
Chapter 19 fire!

"Get up! Get the fuck out of here! You guys, what kind of style are you!"

It was already evening. Chen Zenghui opened his eyes and wondered how he could sleep so well today. At the same time, he was surprised to find that no one had washed his face water for himself, and no one prepared food for himself. This was a great thing. I'm an old man. When do you like to sleep? Do your people dare to be so lazy and don't want to fool around?

Originally, Chen Zenghui was particularly irritable recently. This time, he was completely set on fire. He took a gun and pulled off the safety bolt and went out. He didn't want to sweep around, not only the people who served him, but also the patrols were not there!

This scared Chen Zenghui so much that he hurried around to look for it. The result was found. They are all in the dormitory prepared for these subordinates.

The 20th and 30th people slept cleanly on a large bunk, and dozens of people couldn't squeeze into the bed and slept on the ground. And one holds a warm one, and even looks as if something has happened beyond friendship!

Chang Kaitai was completely angry and shot at the sky with a gun, calling out all the younger brothers.

"What's the matter, brother?" Hearing the gunfire, He Wenyu hurried in. He also woke up and heard the gunfire before he went out of the house, so he hurried over to have a look.

"Look, is there any fucking king's law? I cleaned up the door today and killed all these people!" Chen Zenghui pointed to Tongpu with a frightened face and said angrily, who didn't know what was going on.

"Stop your anger, big brother, you put out your anger first. This is an extraordinary time. Don't have internal trouble, and I don't think it's that simple." He Wenyu is much calmer than Chen Zenghui. After a little thought about it, he knew what the problem was.

Huh? Do you mean that Liu Yuan has come?

"Ten*. This guy is different from the Liu Yuan we used to know. I guess he did this kind of thing.

He Wenyu asked Chen Zenghui to calm down, and then called a clever little brother who had just put on his clothes and asked:

"Do you remember how you got here?"

"Second Master, last night, I was not worth the night, so I thought about going to bed early, but as soon as I lay down, I felt cold and couldn't sleep. I wrapped several layers of quilts before I barely slept. Then I didn't know what was going on. I had nightmares all night and couldn't wake up. When the old man got us up, it was like this."

"Brother, what did you say?" He Wenyu was shocked. It was confirmed that Liu Yuan did this matter, because yesterday he felt that the situation was similar to that of this person.

"It's really that bastard Liu Yuan. Damn, I'll call him."

"Ah!" Before he took out his mobile phone, he heard a scream behind him, and then Chen Zenghui felt a cool breeze coming from the back of his head. In a hurry, a big horse fell to the ground and turned around and saw a little brother holding a knife at him.

"Bum!" The person who rushed up with two shots also scared Chen Zenghui into a cold sweat.

"What are you doing! I want to rebel!" Chen Zenghui pointed a gun at his subordinates who had just sat up.

Except for a few people who knew to dress in a hurry, most of the remaining doormen looked straight at the people in front of them, and slowly picked up the household goods that had been scattered on the ground.

"Crazy, these people are crazy! Brother, let's go!" As soon as He Wenyu saw this posture, he pulled Chen Zenghui, who was stunned, and hurried out. As soon as he went out, he heard screams one after another inside.

"Brother, hurry up and find the old master. This matter can't be solved. These people we have tried our best to support are all gone!"

"Yes, yes, I'm going to find my master!" Chen Zenghui was shocked, and he was about to collapse. Now he had no idea. As soon as he heard He Wenyu's words, he seemed to see the savior and hurried to his master's house.


"Brother, do you think this trick will work well? Why do I think what you people are doing is so mysterious? Can you kill people by burying something casually and saying two spells?

At the exit of the mountain nest, several people ambushed. After listening to the stone's vivid explanation of what Liu Yuan did last night, Gong Yandong has always been skeptical of Liu Yuan.

"You will know in a moment. Brother Gong, you two get * ready. If someone comes out in a moment, as long as they are naked, they will be killed. If they are dressed, stone, you can come with me and catch them back!"

"Where is this?" Gong Yandong was dumbfounded when he heard this. He had never heard of such a situation. Did he recognize people by wearing clothes or not?

"Nanther, just listen to me!"


"Master, it's not good!" Chen Zenghui rushed into the old man's room and knocked on the door. He opened the door and shouted loudly.

"What's the panic! It's nothing!" The old man seemed to know something at this time, but he didn't even raise his eyelids, and he was fiddling with a lot of poison in his hand.

As soon as he saw his master like this, Chen Zenghui immediately calmed down.

"Master, our doormen have started to fight by themselves. It's all caused by Liu Yuan!"

"I felt it last night. However, I don't know much about the magic of the Central Plains. I don't know what he has done, so we have to think of another way.

"What else should I do, master?"

"What you raise in your hand is all waste. If you die, you will die, but even if you die, you have to die valuable!" The old man said, his eyes slowly shut and began to read some words.

Knowing that his master was doing this, Chen Zenghui did not dare to say anything more and stayed by.

"I'll go! Why did it really appear?" Gong Yandong had been looking at the thief's nest from the scope of *. After a while, a bare man really ran out, holding a knife and a gun in his hand, full of blood.


"Brother, what the hell is going on?"

One shot put the person who ran out, and Gong Yandong had already thrown himself to the ground with admiration for Liu Yuan.

"This is a kind of evil array that leads negative things in nature to people, then makes them lose consciousness and finally kill each other. Come on, another one." Liu Yuan held up the telescope and tried to explain it to Gong Yandong in popular language while observing the situation. Liu Yuan was also worried that Chen Zenghui would run out, and Gong Yandong would kill him by mistake, so he had no place to cry.

Seeing the naked men who ran to the yard and killed not far away, Gong Yandong admired Liu Yuan more and more. He was more powerful than his own special forces!

"It seems that I have to go back and have done a lot of evil!" This is the first time Liu Yuan has done this kind of thing. He knows that it is detrimental to Tiande. But I can't control so much. Since you want to do it, you have to be cruel.

Not long after, the yard was full of dead bodies, and a small pile was piled up at the door. The door was caused by mutual killing and suicide, and outside the door was solved by Gong Yandong.

It's getting dark.

At this time, Chen Zenghui already remembered the ants on the hot pot, and He Wenyu also ran over. The two stood side by side, looking at the old man who was still not slow, sweating.

The bang outside keeps banging. I don't know how many people have died, and the unique and dull * sound has let them know that Liu Yuan and his party are not far away from them. If there are only a few of them left in the end, there will be no way to deal with Liu Yuan.

The incantation in the old man's mouth is getting louder and louder. I don't know where the poison has covered the floor of the whole room. If Chen Zenghui and He Wenyu hadn't been surprised, these things alone could scare them to death.

The old man took off his head, pulled out a lot of white hair, dipped it in a bottle with unknown** in front of him, then sprinkled his hair on the ground, and finally shouted, and the poison on the ground suddenly withdrew from the room like a tide.

"Oc's it, this time it's time for us to counterattack."

This method seems to consume a lot of blood, and the black runes on the old man's face contrast to his pale face.

"Fuck! What's going on! They are not dead?"

Gong Yandong, who continued to pay attention to the situation in the hospital, suddenly found that the people who had been fragmented and died suddenly stood up!

"I knew that things were not that simple." Liu Yuan also saw this scene, shook his head and smiled.

Liu Yuan knew that this old man was probably the one who made the corpse. The resurrected dead man is similar to the practice of surrendering the corpse. First, he dips his hair in the corpse oil, feeds him the poison, and then the poison penetrates into these dead bodies and cooperates with the surrender to resurrect the corpse.

The bodies that were lowered were extremely ** to yang. Liu Yuan has seen that although they are far away from them, many corpses have been seen far away from them.

After the resurrection, the gun has no use. Even if it is made into a sieve, it will not help. Therefore, Gong Yandong had no choice but to put down the gun after doing several useless work.

"Grandpa, will you also deal with this?" Liu Yuan tightened his clothes and picked up the hidden wind bag and asked Chang Kaitai.

"Pediatrics. This is much simpler than a hundred living people with guns. This thing looks scary, but in the hands of Chang Kaitai and Liu Yuan, it is much easier to deal with than others.

"Brother Gong, you and Stone cover us. If there are more living people, whether they wear clothes or not, don't kill them. Just fight in places that are not critical and let them lose their combat effectiveness."

"I know."

"Let's go, Grandpa, let's meet the masters of Miaojiang." Liu Yuan laughed.

"I'll go with you." Xiaoyao, who had been watching the bustle, spoke at this time.

"What are you doing here? It's dangerous outside. Do you know how to deal with these things?

"I don't understand, so I want to learn." Xiaoyao simply expressed the desire to steal the teacher.

"No, your kung fu is too poor. If you fight later, we can't take care of you. You will get hurt easily."

"Don't be afraid, as you said, they are much safer than people." Xiaoyao looked at Liu Yuan and said with some meaning.

"I'm not joking with you now, it's really dangerous. Brother Gong, you keep an end to your daughter-in-law and don't let her fool around!"

"Xiaoyao, you'd better not go." Gong Yandong said to Xiaoyao.

"It doesn't matter, but if I don't go, you may miss something very important." Xiaoyao shrugged her shoulders.

Huh? Something important?" Hearing this, Liu Yuan was puzzled.