After soaring

Chapter 238 Breaking out of the ground

Thouss of black flags embroidered with hellfire rolled from one side of the Steila ancient battlefield, like a tide. The rumbled in the sound of shaking resounded through the earth. The whole Skela ancient battlefield trembled violently in this footsteps. Above the rolling black tide, the magic gas surged. Between the earth and the dark clouds The airy high-level demon clan vibrated the devil's wings, holding a long halberd in its hand, and looked at the dragon knight in the air with ferocious eyes. The dense demon fangs burst out of their lips, licking their lips from time to time, making excited screams.

This is the real strength of the Sahara Dynasty. Whether it is murderous or momentum, it is far from comparable to ordinary demons. Even the black armor on their bodies is also the elite armor of the unified system, which is far from comparable to ordinary demons.

In a blink of an eye, the huge army of the Sahara Dynasty mixed with tall demons entered the center of the battlefield. Wherever they passed, no matter which side of the soldiers were, they were all killed. If the situation was broken, it could not be blocked. Wherever they passed, people turned up and horses, and the flesh and blood flew. It was almost Tens of millions of demons fell under the long halberd from behind.

On the other side, almost at the same time as the main army of the Sahara Dynasty was dispatched, the army of the Nicholas Dynasty also gushed out from the other side of the Styla battlefield, advancing towards the central battlefield like a tide.

Fengyun Wuji endured the impulse to rush out and shouted wildly in his heart, "Suffosure it, put up for a while, and it's almost done!"

The sky over the Stila battlefield is shrouded in countless powerful magic knowledge. Many powerful gods and demons are watching this war, including the magic knowledge of Fengyun Wuji. The magic knowledge is fully absorbed in this war. Everyone does not pay attention to each other and has no desire to do it. It is like countless parallel lines.

The armies of the Sahara dynasty and the Nicholas dynasty were at the same time, and the troops in the center of the battlefield were cleared by both sides. No matter which side, as long as it is blocked in front of you, all of them will be killed and move quickly. All of them are halberd and broken corpses, and the armies on both sides are as fast as thunder. The easy harvest battlefield is in the center of the eastern and western demons.

Fengyun Wuji was chilling in his heart. Obviously, both sides had the same idea, and all the cannon fodder troops were cleared!

The magic is paying attention to the actions of the two sides. Seeing that the two sides are getting closer and closer, a kind of understanding suddenly rises to the heart: both the Nicholas Dynasty and the Sahara Dynasty silently follow some unspoken rules, which are obviously related to the side that is being slaughtered.

But what makes Feng Yun Wuji wonder, what's the use of slaughtering these weak demons for both sides?

At this time, Fengyun Wuji was stunned to find it from the top of the dark pyramids on both sides of the ancient battlefield of Stila. The endless golden rune culture flows down from the top of the dark pyramid. When the endless golden characters leaked to the edge of the base of the huge dark pyramid, it poured wildly along the level towards the battlefield of Stanlagu. Countless small golden runes rushed like lightning to the whole Stila ancient battlefield, covering half of the Stila ancient battlefield. When those golden characters passed through the local demon warriors in front of them, they passed through the air without any hindrance.

From the perspective of Fengyun Wuji, it can be seen that the rolling golden rune flow from the upper flow of the dark pyramid is almost the same on both sides in the center of the Stila battlefield. The whole battlefield is divided into two, and the golden runes that originally spread like lightning around are after encountering the golden characters flowing down the dark pyramid on the other side. The original extremely fast speed immediately dropped to zero and floated quietly in the void.

It was almost the moment when the golden runes flowing down from the dark pyramids on both sides met. On the whole Stila battlefield, the flowing golden characters were fixed in the air. The golden runes were half faint and half-presented, gradually transformed into black gold. Then the color became lighter and lighter, and gradually melted into the void, as if All in one.

A strange feeling surged into his heart. Fengyun Wuji always felt that these golden runes must play a role, but no matter how he searched with magic knowledge, he could not notice where the golden runes were hidden. In the void, there was a faint black fog. Fengyun Wuji always felt strange and bitter in his heart. Yu didn't break his delusional eyes, and he couldn't find any mystery in it.

The soldiers on both sides of the sudden appearance and the sudden disappearance of the golden rune are not seen, and the pace under his feet has not slowed down at all...


Finally, stepping on the thick limbs and broken arms, the hellfire black flag and the silver eyes black flag collided heavily all the way. An earth-shaking muffled sound came from the center of the Stilagu battlefield, and two thousands of miles of black tides hit together. The screams were endless, and the huge impact made countless demons The clan threw it into the sky, but long before that, the meridians of their bodies had been broken, and they had not risen to the peak, and they were already dead.

Fengyun Wuji still waited patiently. In the sky, the dragon knight swooped down, and a large area of fire waves spewed down. Every time he spewed fire grain, he had to take away thousands of demon warriors, leaving thousands of piles of coke. The flames exhaled by the fire dragon was too high, The armor still can't withstand this high temperature.


In the air behind the Sahara Dynasty, demons screamed crazily, shaking their wings, and rushed to the dragon knights in the air like lightning.


In the face of the dense demons, the fire dragon flew up. Then, tens of thousands of fire dragons lined up in a row, opened their mouths, and a hundred-foot-long fire river spewed out, blocking the whole space in front of him. At the same time, the dragon knight withdrew the dark halberd in his hand, inserted With a meteor hammer, the iron palm held one end of the meteor hammer tightly. With his right arm, the meteor hammer rotated above the dragon knight with the sound of the whirring wind. Where the meteor hammer passed, even the air became blurred.


A large number of demons hit the flames ejected by the fire dragon. One of them turned into black ashes and scattered. The demons who went forward to the next could not stop, or were pushed into the blazing flame by the demons behind. A fluffy black ash exploded in the air and scattered with the wind, and the scorched smell

A large number of demons circled from above and below and rushed to the dragon knight on the back of the fire dragon, but the meteor hammer circled in the air, and dozens of demons turned into meat sauce...

tearing, endless tearing, the army of the Sahara Dynasty and the army of the Nicholas Dynasty are like two meat grinders, constantly interspersing, and the scope of war expands rapidly. In the blink of an eye, the scope of interspersing finally swept from the wind and clouds

The rumble of footsteps and the crazy shouts came from the top of my head. Under the ground, the wind opened my eyes: "The time has finally come!"

Under the killing demon palace, almost the whole army was destroyed in this war, but Fengyun Wuji didn't care at all. As long as people are still there, sooner or later, the killing demon palace will be rebuilt. Of course, it may be possible to establish a dynasty in the demon world.

What is fishing in mixed water? An elephant stands among a pile of ants. Is that called fishing in mixed water?

Fengyun Wuji had already made up his mind that when the regular army of the Sahara dynasty and the army of the Nicholas dynasty officially fought, it was time for him to go out. Among such a strong man, no one will notice a demon clan with a slightly outstanding performance!


A figure broke out of the ground from the ground. No one expected that there would be a man hidden in the ground. The two demon clans who were fighting together were slightly stunned. At this time, the sword of the skeleton cross sword flashed sharply under their helmets. The two demon clans burst into flying ash, and their armor withered, fell to the One place.

"Which side are you from?" A loud shout came, and Fengyun Wuji followed the sound. A demon clan of the Sahara Dynasty and a demon clan of the Nicholas Dynasty stared at him viciously at the same time.

"Hey hey!" Fengyun Wuji smiled ferociously and did not answer. His left palm was lifted out, and a great suction came out. The two demons belonging to the two sides suddenly fell into Fengyun Wuji like lightning. Halfway, the dead bones fell from under the leg armor and flew to the palm of Fengyun Wuji. There are only two pairs of empty armor and two groups of magic gas left.

Fengyun Wuji's left palm shrank, and two groups of magic gas poured into his body. With a casual throw, the two pairs of armor rolled to the ground.

Suddenly there was silence around, and the demons took back the halberd one by one. At the same time, they looked at the behavior of Fengyun Wuji, and both sides were killed. It has attracted the attention of both sides.

Fengyun Wuji swept around, and suddenly rushed to the surrounding demon clan with a ferocious smile: "Star-sucking Dafa!"


A circle of black airflow burst out of Fengyun Wuji's body, like a strong wind sweeping the fallen leaves, surging from all around. In the blink of an eye, the rolling magic gas once again fell into Fengyun Wuji's body...

Dingdangdang! ~

The sound of metal impact came. Fengyun Wuji is the center. Within 30 feet, the dense armor falls to the ground, the armor parts are scattered everywhere, and the exposed armor is white in the skeleton. Many demons do not understand what's going on, and have been sucked into dead bones...


Feng Yun Wuji laughed wildly, flashed out like lightning, and the laughter was quickly covered by the sound of killing.

The sky, on the ground. The dense dynastic army fought together, and the battle in every place was extremely fierce. No one noticed the abnormal demon clan at the edge of the battlefield. Those abnormal things...

War! It provides the highest cover for Fengyun Wuji. Whether it is the demon clan of the Sahara Dynasty or the demon clan of the Nicholas Dynasty, the purity of its magic spirit is not the same as the purity of the demon clan in the eastern and western demon world. Fengyun Wuji madly carried up the star-sucking method, absorbed the essence of the life of these demons, and a stream of pure magic elements poured into his body, bringing endless pleasure to Fengyun Wuji.


Fengyun Wuji raised his head and his hands hung down. It stretched backwards obliquely, and a stream of magic gas sank into his body like a long whale absorbing water.

Every time the Demon Emperor appears. It will leave dead bones all over the ground, without exception.

In this tens of billions of demon dynasty wars, a demon clan that can attract stars is really inconspicuous. This battlefield is simply a place tailored for Fengyun Wuji.

Every demon clan, in the eyes of Fengyun Wuji, has turned into the most delicious tonic, full of...


Fengyun Wuji stepped out again. Under his feet, a large area of land collapsed. In the vast white bones and scattered armor, Fengyun Wuji turned into a flash of lightning and re-examined into the rolling magic tide. The skeleton cross sword and the star-absorbing method alternated. Every time they took action, at least one demon clan must ......

The whole earth was burning with blazing flames, and thick smoke soared into the sky, making the sky dark. In the thick smoke, fire dragons were criscrossed between heaven and earth, and flames were spit out from the dragon's mouth. Countless demons screamed and turned into coke and fell from the air.

In the rear of the Nicholas Dynasty, the dragons went straight into the sky. From under the clouds, a large number of dragon knights waved meteor hammers from a distance, and the huge dragon power enveloped the whole battlefield.


A dragon knight screamed. His whole body was wrapped in dense demons. His fangs penetrated deeply into the dragon knight's body, and even the armor could not be blocked. More demons crossed the knight's defense and fell on the fire dragon, surrounded the fire dragon densely and biting crazily...

Ants bite the elephant to death, and no matter how powerful the dragon knight is, it can't stop the endless demons!

Under the attack of the devil, the knight on the fire dragon and the dragon's back rolled and fell from the air. The heavy dust fell, pressing a large area of the demon clan into meat sauce, and then it was submerged by the demons pouring from both sides...

The degree of war is extremely fierce. In a breath, a large number of demons lie down in the dust, the blood is soaked in the earth, and the broken limbs and arms are thrown everywhere. In the sky, the battle between the fire dragon knight and the demon is also extremely tragic...

Then Fengyun Wuji left a white bone on the ground. When he swept to another place, suddenly a heat wave rolled over his head. Fengyun Wuji was shocked. It flashed out like lightning, and a fire flew by with the killing armor. The flame passed everywhere. Under the killing armor, the muscles of Fengyun Wuji's back curled up, The charred smoke floated out from under the killing armor.


Fengyun Wuji covered his teeth. Above his head, a huge fire dragon passed from above. On the dragon's back, the heavily armed dragon knight pulled the iron rope, and the dragon swept up into the air. Far from Fengyun Wuji, a circle of flames burned, thick smoke rose high, and a mass of scorched corpses fell to The soil is also burnt black, and it is dry and cracked everywhere...

Fengyun Wuji's eyes flashed a dark look, and his feet suddenly exerted force, and then turned into a flowing shadow. He rose to the sky, shook his body, bypassed the pat of the dragon's wings, and turned over the dragon's back from the edge of the dragon's body. Almost at the same time, the dragon knight , staring at the wind and clouds...