
Chapter 24 Thief's Heart is immortal

"What's going on?" Liu Yuan asked Chen Zenghui in surprise.

"It is said that as soon as he got off the plane, he saw a group of little hooligans robbing a woman's things. Xiao Wu was so angry that he wanted to teach them a lesson, but he didn't expect that he took a serious action. He accidentally beat a little hooligan seriously and is now in the hospital for rescue. The situation is not optimistic."

"So many people bully Xiao Wu. This is self-defense. What's the problem?"

"The police said that they were suspected of over-defense, so they should be detained first, recorded confessions, and then it depends on the situation."

"Have you told the fifth master about this?" Liu Yuan asked Chen Zenghui.

"Not yet. I just got the letter. I'm in a hurry, so I'll come to you first."

"Okay, you go to the council chamber now. The fifth master is over there. It's not convenient for me to go there. Please tell the fifth master that if it's convenient, please come here. I'll wait for him in the side hall.

"Good." Chen Zenghui said and rushed away.

Liu Yuan was very surprised that a special forces soldier in military uniform and a group of little hooligans dared to stand up. Are the hooligans so popular now? In addition, Xiao Wu has been a special forces soldier for many years. It is impossible that there is no light or heavy in his hand. How could he beat a gangster into a serious injury?

He suddenly remembered the matter of Chang's old house.

Liu Yuan suspected that this was still a conspiracy with ulterior motives.

It won't be long before the fifth master of the store has come.

"Brother, don't worry, I'm trying to figure it out for you." The fifth master of the store has heard Chen Zenghui tell him what happened and is going to call someone he knows to help Xiao Wu out.

"Fifth brother, I'm afraid this matter is not that simple." Liu Yuan was thinking about the context of the whole matter and said it casually.

The fifth master didn't care much. The phone has been dialed. Hello, is it Ye Bureau? Yes, I'm Lao Wu, Director Ye. I have something to do here. I want to ask you for help... What? Not in Xi'an? Yo, that's not a coincidence. When can you come back? Maybe... OK, I'll ask other friends about the situation.

"Damn it!" After hanging up the phone, the fifth master said rudely, "He had fucking tea with me the day before yesterday. Today, he said he was on a business trip. Who are you lying to!"

Suddenly, the fifth master of the store remembered something. Brother, how do you know that this is not easy?"

Liu Yuan told the fifth master what he had experienced in Beijing. Fifth brother, in my opinion, this person should be the same as our goal, but we blocked their way, so we want to rule the law. First deal with me, and now deal with Xiao Wu. It seems that he is prepared.

"I'm not considering those problems now. I have to solve this matter first. People on my ground can't get it out. Where can I put my old face?"

Chen Zenghui drove to the Xianyang Public Security Bureau with Liu Yuan, Hu Su and the fifth master of the store. While calling several other energetic people he knew, it was strange that everyone seemed to be hiding from the fifth master of the store, either not local or to understand the situation first.

"It seems that we have to say hello to Lao He. I don't know if the Lanzhou Military Region can reach it. The fifth master of the store is also a little at a loss.

When I arrived at the police station, I saw Wu Xuanqiang being locked in the temporary room, without saying anything or expression, as if this had not happened to him.

"Xiao Wu, how are you?" Liu Yuan asked worriedly.

As soon as he saw Liu Yuan coming, Xiao Wu shouted with an angry expression, "Brother Liu, I didn't hurt anyone. They wronged me!"

"Don't worry, I'll help you figure it out!"

"Brother Liu, you have to save me. That person was not hurt by me at all. There must be a problem before. Someone wants to hurt me!"

Hmm? Liu Yuan suddenly felt something wrong. With Xiao Wu's personality, it should not be this kind of reaction!

"Brother Liu, please say hello to my leader and ask him to come and help!"

"Xiao Wu, your leader is so far away that he may not be able to help you." Liu Yuan decided to test it.

"Brother Liu, come here. I have a way."

Liu Yuan came closer and talked to Xiao Wu in a low voice.

"Okay, I'll go there now. It's not over. When you come out, we will take good care of those people. Liu Yuan turned around and said loudly. Then he went out with Hu Su and the fifth master Chen Zenghui.

"Fifth brother, can you lend me the car?"

"Brother, what the hell is going on?"

"Five brother, don't worry about it. I know what to do."

"Oi, then be careful."

Get in the car. Hu Su asked Liu Yuan, "Have you two discussed any ideas?"

This smart little girl!

"How do you know?"

"Xiaoqiang is not the kind of person who shouts! He must have said it to others on purpose. What you two mutter is a serious thing!"

That's right.

Wu Xuanqiang only said one sentence to Liu Yuan.

"I want to go out at any time. You can find a way for them to keep up with you and catch a big fish!"

From this incident alone, we can see that someone is thinking about himself. Wu Xuanqiang is definitely not as simple as it seems.

This kind of person is the easiest to be deceived.

Fortunately, friends are not enemies.

Sure enough, if you don't drive far, you can feel that there is a car behind you.

I guess I want to see which god Liu Yuan is going to invite.

Actually, no god is invited, just waiting for you!

Get off the airport expressway and go to the city, which is the time when there is the most traffic at night. Traffic jams are also good. Liu Yuan asked Hu Su to drive, then opened the door and ran to the Citroen not far behind them.

When the people in the car first saw him step forward, they were still a little nervous, but even calmed down.

"Brother, you've been with me. Aren't you tired?" Liu Yuan motioned him to lower the window and asked.

"I don't know you, and I don't know what you mean by this. The road is for walking. How can I go? Do you care?"

Taking advantage of the night, Liu Yuan suddenly pressed his left shoulder with his left hand, knocked him on the back of his neck with his right hand, and then pretended to chat with him, then opened the door and pushed him to the co-pilot. He took out a mobile phone from his pocket, and the caller ID just made a phone call more than ten minutes ago.

dialed back, rang twice, and connected.

"Where is he?"

is confirmed.

"I'm still stuck in traffic, why is it..."

"Du~~~du~~~" has hung up the phone.

Liu Yuan and Hu Su drove a car alone, returned to the seven doors, asked the fifth master to find someone to take care of this person, and then told Chen Zenghui to find someone to pick up Wu Xuanqiang.

Sure enough, the people in the Taoist gate went to the police station to bring Wu Xuanqiang back.

"Have you caught it?" Wu Xuanqiang asked as soon as he entered the door.

"I caught one. There is a phone call of the main messenger in the mobile phone, but I checked it on the Internet. It should be a *. The name of the head of the household is a woman's name." Chen Zenghui explained to Wu Xuanqiang.

"Zenghui, you go out first and let me talk to Xiao Wu."

Watching Chen Zenghui go out, Liu Yuan asked Wu Xuanqiang:

"How did you get out?"

"I'm not what they can catch. If they show their identity, they will have to let them go. This time, Xiao Wu has become an honest young man with few words.

"Brother Liu, this matter should have something to do with you." Wu Xuanqiang said his guess.

"I'm not very dangerous now. In fact, this happened once when I was in Beijing. Liu Yuan told Wu Xuanqiang about the incident in Beijing.

"That time they wanted my life, which means that they want what I have in my hand, but this time they are going to you, which means that they just don't want you to help me. If you don't move me, it means that they need me, so I think this shows a problem."

"What's the problem?" Wu Xuanqiang asked Liu Yuan.

"There are internal traitors among the people I have recently contacted."

Wu Xuanqiang nodded.

"If there is no mistake in judgment, someone may come to save the person we caught tonight. Keep an eye on it."

"Well, it's on me. After a while, I interrogated him overnight to see if there was anything that could be extracted from his mouth.

"Oi, you can have a meal first. I've been hungry for so long. I asked the fifth master to look at that man with a trustworthy person. It should be all right.

"Master Liu! Master Liu! No, that man is dead!"

Lost! I didn't expect those people to move so fast!

Liu Yuan and Wu Xuanqiang quickly ran over and found that the man was sitting on the chair with his head drooping, with black blood flowing from the corners of his mouth. Xiao Wu went over to explore his breath and shook his hand.

It's not saved.

Liu Yuan went over and took a closer look. The blood flowing from this population exuded a fishy smell, but his face was red and purple, not poisoned to death.

This is a drop.

"Who told me what's going on?"

"I don't know what's going on. I was sitting well. Liuzi and I were watching next to it. Suddenly, we began to laugh, and then it was as if we couldn't get angry, and then our mouth bled and died." A gatekeeper in charge told Liu Yuan the situation.

"Zenghui, where is He Wenyu?" Liu Yuan felt that he was suspicious.

"I'll look for it." Chen Zenghui went to He Wenyu without saying a word.

"Xiao Wu, there is only one clue left, that is, the license plate number. See if you can find out who the owner of this car is."

"Do you have a computer?"

"In the next room."

As soon as Wu Xuanqiang entered, Chen Zenghui ran over. Master Liu, He Wenyu is missing! All the valuable things have been taken away!"

It's really him!

"The family is unfortunate!" The fifth master of the store asked the doorman to push into the house.

"Fifth Brother."

"I thought it was someone else who wanted to hurt you, but I didn't expect that people would be in our seven gates. Brother, I'm sorry for you!"

"Fifth brother, it's not your problem. Don't blame yourself." Liu Yuan comforted the fifth master, but he was thinking about another thing.

It makes sense to deal with Wu Xuanqiang. Why should I deal with myself when I was in Beijing? He has the map, and he is also the person needed by the seven gates. What reason does He Wenyu have to kill me? Liu Yuan has several questions.

"Brother Liu, the other party is very cunning. The license plate is a deck." Wu Xuanqiang also came in from another room.

Liu Yuan suddenly felt that the only people he could trust in this place were Hu Su and Wu Xuanqiang.

Everyone else, including the fifth master of the store, is a person they should beware of.

Things are going in the direction he doesn't want.