After soaring

Chapter 57 Kill 2

Chapter 57 Fengyun Wuji was really angry, and his face was silent and terrible.

Along the bloody air, Fengyun Wuji searched for the disciple's way. For only a few kilometers, two swordsmen in green clothes lay in the pool of blood. When they died, their eyes were still looking in the direction of the sword pavilion, wide open... Fengyun Wuji squatted down and gently closed their eyes with no expression. A line of eyes silently flowed out of their eyes.

Ah! A cry of extreme grief and indignation rushed out of his throat and went straight into the sky, repulsing the dark clouds in the sky. The killing spirit in his heart was so powerful that he couldn't add to it. Suddenly, Fengyun Wuji slowly closed his eyes in the wind.

A dragon sound of Qingyue came from his arms, and then the shadow of Qingyue's sword broke through the air and turned into a streamer and disappeared in the underworld.

The powerful god of Fengyun Wuji came out, scanning the love shadows around him in circles. One kilometer, two kilometers, ten kilometers, one hundred kilometers, finally appeared... A hundred kilometers away, several pale-faced night clans hugged a man's body, and their long white fangs were deeply embedded in the man's chest. The back, neck, and wrists, a large amount of blood flowed from the man's body, flowed into the mouths of the night clan, and flowed to the ground.

Suddenly, a night clan suddenly raised his head. His pale face and blood-red fangs were still very visible in the night. He looked around with doubt and turned around. Just as he was about to say something, a black rainbow was wiped in the distance. The night clan was suddenly stunned, and a pair of slender hands strangled his neck, but The gurgling blood was still flowing from the fingertips, and there was a cooing sound in the throat. Finally, the pale head slipped from the shoulder, and a stream of blood red splashed high in the chest.

At the same time, there were also the bodies of the five night clan, but their heads were still hanging on the swordsman's body, with greedy and satisfied expressions... The divine consciousness expanded out again, 200 kilometers, 300 kilometers... 1,000 kilometers, searched for the target again, the black rainbow broke through the air, and flew over... A thousand kilometers away, a Under the ancient tree in the sky, a man leaned against the tree, and his chest**. His clothes had already been torn out, revealing his white upper body. Aren not far away, the ten night clan stood proudly with a ferocious smile. Further forward, a powerful night clan walked towards the man step by step. The man's body was full of blood It's very rare.

The man watched the night clan gradually approaching and did not resist. He just looked up at the sky, quietly looked at the deep night, and muttered: "The fairy world... Master... Fairy world... Master... It's not so... so beautiful! ..." The powerful night clan slowly approached, smiled ferociously, stretched out a slender right grab, and grabbed it to his chest... A sharp sound of breaking the air came, and several night clans were shocked. Looking up, in the night sky, a black rainbow flew in with the power of Qian Yi.

"What! ..." The night clan, who looked like a middle-aged man with a strong breath, put his hands in front of him and patted the flying black rainbow with his palms. Under the eyes, the black rainbow easily cut the arm of the powerful night clan into two sections, and even divided his body into two by the way... "Escape quickly..." Ten Ye clan faces The color changed dramatically, and he knew that he was invincible. He said hello and flew away in several directions. His body shook and disappeared in place.

In the air, a black rainbow turned around, drew an arc in the air and then disappeared in the vast night again... Crack... More than ten headless corpses fell to the ground, ten strands of blood splashed in the sky, and above, ten pale heads still flew forward, passing by It took a few seconds to fall in the air... Later, a body was divided into two, fell in two directions, and a large amount of blood burst out from the two halves of the body... The art of the imperial sword! Within a hundred miles, take the enemy's head in the invisible! Reaching the realm of the Sword Emperor, with the help of the fifth sword of the divine soldier, Fengyun Wuji can kill the strong in almost any realm under the heavenly sword and the same realm in an instant.

When the eyes are opened, the murderous spirit in the eyes has not diminished much.

The figure flashed again, and Fengyun Wuji had disappeared in place. When it reappeared, it was thousands of miles away. The slender and broken arm stretched out, and the fifth sword gallbladder had gently slipped off the palm of the hand, shrank into a ball, turned into a sword gallbladder, and coiled in the palm

The powerful divine consciousness still has not stopped scanning the nearby terrain, 1,000 kilometers, 2,000 kilometers, 3,000 kilometers... It seems to have reached the limit. Feng Yun Wuji gritted his teeth, and the scanning range of the divine consciousness has expanded again, 5,000 kilometers... 10,000 kilometers... appeared, a large number of night clans, a large number of new soarers... The new soarer... A stream of blood appeared in his eyes, gradually covered his whole eyes, pupils, and his hands were spread out. In the void on both sides, tens of thousands of incandescent air swords were arranged on the side, and their bodies were slightly swinging, and they disappeared in the wind again... The dense incandescent sword Broken, when the tree is broken, it leaves a broken ruins.

White clothes fluttered. When Feng Yun Wuji appeared on the rock of a mountain peak, thousands of night clans raised their heads at the bottom of the mountain.

"Who are you? What do you want to do? ... "I want your lives!" Fengyun Wuji's voice was surprisingly without any anger. It was calm, calm and terrible. It was calm and cold. The dancing sleeves were raised. In the dark night, a huge white wing appeared. Then take a closer look at what the wings were. It was clearly two wings composed of dense air swords.

Fengyun Wuji slowly leaned forward, his hands were displayed, and two huge 'wings' spread out in the air. When his body and the mountain reached a 45-degree inclination, Fengyun Wuji suddenly turned into the shape of a big bird and slowly fell from the air... Dozens of night clans saw that the situation was wrong, and Don't rush. Looking at the ancient continent in the past, the night race can be regarded as the fastest race on average.

As soon as someone took the lead, thousands of night clans immediately turned into vague and elongated shadows and rushed to Fengyun Wuji.

Time seems to be fixed at this moment. Thousands of night clans have one face each other, either in the air, or half squatting on the ground, or sucking blood wildly, or flattening in the air, or swinging, while the wind and cloud Wuji but expressionless Xu Xu slowly passed calmly from the thousands of night clan The body is pierced.

Time recovered, with his hands, and countless bodies of the night clan fell from the air. In front of Fengyun Wuji, a night clan looked at Fengyun Wuji with a fearful face, and his body trembled. At the last moment, Fengyun Wuji let him go.

"Tell me, where is your base? Who is your master?" The voice of Fengyun Wuji is not wave-free, and you can't hear any emotional color.

Seeing that tens of thousands of clans turned into corpses in a blink of an eye, they knew that there was only one. The human being in front of him, in the eyes of the night clan, was already like the most fierce devil, and his voice trembled. The night clan said, "I... Our king is Lord Ye Mei... Our night clan is based Please!! ..." Fengyun Wuji nodded, stepped forward, stretched out a white hand to pinch his neck, gently folded, and heard a click. The head of the night clan had fallen to one side... In the forest not far away, a dark shadow was like a fallen dog, fleeing to the Eastern Emperor. Fengyun Wuji's eyes were cold and his body was one vote. It has disappeared in the wind again...