
Chapter 21 As a last resort

"Why did I tell you?"

"Xiaoyao, you know, I'm still a little prejudiced against you, which I admit, but since you have been with Brother Gong, I really hope to eliminate this prejudice against you, so I would like to hear your reasons. Of course, whether you say it or not, it's your freedom."

"Hmm..." A girl, if she really falls in love with a man, will care about what his friends around him think of her, "Can you keep it secret?" The two talked knowingly and deliberately stay away from Gong Yandong and Stone.

"Confidential? Well, you go ahead. I'll keep it a secret."

"Actually, I have liked him for a long time."

"Ah?" Liu Yuan couldn't turn around, "Have you seen it before?"

"I saw him, but I saw him, and he didn't see me."

As soon as this statement came out, Xiaoyao's box opened:

"At that time, I had just entered the color valley. There are a lot of things I need in Caigu, so I am very happy to find them here. At the same time, I will go to other places to find some useful animals and plants and move them to Caigu.

Once when I came back from out of town, I suddenly found that a large area of animals in my valley had died, some traces of fighting and left many people's bodies. At that time, I was very angry. No matter who entered the valley and hurt my baby, I would not let him go.

Later, following the traces they left behind, I kept looking at my door and found that the two groups were fighting. One group of people thought that they should be from Myanmar, while the other side was the only one Gong Yandong.

It can be seen that although Gong Yandong has only one person, the Burmese people opposite are very afraid of him. Listening to them, it seemed that he smuggled poison from Myanmar, but he was caught by Gong Yandong. Keep up with it.

At the beginning, the two sides shot each other first. I was annoyed that they killed so many babies and made a mess of my house, so I planned to make a profit. When they finished fighting, they would come out and destroy the rest of the people. However, at this time, after hearing the sound of gunfire, Gong Yandong rushed in with a knife. Not long after he came out, he was like a bloody man.

At that time, when I saw his bleeding face, I suddenly felt a sense of safety in my heart. I couldn't tell why. I wanted to kill him, but at this time, there was nothing left. Maybe a person has been protecting others for a long time, and I also want to have someone who can protect me.

But thinking that he was a Han nationality, I hesitated for a moment. When I wanted to go out again, I found that his companions had come, so I let them go.

I didn't appear from beginning to end, but I always saw and remembered my brother's appearance clearly. In fact, I didn't know that he was also following you. When I saw him again, Jane was so happy. What I didn't expect was that he also liked me! Hee, I thought I would seize this opportunity, but he chased me first!"

"Hey, what's the secret?" Liu Yuan was relieved after listening to it.

"Because I'm a girl. Although we are much bolder than your Han girls, if he chases me first, he will definitely treat me better. If he knows that I like him first, he may not like me as much as he does now?"

"Haha, you have learned a lot from the minds of the Han people. Don't worry, Brother Gong is definitely not that kind of person. No matter who you like first, I promise that Brother Gong will always be like this.

"Well, if he dares to feel sorry for me, I will let him taste my strength!"

Brother Gong, be careful. Liu Yuan gloated and thought that he had found a girl to be his wife, or the leader of the girl, and asked for more blessings...

"Liu Yuan, when you went out, my brother told me the reason why you came this time. I admire you very much. You are amazing to walk into the mountains for your beloved woman. I will help you catch them." Xiaoyao said.

"But, Xiaoyao, don't you have friends with Chen Zenghui and others?"

"Yes, so I want to ask you, if I help you catch Uncle Chen, can you spare his life?"

"Xiaoyao, I can agree to anything else. I can't agree to this request. You know, he has secretly framed us several times. If we hadn't been lucky, we would have all died. If we don't eradicate such a person, he will definitely deal with us in the future.


"Husband, someone is looking for you! Husband, someone is looking for you!"

Liu Yuan took out the phone, but Wu Xuanqiang called.

"How about Xiao Wu? Did they come to see you again?

"Brother Liu, something happened."

Wu Xuanqiang's words almost paralyzed Liu Yuan to the ground.

"What's wrong?"

"Brother Liu, since this afternoon, my sister-in-law's situation has not been very good. All functions have begun to be disordered, and there is a constant nosebleed. No matter how I do it, I can't stop it. Brother Liu, go on like this..."

"Oc's it, I know." Liu Yuan hung up the phone.

"Grandpa Three!" Liu Yuan hurried into the room. At this time, Chang Kaitai and Jingyin were resting. Seeing Liu Yuan running in in in a hurry, they also stood up in a hurry.

"What's wrong, Xiaoyuan?"

"The head in Hu Su's body can't be suppressed. I'm worried that if we are later, she may be in danger."

"Are you going to go down to that hole to look for it?"

"Go now!"

"Xiaoyuan, don't worry first," Jingyin motioned Liu Yuan to calm down first. "In that hole, you also heard Xiaoyao say that it is not so easy to enter. If you go in, you are likely to force those people to go deeper and deeper. At that time, not to mention them, we may not be able to get out. Isn't it safe to wait for the rabbit on it?

"I can't control that much! Grandpa Xu, you can watch it. Grandpa and I can go down.

At this time, Liu Yuan had already held the Tibetan wind bag in his hand, and Chang Kaitai simply took the pistol and magazine handed over by the stone and planned to go out with Liu Yuan.

"Liu Yuan, my brother and I will go with you!" At this time, Xiaoyao also spoke.

"Xiaoyao, I'll go. It's too dangerous inside. It's not suitable for you to go in." Gong Yandong was not afraid of his injury, but he was afraid of any danger if Xiaoyao went in.

"It's okay. If there are animals in it, I can still help, and I'm not afraid if you protect me!" With a reliable man, Xiaoyao has also become more feminine.

"Well, Stone, please take care of Grandpa Xu for me. Someone has to watch it, otherwise I'm afraid of something to happen again. The four of us go down!"

Although Liu Yuan was also a little guilty, he didn't need to let everyone take risks with him, but now he has no time to review it.

Going through the dark hole, Liu Yuan turned off the flashlight. Because I didn't know that such a thing would happen, there were not many flashlight belts. Among the four people, only Liu Yuan, who walked in the front, and Chang Kaitai, who pressed the last array, played a flashlight.

"Everyone be careful, pay attention to the top of your head and the soles of your feet." Liu Yuan reminded everyone that there were gusts of cloudy wind in the cave with an unpleasant smell. It is estimated that poisons such as snakes and scorpions are definitely indispensable.

Not far ahead, you will find that there are many fork roads in the cave. It seems that this is a naturally formed karst cave.

"There are so many fork roads. Xiaoyuan, we should call Lao Xu down, otherwise it will be difficult to find them.

"It's okay, Grandpa, I'm here."

At this time, Liu Yuan was angry and read the spiritual palace, "Open!" The sky's eyes have been opened, and facing the road like a cobweb, Liu Yuan found that there was still a faintly angry road.

"Go, this way!" Liu Yuan pointed to the road and walked there first.

"Mr., how did Liu Yuan determine which road to take?" In the face of Liu Yuan's quick judgment, Gong Yandong immediately turned into a curious baby. You know, if you can learn this skill, it will save you a lot of trouble to do tasks in the future!

And not only Gong Yandong, but also Xiaoyao raised her ears to listen carefully.

"Would you like to learn? You can't learn this. You may not believe what I said. Liu Yuan has a heavenly eye. Through the heavenly eye, he can see the breath of life and death that we can't see with the naked eye. It is estimated that there is still the anger of those people passing by, so Liu Yuan led us to this road.

"Is this still a person..." After listening to Chang Kaitai's explanation, Gong Yandong still expressed no understanding of Liu Yuan's world.

Liu Yuan was not in the mood to pay attention to their comments on him at this time. A fire in his heart made him anxious. Hu Su's situation deteriorated. If he didn't find Chen Zenghui, a bastard, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Wow!" Suddenly, a fishy wind came from his head. Although Liu Yuan was anxious, his senses had been on alert. As soon as he heard something wrong, he lowered his body and rolled on the ground, and then hurriedly lit the flashlight in his hand.

However, to Liu Yuan's surprise, there is nothing on it.

"What the hell is this! Third grandpa, Brother Gong, be careful. The things here are too evil.

"I just felt something attacking you, but why is there nothing?" Chang Kaitai is also very puzzled.

"It's okay. Let's just pay attention. Brother Gong, pay attention to Xiaoyao and don't let her get hurt.

"Don't worry. Brother, do you think those three people have been cleaned up by this thing?

"I don't think so. There are only a few of them left. If someone else is killed, they will almost collapse and will definitely run out. Before there is any movement, it means that they are temporarily safe, and I guess they are also prepared.

"I just don't know what the one just now is, otherwise we can find a way to hide."

"I know what it is." Xiaoyao said to everyone.


"It's a snake."

"Snake? What a snake is so fast! It took only a few seconds from when it attacked me and I lit it with a flashlight!"

"It didn't run at all," Xiaoyao took Gong Yandong's flashlight and put it on the stalactite pillar that had just passed. "Look carefully."

Everyone pays attention to the past. It doesn't matter. Everyone's hair is upright.

The big snake, which was at least ten meters long, seemed to be a chameleon, adjusted its body to the same color as its circumference, and was tightly wrapped around the stone pillar. Only the purple-black letter was still spitting in the direction of Liu Yuan and others!