After soaring

Chapter 31 Sword and Gallbladder Recognize the Lord

The fifth gentleman walked towards Fengyun Wuji step by step, dressed in a green robe and danced in the wind. Fengyun Wuji stared at its approaching footsteps, and his mind was extremely nervous. This fifth gentleman is simply immortal. Even if he is split in half, he can re-heal with the support of the fifth sword gallbladder. This is no longer a duel, because the unscrupulous opponent is not a human at all, but a sword with an independent consciousness. Natural treasures must be protected by strange things. Fengyun Wuji knows very well that if you want to get this sword, you must defeat it first. Swords are different from people. They can't be like people. They can be practiced, and the power consumed cannot be recovered in a short time. It's really hard to see through this. Fengyun Wuji didn't turn around and leave. This sword is so excellent that even if you know the horror of this sword, Fengyun Wuji is really unwilling to give up such a good opportunity.' Left road!' Fengyun Wuji shouted loudly, his left arm expanded, and the knife in the single meridians on the left side operated to the extreme. A silver-white knife light visible to the naked eye extended from the end of Fengyun Wuji's arm to his fingertips. Boom! A blazing white light broke through the palm of the hand. The knife roared out, and a thunder suddenly flashed in the sky. The dark clouds circled above, circling. The next moment, the rainstorm poured down. As soon as the left road came out, the terrible knife smashed all the rain on the way forward and hit the body of Mr. V's body. But with a crisp sound, Mr. Fifth's body was smashed to pieces, and his robe in blue broke apart, flying all over the sky, not only the clothes, but also the bones under the clothes were completely smashed, and even a little debris was found. Bang! Fengyun Wuji's left leg was soft, one knee was crisp, and the rainstorm poured down, wet Fengyun Wuji's whole body, and the wet rain fell like beads along the hair on his forehead. That time, he had exhausted all the knife gas in the meridians in his body. For a long time later, I'm afraid he couldn't count on the 'left road'.

A burst of pain came from his left arm, and Feng Yun Wuji's mind was slightly clear. He looked down, and the blood was densely spread on his left arm, dripping down his fingertips.

Fengyun Wuji sighed, shook his palm, and threw out a drop of blood... With a hand instead of a knife, it really doesn't work! Feng Yun Wuji thought about it, and he was more and more eager to get this fifth sword.

A strange breath came from front of him. Feng Yun Wuji's heart moved and looked up, but in the rainy night, the fifth sword was hanging in the air, and a wisp of blood line extended from the hilt to the tip of the sword. At the end of the long sword, a shadow formed by a hazy rain was staring at him, Son.

In the shadow of the water, two red lights suddenly appeared and became brighter and brighter. Suddenly, the shadow opened its mouth and roared fiercely. I don't know why, although there was no sound, Fengyun Wuji felt a headache and cracked. His ears shook and suddenly roared.

The water phase suddenly raised his hand, grabbed the fifth sword gallbladder hanging in the air, stepped under his feet, and rushed to Fengyun Wuji.

had the intention to fight back, but the heartbreaking silent cry rushed into his ears again. Fengyun Wuji reluctantly used the "Willow catkins follow the wind sound method", and he was unable to fight back.

In the rainstorm, a sword gallbladder crossed the void and went straight to the heart of Fengyun Wuji, that is, between the instantaneous eyes, it had passed through layers of space, approaching Fengyun Wuji's pupil three inches, and the virtual shadow composed of water gas turned into a canopy raindrop when the long sword

The wind roared and looked from one side, but saw the three-foot-long sword lightning against Fengyun Wuji's chest and pushed Fengyun Wuji back. The roar was in his ears. Fengyun Wuji shot backwards close to the tip of the sword. Where he passed behind him, the rain crashed into a rain Smaller raindrops splashed on all sides, one after another, one after another, heaven and earth are integrated.

It seems that there is no limit. A thick rolling wave of a bucket extends horizontally, constantly extending, and there is no end.

Although there is a vast area between heaven and earth, there are many mountains and rivers. A few seconds later, the fifth sword has crossed thousands of miles of space with Fengyun Wuji, and behind him is a Tianyun Peak, which can't retreat.

! With a loud shout, Feng Yun Wuji stretched out his right hand and suddenly grabbed the blade of the fifth sword. One person and one sword suddenly stopped and hung motionlessly in the void.

The sword spirit of the idea of the sword body method bursts out with all its strength. In contrast to the strong sword spirit implied in the body of the fifth sword, the competition between the two sides has been completely transferred to the spiritual level.

The heavy rain is still pouring, and the wind is still non-stop, but in the void, wrapped one person and one sword, a huge ball appeared in the air, and the raindrops fell on the surface of the beads, splashing ripples.

Then it slipped down the appearance, and the inside of the beads was quiet, without a trace of rain.

Fengyun Wuji resisted the strong sword in the fifth sword gallbladder with all his strength. He did not notice that in the five batches of the blade, the red blood flowed out of the fingers and dripped on the blade. The three-foot sword blade sucked all the blood into the body of the sword like a sponge, and there was no

I don't know how long it took, Fengyun Wuji felt that the sword spirit from the body of the sword gradually faded, and in the end, it was slightly indistinguishable.

As soon as Fengyun Wuji copied it by hand, he easily copied the fifth sword in his hand, and a feeling of flesh and blood was transmitted to his heart.

"The sword dares to recognize the Lord, and I can finally go there at ease!" A magnetic voice came from the side of his ear. Feng Yun Wuji was shocked and looked up. A faint cyan figure was looking at him with a smile. It was Mr. Fifth.

"The fifth sword gallbladder has been with me all my life. For me, he is no longer a weapon, but my best friend."

The round protective film has disappeared, and the rain passed through Mr. Fifth's body and splashed to the ground.

"Tousands of years ago, I was defeated by the knife emperor and was killed by him! But although he is dead, he has not died. Over the years, he has been hiding in the sword gallbladder.

My only intention is to find a worthy master for this sword.

"The fifth gentleman looked up at Tianfeng, with a slightly pale look of memories on his face: "There are so few ancient swordsmen. I died under the knife, and the sword dared not to recognize the Lord easily, so it has been delayed until now.

Now I can finally go at ease.

Mr. Fifth looked back at Feng Yun Wuji and smiled. His figure became lighter and lighter, until he was nothing.

Buzz! The fifth sword gall trembled in Fengyun Wuji's hand, as if to say goodbye to the old master... Fengyun Wuji sighed for a long time, and his palm gently stroked the sword. The sword body calmed down. When his mind moved, the long sword turned into a pebble and shrank in the palm of Fengyun Wuji.

When he first got the sword soldier, Fengyun Wuji was quite happy, but somehow, the joy was very faint, and another complex taste came to his heart, and he couldn't tell what it felt.

"After that, you and I have been with each other all my life..." Fengyun Wuji bowed his head and whispered to the fifth sword, and then stepped firmly and strode towards the sword field.

The rain is heavier...