The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 130 Three Force Peer

"No!" I gave up the struggle and answered in a second. Simply, sharp, without hesitation or slugging.

For a moment, the well-informed top ten famous swords had to frown: "I didn't think about it at all?"

"I still thought about it..." I looked at Chengying's expectant and encouraging eyes and summoned up the courage to get a distance of about 1 cm with my hand: "... Just what I thought when I made the plan with you before, nothing else."

Chengying stared at me for at least three seconds, and then sighed inaudiblely: "... Let's start making it now. Come and talk about your plan for tomorrow first."

"Eat! Sleep! Monster Hunter! Go online!" I answered in a second.

"What about the day after tomorrow?"

"Eat! Sleep! Monster Hunter! Go online!" I am righteous.

"What about the day after tomorrow?"

", sleep, hunt, surf the Internet." I hesitated for a moment and didn't have enough confidence.

Chengying sighed, which made me almost out of my mind. My mind was full of "the top ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty". When he was brewing whether to apologize to him, he slowly sighed: "It's okay... Eating, sleeping, playing games and surfing the Internet is also a recuperation. Your pig brain... It's really impossible to come up with a better plan."

"I have thought about it!" Sure enough, I still couldn't hear anyone say that I was stupid, and I blurted out without thinking about it. After saying that, I was stunned for a moment... Then I was stunned!

God is above! I was just angry at the moment! Really ask me the plan, I have a plan!

However, it's too late, and Chengying has been watching me waiting for an answer. I had to slap myself silently in my heart, and then start all the brain cells to meditate: "Rewell... Of course, I can't get out of bed casually, so I won't leave the room these three days. However, my injury is relatively special. As you know, the nine-tailed fox moved his hands and feet on me, so the effect of healing with spiritual power is not good, and it can only be treated in combination with Dr. Li's medicine. But this is also treating the symptoms but not the root causes. If I can't suppress the interference of the nine-tailed fox, I will still have such a situation in the future... I don't think you think I will be hurt in the future, right?

Chengying nodded slowly: "Then?"

"Then..." I hesitated for a moment: "I have thought about asking Bi Xie to help develop drugs to suppress the spiritual interference of the nine-tailed fox, but at this stage, I have asked him to help develop enough props. I'm worried that he will be too busy to develop the medicine. What's more, I don't know how the nine-tailed fox used to interfere with my spiritual flow. In this case, it is a waste of resources for Bi Xie to separate his energy from pharmaceuticals, so I think... I think... I think..."

I didn't think about it at all.

Chengying still looked at me, and his expression did not change significantly, but his eyes signaled me to continue to say. I tried my best to express all the content as soon as I wrote 300 words in the Chinese exam and talked about it and analyzed 800 words. Finally, I summoned up the courage to say, "Let my brother help me do it first." Comprehensively check to see if you can find out where the nine-tailed fox is tampant; then report the situation to the Taoist headquarters to see if other colleagues have encountered a similar situation. At the same time, ask the master to help search for information. If you can find it, try to find the information provided on the Internet; Bi Xie's drug development can be put down first, but systemic detoxification The medicine and the medicine to quickly heal the wound must be a dozen, otherwise I'm really worried that the wound will crack.

Chengying said "um" and nodded: "Then what?"


And then?!

All I can make up has been finished, okay?

I wanted to cry without tears. After grasping my hair for a long time, I finally shook my words with great painstakingly: "Other words... will probably conduct some analysis and inspection of the terrain of the construction site. After all, divination shows that I have been there for more than 30 minutes. Although you all say that I'm too bored to go there to blow the wind, I still think it's strange here.

"All think so." Chengying's expression was as calm as words, "Only you, a spring two-worm, will think that we really think you are going there to blow the wind."

I hesitated for a moment and asked carefully, "...What is the spring worm?"

"It's stupid to put it together."

Me: "..."

He didn't see the film and television, and said calmly, "Continue."

"Then?" I smiled, "Then wait for the old man to take out the detailed three-dimensional map of the detailed floor plan of the construction site, and then we will analyze the location of props and the location of traps in the key defense sites. The strategic deployment is to carry out advance planning, but you are in a hurry if the map is not taken out. What's more, the layout of these props should be configured in combination with the prop functions developed by Bi Xie. Now we don't have any props and we haven't discussed any problems?

Is it whimsms? Is it a subjective judgment? Don't think that putting a spirit-consuming device at the top of the stairs can naturally cause an attack on chaos. At that time, you can run to the construction site with props in your hand - the stairway has been blocked for a long time.

"Don't think too much about strategic plans before getting the reference materials. Grandpa Mao told us that there would be no say without investigation. If you ask me for a strategic plan in the past few days, I can make a rough summary. I really want to ask if I want one, two or three or wait for the old man to bring back the survey information before discussing it with my senior brother Bi Xie... In short, teenager." As I spoke, I patted Chengying's shoulder earnestly and looked at him sincerely and sincerely: "Monster Hunter" drink mission, won't you have a shot?"


Is the stream three fast or fear of violence and black bombardment? I remember that you didn't brush either of them, right?


Chengying still agreed with my statement that "waiting for the old man to bring back the investigation data first and then discuss it with his brother Bi Xie", and did not continue to pursue my next plan, but he did not accept my instigation to hunt together and conscientiously held the computer to the side to meditate.

I looked at the exhausted housekeeper and felt guilty. After opening the fire, I was accidentally hit by the Tyrannosaurus cat car. Looking up at the serious and thoughtful face of the housekeeper, after thinking about it, he couldn't continue the game. He paused hunting and climbed to his side: "Is there anything I can do for you..."

The housekeeper still maintains a serious and thoughtful expression, starting from at least 15 pages of "I can't stand it!" Meet a JP on a blind date! Li turned around and said, "Huh?"

"...It's okay, please continue." I turned around and took a shower with my pajamas in my arms.

Brother's trip to deliver the vest was long enough. I didn't see them come back after taking a shower and blowing my head. I couldn't help sending a text message to ask the old man and was told that they were still eating French food. I was stunned for a moment: "... Didn't you say to send a vest?"

"Yes, let's have a practice meal by the way." Go back.

"...does it take so long to eat?"

"The plane at 21 p.m." The man still doesn't agree.

I just remembered that airplanes, a high-end transportation vehicle, don't stop like TEXT.

The empty hours suddenly seemed a little boring.

I want to go online, and Chengying occupies the computer; I want to go online, and Chengying is watching a suspense drama; I want to hunt, rubbed three cat cars and two games, and suddenly I have no interest, holding a pillow and rolling **.

rolled around, but the shadow didn't move.

Roll around again, but the shadow still hasn't moved.

Roll the third lap, and the shadow still hasn't moved.

When I rolled down the seventh lap, I began to feel dizzy, and I also felt dazzled when I saw the towering figure of Chengying. I closed my eyes and rested for a while. I couldn't control the time and went by in drowsiness.

Then I had a dream.

The dream was desolate. I couldn't see the front or the way back. There was only a vast white snow scene, which formed the whole world endlessly.

I walked drowsily in my dream, and my whole body was a little muddle-headed. I didn't seem to have a goal or think. I just kept walking forward until my body felt cold.

I thought it was normal to feel cold in the snow.

However, when I looked down at my body, I found that I was not normally cold, because it was a chill emanating from my bones and could ignore all the sweaters used to resist the cold. It's like being terminally ill, and the internal blood is rotting. I looked down for a long time and found that the reason for the cold was the three auras that intersected in my body.

The blue spiritual power is mine. From the direction, it can be seen at a glance that only the three spiritual forces pass through the heart and flow steadily in the meridians. After meeting with the other two strands, they are quickly absorbed.

This situation is the same as the purpose of Chengying Xiaohei's signing the spiritual deed with me, but the blue spiritual power replenishment is very fast, and the amount of recovery is much greater than the amount absorbed. Think about my extraordinary spiritual power recovery second rate... I'm quite proud.

Green should be the shadow. I have seen him before. It is warm and peaceful. It is not as indifferent as his surface, and it flows slowly in his body. It is almost attached to the blue spiritual power, occasionally ups and downs, but it does not change significantly.

The rest of the silver is absolutely nine-tailed beast bastard! Let alone the color of the silver bag, it can be seen from the degree of its encroachment of blue spiritual power that it is a ferocious, shameless, brave, hateful, morally corrupt, despicable and indecent parasite!

And she is very smart! Unexpectedly, I know the hard truth of sustainable development! I didn't swallow the blue spiritual power at once! Instead, it hovers outside the green spiritual power and the blue spiritual power, which not only provokes the green spiritual power, but also retreats at the moment of contact collision. Only when it occasionally finds a gap between the two spiritual forces can they rush up and grab the blue spiritual power to absorb as much as much as it can.

Seriously... The speed of silver spiritual absorption really amazed me. That feeling, tut, like a fat man doing liposuction surgery like lifeless, pursuing from 188 to 118 in an instant. If the blue spiritual power hadn't recovered quickly, I'm afraid it would have been sucked into a mummy.

In a moment! The reiki suddenly changed!

The three parallel spiritual forces suddenly collided, and the green spiritual force decisively pursued the silver spiritual power. The two spiritual forces played against each other, and even the blue spiritual forces that were regarded as nutrients were scattered everywhere.

I suddenly stagnated!

Is that...that's why I can't heal with spiritual power after the injury??