After soaring

Chapter 241 A piece of filament--(

For the requirement of the Buddha, Fengyun Wuji hesitated for a moment, but although the three people were divided into three parts, they were actually one. According to the style of the Buddha, there should be no selfish behavior. Therefore, after thinking about it, Fengyun Wuji still agreed.

"Okay, but I need you to share your vision with me!" Fengyun Wuji responded in his soul that this is his bottom line. Fengyun Wuji is also interested in what he is interested in. However, in my heart, I still have a trace of fear of the strength of the Buddha.

"When did I actually dabble in the power of the soul? How could I cross the space and share the soul with me?!!" Feng Yun Wuji was shocked.

Fengyun Wuji was originally composed of the dark side of the soul. It is no exaggeration to have this idea. Naturally, he is also clear, but with his remaining reason, he just looked at all this indifferently and said calmly, "Yes."

Fengyun Wuji then let go of the soul, and a cold and powerful force poured into the soul, occupying half of the soul consciousness in an instant.

Fengyun Wuji's left eye suddenly closed when Benzun's consciousness poured in. When it opened again, his left eye was already silvery white. Benzun transmitted the vision of his left eye into Fengyun Wuji's soul, and the two shared the same vision at the same time.

In the left eye, there is a piece of silver white, and the world in that eye is completely black and white, full of eyes, full of all kinds of regular cocoons. For this feeling, Fengyun Wuji is not strange, and the body quickly adapts to this feeling.


When information from the left eye pours into the soul in the right hemisphere. Feng Yun Wuji couldn't help taking a breath.

The surface of the whole Stila ancient battlefield is dense, and the countless human-shaped transparent void is struggling three feet above the ground. The face is distorted, and the wind and clouds are guessing. If there is no mistake, these are the souls of the demons who died in the ancient battlefield of Stila.

Break your delusional eyes and break all voids. The long iron cables, which are substantial but can't be touched by hand, in Fengyun Wuji's eyes, suddenly become filaments that are very thinly similar to regular cocoons, twisted, and those filaments are essentially. It is not as thick as the iron cable. In the silver iron cable, there are only a dozen extremely thin filaments that are hard to find with the naked eye and magic knowledge.

At the end of the iron cable, the huge iron cone is not immersed in the soil. It simply connects the filaments with the regular cocoons that make up the ancient battlefield of Styla. Unless the space of the entire ancient battlefield of Stila is destroyed, it is impossible to cut off those strange filaments.

"You retreat to the depths of your soul and leave your body under my control for the time being!" The voice of my indifference came from my soul.

Fengyun Wuji thought for a moment and replied, "Okay, but. After you complete the task, you must give certain benefits.

I controlled my head and nodded. Then Feng Yun Wuji retreated to the depths of his soul, and a strong and cold energy passed into the soul through the void. In order to avoid affecting the distracting effect, Fengyun Wuji and I instinctively let the soul avoid direct contact.

Although he retreated to the depths of the soul, the information I saw and received was also completely copied and sent to the soul in the depths of the soul.


I moved my hands and feet, made a crisp sound, and several halberds came from all sides. I ignored it at all and let the dozens of long halberd come. At the last moment, my body shook slightly, and most of the dozens of halberd actually halberd were empty, staggering to form a circle. It passed by Fengyun Wuji's neck, and a touch of consteration flashed from the eyes of the demons. At this time, a touch of cold light burst out, crossed a wisp of The smoar came, and dozens of demons were flying ashes around, and their armor was scattered all over the ground.

Holding the skull cross sword, I walked slowly towards the iron cable shot down from a dark pyramid not far away. Wherever I passed, the skull cross sword was raised, and dozens of demons turned into ashes.

Along the way, the demon clan that fought together densely, there was no place that could stop Fengyun Wuji for half a second, crossing the whole battlefield, leaving more than 100,000 sets of armor all the way, but there were no half of the bodies. At least the empty road that was killed was quickly submerged.

100,000 soldiers are really nothing.

When Fengyun Wuji walked forward, a cold breath came from behind. A black halberd quietly pushed towards Fengyun Wuji's back. When the halberd was only a few feet away from Fengyun Wuji, a dark shadow suddenly flashed diagonally...


The skeleton cross sword was accurately nailed to the tip of the black halberd. The halberd did not know what was cast. The skeleton cross sword was cut out with one sword, but only a deep trace was made on it, and it was not cut.

After the long halberd, a demon emperor in dark armor snorted coldly and slapped his palm. Here, Fengyun Wuji suddenly burst out like lightning. Half of the magic emperor's palm had just been handed out, and the magnificent magic spirit in the palm had not yet been spit out. Fengyun Wuji had already rubbed The chest.

Under the action of the star-absorbing method, the set of dark armor was quickly corroded. Inside the armor, the body of the demon emperor quickly collapsed. In the blink of an eye, it turned into fine ash, leaving only a dry skeleton.

"How can his speed be so fast!" This is the last thought that flashed in the mind before the demon emperor died. He didn't believe that the master of the same level, even if he was good at speed, should not be so fast!

In the dense crowd, several people had already noticed that the face of Fengyun Wuji's demon emperor flashed with fear and quickly retreated to other places. In their eyes, Fengyun Wuji suddenly disappeared in place, appeared in the arms of the demon emperor almost at the same time, sucking him dry.

"What's going on? A demon god pretends to be a demon emperor-level master?!" These ferocious demon emperors are puzzled in their minds. The only explanation for this phenomenon is that the other party is very good at space rules. No matter how much a demon emperor is, he will not be addicted to suicide. He quietly retreats one by one and looks for other prey in the tide of war.

killed several demon emperors of the Nicholas Dynasty all the way and sucked their magic elements and essence into his body. Fengyun Wuji finally came under a rope.

Endless souls, dense, broken silver eyes let him see what others can't see. Those souls of the dead demon clan, in the middle of their foreheads, have a small black and gold rune. This kind of rune is deeply into the soul, and it is by no means artificial,

The dense soul is at a loss on its face. Looking around, under every iron rope, there is a dense death soul along the iron rope, climbing all the way up, dense, endless...

I turned around and glanced at the whole battlefield indifferently. In the center of the battlefield, the power of the rules that formed the whole Stila ancient battlefield was obviously affected by external forces. From the center, the rules and cocoons that formed the whole Stila ancient battlefield, there was obviously a concave trace. The horizontal concave line will make The ancient battlefield is divided into two parts.

In my mind, Fengyun Wuji shared the results of my analysis,

Testing his own reaction, although he gave control of his body to him, his dark consciousness decided that he could not completely rest assured that he would give his body to anyone, even if it was another self.

I have already made up my mind. Now this kind of intense consciousness is still within the control range, and I must not let myself penetrate the void again to transmit my consciousness.

However, it turned out that Fengyun Wuji was too worried. I stood in place, my body was slightly heavy, and then a circle of black fog burst out from my feet, extending around like water lines. Within dozens of feet, as long as the demon clans close to this area, all of them were sucked into dead bones in an instant, and the essence Return to your body.

Without the harassment of other demons, I began to explore what caught his attention in this strange battlefield at ease.

The silver-white left eye was closed again. This time, Fengyun Wuji's left eye twitched. It took a long time to open it completely. The eyelids opened, and the history of eyes soared into a silver glow several feet long. The silver glow suddenly turned around, and then divided into a very thin silver glow and scattered into the

In the left eye, the black and white world has changed again. It seems that something new has appeared in the world of the left eye. The already dense cocoon has become more dense. In the left eye, the miscellaneous information from me makes the wind and clouds hidden in my mind feel flawless, and even the soul feels a little tired. .

"Stop! You pass on some of the most important things. Don't pass it all over!" Fengyun Wuji roared in the soul. In terms of the intensity of consciousness, although they are all divine consciousness, Fengyun Wuji knows that the rational consciousness of the body is much stronger than the consciousness of the earth.

Before being distracted, Fengyun Wuji recognized the power of the rules, which is the key to the improvement of strength in the future. Therefore, the consciousness obtained by the body is the most complete, and the third distracted mind has obtained the emotional consciousness - although compared with the perceptual consciousness of ordinary people, that consciousness can be called indifference.

The complicated analysis and deduction work carried out by me is destined to be the most powerful in this regard. The analysis of the power of the rules of the black-and-white world is almost instinctive, but the dark side is unbearable.

Soon, I accepted Fengyun Wuji's suggestion, and every once in a while, the information was sent to his soul again.

In the eyes of the broken silver eyes that opened again, I suddenly saw something new: at the bottom of the Steilagu battlefield, mixed with the most original and most basic rule cocoons that constitute the Steilagu battlefield, there are several extremely thin dark golden cocoons hidden. This is the first time that Fengyun Wuji has seen the filaments of this color in the black and white world. These golden cocoons are in parallel with the regular cocoon silk and do not affect each other.

Although there are not many dark golden cocoons under the ground. However, the crissscrossing knots penetrated the underground of the whole Stila ancient battlefield. From above, from above, in each iron cable, there are several filaments that go deep into the ground and sink into the ground, connecting to the dark gold cocoons on the crissscrossing parallel side.

The dark gold cocoon under the ancient battlefield of Stila is bounded by the center, and the dark gold cocoon on both sides seem to be the same. But there are subtle differences, from above. I felt a strange power.



I walked over slowly, stood just a few feet away from a cable, and then stretched out my right hand and made a gentle stroke. My right hand smoothly crossed the cable without touching the physical object at all.

The silver light in the left eyes soared, and the two fingers of my right palm suddenly stretched out, and the fingertips condensed a foot into a long shadow. In the middle of the shadow, there were many silver filaments obliquely carved.

Slowly, I stretched out my two fingers, through the void, cut into the silver wire in the iron cable, and gently clipped...


The other battlefield of Stila belongs to the direction of the Sahara Dynasty army. The dark pyramid in the void suddenly shook violently, and most of the space where the Stila ancient battlefield was located shook violently and made a slap in a coaxing sound.

Thousands of iron cables connected to the ground trembled violently, making a loud sound!

Thick black lightning fell from the sloping and trembling dark pyramid and fell along the iron cables...

"Now it's up to you!" I suddenly said, and then all the energy belonging to me broke out of the soul of Fengyun Wuji, crossed the space, mastered the ability of the extraterritorial heaven and the devil to shuttle through the space, and my coming and going did not attract any attention.

The control of the body was suddenly handed over to Fengyun Wuji. The survival experience in the fire rock flame has long developed Fengyun Wuji's keen intuition about danger. From the departure of the Buddha just now, Fengyun Wuji noticed a trace of danger. He didn't think about it. The magic gas in his body ran at the fastest speed, and Entering the ocean-like wave of war, tens of billions of demons provided the best cover for Fengyun Wuji at this time. In fact, Fengyun Wuji still felt unsafe. An almost instinctive feeling prompted him to keep rushing in and fleeing from the original place...

In the sky, the dark pyramid was bumpy at a high frequency. Suddenly, the dark pyramid must. Then, a huge golden eye suddenly appeared on a wall in the direction of the dark pyramid in the direction of the ancient battlefield. The cold eye suddenly opened, and a thick golden light passed through the heavy space. , draw the iron cable from the top of the dark pyramid to where I was...

A trace of doubt flashed through the huge golden eyes like lightning, and appeared around the iron cable. Except for a few demon emperor-level masters, they were some ordinary demon soldiers. It seemed that the mysterious giant eye was confused.


In the number of iron rope weeks, the demon clan within hundreds of miles suddenly exploded into powder under the gaze of the golden eyes, and then the thick eyes quickly turned to other places and quickly swept through the whole Stila ancient battlefield. During this time, the huge eyes seemed to have stagnated in Fengyun Wuji for a moment, but they could not feel it What's so surprising about this demon emperor, he swept to other places...


After the cold golden eyes moved away from his body, Fengyun Wuji breathed a long sigh of relief. At that moment, he was so nervous that he was going to die. Fortunately, I had already evacuated, otherwise, I'm afraid it would be unpredictable...

For a long time, the golden eyes that have not been found have finally withdrawn from the whole Stieragu battlefield. On one side of the four walls of the dark pyramid, the huge golden eyes closed and slowly penetrated into the dark pyramid tower...

For a long time, a piece of information passed through the void into Fengyun Wuji's mind. After reading that information, Fengyun Wuji couldn't help but curse fiercely and stretched out a middle finger,

That piece of information is very simple, it is a picture: in a huge iron cable, among the entangled filaments, there are two fingers that are stretched out, cut at once, the two sections of the filaments collapse and forth, retract to both sides, and a section of the filament is stolen by the two fingers...