The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 78 What's wrong with the love game SLG?

Fu's hand holding the door did not stop. He turned his back to us and threw a cold sentence, "B bitch."

I was stunned, and the next second I heard Chengying sneer in my heart: "This man is really brazen."

I seconded it. At the same time, I looked back and didn't see Chengying. I guess he and the man were digging a pit somewhere to bury the body. The waistcoat did not give up and asked, "Haven't you liked Xiao Chun?"

Fu Yi Dai snorted and threw out the standard version of the playboy and answered, "That kind of woman also deserves to have sex with me?"

The waistcoat opened his lips and still wanted to speak. I was no longer patient. I raised my hand to interrupt the vest and looked at Fu Dai's back and smiled: "You're right. You don't need or need her love for a woman like Xiao Chun."

It's better to say that Fu Dai is not worthy to fall in love with anyone in the world. His face is indeed a little better than the common dboy, and his speech is a little milder than the playboy in the brain-damaged drama, but this still can't hide the nature of other people's dog-like wolf heart and dog lungs. He really doesn't deserve such a pure girl as Xiao Chun. Let's go back to Jia Xiaozi's broad G cup for comfort.

The vest didn't say anything more, and followed me behind the Phaeton car. Fu Yidai still wanted to say something to us, such as his anger and sadness after publishing his sincere efforts to Xiao Chun in return, but he felt that this was in contradiction with his behavior of disdainful saying that he did not love Xiao Chun just now. After thinking about it, he simply pretended to be a lover and sighed in the car that he really didn't expect Xiao Chun to be such a person. I really wanted to live with her, but...

But when he saw that I had closed my glasses and leaned on my waistcoat shoulder and was drowsy, he sighed and sighed incomprehensiblely.

Question: What will happen if you jump down and sweat outside and fall asleep without taking a shower and changing clothes?

Answer: Cold.

So when Chengying and the old man came home, what they saw was that I was covered with an ice bag and kept touching the paper from the drawing box with my right hand. The old man was stunned. Chengying also took a few steps to walk to me: "Why did you suddenly catch a cold? Did the character explode?"

I really want to slap this guy who can chop people to death as soon as he speaks. When I raised my right hand, I found that the clear nose was hovering on the edge of the nasal cavity. I had to turn the gravity potential energy of my right hand into a power potential energy and quickly touched a piece of paper to stuff my nose: "It's not caused by that pair of spider silk! When I came back, I only cared about drinking water to wash my stomach and throat to induce vomiting. After washing, I didn't have the strength to take a shower and just lay down**!"

Chengying looked at me sympathetically: "Have you caught a cold? You are also unswayed to catch a cold in dog days. Have a good rest. I'll ask the stupid dog to go downstairs to buy you cold medicine.

As he spoke, he tucked the quilt for me. As he got up and walked to the old man, he whispered, "There are really fools who can catch a cold..."

I swear that I will let him go to the toilet after recovering from his cold!!

Finally, I lay in ** for two days, and the little goji saddle helped buy countless medicine in front of the horse and behind; the vest sister silently took out the trash can and poured out countless snot-covered paper; Chengying gently comforted me with a caring tone and sarcastic tone; Fu Erdai affectionately pretended to be flat and flat. The text message bombing invited me to go out and talk about Xiao Chun. I finally got up from ** with difficulty.

I can't always drag on Fu Yi Dai's matter like this... What's more, if I lie down, I will really stand up. I rubbed my head and got up from **. I walked around the room in slippers. I found that Chengying and the vest were not there, and I didn't know where I went. The computer in the living room was on, so I lay on the table and typed: "Little Goji, I went out to take a walk and took care of the rich man."

The old man reacted quite quickly and replied immediately: "Do you want me to go with you?"

"No." I typed slowly, thought for a moment and asked, "How much do you think I should ask him for?"

"The rich second generation, if you have money, you won't knock more than 100,000."

"But I have knocked 400,000 from him and sent it to Xiao Chun's mother..."

"..." The man was silent.

"So I'm very distressed. I don't know how much it should cost to find Fuer Dai. Tell me about this. I took Xiao Chun to ask him for money to deal with it. A brainless person still thinks that this matter is not difficult. He can do it by spending some money casually. When he goes back and talks to the more brainless person in the G cup, they must feel that this matter doesn't need us to appear at all. The problem is actually up to me. I punched the spider spirit and stepped on the nine-tailed fox under pressure. I won't lose much if I don't charge them 30,000 to 50,000 yuan?

"..." The old man was still silent, and a pile of ellipsis on the screen continued to roll, and it took a long time to turn into words and slowly type them out: "This... I think... just look at it."

If I could watch it, I wouldn't come to ask you, okay... I burst into tears and didn't have the heart to talk nonsense with my old man anymore. After changing my clothes, I went out with my bag to the appointment.

Fu Dai was still dressed so coquettishly. After listening to me, I wanted to meet him nearby and decided to stay directly at Starbucks. So as soon as I entered the door, I saw him sitting by the window with a coffee cup, with his left hand casually placed on the original WutheringHeights on the table, turning his head brightly. Looking sadly at the dazzling sunshine outside the window, the temperament and the curvature really fulfilled my previous description and evaluation of other models, scum, and scum.

I opened the door and walked towards him. He also looked back at me and smiled, and then got up to help me open the chair: "Miss Mo, would you like a cup of coffee?"

I shook my head and went straight to the point: "Mr. Fu, a few days ago, I wasted some time because I had to report the task to the Taoist headquarters. Today, the process over there has been completed, so let's settle the case. The problem of harassing phone calls has been solved, and I have also cast a forbidden spell on Xiao Chun's side. She will not disturb you again. If something similar happens again, I will punish her through the forbidden spell, so you don't have to worry that she will blackmail you or harass you again in the future. Of course, I apologize for not being able to help you solve all the troubles in this incident and let you spend 400,000 yuan in the end. As compensation, I will not charge the predetermined amount of remuneration. It's up to you.

I don't have the energy to continue to fight with him. I have to pay back the money at a high price. He can give as much as he likes. I can go home and sleep after closing the case early.

Thinking of me putting on a calm face that regarded money like dung, my left and right eyes only didn't write "speed to solve it quickly", but unexpectedly, Fu Yi smiled and gently stirred the coffee to look at me: "Miss Mo is a little modest when she said so. If Miss Mo hadn't helped her this time, Xiao Chun wouldn't have been able to stop with 400,000 yuan. And according to her personality, she will ask me for money after using up 400,000 yuan. So Miss Mo's contribution is indispensable. Looking at this, I can only understand that Miss Mo is joking with me.

Oh, buy cake. Fu Er Dai's posture is going to nag me... I don't deny that I would be happy to talk to him all the world. Originally, he was cursed and didn't remember the situation at that time. I was thick-skinned to tell the situation at that time that the sun and the moon could indeed knock out a lot of money, but now I really hit my whole body. Sour and soft, I just want to go home early and lie on the corpse, and chat with Fu Yi Dai for coffee here... Sister Guanyin'd better let me go.

Under the premise of "perfectly solving Fu Dai's entrustment can bring praise to the Mo family", I resisted the impulse to carry my bag and leave. Sitting at Starbucks, I listened to Fu Yidai's gossip without saying a word. After three or two sentences, I began to have hallucinations and felt that I was a square picture in front of me. Fu Yidai sat in CG. In the middle, a large amount of text rolls through the bottom of the screen between the corners of the lips, as if all the unread content can be skipped as long as you press the Ctrl key...

After being in a trance for about 30 minutes, Fu Dai's nonsense finally came to an end. He put down the empty coffee cup in his hand and looked at me with his hands and smiled: "Miss Mo, the sun is so good today. Why don't we go out for a walk?"

"Ah?" I didn't react for a moment and instinctively looked up.

Fu Dai smiled again: "Today's weather is not hot, and there are not many people outside. It's better for our health to walk around and bask in the sun than to drink coffee here. Don't Miss Mo think so?"

"This..." Of course, I know that exercising in the sun is better than staying in the house, reading books on the Internet and playing new online games, but when did Fu Yi Dai have such a good relationship with me?! Have you skipped the task gratuity and directly entered the point where I was asked to take a walk in the sun?? Damn, I didn't miss any important content at that moment when I was in a trance, did I?

Thinking that I pulled out the system interface in a trance and dragged the dialogue forward with the mouse, I found such content in the read information-

Fu Yi Dai seems to appreciate you very much, and he hopes to be friends with you. Your choice is:

A, you can try it.

B, euphemistic rejection.

.................Who will tell me why the line of option A is yellow?! Sister, what happened at the moment when I was in a daze!! Is it possible that I clicked option A in a trance and agreed to be friends with Fu Yitai?! I won't go into the side plot! Who wants to take Fu Yi Dai as the target of the strategy to go to the wedding of a rich family!!

I feel that I have been fooled by the world... But now I can't seem to find the archive point, Save. And.Load doesn't exist at all in the three-dimensional world...

I want to cry... But looking at Fu Yi Dai's really beautiful smiling face, I feel that I really can't cry... The remuneration is still in his hands. If this relationship is frozen, it's not a matter of a decline in favor, but I can't get money at all!

Is there only the option to go out for a walk with him... I don't want QAQ

(.................Then Moyuan married a rich man because of the family marriage...)

(Then "The Growth History of Waste Taoist" is coming to an end...)

(You probably can't accept it, but I will give you a reasonable explanation tomorrow!)