The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 175 He is also the fifth son of the dragon

The chaotic reaction is called a rapid, and the rocket launcher immediately bombarded us!

The glutton was not in a hurry. He easily jumped from the same place and continued to look at the chaotic teeth after landing: "Tut, where is this? I can't aim at such a large volume, and this IQ is really enough.

A few blue veins suddenly burst out on Chaos's head, followed by rockets and four bombers.

The gluttonous jumped around very easily and avoided all the rockets from the chaos before slowly landing in the smoke. He looked up at Chaos and grinned: "Is this five times? Lao Si, it's not that my brother said you. It's okay to be stupid and have a low IQ. His eyes are still so blind. I can't hit him with a sword on his back. Let's go back to that shabby hospital to wash and sleep. People like you are not suitable to hang out in the world. It's just right to go back to the hospital to be a national treasure. Anyway, your people in the hospital are the same as you. It's easy to get warm together.

Chao was so angry that he gritted his teeth and directly resisted the rocket launcher to take action to recover. This time, the firepower was even more fierce! Directly bombarded eight shots! I don't know where his hand speed is so fast that he can't stop with a rocket launcher... That's all, he is a fierce beast and not a human being. Don't be too harsh on these common sense.

Tao Li still hid unhurried, jumped easily to avoid it, and slowly fell down at the gate before looking at Chaos and raising his eyebrows and smiling: "It's almost done, right? Fourth, brother knows that your rocket armor-breaking shell is cheap and doesn't cost much to develop, but your broken hospital..."

He turned his head, took me and the fish intestines around the hospital, and said, "I'm afraid it will cost a lot of money to repair it, right?"

Chaos's face turned white, and the rocket launcher on his shoulder slowly took it down. At this time, the fish intestine finally found an opportunity and lay on the gluttony's back and asked me, "What is four?"

After thinking about it, I felt that I could probably understand Tao's words, so I answered instead of Taoyi: "It's the multiple of two, the limit of two, and the square of two."

"Yes." Gyo slowly took my words in front of him: "It doesn't matter if ordinary people are two o'clock. The fourth is two plus two. Except for two, he is two, minus two or two. He opens a hospital to claim to specialize in treating mental illness. I think a well that looks at Du Er is a psychopath."

The fish intestines laughed! Chaos was so angry that his face turned white! Without saying a word, he picked up the bazooka and aimed it at the gluttony.

The glutton stood still, and when the chaos filled the rocket and was ready to be launched, he frowned extremely reluctantly: "Come back? Can't I hit you if I don't tell you?"

"That's not necessarily the same." Chaos snorted coldly and took the gluttonous words for the first time since he rushed out of the hospital, but frowned coldly and looked at the leisurely gluttonous sneer, "I don't believe that so many people stop you, you can still escape."

Dozens of white coats wearing masks suddenly rushed out from behind Chaos. The first seven or eight people resisted rocket launchers like chaos, and more than 20 people behind were holding guns in their hands. These people did not rush up, but spread to both sides with chaos as the center, forming a semi-circular encirclement in a way.

Then there was a "crip" sound, with nearly ten rocket launchers and more than 20 guns neatly staggered at Gho and me and the fish intestines. The position of these white coats is very exquisite. The guns in each person's hand avoid the people in front of them and around them, and the rest of them aim in the air.

I understand at a glance that these guns and rocket launchers have sealed all the corners that the glutton can avoid. Even if the glutton wants to jump and hide, he will inevitably undertake many attacks.

Is it really a wrong decision to waste time when mocking chaos?

My body has not recovered, and I still can't use Taoism. In fact, even if I can use Taoism now, I'm afraid I can't use Taoism to the rocket launcher. However, the glutton still had an indifferent expression. Looking at Chaos set up a rocket launcher, he yawned disapproving disapprovingly: "Four, do you really want to hit your brother?"

Chaos sneered: "Put down the man on your back and I'll bypass you."

"Do you know this is obviously impossible~"

"Then don't blame me for being rude!" Chaos's face suddenly turned black. I was secretly awe of, wondering why the gluttony and the fish intestines did not respond, and then I heard a chaotic order: "Attack!"

In an instant, the sound of guns was endless, and the flames splashed from the explosion point with the roar of guns. I instinctively grasped the sleeves of the fish intestine, but I saw that the whole space in front of me suddenly twisted like a hallucination, and the scene in front of me began to blur. When I opened my eyes, it was as if the space condensed in front of me was rotated by PS software, and a wavy pattern came out of the air.

After I was shocked, I looked up and saw that the waves in the void began to become obvious, as if there was a whirlpool in front of me for no reason, inhaling all the rockets and bullets flying towards us.

And those rockets and bullets were obviously swallowed up by the gluttony!

The pile of country bumpkin who had never seen the world on the opposite side showed a "=mouth=" expression, but the chaotic expression remained unchanged. He frowned, exhaled angrily, then put down the rocket launcher and looked at the gluttony hatefully: "... Stop it!"

A bunch of country bumpkin stopped immediately.

He followed the gluttony with a very calm hiccup and contemptuously, "What's the smell? It's all moldy. I won't be poisoned if I eat it, right? Well, find a place to have a look first.

After saying that, he didn't pay attention to the chaos, turned his head and jumped straight into the air. Several of them jumped into the sky and directly took me and the fish intestines and left the hospital.

The gluttony ran very fast, flew steadily from the clouds all the way, and soon fell to the ground.

The place where it stopped is not very prosperous. It is empty around, a bit like stopping in the wilderness. There is no store in front of the village and no store behind. There is only one gas station, and there are several small hotels next to it. A road winding from our feet, a little further away is hard rock and the sea.

I thought Tao was stopping here to rest, but he shook his neck, slowly lay down in front of him, and then yawned, "Here it is."

"Here?" I was extremely shocked, "Where is this?"

"Xi Jiang, Lao Xiao and Dr. Li are on vacation here." Taoyi said and asked me to jump off it and watch me fall to the ground before shaking my body into a teenager. "Let's go. I'll take you to the old and young and have a free meal with them by the way. I'm starving."

As soon as the voice fell, I heard a voice from the side, "Eating!" I looked back and saw that the handsome Kirin, who had followed the baby-faced doctor before, was standing beside him twisting the big bag. Seeing me turn around, he nodded slightly to me and immediately swung his hand and smashed the big bag on the gluttony: "No wonder Li Liao asked me to go out to buy vegetables today. It turned out that you are a foodie to come!"

Glutton smiled shamelessly, took all the pork (absolutely more than ten catties) very easily, and then opened his pocket in that posture: "Wow! Dr. Li is so kind to me! All I bought is lean meat!"

"Dream about it! Do you think it's all for you to eat alone? Kirin snorted coldly, but did not reach out and take the pocket from Taoyi's hand. He looked back at me and the fish intestines and nodded: "Have you eaten?"

I shook my head at the same time as the fish sausage.

"Then eat some by the way." As he spoke, he greeted us to walk towards the hotel across the street. The fish sausage secretly took my hand behind and came over in a low voice and asked, "What kind of person is Dr. Li?"

"The child's face is huge." I habitually gave an obscene answer, and then suddenly reacted, "Ah, no, I mean, I'm very young and in good shape."

"That's the childlike face." The fish intestine nodded attentively and was surprised: "I heard Lao Shi say something about Dr. Li before. I thought she was an ordinary little girl, but I didn't expect her ability to be so strong. A benevolent beast like Kirin can train her to buy meat. Maybe it can really cure your illness."

I think it's true that Kirin, a creature, is kind by nature and can't see death and killing. In a bloody place, he will be weak and even seriously ill. The handsome man in front of him is lively and leads the way with a calm face, which shows that he must have added a lot of Buff.

However, Taoyuan shook his head very calmly, opened the bag and swallowed a piece of raw meat before he cracked his bloody mouth and looked at us and retorted, "No, no, no, you two think too much. In fact, when I was a child, I was often scolded to buy meat..."

I interrupted: "Isn't Kirin unable to see blood?"

"So every time he refuses to help me buy meat, I beat him until he dares not help me buy meat." Tao is very calm, "So he doesn't feel the smell of blood now, which is completely my credit."

It's quite arrogant.

The fish intestines and I looked at each other, and the corners of our mouths were twitching. When we looked up at the unicorn, we saw a string of shiny keys flying accurately to the gluttony's forehead: "Shut up! You are a big brotherless foodie. How dare you say it! Do you know that I have to vomit on the floor every time I come back from selling meat?!"

"So that's why you need to exercise, old and young! It's not that you don't know that Dr. Li loves meat so much. If I don't exercise your resistance, can you follow Dr. Li?

Gouyi was not ashamed but proud. While talking with a smile, he twisted a large bag of raw pork ribs and chased him and hung Kirin's left hand. Seeing that the other party showed a look of forbearance, he hooked Kirin's head and opened his mouth and sprayed towards him. So Kirin's face turned white, green and black, and finally flew up without hesitation and kicked the bag in the Taoyu's hand out of the sky: "Get out of here!"

A howling! Immediately turned into a puppy and flew to the ribs in the sky.

The fish intestines smacked their tongue next to me: "These two brothers have a good relationship."

"Well, the hippie smiling brother has an awkward iceberg brother to attack every year." I'm far behind.

The fish intestine smiled vaguely, watching the gluttony running back like a puppy with a bag of ribs from afar, bent the corners of his lips, raised his hand and hooked my neck and whispered:

"This beast has a good personality. Maybe we can make friends with it. What do you think?"

"With him?" I instinctively asked, "Four fierce beasts?"

"Yes." The fish intestine nodded with a smile and reminded, "Don't forget that he is the fifth son of the dragon."