The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 134 Battle Royale

..................Dream!! Advanced Taoism above level A!

I reacted in an instant, and then I didn't want to say anything, with tears in my eyes. I just want to say: the ancients did not bully me. Add another paragraph: fucking blue face disaster! Fucking beauty is harmful! I, Mo Yuan, have been wise and martial arts all my life, and he has been ruined by lust!

No wonder the elders often sighed at the Qin Dynasty, the bright moon and the Han Dynasty, and the heroes were sad about the beauty. Thirty-six tricks together, beauty tricks I love to watch... In a word: the fox with nine tails, you are so fucking useless, it's too high!

It's too late to react, and it's too late to regret it. When the little beauty showed a smile that could be regarded as a model of sinister and cunning, I immediately understood that "no cunning fox can fight a good hunter"... No, "no clever hunter can fight a cunning fox" means.

This guy's spiritual power is higher than mine, and his ability is obviously better than mine. First of all, dreaming is a kind of advanced Taoism. It is difficult to invade the defensive inner world of human beings. Moreover, this guy still pulls me out of the dream in a state of defense - well, I admit that I am unprepared. After all, I have been deceived by beautiful teenagers, and I think it is the barrier set by my senior brother Bi Xie. It's not so easy to break through, and I think it will be very safe for Chengying to be nearby, but he can break through Chengying's surveillance to invade my dream and find my position in the complex and changeable dream world... Obviously, this is definitely not the level that ordinary monsters can achieve!

Will this guy be chaotic? I was a little nervous and forgot to worry about the problem of "how can't he vaguely see such a clear outline in his dream in reality". The first reaction was to observe the changes in the surrounding environment.

Sure enough, the beautiful teenagers standing around lost their anger in an instant, and everyone stood next to them with no expression on their faces, quietly surrounding us into a circle. Behind them, the background of the basketball hall has not changed, but I can't help but get nervous.

Don't be careless and don't think you won't be attacked. Although the floor of the basketball hall is so clean that it can reflect people, can you guarantee that 20 or 30 torture instruments will not be conjured here in the next second?

The fox-like teenager pulled me forward. In an instant, I found that it was difficult to control my body. I could only follow him to the middle of the circle like a puppet, and then watched him slowly smile uncontrollably, revealing eight white teeth and slowly said:

"Let our stage bloom!!"

My nervous mood reached its peak in an instant.


"National middle school students - the eighth set of radio gymnastics - the times are calling!!"


What just happened!! Is it my illusion? Why do I feel that I have run 10,000 alpacas and 10,000 grass mud horses in my heart?!

In an instant, my whole body froze! ...It's true...Please forgive me for not reacting at that moment... Because all the possibilities I thought at that moment were "They first sprinkled with thumbtacks and broken glass on the floor, then pressed me firmly on the floor, piled up the long salted nails, and then pressed my face hard on it, repeatedly. Several times, infinite loops of finite decimals. When my face was so blurred that it could be peeled, they dragged me (who had been torn off) into a two-meter-deep sink, tied my hands and feet and threw them into the sink, then put the water in the sink, and then injected sulfate into the king's water. If I don't die, they will push out the pre-prepared coffin, take me out of the half-dead body dissolved from the sink, throw it into the coffin, and then throw countless slippery grasshoppers in...andsoon."

The beautiful teenager next to him paused and then looked back at me. The corners of his lips were still raised, but the curvature seemed a little strange... Basically, I can probably understand that action as a convulsion.

I stared back without fear, but he didn't say anything, just looked at me, and the corners of his mouth twitched again and again.

After a long time, the music prelude of radio gymnastics sounded, and he slowly said, "...I will refer to your advice next time..."

Look! I said that I was reading my heart.

I was expressionless and very calm: "Yes, but those were my originals just now. If you want to pay royalties and usage fees, plus the infringement fee for peeping at my creativity just now, I won't ask you for mental loss. I just kindly remind you that you can plagiarize the criminal law used by those ancients. If you are all dead, you can't sue for infringement. You can do whatever you want. If you don't do it, at least put on the personal piercing machine and the Jewish cradle to scare each other. Don't use the Judas's sharp stool on me. Thank you. I'd rather stand a virgin and wear punishment shoes..."

The beautiful teenager silently turned his face and looked next to him without saying anything.

I continued BARAHA in the radio gymnastics music promoted by **, listing all the criminal instruments at home and abroad, citing the detailed descriptions according to the classics, and no less than 15 cases were cited on the way.

The music of radio gymnastics hasn't stopped during this period! In the background, more than a dozen expressionless teenagers mechanically do the eighth set of radio gymnastics for middle school students across the country, and the only ones who did not move were the two of us. I pulled him "Barahapalaha". He turned his head and looked painful. Finally, I ended the description of the last torture and concluded: "So physical punishment is not the most painful, because people always tend to be numb after the pain reaches the limit. What's more, Taoist priests can paralyze their perception and pain with Taoism. Personally, I think It's useless to torture a Taoist priest with criminal law... (Will I tell you even if it's useful?!) ...Unless the other party's Taoist ability is abolished, it is better to torture with spirit..." Then he raised his eyebrows and looked back at me and said, "I agree with you on this point."

Ah? Do you have any?" I was stunned.

He raised the corners of his lips and sneered, "Yes."

"Are you there?" My expression was quite blank: "Where is your spiritual torture? Is it your spiritual torture to drag me from the hotel** to the basketball hall to do radio gymnastics?

He didn't answer my stubble, just smiled, and his expression was half vicious and half gloomy: "This is just your hypothesis. If I tell you that my spiritual torture is to kill or be killed... What do you think?"

"What do you mean--" I'm stagnant.

The next second, the young man's head in front of the left suddenly exploded, and the blood in his brain and eyes splashed, and the red and white fell to the ground. I was shocked and looked down, but I heard the slow voice of the inhuman next to me: "This room is full of living souls."

I suddenly looked up at him, but he didn't think so. He continued with a light smile and continued, "Like you, they are all living souls dragged from my dream, and the entity is not here. But if their souls are injured or die in dreams... you should know what the entity will become, right?

will also follow injuries and deaths, asshole!!

I'm not stupid enough to forget the commission of Chengying during the teacher test. The embarrassing man of the mirage killed countless people in a dream, but at that time, I had the help of Chengying. The mirage was a jerk. It was very easy to deal with three punches and two feet. Now there is a guy standing in front of me who is many times higher than me. Chengying No, let me fight against him alone with so many souls...

"How many people have you captured?" I clenched my fist and looked at him, and he raised his eyebrows unmoved: "Seventeen or eight."

...This guy is really strong.

I frowned, bit my lower lip and asked, "What is the purpose of letting them do radio gymnastics?" Liven up the atmosphere? Or relax my vigilance?"

"Neither, just let them move their hands and feet." He smiled, let go of my hand and walked out of the field, raised his hands and patted them casually: "Okay, children, it's time to recover."

As soon as the words fell, I saw those teenagers wake up from their manipulated sleep and look around with their eyes open. I could see those bright lights converging in their eyes, and the empty eyes gradually became bright.

But this process did not last long. The first teenagers to wake up looked around and were stunned after noticing the blood splashing on the ground. One of them immediately called out: "Hey! What is this? Blood? It's not blood, is it?!"

- He shouted, and the rest of the unnoticed part also looked at his feet, and immediately found the teenager who collapsed to the ground after the head exploded, and also found the bloody eyeballs and brains sprinkled on the floor. The whole basketball hall was silent for a moment, and the sound of gasp immediately filled the room again.

Everyone is breathing in, but a few people still don't react. They probably think they are dreaming. In fact, they are indeed dreaming, but the truth of the dream is exactly the same as reality. So after they squatted down in disbelief and dipped their hands in blood and brain plasma, their faces suddenly changed dramatically and vomited uncontrollably.

No need to look. I stood still, but I was very sure that the blood on the ground was real, and the teenager with his head burst probably died in reality.

The suspected chaotic teenager still stood still, only standing outside the basketball hall and looking at me with a smile, just like a farce in front of us, and everyone was panicking and questioning, but he and I stood still. I had a feeling that something bad was about to happen, but at that moment, I really couldn't think of any countermeasures.

The teenagers soon found themselves isolated and helpless - no one answered the phone, the door of the basketball hall was locked from the outside, and the panic and chaos and the bodies collapsed under their feet immediately spread the panic like a plague.

I didn't say anything, just quietly looked at "Chaos" and guessed what his next step would do. I know that everything in front of us is his masterpiece. After all, his spiritual power covers everyone's dreams. Unless we find a way to wake up from the dream, we can only wait for him to release us from the dream.

However, you just use your knees to know that Chaos will not do this.

So I stood motionless, only looking at him far away from countless restless people in the chaos. Chaos smiled and enjoyed the farce in front of him from beginning to end. Only when the first teenager proposed to "smash the door" did he bend his lower lip slightly, then raised his hand over his head and patted gently: "Okay, children."

He calmly interrupted everyone's movements, and then easily said the following words in a roughly joking tone when everyone looked at him:

"Let's play a game. BattleRoyale, short for: Battle Royale.