After soaring

Chapter 76 People from the Temple

Chapter 76 The Four Domains of the Temple issued a statement.

After agreeing to accept the fifth realm of the sword domain, the sword pavilion rarely ushered in a peaceful time. Everyone was stimulated by the weakness of the sword pavilion in the battle of the sword domain. He practiced martial arts crazily, and Fengyun Wuji did not persuade him, because he practiced more crazily.

The true qi of the "star-sucking method" practiced by Jianyuan and the demon realm runs at the same time in the body, with one heart and two uses, and controls the operation of the two heart methods at the same time, which is really extremely power-intensive.

Bang!!! A row of slender black bones lifted the clothes on his back high and wore them. The bones made Fengyun look like a humanoid monster, ferocious and terrible.

Cold sweat rained down from the forehead of Fengyun Wuji. The pain of physical transformation is not what ordinary people can imagine at all. What is more unbearable is the power of world rejection caused by magic.

Fengyun Wuji let go of the bondage of the magic gas in his body little by little. Every time he let go of one point, the power of the world's rejection will be stronger. When the power of the world's rejection has reached the limit of endurance, Fengyun Wuji will no longer release the magic gas, but borrow the power of world's Force makes the sword element in the body more mellow and pure.

After a period of time, after feeling the adaptation to the power of world rejection of this intensity, Fengyun Wuji will challenge the power of world exclusion at a higher level, and the martial arts will never end... Everyone in the Sword Pavilion can feel the strong magic of the third layer of the Sword Pavilion every day. No one understands that this is the case until the delay Enter, see Fengyun Wuji's painful practice.

The late injury quietly retreated, but Fengyun was falling into the pain caused by the powerful power of world repulsion, and he did not notice it at all.

Under the instruction of the late injury, almost everyone knows that on the third floor of the Sword Pavilion, the master is practicing more desperately than everyone else.

Every month, Fengyun Wuji will go out several times. When he comes back, he always looks very tired. As soon as he enters the door, he doesn't say anything. When he walks to the third floor of the Sword Pavilion, he closes all the window pavilions on all four sides and leaves only one person on it.

Occasionally, you can hear a painful call from the three floors. Every day, everyone will close the six knowledge, and no one dares to hear this unbearable howling.

Why did Fengyun Wuji go, but he never revealed it to everyone. Every second day at this time, the only chance to get close to Fengyun Wuji's late injury will always find that there will always be a large pool of red blood stains on the smooth board on the third floor. Master, I can't imagine how crazy the injury is.

The late injury practiced more and more desperately, and the late injury worked hard, and even the people of the Sword Pavilion began to practice desperately.

"Strength, strength, strength, we need strong strength..." Every sword pavilion warrior roared in his heart. The desire for strength, it is estimated that the whole Taigu is no stronger than the people in the sword pavilion.

Strength is at the lowest point. If you don't work hard, how can you survive?

Every time Fengyun Wuji goes out, what do you do? This is something that only Fengyun Wuji knows.

The power of repulsion in the world is directly proportional to the amount and intensity of magic gas in the body. After the magic gas accumulated by Fengyun Wuji reaches a certain level, the power of world repulsion will not increase.

If you want your strength to increase rapidly, but you don't want to spend so much time, this use of the power of world exclusion is the best way to find. As long as you have enough magic, you can almost unlimitedly increase the power of world exclusion.

And in the ancient world, the only thing I can think of is those fierce beasts that have existed for hundreds of thousands, millions, or even tens of millions of years.

Every capture has to experience a battle of life and death. Millions of years of monsters, Fengyun Wuji is almost ready to capture. With the help of the fifth sword gallbladder, it can be completely killed with one blow. However, with Fengyun Wuji's power, the power of millions of monsters can be transformed into pure magic gas with the star- It is far from meeting his needs. Therefore, in the back, Fengyun Wuji simply used the unique perspective characteristics of divine consciousness to find those secret ancient ferocious times. After slaughtering, he took his inner elixir and took his own magic spirit, thinking that it had been used.

But the problem is that it is difficult to find a fierce beast for thousands of years, and its own strength is extremely strong. Even if it is 15 million years of cultivation, coupled with the unique use of the Sword Emperor's realm, it is not easy to kill a fierce beast of tens of millions of years. Often, you have to go through a bloody battle, which Why does Fengyun Wuji always look so tired every time he comes back?

The ancient sky seems to be covered with dark clouds most of the time, but it is not going to rain, but it is rare to see the sun.

Another morning, when Fengyun Wuji borrowed the power of the world's rejection and finished practicing, he suddenly felt a familiar and strange atmosphere.

"Come out."

A calm and old voice sounded in Fengyun Wuji's ear.

After the initial shock and accident, Fengyun Wuji opened the window pavilion on the third floor of the Sword Pavilion, jumped down from the window pavilion, folded in the air, and swept away in the distance.

On a mountain peak that is not very high and grows sparse weeds, Fengyun Wuji saw the messenger Jiannu who had been away for a long time.

"Aren't you dead?" Feng Yun Wuji looked at the white-haired old man in surprise and asked, "I heard that when the soaring person on my plane flew up, the messenger was also among the killed."

Jiannu smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, the messenger is indeed dead, but it's not me.

Since I brought you to the temple, the temple has arranged other tasks for me, and the messenger in charge of your plane has been changed to another plane... Damn it.

However, he narrowly escaped the disaster.

"I heard that there was an angel's intervention that time?" Feng Yun Wuji asked, with a faint murderous tone in his tone.

"How do you know? ...Oh, forget, those soarers can almost be regarded as your disciples."

Shaking his head, the sword slave said, "Forget it, heaven is too strong to deal with it at all."

"..." Feng Yun Wuji was silent, pondered for a moment, and asked, "Why do you have time to come here? It shouldn't be as simple as to catch up with the past, right?" Jiannu looked at Fengyun Wuji with a complicated look and said excitedly, "I've never been so proud... Really, I've been a messenger for so many years, and there has never been a moment that makes me feel that this task is so important and noble.

You are my pride, child. At the first sight of you, I knew that you were different from others.

"Tens of thousands... tens of thousands of people! I never thought that even in its heyday, I couldn't imagine that a plane could produce so many soarers in a short time, really!" Jiannu's eyes were a little wet, and he wiped his tears. Jiannu said, "Let you laugh. I'm such an old man, so gaffe in front of you... I haven't experienced this feeling for a long time.

Alas, for the first time in so many years, you have let me see the hope of human beings..." Fengyun Wuji looked at the sword slave and did not interrupt his feelings, because suddenly, Fengyun Wuji felt that perhaps the sword slave was also a person like himself.

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