The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 74 Nine-tailed Beast Bastard!

I am shallow in learning, and I can't see people's faces and explore my heart, so I don't know how ordinary people will react when they keep crawling out of spiders under this kind of ex-girlfriend's skirt. I only see that Fu Er Dai's face has changed several phenotypes one after another - suspicion, shock, collapse of world outlook, incredible and rich It's so colorful that even Xiao Chun forgot to react.

I think Fu Yu Dai must feel that blood flowed under Xiao Chun's skirt at this time and collapsed on the ground with a pale face and stretched out his hand weakly and said, "Child... I want my child..." It's better than the current situation...

So the three of us looked at each other and looked at each other without saying a word. They quickly analyzed the current situation in our hearts and thought about the current situation. Finally, Fu Yi Dai took the lead in reacting. He completely forgot the Phaeton car behind him and turned his head aside painfully with his right hand covering his lips: "vomit-!!"

At that moment, the expression on Xiao Chun's face was simply Feng Laiyi! Even when I vomited her all over, her expression did not change so violently. In the background, the vest also stopped destroying the car and looked back at the moving meat spider under Xiao Chun's feet and was shocked: "What is that! It's disgusting!"

2Hit hit the heart. Xiao Chun's face immediately darkened. I heard her smile gloomily, and then looked up with a distorted face: "Disgusting? Hee hee, disgusting?"

The curvature of the corners of her lips was getting bigger and bigger. Finally, when it was distorted that it could no longer be raised, the black hair hanging on the ground grew violently, and then hit us like an arrow: "When I turn you all into nutrients, let's see who dares to say that I'm disgusting!"

That moment was really a second. Xiao Chun's hair turned into countless sharp arrows and rushed to my eyes in an instant. I jumped away from the same place, and then saw that my black hair had bypassed me and rushed directly to Fu Yitai. The embarrassing guy was already stunned. He stood still and his legs trembled, covering his lips unexpectedly leaving. I secretly shouted "bad" , the right hand imprint is immediately a protective cover that bounces to Fu Dai!

The time difference of zero and one second.

The black hair hit the shield and suddenly bounced back, and then the hair bypassed from the flanks was shaken away by the vest and whip. I aimed at abruptly flashing hair in the gap, and wrapped around Xiao Chun's body is a fixed spell: "Focus on it! Do you want to call 119 here?!"

Xiao Chun's body shook, and the spiders pouring out of the nest under his feet also stopped, and his long hair fell from the air one after another, and then slowly disappeared into the air at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When I saw that Xiao Chun was fixed, I sighed and came out from behind her: "It's okay, vest. You help Mr. Xiao to sit in the car first, and Phaeton will ask the emperor to help repair it later. Xiao Chun's side is a little noisy, and I have to find a way to clear the scene.

The waistcoat nodded when he heard the words, set up Fu Dai and walked towards the car. Fu Yi Dai was probably really scared by Xiao Chun. As he walked, he vomited and asked, "Is that monster Xiaochun just now?" Illusion, right? Impossible, I'm dreaming, right?

I sighed long: "Is it a forgotten spell for him? Look at him so pitiful."

A slightly smiling voice followed my words: "It's useless to put down the forgetting spell. You can only let him forget it temporarily, and one day he will remember it. After all, this is what he owes. It's impossible to avoid it like this.

That's right, this sound...this sound...this sound!

I didn't look back. My body had instinctively reacted, jumped forward quickly, and then turned around with a light sword stabbing. The man behind me really smiled at the corners of his eyes. He raised his right hand and easily clamped the sword with his two fingers, and then blew on my face: "Meet again, little human sister."

"Nine-tailed beast bastard!" I gritted my teeth, and Yu Guang saw that Xiao Chun's stiff body seemed to move, and his heart was half desperate and half suddenly realized, "Are you playing tricks again this time?"

"Where." He laughed like a gentle scum, "I just passed by."

"Flying ghosts here!" I said angrily, "Do you dare to say that you didn't participate in Xiao Chun's matter?"

The silver-haired goblin in front of him turned his head slightly, and his innocent expression really seemed to recall: "Ah... you say that sister."

The corners of his lips bent, and the seductive fox's eyes also picked up: "It's just that I saw that my little sister's unilateral efforts are too pitiful. I want to help her make her love complete. Don't you human beings also say that it's better to demolish a temple than destroy a family!"

"Kiss your sister! Did you seduce Xiao Chun to be possessed by the spider essence? I failed to stab with a sword, withdrew my lightsaber and jumped back, raised my hand and several wind blades to split forward.

The silver-haired fox stood still, and easily let a few wind blades spread in front of him as soon as he raised his eyebrows: "That's been said, little sister Mo, if she was firm in her heart, would she be so easy to be invaded by the spider?"

Eclipse spider... I felt a little cold when I heard the name. It turns out that Xiao Chun is still alive, but it is not far from death.

The etch spider is a monster parasitic in the human soul. At first, it lurked in the host's mind, observes the host's life, listens to the host's voice, and slowly, the eclipse spider begins to communicate with the host, speaks softly, gently and considerately, and stands in the position of the host to coax the other party with the best words. For ordinary people, it feels like communicating with another soul in their body.

- It happens that in the 21st world we live in, no one dares to say all the thoughts in their hearts.

So the spider becomes the best listener in the host's subconscious: understand yourself, don't leak secrets, and always be gentle. They are willing to tell "another self" who can't vent their worries in their hearts, and are also willing to share those unspeakable secrets with "another self". Finally, when they rely more and more on "another self" and more believe in "another self", the spider can easily enter their hearts and replace them. And control them as puppets. This situation is far more dangerous than when Lu Renjia was possessed by the wrapped resentment, because in Lao Lu's situation, the soul and resentment spirit are separated, and he can use the attack of the old man's words to poke out the resentment spirit and eat spider... I think... With my ability...

I can only go back and write a sacrificial article for Xiao Chun.

The nine-tailed fox is still looking at me with a smile in front, with a gentle expression and a jade tree facing the wind. If you want to change someone you don't know, you will probably feel beautiful, beautiful, amazing and beautiful at this glance, but I saw him and just want to punch him in the face fiercely again: "When was Xiao Chun parasitic by the eroded spider?"

"Yo? That's been a while, right? He looked up at the sky and pretended to be confused about his memories, "Huh? It's been three months?"

"Damn it!" This time, even my last hope has been dashed. Xiao Chun's situation, even Guanyin can't be helped!

I couldn't stand it. I summoned the lightsaber and rushed to the nine-tailed fox. Xiao Chun's figure moved over there and finally lifted the confinement and attacked me.

So in an instant, black hair flew around me, and spiders all over the mountains crawled under my feet. I was forced away from the nine-tailed fox, and as soon as I was angry, I summoned out the fireball and bombed it!" Get out of here! If you don't get out of here, sister will burn your skin!"

Xiao Chun was unmoved. As soon as his hair burned down, another cut out, and the regeneration speed was much faster than that of burning. In the blink of an eye, it had rushed to my eyes. The nine-tailed fox raised its eyebrows directly opposite, showing a light smile at me. Even all the charred black hair behind him revealed an ominous smell at the moment of burning.

"Take your time." He stretched out his index finger very easily and shook it. "Let me set up a barrier for you to make sure that the fools around you won't see it."

I was so angry that I almost vomited blood! At present, I wanted to step on the meat spider and go directly. In fact, I did the same. I directly summoned a strong attack spell and stepped on the red flame on the half-dead spiders and rushed over. So a piece of corpse in the background was burned "crackling" crisp sound, and the white-haired spider burned to the ground with black hair. I stabbed in front of me with a sword. The hair net rushed to the front of the nine-tailed fox and was slapped three times!

The nine-tailed fox stood motionless, and only the corners of his lips hooked. I was shocked. Before I could doubt, I saw Xiao Chunfei appear in front of me in an instant. If I stab this sword, I don't have to think that Xiao Chun will be stabbed straight! No wonder the nine-tailed fox stood and didn't move. He had already thought of taking Xiao Chun as a shield!

"Nine-tailed beast bastard!" I was so angry that I vomited blood, but the sword in my hand really couldn't be stabbed. I could only rush forward sideways to let San Duan cut down, and then gritted my teeth and gave the middle finger to the nine-tailed fox: "Have the guts to fight one-on-one with my sister!"

"I really don't mind pointing you out." The nine-tailed fox over there brazenly raised the corners of his lips at me, and his expression and tone were extremely frivolous, "But can't I help it? She volunteered to help me block the attack.

"Nonsense!" I said angrily, "Don't think that I don't know that Xiao Chun's first goal is to be rich! She can't stand in front of me if you don't tell her!"

The silver-haired demon fox's eyes moved, but showed a rather admiring look: "Well, it's really worthy of praise that you can see this with your IQ."

Damn it! How dare he insult my personality and IQ at the same time!

I trembled with anger. The so-called taxi can be killed and not humiliated! Recalling that a few days ago, he broke my hand bone and sneaked into all kinds of things that I wanted to do to my leg. Finally, I couldn't control it. The light sword waved three wind blades and cut off the black hair, and his left hand finger burned the spider to death with a fireball. Then he kicked away Xiao Chun, who was blocking me. He raised his sword and rushed to the nine-tailed fox: "I'm fighting with you!"

The monster pulled the corners of his lips again, and his eyes finally slowly became sharp. In an instant, I only saw that the scenery around him became distorted, and then there was something soft and sticky wrapped around his ankle. I didn't dare to be distracted. During the sprint, I only looked at it with spare light, but it was shocked in an instant. Everyone is frozen.

--The spider silk stuck to my feet is countless thin and dense spider silk!