After soaring

Chapter 247 Robbery of the Devil's Way

Fengyun Wuji was shocked. First, he saw the vigorous black flame that seemed to destroy the world, and then the powerful hunter messenger who came from the imperial car from the flames of hell. This series of sudden changes made Fengyun Wuji think that in this space, the self that can move freely, or the understanding of safety has been completely overthrown.

On his ankle, a burst of pain came, and Feng Yun Wuji was stunned to find that the man had made a shackle of faith out of nowhere and tied it to his leg.

"Don't move, if you want to live! Come on, lower your head. If you have any questions, wait for the hunter to leave!" The man's voice sounded like an ant in Fengyun Wuji's ears, fast and urgent.

It may be that the man's voice was dense, and the energy fluctuation generated in the void attracted the attention of the patrol messenger. A powerful pressure was projected, and two suspicious eyes swept through the void.

It is the nature of the devil to recognize the situation and act according to the opportunity. Although he didn't know who the man was sacred and what his purpose was, Fengyun Wuji still chose the most accurate choice at this moment... All the distracting thoughts were abandoned, his mind was blank, his body sat in the void, slowly raised his head, looked at the vast void in front of him, and his eyes were at a loss...

The sound of shackle oscillating that originally resounded through the void suddenly weakened a lot. Many noisy demons suddenly became very quiet, leaving only some confused demons still roaring at the void.


The huge patrol messenger more than ten feet high strangled the void. Under the gorgeous black carriage, the soaring black flame soared hundreds of feet high, as if to burn the whole world.


In the void, it suddenly became surprisingly quiet. The wind and clouds heard the sound of breathing like a drum in his ears. The messenger of the hunter stood in the flames of hell, under the ferocious dark armor, a pair of bright and evil eyes ran through the void, sweeping all the imprisoned demons within tens of thousands of feet.

Although the way of passing the sound into the secret attracted the attention of the patrol messenger, Fengyun Wuji knew that the man had successfully deceived the eyes of the patrol messenger by not knowing what method to use. However, when the powerful eyes passed through Fengyun Wuji's body, he stopped a little, and Fengyun Wuji was almost shocked. Shaking, at that moment, although Fengyun Wuji did not look directly at the eyes of the hunter, he also clearly felt the doubts in his eyes. Fortunately, he was extremely patient in the demon world and would not easily reveal his thoughts.

Maybe it is the belief shackles tied to Fengyun Wuji's ankle, maybe it's Fengyun Wuji's vivid blank expression, or maybe it's the calm soul fluctuation that successfully helped Fengyun Wuji deceive the eyes of the hunter.

"How did this level of ants get here?"

The heavy voice of the patrol messenger echoed in the void, with a trace of doubt. The rumble of the carriage crossed through the void in front of him. Feng Yun Wuji watched the huge patrol messenger driving the carriage, drew a stream of light in front of him, and disappeared far away. For a long time, he dared not move...

Far away, bursts of thunder came. In the void, in a vast space, all the demons disappeared in the magnificent thunder, and the whole space echoed the roar of the hunter: "It's your honor to give everything to the Lord God. You idiots, be quiet! "

The black flame in the sky gradually faded away. For a long time, it turned into a black spot in the void, crossed an upward arc in the void, and sank into the huge black vortex overhead with the evil black flame...

"Who the hell are you? How did you get here? Feng Yun Wuji breathed a sigh of relief and turned his head to the man.

The man smiled and said, "We are all human beings, there is no doubt about it."

Fengyun Wuji's body shook slightly. Although he changed his body, although his consciousness was full of darkness, Fengyun Wuji still attributed himself to human beings, not demons.

"What proof do you have?" Fengyun Wuji asked, turning into a person is really not a great thing. Fengyun Wuji even has the art of changing his face, so he did not easily believe it because of his words.

"Hey hey~, Xi?"

"So how did you get here?" Feng Yun Wuji asked.

Unexpectedly, the man did not answer, and then there was a dead silence. After a long time, the man turned to ask, "Have you been transmitted here by the hunter?"

Fengyun Wuji nodded, and it was not surprising that the time this person appeared here was obviously much greater than himself, so it was rare to know something that he didn't know.

"A long time ago, a long time ago, I once had a name called Dongfang Potian!" The man, Dongfang Potian slowly stood up. At the moment when his spine straightened, the whole void roared. In the roar, Dongfang Potian's body was getting bigger and bigger. After him, a huge long beast tail stretched out. On his head, the two curved horns were getting longer and longer...

Zheng Zheng Zheng!

The sound of bursts of sharp objects popped up, and the shape changed greatly, like a humanoid beast. From the top of the head to the tip of the tail, a row of sharp scales upside down, from the back, along the spine, the palms of the pair of the hands are also constantly changing, elongated into claws, and

A stream of black fog escaped from the surface of the body more than ten feet high in the east, quickly dispersed in the void, a powerful breath, from the east

The body burst out, and the void within hundreds of feet was distorted, and there was no impact on the wind and clouds. I had to absorb the star method and turn away the breath one by one.


In the distance, a demon god with only remnants of the soul dragged the shackle of faith and roared at the sky in the east.

"Well, little ant, in front of me, how can you be arrogant!" The sound of breaking the sky in the east became like a broken gong, and suddenly roared at the dozen demon gods. In the void, a strong breath enveloped the dozen demon gods.




The dozen demons suddenly stiffened, and then died violently, and the minced meat was all over the void...

"This, this..." Fengyun Wuji was shocked and completely speechless. It was just a roar. These demons were actually killed by his forced roar! ......

How strong is this man?

"Hahaha..." Dongfang broke the sky and laughed: "I haven't been so happy for a long time. I haven't used this body for a long time, hahaha..."

Dongfang Potian laughed. Fengyun Wuji just looked at him in a daze and did not answer. Dongfang Potian had been laughing for a long time. For a long time, in the end, the laughter turned into a cry with a sob. Fengyun Wuji was stunned. It was hard to imagine that such a powerful man would cry so fragilely

Crying, crying, the man suddenly looked up and waved his quick hand. The shackles of faith on Fengyun Wuji's leg suddenly disappeared without a trace. It was dark in front of his eyes. I don't know when Fengyun Wuji found that he had been held in the arms of the East, like Body, hold.

"...I didn't expect that hundreds of millions of years later, in this dark space, I could still see the people! ..." Dongfang's thick body rested on Fengyun Wuji's shoulder, with fierce and ugly face, tears like rain, crying like a baby.

"Billions of years ago, like many clansmen, I entered the demon world voluntarily... There were as many as 500,000 people with me at that time, but now, I'm almost dead, and I'm the only one left... Hahaha, I didn't expect to see you here, see you, my clan..." Dongfang Po Tian laughed and laughed as if he were crying: "Hasixty million people... dead, dead... all fucking dead, it's really miserable... I'm the only one left."

"Five million years ago, I said to myself that if I can't destroy the demon clan, I will never go back to ancient times, never..."

"I really want to go home, really," Dongfang Potian let go of a hand on Fengyun Wuji, turned around, and the other hand touched his face.

"You will definitely go back, for sure," the human nature in the soul makes Fengyun Wuji have a strong resonance. Fengyun Wuji has fully believed what he said. This is a human race, and only people can have such strong emotions, and only ancient human beings will have the kind of strong desire to go home. Longing.

With a sigh, the shape of Dongfang Breaking the sky is getting smaller and smaller and smaller. The long tail and the sharpness gradually retracted back into the body and turned back into a normal human shape. Behind it, a circle of shadows expanded, and the vortex-shaped shadow quickly expanded. The extreme darkness also covered up the figure of Dongfang Breaking

"I'll send you out. You're not suitable to stay here. In this place, one human race is enough. You don't need two human races!" Dongfang broke the sky and said.

"No," Fengyun Wuji shook his head.

Dongfang Potian raised his head doubtfully and looked at him.

In the soul, that small part of human nature suddenly prevailed at this moment. With a smile indifferently, Fengyun Wuji said, "Although I am not as strong as you, some of the skills I master are enough for me to easily travel through most of the space and planes."

"Oh, that's better," Dongfang Potian pondered for a moment, and then said, "It's not appropriate to stay here for a long time. You don't have enough skills, and you haven't been handcuffed by the shackle of faith. If you stay for a long time, you will be discovered by the

"If you fight with the hunter messenger, you and him, how many will you win or lose? Who can survive..." Fengyun Wuji suddenly asked.

Dongfang broke the sky silently, pondered for a moment, and said, "Four or six, I should be able to kill him - after paying a certain price."

"Then why didn't you kill him, and with your strength, you can send me away. Why are you still here? Do you also like these demons?

Oriental broken nature: "This level of demon god really can't get into my magic eyes, as for what you said..."

"There is no need at all. Over the years, I have basically seen some paths. These hunters have no life at all. They are just things created by the Lord God using certain rules. They can only be said to be a tool. It's not life. In this space connecting the abyss where the Lord God lives, the hunting messenger can be constantly reborn, which is not killed at all. Moreover," Dongfang Potian said here, paused slightly, and turned his head to Fengyun Wuji: "Every time the messenger dies, it will attract the attention of the main god. Although the main god disdains to deal with us, he will strengthen the power of the messenger until it is enough to subdue all the chaos in the dark pyramid."

Fengyun Wuji nodded: "I see... It's just that you can leave. Why do you still stay in this dark pyramid?"

Dongfang Potian's face was a little miserable: "So many brothers have left, leaving only me. I don't know how long I can suppress the variance of the body. Maybe at some point, I will explode and die. I hope I can do the last thing before I die

The greatest threat of the clan comes from the main god. If there is no participation of the main god, the four hands, and with the strength of our clan, are enough to shock the gods and demons..."

Looking up, Dongfang broke the sky and looked at the huge black vortex in the sky and said, "This is the space where the Lord God lives. The nearest place. For the rules, the four supremes have exhausted all their efforts. All the rules are almost understood by the supreme, but we still know nothing about the law. It seems to be If God wants to fight against the Lord God, there must be someone to understand the power of the Lord God, and this space is directly constructed by the Lord God. If you want to understand the power of the Lord God, this is the best place... Although it will be a little dangerous, I don't care anymore.

"I call you, because you belong to the same clan, and then look at your behavior, when you belong to the same people as us, I look at you, but there is only less than half of the soul, but strangely, this less than half of the soul is no different from the soul of ordinary people."

Feng Yun Wuji's body was slightly shocked, and his heart was shocked and shocked. At the same time, he admired it very much. These were completely guessed by him.

"Yes, I practiced a kind of secret skill, which is only one-third of my soul," Fengyun Wuji said.

This time, it was Dongfang's turn to break the sky and was shocked: "What?! ...No wonder, no wonder..."

"I see that the weapon you wear on your body is a sword, but you can know that with your soul nature, what you use is suitable for a knife. That sword is not suitable for you," Dongfang Potian pointed to the skeleton cross kendo hanging in the Fengyun Wuji leg armor ring buckle, and his right hand explored in the void and actually grabbed Narrow and long knife, the black long knife is three fingers wide, more than one foot long.

"This is my sword, breaking the sky!" Dongfang broke the sky and reached out and stroked it. With the stroke of his right hand, where his fingers passed, the dark body of the narrow and long knife suddenly flashed a silver-white knife light, and a crisp sound of the sound of the knife resounded through the void.

"Breaking the sky, breaking the sky, you haven't appeared for hundreds of millions of years," Dongfang Breaking the sky looked at the long knife and sighed, and then in the sigh, the long knife broke through the sky and sounded, watching the situation, excited to break out of the palm...

Fengyun Wuji flashed a light of light in his eyes and asked, "I don't have this knife in your palm, and there is no place to hide on your body. Where do you hide? But the condensation comes in shape?

Dongfang Potian was stunned when he heard the words, and then laughed: "Hahaha... No, when you reach the late stage of the divine level and understand the way of thorough space, you can also open up a space like me. In ancient times, many martial artists have opened up their own space, which is not very big, but it is enough to store some Talk about weapons!"

"So it is," Feng Yun Wuji was relieved when he heard the words and said, "Actually, what I practice is kendo, but in Dao Dao, I also have some understanding. I have created a set of swordsmanship, called 'Left Road', but I abandoned it because it is in conflict with the swordsmanship practiced."

"Left Road?" Dongfang Potian nodded: "It's so good that you have actually learned the swordsmanship. So now, watching you stop and practicing kendo, but you are not deep. At this moment, you are practicing our demon way of robbery. You should be able to really carry forward this swordsmanship, and don't wait for more than 500,000 talented people. It took , I realized this set of 'robbing the devil'. I will stay here forever. I don't want to bury such skills here with me. I hope you can take out this set of swordsmanship. At the same time, if there is a suitable clan, you can spread this set of swordsmanship. I hope our clan will be rejuvenated!"

Fengyun Wuji's spirit was shaken when he heard the words. With martial arts, it is still not enough to have a strong internal force, and there is also a martial arts that can exert the power of this strong internal force.

There is a saying that I don't know it when I'm in Baoshan. That's what I said.

Although there is a star-sucking method in the body, in terms of skills, there is no fear at all, and there are more killing demons, which can refine the gods, but there is only one domineering attack magic skill. In the past, in the battle with the enemy, it relied on tactical skills. Fengyun Wuji had the intention to make , joy is inexplicable, the devil as a person, can save trouble, so he will bring other people's things, and naturally he will not consume any effort to understand.

"Robbery the devil's way? How strong it is!"

"How strong, hahaha..." Dongfang burst into laughter, and the laughter stopped abruptly: "Come here,"

Dongfang Potian handed out the long knife Potian: "If you want to know how strong the demon road is, just touch the sky. The demon road is in this knife."

Fengyun Wuji slowly walked over with a suspicious face and took a look at Dongfang Potian. He remembered that if the other party had any malice, he would kill himself. With his terrible ability, he should not waste his power, not to mention the same clan, so he was relieved and did as he said.

Two fingers, and then together, Fengyun Wuji has already held the sword body of the broken sky in his hand, and then at the moment when Fengyun Wuji's two fingers were closed, a sharp, ear-scraping sound resounded through the void...

Under the sky-breaking knife, an invisible breath of knife scraped the killing armor, making a metal friction sound. At the same time, a strong blood gas penetrated through the killing armor into the heart of the wind and clouds. The boundless blood came to the face, and a shocking killing scene passed through my mind one by one, the powerful The lethality makes the heaven and the earth change the color, and the gods are also shocked...

"What a strong knife! ..." Fengyun Wuji blurted out! ......