
Chapter 29 Four Kings' Hall

"That's right, it should be." The voice behind did not express any surprise. Wang Laya interpreted this structure that Liu Yuan could not understand as a normal phenomenon.

"What's going on?" Qian Liang is also confused about this matter. It seems that Comrade Qian's research on Donxun is even worse than that of Wang Laya.

Wang Laya does not hide his privacy and tells everyone the history he knows.

Donson is a small country full of mysterious stories. This country is not a dictatorship. Every era has five emperors at the same time!

What's more incredible is that unlike other countries, emperors should have emperors, years before they die, and temples after death. On the contrary, they are afraid that others will know their identities. The five kings of each era only have their names in sporadic records, and most of them have to Without confirmation, most of the kings and outsiders don't even know what they call!

And the five kings of Donson have their own duties and have their own special responsibilities, but in this palace, there is only the position of the four kings and a king, which is not with them.

"Why is that?" Wu Xuanqiang is also curious.

"The remaining king is responsible for religion and is also the most noble king with little real power."

In Southeast Asia, sects were no less prevalent than the Chinese Dynasty, and at that time, Donson was a country of unity of politics and religion. The relationship between Brahmanism and Buddhism is just like the relationship between our national religion and Buddhism at that time. It all depends on the people in power to choose that kind of sect as an auxiliary tool.

And the last period of Donson happened to be the era when Buddhism came back to power. In modern times, there has always been a theory that the scriptures from Tianzhu are divided into two parts, namely, the Mahayana Sutra and Hinayana Sutra. The Mahayana Sutra can be crossed by people, and the Hinayana Sutra can be crossed by themselves. When the west and east come, the Mahayana Sutra come to the Tang Dynasty, and the Hinayana Sutra comes to the Dunson, which is in urgent need of Buddhist classics.

With the support of the superiors, there are a large number of believers and supreme classics. Theravada Buddhism, like a full seed, found the soil most suitable for its growth, took root and sprouted in a short time, and became the state religion of Donson. Therefore, the Epishen Sutra in the Hinayana Sutra was also guessed by countless historians and hidden in Dunson. In the ancient city.

With this section, the king in charge of religion becomes the spokesperson of God. In the hearts of many people, the status of this king is naturally higher than that of the other four kings.

"Where is his palace and temple?" Liu Yuan asked, and it was Wang Laya who also wanted to know. Gold and silver treasures may be in these four kings' halls, but ten tenths of the Book of the Book are in the independent palace!

"I don't know where he is, so when you find the treasure here, you have to help me find him."

Li Yuan naturally agreed to this request. The old man came all the way here just for this scripture, and even Liu Yuan was more interested in this scripture.

Since the mystery of this temple has been solved, the rest is to look for it one by one to see where the legendary wealth of Donson is hidden.

Wang Laya is right. Sure enough, there are four palaces, and between the palace and the palace, a small door is opened on the left, but the size and decoration of each palace are slightly different. It seems that the status of the five kings is not equal.

"One room for each of the four of us can be found faster," Wang Laya suggested, "and I suggest paying more attention to the floor and walls. It is estimated that if you want to hide the treasure, it will definitely be in a stronger place.

Liu Yuan has no objection to Wang Laya's proposal. I have seen all four houses, and there is no danger. Although each room is as full of corpses as the first one, all the ghosts seem to be gathered in the first palace, and the other palaces are no different.

Liu Yuan is in the second room, and Wang Laya, Qian Liang and Wu Xuanqiang are in one, three and four rooms respectively. The four people are searching for the "area" they are responsible for, and they all want to find out the treasure that has been buried here for more than a thousand years.

"Brother Liu, come here quickly!" Liu Yuanyuan heard Wu Xuanqiang shouting at himself and hurried to the fourth hall.

However, Liu Yuan's surprise was that nothing shiny was found, and Wu Xuanqiang was standing in the middle of the hall in a daze.

"What's the matter, Xiao Wu?" Wu Xuanqiang has never been a fuss.

The two old men also followed at this time.

"Look." Wu Xuanqiang used a flashlight to illuminate a corpse on the ground.

"What's the point of this, this..."

"Cun Bo, please take a closer look." Liu Yuan found something at this time.

"Well, this corpse seems to be... Fuck, why are these all mummified corpses!" Qian Liang looked over carefully and was immediately shocked.

In this fourth hall, unlike other three halls, there are hundreds of bones in the three halls, and in this hall, the bones are only part, but a large part of them are actually corpses with flesh and flesh!

It seems that the inspection just now was not careful, and this detail was omitted.

"It has been more than a thousand years, and the bubble is rotten! How did they stay?

No one answered Qian Liang's question, because no one knew.

"And it's more than that," Wu Xuanqiang seemed to feel that this information alone is not exciting enough. "Let's take a good look at this." Wu Xuanqiang said and lit a light on the body not far from his feet.

This body is different from other corpses. It is a more strange upper body without any flesh, while the lower body is intact.

"There are still tooth marks on it!" Qian Liang looked carefully and found that there was a clear tooth mark on the leg bone of the corpse, which did not look like a human bite mark, but he could not say what kind of animal it was.

"That's right, tooth marks. The bite marks are clear and the bone is white, indicating that the tooth mark will not appear for more than a week! And judging from this tooth mark, the bite strength of this thing is quite strong!"

Now everyone has to be careful again. The dead thing is gone, but there is still something alive! If you come to Liu Yuan in groups like embroidered eyes, it's enough.

Liu Yuan went to the other three halls to have a look. Although the bones in other halls have turned gray for a long time, without exception, there are some tooth marks on the bones in each room!

"In this way, we can make a hypothesis. After the death of these four halls, all the flesh and flesh were intact, but there should be a carnivorous animal in it to eat all the corpses in these halls!"

"Ouch!" After all, Qian Liang was just a scholar. Liu Yuan's words made his stomach sour. Finally, no one stopped and he vomited.

"The most important thing," Wu Xuanqiang added Liu Yuan's argument, "These animals are not dead yet!"

"I know what it is." Wang Laya once again successfully attracted everyone's attention.

"It's a green goose."

"Green Goose?" No one has heard of this animal except Wang Laya, and the goose and the green one?

"I remember!" Qian Liang thought for a while and had a memory of this animal:

"There is a passage in the Taiping Royal Review: 'The death of the people of Dunson, or the burial of birds, or cremation. The bird buried, sick and sleepy, sings and sends it to Guowai. There are birds like gooses, pecking their meat, their bones sinking in the sea, and they will rise to the sky. Wang Laya, the custom of Donson, is that if you are pecked clean by this green goose and then buried in the sea, you can ascend to the world of paradise, right?

"Yes," Wang Laya affirmed Qian Liang's statement, "If the green goose eats it, it means that this person is destined, and if the green goose does not eat it, it means that this person will not be better in his next life, and his family can only burn it."

"So this green goose only eats dead bodies, does it eat living people?" If it's just like vulture, specializing in eating carrion, Liu Yuan is not afraid.

"I don't know about this, and its diet has not been recorded."

"Shao~Shao~" was originally very quiet, and there was only four people talking in the hall. At this time, there was a very strange voice.

Liu Yuan hurriedly shone with a flashlight. There was neither on the dome nor on the beam.

"It's the sound of the green goose." Wang Laya listened carefully and then went straight to the back of a beam.


Four people followed Wang Laya's voice. Behind the huge beam was a wall. There was a four-foot square hole under the wall. It was dark and could not see anything, and the sound came from the hole.

"Now is the time for them to eat." Wang Laya looked at her watch after five o'clock in the evening.

"Be careful!" Liu Yuan shouted and stared at the hole. The green goose is coming up.

Wu Xuanqiang pulled the Uzi submachine gun in his hand and was always ready.

"Puffing edges!" A bird-shaped animal flew up. This bird is not small, only a little smaller than a normal goose. Except for its head and weed palms, its feathers are dark green, and its eyes are blood-red. It is not afraid of the flashlight shining on it. It looks at Liu Yuan and others.

"Shao!" The first green goose that came up seemed to be a goose king. At this time, the cry was more like a commander. Then only the sound of stirring wings inside was heard, and there were more and more green geese at the mouth of the cave.

"Fuck it, whether it eats or not, let's talk about it!" Wu Xuanqiang is ready to shoot.

"No!" At this time, Wang Laya stopped Wu Xuanqiang.

"Why not?" Wu Xuanqiang is very dissatisfied with Wang Laya's behavior.

"Green goose is the god bird in our Thai people. I haven't seen it for many years. You can't kill it!"

"Old man, your head is rusty? Don't kill them, wait for them to kill us?"

"How do you know they hurt living people?"

"What good can the living things here?"

"Xiao Wu, call me!" Liu Yuan did not listen to the quarrel between the two at this time. He had seen the fierceness in the eyes of the green goose. Wu Xuanqiang was right. There would never be anything good in such a place!

Sure enough, the next second, the green goose that had been drilled out flew to the four people in an instant!