
Chapter 26 Peng Kengming (please click! Ask for red tickets!)

"I have also been thinking about what you said to Chang Yang just now." Turn around and continue to move forward. Chang Kaitai said to Liu Yuan, "If it is from Emperor Tianshun to the beginning of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty, it will be exactly 40 years. In 40 years, this Asuji eight is 48 years old, and it may not be the year limit.

Therefore, the tomb style of the Yuan Emperor's Mausoleum with the magic of the Ming Dynasty is also completely workable, but it is very likely that this underground palace was originally a living mausoleum, that is, when the emperor was alive, he had begun to build his own mausoleum.

Although there is neither a temple number nor a discipline, after all, Emperor Tianshun has experienced the supreme of 95. When he grows up, it is not difficult to attract some dead men. It makes sense to find some craftsmen to make this underground palace.

"But since the disappearance of the third grandpa, Emperor Yuan Tianshun, there has been no record of Yuan Yi Dynasty. If he still has the ambition to restore and recruit people who work for him, he will always jump out to make trouble again. Why is it so silent?" Liu Yuan has doubts.

"I don't understand this. In short, it is not unacceptable to melt the style of the two generations of Yuanming into one furnace. Isn't it normal for the ghost Taoist to play all the useful work from ancient times to the Qing Dynasty?

"No matter whether it is from the Yuan Dynasty or the Ming Dynasty, it has been down for so long, and some valuable things should be released for us. At least he is an emperor, there is no need to search so much!" Chang Yang kicked away a piece of gravel under his feet, which was quite resentful.

"Old man, look at the stone wall in front of you." Wu Xuanqiang shone the flashlight on the stone wall, which was full of words.

"Well, this is a small seal." Chang Kaitai stepped forward and translated what everyone couldn't understand.


Shi Youzu Keng, returned to the eldest son and the female concube came out, and the sky fell. I lost it since I was a child and raised by heaven. When the disaster of breaking the sky is in chaos, the emperor can't eat it. The ancestors feed it with pheasant soup, and the emperor is a little peaceful. Later, Peng Cheng left it and sealed Peng Bo, which showed his ability.

"This should be written by Peng Zu." Chang Kaitai didn't look back and continued to read:

"I suddenly heard that I served the sky together. Once I got a glimpse of my own glory and disaster in the book, I twisted it into a rope and covered it, and the ancestors had no sun and moon.

Falling into the earth and entering the court is to be a doctor. He has forty-nine wives and fifty-four sons, all of whom are lost. He said to his wife: 'My old Peng is hidden in the book, the world is uncheckable, and there are no years. Is there any peace and loss?'

The second wife is Bin, and she has a hard time in this language. He sent the second god to Peng Village and saw it. His ancestors saw it and said, 'In the rest of the year, I haven't seen a saw that can solve it. Sickness?' Then he knew that he was sog.

It's Peng Zu's night, eight hundred and eighty years old.

People seek the way of long life up and down, but they can't get it. There is only one ancestor who can't hear the opportunity. If you want to live forever, you should destroy the way of heaven and preserve people's desires. After Zu Keng, Yunni said: 'Heaven is heaven, earth is earth, and people are also people. Don't look for the way of heaven and earth, and get the opportunity of human life. If your heart is far away, the years will grow.' When this is the right.

Now with this name, I sigh that it is too late for this holy land, and I also sigh that 'I can get the way in the morning and die in the evening'. Oh! Shang Yu!"

"There is no signature. I don't know when it was written." Chang Kaitai turned around after reading the inscription.

"Grandpa, what does this mean?" White leaves were confused by this ancient text.

"It is said that there was a man named Peng Keng from our ancestors. After becoming an immortal, he twisted the name in his life and death book into a rope and tied it to the life and death book, so he lived 800. Later, because he spilled the beans to his wife, he was taken back by the Emperor of Heaven."

"But Grandpa, the last paragraph is very interesting, 'get this holy land'? What is this place?" Liu Yuan asked.

"The Yunni Taoist is probably the person who wrote this inscription. He claimed to be the descendant of Peng Keng, and said that he should not find any way of heaven and earth, but to live in the ordinary way of man. Heaven and earth have no years, and naturally they can also get the road of living with heaven and earth. Then the holy land he said is probably related to people's life expectancy.

"Grandpa, I can also understand this. But in this underground, without the light and sun, how can it become a holy place? And since it is related to people's life expectancy, is there really a living person in it, and all of them live three or two hundred years old?

"In the old country, it is not uncommon for anything to happen."

"What's more, what does writing this inscription have to do with what's inside? What on earth did Emperor Shun find this day? Or how did he turn this place into a 'holy land'?

"Since it is the 'holy land', it means that there must be good things in it. Let's just go in! The old Taoist priest said that this is the holy land. Maybe we can get some secret and live two or three hundred years old!" Changyang to simply.

"Well, if you stay here for the rest of your life, you will definitely live for such a long time." Wu Xuan stressed that Changyang.

"Then it's enough for me to live to 80 years old on the ground. In this dark place, not to mention living 200 years old, it is meaningless to live 2,000 years old!"

"Don't bicker. Go ahead." Chang Kaitai tightened his bag and got up first.

The discussion of this inscription has come to an end, and everyone continues to move forward.

After several winding stone roads, people accidentally found something that should not have appeared in this underground palace.


"Grandpa Zu, have we arrived in heaven?" Standing under this colorful luster, Chang Yang was already a little stunned.

The top of the cave is a huge crystal, on which the sea and swimming fish can be clearly seen, like a corridor in the ocean world. The sunlight on the sea shines into the underground palace through the refraction of seawater and crystals.

The top of the cave next to the crystal depicts all kinds of gods and Buddhas, sitting and lying statues, surrounded by the precious light of transparent crystal, like a fairyland on earth, and the magnificent scenery is beyond words.

"Are we really in the sea now?" Bai Yeye was also shocked by this scene.

"No wonder that man said that this is a fairyland on earth, and what he said is not false! The old man, I have lived my whole life, and now I have learned a lot!"

Everyone does not hesitate to praise this masterpiece of nature with their most gorgeous words.

"Everyone, we are at least 30 meters underground now." Wu Xuanqiang seems to be more talkative and shy by Liu Yuan, but he still looks like someone owes him 200 yuan anywhere.

"Such a large crystal formation must have at least three atmospheric pressures, and we have reached at least 30 meters below the sea level now."

"Don't show off your high level of cultural knowledge! Why do you care about those details! Such a big piece of crystal, grandpa, grandpa, let's go back, and we don't have to do anything in our life!"

"That's what I mean," Wu Xuanqiang continued, "The crystal texture is too fragile. If you want to dig, as long as there is a little crack, it is likely to be crushed by the sea water above. We all have to die here. Therefore, this thing can only be seen and cannot be touched."

For Changyang, this is definitely bad news.

"Are you sure?" Changyang still can't believe it.

"Very sure."

"Can't we get such a big piece of crystal?"

"It's better not to joke about everyone's lives."

"Xiao Wu is right," Chang Kaitai took over the words. "Let's take a look at such a beautiful landscape. Don't touch the crystal."

"Grandpa Zu, this is back empty-handed in Baoshan! Fuck! Can't I just take such a small piece of crystal?" Chang Yang is about to go crazy.

"Shut your mouth! If you don't want to die, keep moving forward honestly! If you talk more, I will knock you unconscious and drag you away!"

"Grandpa Zu, you just knocked me unconscious. I can't accept this ending!"

"A look at your dying virtue! There is no such a promising person in my family! If you go back, get out of here and don't enter my door for the rest of your life! What the hell!" Chang Kaitai scolded Chang Yang again. Chang Yang became honest, but he still muttered secretly from time to time.

In fact, Liu Yuan also has this idea. Good boy, such a large piece of crystal, and with the naked eye, there is very little cotton ( impurity), and there is no ice cracking. As long as a small piece, it is a sky-high price to put outside!

However, after listening to Wu Xuanqiang's words and seeing Chang Kaitai scolding Chang Yang, Liu Yuan had to reluctantly come up with this idea.

As for Bai Yeye, if Liu Yuan hadn't dragged her away, she would have been starving to death.

"Grandpa, I thought of another question." After absorbing his mind, Liu Yuan thought of another thing.

"It used to be hell, but now it's heaven. Judging from the old Taoist inscription, except for hell and heaven, it should be the world. Will this underground palace be set up according to such a structure?

"This is very likely."

"And he said that heaven and earth are not important, and the world is the most important, so this world is most likely to find what we want."

"It's what you want! Grandpa, I just want that crystal!" Chang Yang has a chance to complain.

Chang Kaitai stared at Chang Yang and then said to Liu Yuan, "It may not be so easy to find the True Spirit Karma. It is unexpectedly big, like a miniature world, so you should pay attention to it as much as possible. Those treasures may appear somewhere. It is not integrated with this underground palace. You can't use common sense to speculise it.

"The wall of this cave is full of stone carvings! So beautiful!" Bai Ye didn't care much about what everyone was looking for, but the magical scenery she saw along the way cheered her up.

On the surrounding stone wall, there are various allusions of Taoist immortals carved from ancient times to the present, which is so vivid that they are about to break through the wall, and this long tunnel is a creation masterpiece that is ten times more spectacular than the underwater world.

"It's really a divine road!" Liu Yuan sighed silently in his heart.