The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 122 I have good news and N bad news

I could almost see that the ears that did not exist on the head of the nine-tailed fox trembled, but the smiling expression did not change. Looking at me, Yun Feng asked lightly, "So?"

So you duck eggs!

My point is very clear, and there is only one truth! I dare to swear in the name of the man and Chengying——

"Have you done a good job."

Declarative sentence, table confirmed.

The nine-tailed fox smiled but did not answer.

I began to break the conspiracy theory: "You said that I had the ability to be discovered in the Mo family, but I have measured the spiritual intelligence and intelligence, and I don't think any of them has reached the level of your attention. Even if it really exists... Your original plan is also to kill me, right?"

Recruitment? Just kidding. At first, I didn't selectively forget what he pinched me to death. What's more, when this guy first said that he really appreciated me, it was the time when Xiao Chun's sister was eroded by the spider. Maybe he had planned to hold my face and roll the keyboard. Now he used his hands and feet on me to interfere with my spiritual flow and destroyed my spiritual deed, and ran over with a shy face and said he wanted to accept it. Make me... If you think about it with your knees, you will know that there is only one result.

"Imperial-level monsters like you should be rare in today's society, and there should be a lot of you in the Taoist camp. If I guess correctly, there should be a lot of people chasing you in the past few months, right? Do you feel that your mind is impetuous, upset, short and short-spirited? I looked at the nine-tailed fox with an unabated smile in front of me, pulled up the corners of my lips and sneered, and finally made a guess.

"You... The fundamental reason why you like me is that my spiritual power recovery second rate is relatively high. After ending a contract with you, I can quickly provide you with spiritual power when your spiritual power is insufficient, right?"

If you don't understand, you can raise your hand and ask Mr. Mo Yuan to give a simple explanation - if the simplest fireball skill requires 25 spiritual power, people with a recovery rate of 1.5 can recover the spiritual power of the previous fireball technique in a little more than 16 seconds. Although I am a little stupid, the recovery rate is very high. The Taoist team basically belongs to the plug-in level. Many times, the spiritual power has almost recovered before the spell is finished, so the spiritual deed is quickly repaired when the spiritual flow is interfered. If a big boss like Nine-tailed Fox, which is pushed by thousands of people, has a contract with me, it is no different from bringing a prop that can quickly restore spiritual power.

If he really like me... what else can there be other than this reason?! I like my potential in human resources management, so I want to sign me to be an HR director in his listed company before I graduate!

The slender BOSS-level demon fox's eyes moved, but it neither denied my guess nor affirmed my guess, but the raised corners of its lips were more bent: "You will know in the future."

After saying that, he stood up from ** and threw the wiped paper towel into the trash can. He looked back at me with a smile and nod: "Let's do it today. You're not healed, and I won't disturb your rest. I'll let Chaos come to you in a few days."

After saying that, he turned around and waved his hand to leave without taking away a cloud. I stretched out my hand quickly and held his sleeve without fear of power: "Come back, pay me quickly after eating my takeaway."

Would you like to enjoy the three-person package? The spicy chicken leg burger and crispy chicken leg burger fragrant Orleans roast chicken leg burger has been chewed. There are only six pieces of bread and a few lettuce leaves in my pocket, and other spicy chicken wings Portuguese egg tarts have not left the original chicken-flavored sweet corn cobs! Just a coke bottle is still by the bed! Will I let him go?

The nine-tailed fox looked back at me, bent its lips, raised its right hand, and seven or eight red grandfather Mao floated down on his face, and then nodded to me with a snowy west gate: "Don't look for it."

"Walk slowly and don't send it away." I am shameless and frank.

He didn't care about me. He smiled and was ready to leave. When he arrived at the door, I suddenly shouted at him: "That nine tail!"

He looked at me slightly: "Huh?"

"Can you tell me your name?" Although I'm used to calling nine-tailed beasts, I can't use this name in the report to the elders, can I?

The nine-tailed fox seemed to smile. From my position, I could see the corners of his lips raised, and then two extremely light words: "Little Black."


This guy is not color blind! The silver-white nine-tailed fox is also called a hairy little black!!

I sat in ** and didn't move. I watched the nine-tailed fox close the door and listened to him slowly walk away. I guessed that he would not come back again, so I immediately took his notebook and opened the Sogou Pinyin: "Call Chengying and the puppet immediately!"

As soon as I knocked, I saw a flash of green light in the room, and the old man stood in front of me with a long gun: "The two of them will arrive soon!"

I nodded and was very satisfied with the efficiency of the old man. I patted him next to him and asked him to sit down. I touched his head before saying, "Xiaoxiong, can the surveillance video of the hotel be adjusted?"

The man nodded: "Do you want to adjust the video?"

"The nine-tailed fox has just arrived, and the video has been adjusted for analysis." I patted the citer to calm him down, and then announced a bad news to him in a very painful tone: "The fuzzy face is a subordinate of the nine-tailed fox, and the real identity of the nine-tailed fox also said, one of the four fierce beasts, chaos."

No wonder he looked confused at that time. It turned out that he was chaotic... Then its prototype should be the existence of a huge dog?

I don't know if the nine-tailed fox will feed it dog food...

The old man began to crash. Judging from his expression, it should be retrieving chaotic information. I casually swiped the KFC home delivery homepage and ordered another meal. After confirming the submission, he just realized: "No!! Can we handle such a powerful guy!?

"You can try it." Personally, I don't worry much, "You are also very strong." Consulting integrates the missing body! All-round diversified information search and use, go to the hall and get the kitchen, proficient in all kinds of weapons, can repair computers, dredge sewers, write summer vacation homework and replace electric bulbs, and be the first choice for a new good child husband, better than the girl who broke into the bathroom and ran to the rooftop to dig the wall. Much better.

The old man listened very well and rushed to me as soon as his eyes lit up: "Really? Really? Do you really think so?"

"Really." I raised my hand and touched his head, rubbed it twice and said, "Come on, help me draw up a statement for the elder first."

The man is now happy and does not delay. As a result, the laptop clicked on the email and asked me, "How to write?"

"Well, let me talk about the current situation first. You can sort it out before sending it." I sat down beside the old man cross-legged and thought for a moment before saying, "The combat effectiveness of the nine-tailed fox is initially estimated to be above Chaos, because he said that Chaos was taken under him after being defeated by him. The other three fierce beasts seem to help under him, so you have to be ready to fight against the four ancient fierce beasts first. If there are any Taoist priests in Mo, Bi, Cen, Qin, Li, Zhang and Ji who have been tracking the nine-tailed fox recently, they can consider cooperating with them. Oh, by the way, the Bi family doesn't need to think about it. The hypocrites have been dragged in by me.

The old man knocked on my words on the computer very obediently, and then looked up at me to continue. I touched my chin and wondered whether to say whether to dig my corner of the nine-tailed fox. On second thought, I felt that the previous reasons for the nine-tailed fox digging my corner were speculation. , Ya didn't say the real motivation at all, so she decided to keep the topic and mention it at the end.

"Say, Jiuweihu seems to have opened several listed companies. Hearing him, the benefits seem to be good, but I forgot to ask him what companies he has opened and what kind of business he has run... Try to ask from Chaos later." Chaos doesn't seem to have a very high IQ, and the nine-tailed fox also said that he was a fool.

"And!" I suddenly thought of a piece of information that I couldn't tell whether it was a noise or a clue at all. On the safest, I said it first and analyzed it later: "I asked the name of the nine-tailed fox."

The man's eyes almost lit up, hung his hands on the keyboard and blinked at me: "What's that guy's name?"

I was silent and felt that the name of Little Black was really sorry for a BOSS-level demon fox with silver and white fur, so I decided to refer to "one-third of the innocent feelings of Balumon Fezzarion Ezac-Huenard's pure feelings of yesterday's new eight-ki life. Two-thirds of them care about the feelings of inverted thorn..." gave him a more popular name: "Two bales sing green willows, I don't even have a partner. I advise you to have a glass of wine, but I don't even have a partner. Don't worry about being ignorant. I don't even have a partner. Sitting up in a dying illness, I don't even have a partner. Don't worry about having children after marriage. I don't even have a partner.

The old man trembled and silently wrote the new name of the boss in the email to the elder.

Kung Fu Chengying and Bi Xie also came back from the place of practice. When they pushed the door and saw me sitting leisurely in **, they were stunned. Looking at the empty KFC boxes piled up next to me, Bi Xie immediately showed an angry expression: "He roared and called us back to see you eat. West?"

"How come? At most, I will ask you to come back to pay the bill. I calmly unscrewed the coke bottle and ignored the fried Bi Xie and looked at Chengying. "I have good news and N bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

Chengying frowned and reacted in an instant: "Is there a lot of bad news?"

"Compared with the good news, yes."

He didn't answer immediately. He patted Bi Xie's shoulder and asked him to be quiet and then walked to me and pulled the chair to sit down: "Say it in chronological order."

I nodded and shouted to Bi Xie through Chengying, "You also get out and listen!" Then he looked at Chengying and said, "The nine-tailed fox came to me."

The light in Chengying's pupil seemed to have stopped, but the expression on his face remained unchanged. He looked at me and said, "Continue."

"He has told me the identity of the fuzzy face. As we guessed, it is a spiritual power pile, but this result is more troublesome than a simple spiritual power pile, because the fuzzy face is one of the four fierce beasts, chaos." I held the notebook and showed it to Chengying, and slowly added in his increasingly solemn eyes, "The other three seem to be under him, and according to the nine-tailed fox, the four fierce beasts should have been surrendered after being defeated by him."

Chengying didn't say anything, but looked at the information sorted out by the old man and was silent, and his expression gradually became a little serious. Bi Xie, who was still blowing up next to him, slowly calmed down and looked at the notebook with a "huh", representing Chengying asking a very sharp question:

"I don't even have a partner for these two oligos. I advise you to have a glass of wine, but I don't even have a partner. Don't worry about being ignorant. I don't even have a partner. Sitting up in a dying illness, I don't even have a partner. Don't worry if you have no children after marriage. I don't even have a partner. Who is it?"

"Nine-tailed Fox." I was so calm that they didn't know what expression to show.