
Chapter 39 Finally See the impermanence

"Brother Liu, what do you need me to do?" Wu Xuanqiang asked.

"Look around to see if you can open this wedge." The sheep horn hammer, the coffin and the saber are all in Chang Kaitai's hand. Liu Yuan has nothing in his hand that can pull out the wedge.

While Wu Xuanqiang was looking for the guy, Liu Yuan calmed down and began to make a formation around the sarcophagus.

Unlike the impermanent illusion I saw before, although the energy of this impermanence real body is much stronger than the impermanence illusion, Liu Yuan has enough time to weaken him. To some extent, he is prepared. This impermanence real body is more proficient than the impermanence illusion.

The ten-way response to the robbery array is the most powerful array learned by Liu Yuan and his grandfather. Liu Yuan took out ten runes from the wind bag. This Fu urn is different from the previous Fu urn. It is made of gold foil. It burns incense and fasts for seven or 49 hours. When Haizi alternates, it is dipped in the red sand chicken blood book with a yellow fairy (weasel) tail pen, which is called a ten-square copper fence charm, which can have a suppressing effect.

Pinch the dragon seal, step on the leader, hold the twisted shackle spell, lay the copper fence charm according to the ten ground supports, then change the treasure mantra, arrange three five thunder and sky charms in the three clear positions, break the thumb, drop yang blood on the charm, turn the dead charm into a living charm, just wait for the impermanence to come out of the coffin, and start the formation.

Then, Liu Yuan stepped on the fence again and tried to comfort him. As expected, there was no reaction. It seems that ghosts have taken enough precautions for what they know.

"Brother Liu, do you think this is okay? There is nothing else to take advantage of." Wu Xuanqiang had been waiting for a while when Liu Yuan was arrayed. Seeing that Liu Yuan had taken over the momentum, he came forward and said.

Wu Xuanqiang only saw two golden candlesticks in his hand, and the upper part was extremely thin and sharp.

"The gold thing is too soft to open. I'm afraid it can't be opened. Try it first." Seeing that there is nothing else, I can only try it with a candlestick.

Wu Xuanqiang heard this and walked to the sarcophagus, using the platform of one candlestick as a branch, and the sharp part of the other candlestick inserted into the gap and began to pry the wedge.

It took more than ten minutes and tried in all directions. The candlestick had been bent so much that the wedge only came out a little.

"This can't be done, Brother Liu. How long will it take to open it?" Throwing the candlestick aside, Wu Xuanqiang said with some frustration.

"Hmm... Xiao Wu, try it with your hands. Liu Yuan's suggestion made Wu Xuanqiang thunderous.

"Hands? Brother Liu, this is meat!"

"You may not be able to call meat now. Try it."

Seeing that the communication was fruitless, Wu Xuanqiang had to hold the wedge that had just poked out with his scalp and lift it up hard.

"Ga!" The sound of the wedge rubbing against the sarcophagus made people feel uncomfortable.

"Brother Liu, I am..." Wu Xuanqiang was stunned.

"Dard? That ghost is sealed in your body, and your whole body is like steel now." Liu Yuan was also quite happy to see the "strangement" succeed.

With the way to lift the coffin, the rest of the things are simple. Wu Xuanqiang picked up the candlestick, first opened the remaining wedges, and then pulled out the wedge little by little by hand.

"Don't move the one in the lower left corner. After the remaining three wedges come out, you can run away quickly." Liu Yuan is ready to start the battle.

Wu Xuanqiang was also facing the enemy. He nodded and slowly raised the remaining wedge. After the third wedge came out, Wu Xuanqiang ran out of the range of the array step by arrow, and then stared nervously at the sarcophagus in front of him with Liu Yuan.

A minute passed, and there was no movement.

Five minutes have passed, but there is still no movement.

"Brother Liu?"

"Let's go and have a look!" Liu Yuan gritted his teeth and asked Wu Xuanqiang to come forward together.

"Let's push the coffin open and be careful. If you see something, run out quickly." Liu Yuan told Wu Xuanqiang.

Prepare and concentrate, and the two slowly pushed the lid of the sarcophagus.

"Bum!" The lid of the coffin was moved away little by little.

Looking at the coffin getting bigger and bigger, Liu Yuan and Wu Xuanqiang's foreheads were full of fine sweat.

Until the lid of the sarcophagus is opened to see the situation inside.

In addition to a flat crown and a set of bright yellow dragon robes, the museum is empty.

"Fuck, fooled!" Unspeakable sense of powerlessness and frustration surged into his heart. Liu Yuan sat on the ground with his buttocks and lost his fighting spirit.

"Brother Liu, maybe this impermanence is still somewhere else. Put away the array, let's look for it elsewhere, and we have to find our sister-in-law and Chang Yang." Wu Xuanqiang cheered up Liu Yuan.

Hearing this, Liu Yuan had to stand up again. Wu Xuanqiang's words are reasonable, regardless of anything else. Hu Su and others must seize the time to find it. There is not much time left before the escape armor bureau is reset.

"Gagaga..." Just as Liu Yuan regretted the wasted three heavenly charms while preparing to collect them, the lid of the sarcophagus suddenly began to reset by himself!

"Xiao Wu, come to the array!" Seeing this unusual scene, Liu Yuan was panicked and excited. He quickly called Wu Xuanqiang into the array. The most dangerous place has now become the safest place.

"Boom!" When the coffin cover was completely reset, the floor tiles of the incense burner under the platform were divided to both sides, and a dark coffin that could not be seen what material was gradually rose up.

"Bang!" The coffin cover suddenly flew far away.

Black sackcloth, black hat, black iron chain, a "person" stood up and stood quietly in the coffin, with a blood-red face and the four-word saying "catching you" on the high hat, the atmosphere in the whole hall was unprecedentedly strange.

Finally, I saw the real body of impermanence!

The excitement in his heart suppressed his fear, and Liu Yuan only felt that the blood all over his body was boiling.

"Xiao Wu, let's attack him left and right, and then retreat to the platform and find a way to lead him to the battle!"

"Brother Liu, it's so uncomfortable!" At this time, Wu Xuanqiang squatted on the ground with a painful face.

Liu Yuan immediately knew what was going on.

The ghost, which was originally suppressed in Wu Xuanqiang's body, became frightened by the impermanent breath and became manic again.

He folded another door charm, spotted it with yang blood, and put it in Wu Xuanqiang's arms, and then Wu Xuanqiang recovered.

The two took the appearance candlestick and got off the platform together, "Xiao Wu, be careful not to be drawn by that chain!" Liu Yuan's voice just fell down and he has already jumped on.

This is the sudden opening of Wuchang's originally closed eyes, and Wu Liu's white eyes made Wu and Liu's hearts tremble, but Wu Chang jumped up from the coffin and pulled out a chain at Wu Xuanqiang.

It seems that the ghost in Wu Xuanqiang's body woke up the impermanence.

"Don't be drawn! Go back to the steps!" Liu Yuan reminded Wu Xuanqiang again. Unlike the impermanent illusion, he was drawn by the soul chain of the impermanent real body, but it was reported underground in minutes.

At this time, the attack of the two people is just pretending, and there is no means to hurt the impermanence at all. The ultimate goal is to introduce them into the array.

Wu Xuanqiang fought and retreated until his whole body retreated into the ten sides.

What the two did not expect was that Wuchang at this time actually gave up chasing Wu Xuanqiang and began to attack Liu Yuan, who was a leisurely and stress-free onlooker!

Forced helplessly, Liu Yuan had to run into the array, but the impermanent's real body did not come forward, just staring at the two outside the array.

"Brother Liu, what should I do?"

"This won't work. He doesn't come into the battle at all! This fucking thing must have an IQ of at least one hundred and two!" Liu Yuan's teeth and flowers made his cheeks hurt, and he was impermanent. It was really helpless to spend time with two people like this.

"Brother Yuan, when I go out, you can quickly withdraw from the array. I have a way to get him in." Wu Xuanqiang suddenly said.

"You are going to..." Before Liu Yuan finished his words, Wu Xuanqiang stepped out of the disaster and went for impermanence.

"Xiao Wu!" Liu Yuan already knows what Wu Xuanqiang wants to do.

Wu Xuanqiang was like a sumo wrestler, hugged the impermanence and took it into the array.

"Ah!" The impermanent soul chain was drawn on Wu Xuanqiang's body. Wu Xuanqiang did not dodge, but the pain deep into the bone marrow still made Wu Xuanqiang shout.

"Brother Liu, I'm about to kill him. I feel weak all over!" Wu Xuanqiang, who had entered the disaster response, shouted to Liu Yuan.

"Xiao Wu, jump out! Open it!" Liu Yuan pinched the single fight formula of Jinglian. Seeing Wu Xuanqiang rolling out of the battle, he immediately opened the ten-way sky disaster array.

"Roar!" There was a deafening howling from the impermanence, which was pressed by the copper fence.


The five thunder charms are not covered. Liu Yuan's grandfather only refined nine in his life, and now Liu Yuan can't make them at all. Thunder exploded on the flat ground, and silver-white electric light bombarded the impermanence.

"Good opportunity!" Seeing that the treasure of the impermanent real body was getting thinner and thinner, Liu Yuan quickly took out the soul prayer flag and soul refining bottle.

"The spirit is coming! Come on! Wuchangzhen's lotus platform! Urgent as the law!" Pulling out the jade plug of the soul refining bottle, the soul flag trembled, and pointed the mouth of the bottle at the impermanence real body.

The impermanent real body, which had been almost blown up by Tianyu, finally reluctantly turned into a black gas and entered Liu Yuan's soul refining bottle.

Yu Sai pressed to death, and as soon as the soul flag was collected, Liu Yuan quickly ran to Wu Xuanqiang's side, "Xiao Wu! Xiao Wu! How are you?"

At this time, Wu Xuanqiang had no intention of responding. He was so angry that he touched his chest and arms, and returned to a soft and boneless state. It seemed that he was drawn by the impermanent soul chain, and the ghost in Wu Xuanqiang's body was also dispersed.

Liu Yuan turned over Wu Xuanqiang's closed eyes again and saw that his eyes were white and few pupils.

Wu Xuanqiang's soul was also detained by the impermanent real body.

But fortunately, the real body of Wuchang has been collected. As long as it is refined and clothed with the soul flag, Wu Xuanqiang's soul can be recovered.

Liu Yuan, who was finally exhausted and relaxed, could not restrain the strong fatigue from his whole body and plunged himself to the ground beside Wu Xuanqiang.

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