The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 190 Night Attack on the Nine-tailed Fox

I really guessed the place where the nine-tailed fox hides. It's not far away, just in Nanyuan. Pushing this and that, it is natural to conclude that Nanyuan is an industry under the Nine-tailed Fox.

The old man checked the route in the database and took us all the way. Climbing trees on the wall and breaking into Nanyuan, he walked near the artificial river but stopped. He turned around and looked at us with some entangled look: "There is infrared detection in front of us. I'm afraid the front is not easy to break through, but if you go around from the side, you will be seen by the chaos guarded at the door... What should I do?"

I frowned: "Can't you use the information integration to remove infrared monitoring?"

The old man frowned: "It can, but it is very troublesome, because the infrared behind the artificial river is not a simple mechanical infrared, but an infrared with spiritual detection. If the infrared detection system is operated through the information integration, the spiritual detection system will detect the information integration of the missing body. Traces of operation... (middle)... So to use information integration to remove infrared monitoring must be combined with physical methods to break the infrared generation device and cut off the line connection before the alarm works, and then... (middle)... In short, if I have Assassin's skill to cut off breath than It's more convenient, but if I want to use this skill, I have to access the information integration mind to carry out the system program, which is conservatively estimated to take at least three hours..."

"It must be too late." I interrupted the old man's words and looked at the fish intestines with despair: "Let's break the jar... How about we rush in directly?"

The fish sausage frowned and said nothing.

The glutton next to him nibbled at the chicken leg and raised his eyebrows greasyly: "Why bother? Go straight to the side door around the four. I still have three chicken legs here. Can't I gnaw two more, leave one, and then the old man can be transferred instantly? You first hide your aura, then hide from the tree, then tie the chicken leg with a rope and throw it in front of the four. When he notices it, he will pull it to the place where you hide little by little, and attract the four Moyuan and fish intestines to take the opportunity to sneak in, right?

I sweated a little. Taoyi's suggestion is too simple and rude, and regardless of feasibility, I feel very bold just by listening to this statement, but looking at Taoyi's serious expression, I feel that it may not work, so I hesitated to ask, "Can it work?" Chaos is also the four fierce beasts. Can you be fooled in this way?

Taoyi looked disapproving: "It's okay. The reason why chaos is called chaos is that its brain is also chaotic."

Me: "..."

Then, let's do it according to the way of gluttony.

The fish intestines and the old man converge aura, and they were not found by chaos after passing through the artificial river. And glutton was obviously determined to pay attention to selling the nine-tailed fox to the end. After crossing the river, he told us the key points of the night attack in detail: "When I left before, they had just eaten the elixir to replenish their qi, and they had to eat the second one every eight hours. They also ate ganoderma ginseng, but it would not work so quickly. If you want to fight against the boss, you should first tonight. Go to the warehouse and destroy all the remaining Ganoderma lucidum ginseng tonic, otherwise they will throw the medicine into their mouths while beating, and you won't be able to fight even if you are fully prepared.

I sincerely said to myself: "These days, fights are cut off first and then." Although the metaphor is a little vulgar, it is true. Otherwise, when fighting in ancient times, why did those soldiers and staff officers like to burn other people's granaries and cut off their passages?

The nine-tailed fox is not an idiot. From the perspective of his installation of infrared monitoring and spiritual detection at the main gate of the artificial river, he knows that he is preparing for us. What's more, the one responsible for the warehouse guard is still the poor who is good at prophecy. We were completely taken for granted that we were stopped by her at the door.

At this time, it's time for the unbearable old man and me to appear. First of all, I have a grudge against Qiongqi, and secondly, I hate Qiongqi. As for the reason, Guqi said angrily, "She laughed at how much data collection is not as good as her prediction!"

I'm silent... Xiaoji, prophecy is indeed more useful than data collection, especially Qiongqi's ability has no limit. She can use it as she wants, and she can use it as she likes. Even if you let me choose, I will also think that it is more useful than data collection...

Qiongqi smiled loudly in front of him, which made the man very depressed. He was ready to roll up his sleeves and beat the beast on the spot. I stretched out my hand to stop him first, and then looked at Qi Qiqi warily and asked, "Did you know we were coming early?"

She nodded arrogantly.

My face darkened: "Do you know that we will attack from this side?"

She still nodded.

I took a deep breath: "...Did you tell the nine-tailed fox about this?"

She made a slight expedition, and then raised her head very proudly: "No, I'm enough to deal with you alone."

"But you were beaten by the little goji before..." I calmly pointed to the old man next to me, and that's what came out of the game.

Qiongqi's face turned dark: "That's because the game set a boundary! Limit my ability! Otherwise, how can a running dog pinyin be my opponent?"

"Who do you think is the lackey pinyin?!!" The cythem was furious.

I was so quick-eyed that I grabbed his clothes and pulled him back. The glutton next to her stood motionless. After nibbling the chicken leg, she began to take out the duck neck from her pocket, and then looked at the thunderous old man and raised her eyebrows faintly: "There is no need to be so excited. Her ability is not completely predictable. It's just to analyze and speculate about what will happen in the future through the change of wind direction. In fact, it doesn't matter with your data collection. Difference, can't you also apply to download the data after three years?

The man suddenly realized, and then became more angry: "Then she dares to despise my data collection ability! Unforgivable."

I looked at Tao Li: "..." What is the standard for judging the enemy and me?

The glutton looked at me: "..." You didn't even know that you still came to ask me?

Qiongqi's expression was very ugly: "Second brother, won't you betray your brother like this? I didn't tell the boss that you rescued Mo Xiaoyuan from Lao Si's hospital and tipped the Taoist priests. Isn't it a little too much for you to shake my matter to Pinyin?

Taoyi raised his head with the duck's neck in his arms: "Can't you predict? Didn't you predict that I would rebel?

Qiongqi was furious: "Auntie doesn't have the leisure to predict everyone around her! Otherwise, do you think you can pass the fourth pass smoothly?"

My eyes lit up when I heard the words: "So only you know about our night attack?"

She looked at me coldly: "Yes, so what?"

Yes, that's easy to do.

I grinned and smiled, and then raised my hand: "Little goji, there are three sound insulation and four regional boundaries. The location is limited. With the warehouse as the radius of the center of the circle, the damage increased by 1.35 times. After being attacked to the border, the chase damage is 1.5 times. Grandma Qiongqi is shameless, and we don't have to use it. Give her face, we joined hands to do her here!"

Qiongqi's face turned white. As soon as he wanted to make a sound, he saw the green light flashing. The three sound insulation boundary and four regional boundaries were instantly set up around. He picked up the long gun. Without waiting for me to lift my sword, he rushed over and fought first: "Let me smoke this guy!"

I stood still. Before I could move, I was choked by the dust raised by the old man. I coughed for a long time before I came to my senses and looked up. The old man had fought with the poor and the sun and the moon. Suddenly, he was embarrassed: "...What about me?"

"You are next to you!" He didn't look back.

I was even more embarrassed, especially after the fish intestines quickly handed over a bag of ×× melon seeds. I couldn't be more embarrassed. I could only take the melon seeds handed over by the fish intestines, sit down speechlessly on the chair that the gluttoni turned over from nowhere, and speechlessly followed the fish intestines to watch the melon seeds together.

I prefer to broadcast live.

But I looked at the scene of Xiongqi fighting and felt that this... I can't broadcast the battle with extraordinary and ingenuity to a certain level... First of all, the venue is so large, conservatively estimated to be no more than 100 meters, and secondly, the old man is still constantly narrowing the scope of regional boundary in the process of fighting, and this embarrassing thing... to put it, even in accordance with the principle that the same female compatriots should be described with tolerance, I still feel that she is really... too bad.

The fish intestine commented authoritatively next to him: "Look at the attack of the old man. Although he is used to using a long gun and has a wide attack range, his attack on Qiongqi is very flexible. If the range is wide, he will pick, stab and sweep. If he is close, he will mainly stab and chase at close range, plus the speed of the old man's attack. It is very fast. Even if Qiongqi can infer the direction of the attack through the movement of the wind, he can only avoid it in this situation. According to the attack method of attacking and shrinking the boundary at the same time, for no more than ten minutes, Qiongqi will be forced to a dead corner.

Taoyi nodded next to him: "It's also dead to be forced to the dead corner. The boundary set by the old man is a damage-type boundary. Being forced to the edge of the boundary will increase the damage. Now the radius of this boundary is only 70 or 80 meters, and it's almost time to shrink 50 meters."

I frowned puzzledly: "Why didn't Qiongqi fight back?"

Gorion "Hmm?" With a sound, he looked back at me with melon seeds: "What?"

I pointed to Qiong Qi and asked for an explanation: "Why didn't she break through the boundary of the man?" Since the boundary of the sagi can pose a threat to her, why didn't she use her spiritual power to break the boundary and drag the battlefield out of the boundary? Although the speed of repairing the boundary is quite fast, and even if she breaks the boundary, she may not be able to escape out of the boundary, is it better than being beaten and waiting to hang up like now?

I didn't want to calmly hit the melon seeds in my hand, and then glanced at me: "If Sanpoong has that ability, will he still learn prophecy?"

I said "uh" and said that I didn't understand.

Taoyi shook his head and knocked on a handful of melon seeds before slowly explaining, "That is to say, among the four of us, the three poor are the ones who can't carry their shoulders and can't lift their feet. Because they are afraid that they will look too useless, they specially practiced divination. Fortunately, they can hold up their heads in front of the three of us."

... That is to say, Qiongqi actually has no combat effectiveness at all?

I slowly turned my head and looked at Qiongqi. Sure enough, after Taoyi finished saying that sentence, the spear stabbed forward and stuck it fiercely on Qiongqi's body fiercely, and then provoked Qiongqi to swung a circle in mid-air, hitting Qiongqi heavily on the ground, and then the green light flashed. While the gap between the fish intestines were talking next to him, I haven't seen you for a long time. The spirit attack appeared in front of us again--

"Love you when you hurry up, otherwise you won't have time to attack the nine-tailed fox at night."

Me: "..."

Fish sausage: "..."

Greeting: "..." you at that time...

What is............?