there is a Virgin girl who wants me to help her?

Then I will definitely answer her this sentence:

I'm very busy. I'm busy saving the earth. I don't have time to wipe your buttocks.