The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 68 Your breasts are only B

"Mr. Fu means..." I hesitated for a moment, "Your ex-girlfriend has been calling you with the stopped number?"

Fu's Dai nodded: "I thought Mobile was joking with me, so I asked them to type out the call record. In the past three months, Xiaochun also made two hundred phone calls to me. It is impossible that it was not displayed on the call record. As a result, there was really no Xiaochun's number on it."

No record? I frowned: "Is there a blank record on the call list or not?"

"No record, all call segments are not displayed."

"What about the text message?"

Fu Yi Dai was stunned for a moment, and his eyes floated in the direction of Jia Xiaozi: "It's all deleted..."

Most of the time, Jia Xiaozi is watching.

I have an instinctive antipathy to Fu Yi Dai. I subjectively conclude that he is not the kind of person who will consider his girlfriend's mood. Otherwise, this kind of ex's entanglement with men and women will not happen, but: "No one has been left?"

Fu Yi Dai hesitated for a moment and finally shook his head: "No."

I didn't answer, just looked at the cup in front of me and was silent. Judging from Fu Dai's reaction, he should have had a few text messages that have not been deleted, but it was inconvenient for Jia Xiaozi to sit next to him, so I didn't continue this topic. I just looked up at Fu Dai and said, "Do you know where Xiaochun lives?"

"I know, I was there when we just broke up. But I haven't been there recently, and I don't know if she is still there. Fu Yi Dai's expression was a little hesitant, "Miss Mo wants to go there to have a look?"

I nodded and picked up my bag and stood up: "I don't think your call record was forged by Xiaochun's mobile employees, because she doesn't need it. Miss Jia also told us before that you have tried to communicate with Xiaochun, but you haven't found Xiaochun. I think there may be some mysteries in this that need us. Go over there to confirm."

Fuer Dai didn't study this. Hearing what I said, he stood up and said attentively, "It's easy to say. I'm going to pick up the car. Miss Mo and this sister, please wait here."

After saying that, he was about to push away the chair and leave. Jia Xiaozi suddenly grabbed him: "Husband~ I just ordered breakfast and haven't eaten yet!" The doctor said that I was anemic and would hurt my stomach if I didn't eat breakfast~"

Sister, it's almost ten o'clock... You can have lunch directly an hour later. Can't you have breakfast early... You're still not in good health. If you're really healthy, brush your teeth and wash your face and have breakfast. After grinding, you're done with white beauty, watering and mending your eye bags. We're ready to go to the site for a field trip. When I thought of having breakfast, I was speechless.

Thinking that I stood still, didn't say anything and was not ready to do it. Over there, Jia Xiaozi still pulled Fu Dai pitifully and pouted her lips and pretended to be innocent. The waistcoat sister here also picked up and stood up. Fu Dai, who was sandwiched in the middle and was in embarrassment, looked at Jia Xiaozi and the vest and me who were about to set off. She hesitated and lowered her head to coax Jia Xiaozi: "Don't eat. I'll ask Wang's mother to make soup for you when I go back.

Jia Xiaozi didn't say anything. She pulled down her hand holding Fu Dai's clothes again. Her pouting lips curled down a little, and her eyes also burst into tears pitifully: "Husband, you know that I have a bad stomach. Last time I didn't have breakfast, I was so painful that my whole body was sweating. Have you forgotten? It really hurts, it hurts, it hurts~ I don't want to feel that kind of pain anymore, you can accompany me and have breakfast~

Help. Mother of heaven. I got goose bumps all over my body.

However, Jia Xiaozi's hair was very useful in Fu Dai. Fu Yi Dai looked like a promise. I had to turn my head and look at the vest silently, look at the vest carefully, look at the vest from the inside to the outside, inhale and endure. Shocked.

"Mr. Fu." I interrupted the affectionate veins of the two people, "Miss Jia is not in good health. You should spend more time with her. Since it is inconvenient for us, let's make an appointment next time. Please allow me to go back to sort out the information collected today and go to Xiaochun to see the situation at your convenience."

Saying that he would not give Fu Yi Dai a chance to speak, he nodded slightly in the direction of the two people: "Farewell."

Leave the restaurant without looking back with his waistcoat.

Looking backwards and looking at the old man and Chengying, they were really faster than us. After receiving the task, one person turned left and one person turned to the right. After arriving for half a day, they completed two tasks. The remaining two people caught a lot and decided to do it. After Chengying, they leisurely went home to surf the Internet. It was very curious to see me and I running back like a vest. He asked, "Have you two met a pervert?"

"Worse than a pervert." I patted the goosebumps on my arm with lingering lingism, and then tried to describe the way Jia Xiaozi spoke to Chengying. He heard the corners of his lips keep rising, and his ink jade-like eyes were clearly full of the word "brain-damaged". After the vest supplemented her opinion, Chengying took the initiative to ask in a very pleasant voice: "This Leave it to me to write the task report.

"Don't! We can digest such a peak thing internally. Don't use it to poison the elders and brothers. I decisively stopped Chengying's idea of harming others. According to his old man's writing, I really don't doubt that he can make Jia Xiaozi's nausea level higher.

Chengying didn't mind hearing the words. He took over the bag in my hand and said, "What are you going to do now? Should I sort out the information first or wait for that guy's phone call?

"Anyway, I'm still idle. Let's sort out the information first." I rushed into the room and took out my notebook. While sorting out the dialogue, I analyzed the situation with Chengying's vest: "That Fu Er Dai doesn't look like a good person. He is a narcissistic vanity with Jia Xiaozi. I bet that he is not sincere in love with Xiaochun at all, but just for recreation and time. Xiaochun's text message asking him to get back together must have not been deleted. Maybe Fu Ertai also showed off to his friends. Now I want to know the time of the last text message Xiaochun sent to him. If I can see that this matter can be solved from a conventional perspective, it's really mysterious if I can't see the number and time.

Chengying's opinion was the same as me, and he nodded slightly and took over my words: "The second possibility you said should be relatively large. After all, Jia Xiaozi is also a person who is willing to spend money. Even if the money is not hers, it should not be a problem to ask for 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. With this money, she can completely hire a private detective to find a small one. Pure, I think she should have tried it and found that the effect was not good before she came to entrust the Mo family.

"So that's why I think there is something wrong with this commission." I pushed away my notebook and looked at Chengying. After thinking about it, I finally said my guess: "You said... If Xiaochun has no problem, is it possible that Fu Yitai's mobile phone has been infected with a virus, so the mobile company can't find the phone call?"

Chengying frowned: "I can't rule out this possibility, but I'm not an expert in this regard. You'd better ask the dead dog."

"Dead..." I stuffed my words, and then reacted. I opened the notepad to switch the Sogou pinyin: "Shao, sister, let me ask you something."

"What?" His reaction was quite rapid.

I quickly told the old man about the meeting with Jia Xiaozi and Fu Dai in the morning, and added the speculation just now: "Do you think it's Fu's mobile phone is infected with the virus?"

"At this stage, I haven't seen any mobile phone virus that can achieve this effect." The old man's reply was still very fast, but my heart cooled down little by little.

"In the future, when the technology is developed, there may be such a mobile phone virus, but it is not available now. Besides, this mobile phone virus needs to bypass the data supervision of mobile companies, which is very difficult to implement. I prefer non-tech forces.

Is it a non-technific force?

Is this the case again?

I put my hand on the keyboard and didn't type for a long time. The analysis of the man over there is still going on, but I feel chills in my body. Why is it always like this? It always makes me encounter such a situation. Obviously, two people who have loved deeply can easily embark on the road of life and death, never seeing each other, and hurting each other. Why can they forget these right and wrong and live a better life, but they have to hold the past in their arms and not let themselves Do you live a better life and don't let the other party be happy?

Chengying suddenly put his hand on my shoulder and didn't say anything, but a sentence floated gently in my mind: "Don't think nonsense. This is just the speculation of that stupid dog. Don't follow its IQ."

I was shocked and came to my senses. I saw that the analysis of the old man on the notepad has turned into countless flamboyance statements: "Of course, it is also possible to analyze from the perspective of hackers. If all their program codes are entered in English, I naturally can't find information, and I just tried it, you said That kind of virus software can also be made, and the basic code is "

I turned off the notepad directly.

Then he looked at Chengying and the vest and said, "You can't believe all the words, but you can't ignore them. Since he mentioned it, we should consider that possibility. Personally, there is no need for Xiaochun to spend so much time playing hide-and-seek with Fu Yidai. If Jia Xiaozi has really sent out a private detective and hasn't found Xiaochun, then we have to consider the possibility of peer intervention.

The vest nodded and stirred his fingers to take my words: "My father told me before that his father is a real estate business. His mother sells jewelry and has a relationship with black and white. He has a wide range of communication. It is impossible to find anyone, and I don't know if it's my illusion..."

She hesitated for a moment, thought about it and still said, "Is that rich man... interested in Mo Yuan..."

Chengying and I were stunned at the same time.

Then Chengying took the lead in reacting: "What do you say about this?"

I also looked at the vest with interest.

The vest looked at me timidly and then lowered his head quickly: "Because... he kept holding your hand when we first met in the restaurant to shake hands, and later when he spoke... he also looked at your chest intentionally or unintentionally..."

"Uh..." I was stunned and blinked my eyes to recall the situation at that time. This time, Chengying took the lead in reacting: "Impossible."

He raised his hand very calmly, put it on my chest, pressed and pressed it, and then came to the conclusion very calmly: "At most, only B."

In an instant, "Boom!" A thunderbolt.

I was Reggio at the same time as my vest.