The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 96 Photography for three generations, SLR destroys a lifetime

Why did Nima let me encounter such a strange thing again? Squatting in the men's toilet for Mr. Mao, you can meet a female ghost with hanging head and hanging hair! How many lucky RP value did the nine-tailed bastard brush the lucky value of Laozi to the horizontal line?

I stiffened and squatted on the toilet and didn't dare to move. I just felt that these short seconds were as long as a century had passed. No, in fact, I can move. As long as I pull the door and run away, I can immediately be free from the fate of sharing the toilet with the female ghost. However, in most cases, we are all shouting fiercely. Nine out of ten will shrink... Anyway, even my sister is such an obscene person, in my heart. It's not strong enough to open the door and escape from the toilet directly in front of the man who was releasing water!

Well, let's think about things in a better place... If I push the door now, the moment I rush out will not only shock the man, but also make the female ghost with half of my head on my shoulder float out. At that time, it doesn't matter whether I can rush out of the men's toilet at the speed of light. The female ghost is going to get on the male comrade's body. That's terrible. After all, she has become a ghost who can squat in the men's toilet... I really don't doubt that she will directly attach to any boy to look at her Armstrong low-pressure Armstrong gyroach cannon every day.

Wow! Did I just expose my nature? I've said everything about Armstrong's low-pressure Armstrong rotary gun and so on! Damn it, it's all Shichen's fault! I can't go on like this...! Although Chengying is not around now and no one can read my heart, I want to be so obscene that it will definitely turn the whole brain theater into 18×!

By the way, it's been almost half a minute since I started to make up my mind... Why hasn't that guy outside finished yet? Do you drink too much alcohol to drink metabolites such as urine collapse? Speaking of which, it's quite appropriate for people to have urine collapse or something... Wow, I really can't continue this topic!!

In this way, at the moment when countless associations flashed in my mind like a BILIBILI rolling screen, a voice came from behind me gloomily, followed by the sound of a female ghost hanging upside down behind me blowing in my ear: "I've seen this man."

I was shocked! I almost rolled off the toilet. It was not easy to stabilize my body before I realized it. I looked back at the pool girl with half of my head on my shoulder and whispered, "Are you sure?"

"Well, I just floated out to have a look. I did see that guy." The female pool ghost floated in a semi-squat next to me, with her hands on her knees and asked me, "Do you want to go out to see?"

I first breathed a sigh of relief in my heart, thank God, thank God for letting the female ghost in the pool hang her hair on my shoulder instead of the toilet female ghost ABCD A B Bingding's unknown female ghost hanging her hair on my shoulder, and then looked at the female ghost and asked, "Can you confirm his identity?"

It's very rude and obscene to be sure that I don't have to rush out of the bathroom. Anyway, it's very rude and obscene to rush to a male compatriot who is walking his birds and look at each other's facial features... Of course, I dare not! It's just that normal people don't want to be treated as hooligans, right?

Unexpectedly, the female ghost thought for a moment and finally shook her head slowly: "There are too few souls collected now. I can't remember it for the time being, but I must have seen him."

I said oh and suddenly reacted, "What did you just say? The collected souls?"

"Hmm." She nodded and half squatted on the edge of the toilet with a serious expression: "I just found a little cut off soul in the toilet of the men's toilet, so I can think of something."

...So your soul... was found in the men's toilet...right...

... This is really amazing... Isn't it... Can you find your soul or something in the men's toilet... It won't make people feel perverted and obscene... Is it curious...

The voice outside gradually decreased, and it sounded that the man had solved the internal urgency and was ready to go out. At such a critical moment, I didn't care about embarrassment and shyness - at worst, I pushed the door and went out to see the face and another forgotten spell - so I broke the door and pushed the door to step, and I stayed at the other party at the same time.

"Bi Xie?!"

"Mo Yuan?!"

Well, I know... The world is not real anymore.

I turned around in an instant, and the army of alpacas ran through my mind.

Bi Xie is one of the 47th generations of the Bi family. This faction is quite special in the Taoist school, because they are born with psychic ability, but are not good at offensive Taoism, and can only make up for them by props. However, the props produced by the Bi family have a very strong effect, which is by no means comparable to those Taoist props on the market, so the pricing has always been a few zeros than those on the market, resulting in this trend. The faction has no reputation in defeating demons and demons, but there has always been no shortage of money. He has been well-off in the Taoist school early. Personally, I am not surprised that Comrade Bi Xie can appear in Nanyuan.

In all senses, there are many connections between the Bi family and the Mo family, and I also know Bi Xie very well. First, this guy is one of the 47th generation of the Bi family. The Bi family takes care of him like a treasure. No matter where they go, they don't forget to boast about "our family's Bi Xie, our family's Bi Xie" (a hypocriter brother). He chattered that people who have never seen Bi Xie know Bi Xie's name; second, this guy is My university senior, now sits on the throne of the president of the photography club; three times...

Bi Xie's waste material is worse than mine~ (