After soaring

Chapter 29 Self-created knife method, left road!

Power. Fengyun Wuji found that almost all ancient martial artists are crazy about power. They seem to be unwilling to spend too much energy on technical martial arts, and no one has ever paid attention to it. The only requirement is only strong martial arts, which can bring more powerful martial arts secrets and so on.

Transfigurement, which is a kind of technical martial arts. Long before soaring, I don't know how many martial artists took their most proud martial arts to find Fengyun Wuji, known as the sword god, hoping that he could give them some advice in martial arts. The transfgation technique is exactly what Feng Yun Wuji got from one of the martial artists.

transfancy, in the plane before soaring, is very demanding for learners. The first is the technique of shrinking bones and tendons to achieve great success, which requires the performer to change the muscles of any part of the body with the help of his strength. Before flying, even with Fengyun Wuji as the power of the sword god, it is impossible to freely apply the transfgise skill, but after flying up, at the moment of getting the power of the innocence for millions of years, all this is no longer a problem.

There is no shortcut to the way of martial arts. The success of the self-created martial arts 'Liu Xu with the Wind Body Method' was in ancient times, which opened another door for Fengyun Wuji. That is, how to defeat people who are more powerful than themselves to the maximum extent with limited strength, at least to escape.

As soon as the Heavenly Demon Sword came out, Fengyun Wuji did not dare to stop at all. Several powerful breaths behind him kept approaching. Fengyun Wuji knew in his heart that he had become the prey of many people. Very clever use of a floating cloud, Fengyun Wuji's figure in the body, the susceptibility skill suddenly soared to about two meters, and the face completely changed.

'How'How's it? Can you see the wind and clouds?' Fengyun Wuji passed by a liberal martial artist and asked casually.

The man looked at Fengyun Wuji in surprise and shook his head quickly. He said to himself, 'Is this man an idiot? As soon as there is news, it is impossible to tell others. It is better to enjoy it alone.' Then he skimmed away quickly and patrolled back and forth in the sky.

Feng Yun Wuji smiled indifferently, and then pretended to patrol below. The Zixiao Sword Sect and other liberal factions dispersed one by one after a long time and returned to their original residences one by one. Fengyun Wuji had no intention to stay here, but he was afraid that if he left in a hurry, he would provoke the attention of people with intentions. However, just before leaving, Fengyun Wuji suddenly stopped and turned around.

He looked around and didn't find anyone paying attention to him. He hurried over and put his hand in a raised chest of a man in Daoyu costume. Judging from the raised shape, Fengyun Wuji judged that it was likely to be a book. To be precise, it could only be a secret.

It turned out to be Feng Yun Wuji's guess. Several square ancient seal characters on the blue cover are eye-catching and unusually "knife annotation".

Half of the book has been stained with blood. Fengyun Wuji hurriedly turned over and was ecstatic. He quickly lowered his head and stuffed the "knife annotation" into his arms.

People should not be too greedy! Feng Yun Wuji took this knife annotation, casually searched for it again, and hurriedly left. As he expected, there were no more than one or two people with the same mind as him. Just as he left accurately, several liberal factions began to search for things from the corpse uncerptuously, not far away, a group of breasts. The mouth is embroidered with the word knife domain, and the more powerful man in white is flying quickly.

Fengyun Wuji went all the way to the east, did not dare to stop at all, and kept moving forward for more than a thousand miles. He could not feel the breath of others around, so he stopped. Around him are several vast mountains and rivers with a range of thousands of feet and hundreds of kilometers. Fengyun Wuji forcibly bumped into a cave that could accommodate one person on the mountain, and then hid at the mouth of the cave. In this way, you can take a good look at the "Sword Road Annotation" with the light of the cave, and you can also observe the movement of the martial artists coming and there at any time. If something goes wrong,

"Sword Road Annotation" is only the martial arts of a general warrior in the knife field, which is naturally not much higher, but the reason why Fengyun Wuji attaches so much importance to this Dao annotation is completely originated from a wonderful idea in his mind.

Everyone in the world knows the mysterious book of Fengyun Wuji cultivation and the practice of kendo. But there are only a handful of people in Kendo in the world. In this way, if you want to find Fengyun Wuji, the range is much smaller. But how to change from Fengyun Wuji to practice knife practice?

The light outside the cave is not very bright, but the handwriting on this "Dao Dao Annotation" can be fully seen clearly. Just like the title of the book, this is a martial arts book about Dao, which completely discusses some principles of Dao Dao. Behind the thin book, Fengyun Wuji found what he wanted, a trick of knife skills.

Fengyun Wuji studied carefully, and every time he got something, he practiced on the spot. But thinking about it is one thing and doing it is another. Fengyun Wuji has long known that the sword spirit and the sword are in conflict with each other, but he did not expect that the conflict between the two was so fierce that it was almost incompatible. Just a small trace of knife gas was just formed in the body, which caused the reverse devouring of the body wind and sword spirit, and instantly devoured the trace of knife gas derived from the knife formula.

For several days in a row, Fengyun Wuji has been constantly studying this book "Sword Road Annotation" and trying to generate knife gas in the body. But the final conclusion made him frustrated. According to the line of the inner skill formula in this "Swordsmanship", it is almost impossible to generate the true qi in the body. Even if it can be generated, when the knife qi and the sword qi are equally powerful, the conflict between the two will tear itself apart.

"Is it true that knife spirit and sword spirit can't coexist?" Feng Yun Wuji thought about it and no longer practiced the knife formula in his body, but simulated the operation of the knife formula and sword formula in the body in his mind.

"Maybe my idea of the sword body is too domineering, and there is no room for any other knife spirit at all." Fengyun Wuji thought for a long time and finally found a seemingly reasonable reason, but this reason made him more and more frustrated.

Fengyun Wuji did not abandon it. He kept thinking and thinking about solutions. The momentum of research and creation before soaring appeared on him again. At the beginning, in the cave of the belly of the mountain, watching the rainstorm in the wind and rain, Fengyun Wuji realized the magical "willow catkins with the wind". This time, it was still in the cave. Fengyun Wuji once again had the original sense of imminent success. Jue.

Knife gas and sword gas conflict with each other, just because the two are intertwined in the operation of the meridians, but the more the two are integrated, the more they do not interfere with each other? If you follow the knife formula on the knife annotation, the conflict between the two is inevitable. As soon as you come up with the key to the problem, the rest of the problem will be simple. It is nothing more than creating a new knife formula so that the two do not conflict with each other.

More than ten days later, Fengyun Wuji finally created a new knife method on the basis of the knife formula in the Dao annotation. To be precise, it is a set of knife internal skills formulas that are completely different from any knife method. The uniqueness is reflected in the fact that the running path of this set of knife tips only passes through one meridian, and only one meridian is used, that is, the left hand Shaoyang. This meridian is the only sword trick that has not been used.

There is no doubt that the knife formula for dozens of days is not perfect. It is just a rough finished product, but only a rough finished product has shown his power. There is no doubt that it is much easier to practice a meridians alone than to practice the meridians of the whole body. It is also easier to achieve, and Fengyun Wuji has a vague feeling that the power of this knife method will definitely be beyond your own imagination.

But the shortcomings of this set of knife method are also obvious. If the knife path is biased, it will be very powerful, but it is absolutely impossible to reach the highest martial arts realm of the knife path. But even so, Fengyun Wuji is already very satisfied. After all, he doesn't really want to change his swordsmanship and cultivate the swordsmanship.

Left! That's the name of this set of knives!