After soaring

Chapter 263 Jun Qianshang

The Lord of the Sword Domain is not the God of Swords!

This news is amazing enough. However, the real owner of Daoyu is Jun Qianshang. This person has not yet appeared, but his strength can already be seen.

In the peak of the War Emperor, the awakened warrior masters are quietly cultivating in the glacier. The colder the gas is, the higher the recovery will be. Several awakened masters have been sent to the knife field. Every day, a large number of war disciples travel between the knife field and the God of War Peak, and a large number of snow eagles fly quickly in the air. This kind of bird, in addition to being as strong as steel and fierce and brave, is extremely fast. Even a master of relaxation, may not be able to catch this kind of bird.

After a short period of calming down, on the War Emperor's Peak, the three god-level warriors stepped on the place where the Emperor of War was already, and it became more intense.

Tens of thousands of war clans were transferred to the knife field. Three god-level masters of the war clan personally dispatched the attack progress of all parties. The war flag of the war clan progressed all the way. There was basically no need for three people to take action in person in the war. The children of the war clan defeated the peripheral disciples of the knife field

In the knife field, the sky is gloomy, and the cold wind between heaven and earth strikes, but the temperature has dropped a lot. On a thousand-foot mountain in the center of the knife field, three white-robed men stand proudly. At the foot of the mountain, there are dense children of the war clan. Going forward, the air has become The disciple looked in this direction blankly.

After them, the place where the knife spirit is soaring is the place where the master of the knife domain lives.

Being in the knife field, the strength of all non-knife masters will be suppressed. Although the disciples of the war clan also practice the knife way, because the real power is too different from the knife way learned by the children of the knife field, the strength will still be limited, which is the reason why the war clan slows down the offensive.

At the top of the mountain, the three warriors looked cold and indifferent. In the long months, they have almost forgotten the memories of the past, and there are only some simple obsessions and missions left in their minds.

"War sacrifice, the order of the emperor, when will the full-scale attack be carried out?" The man on the left asked. Under his right eyelid, a knife mark was pulled diagonally across the bridge of his nose and extended to the other side.

"Almost, according to the emperor's meaning, before the real behind-the-scenes strength of the knife field is exposed, we should not act too rashly, so as not to increase casualties!" In the center, standing with his hands on his back, the man with a little white frost in the dark looked at the front. The three men under the cloud said, "It's only a matter of time before we fight for hegemony in ancient times. After a while, when all the awakened people in the clan merge their skills and memories, it will be the time for It won't take long for us to unify the ancient. Unification is not our ultimate goal!"

"According to those god-level masters hidden in the knife field, the real master of the knife field is Jun Qianshang. One thought of reincarnation, Jun Qianshang!" On the far right, the middle-aged man with half a bronze mask on his face suddenly said.

The other two were silent at the same time. After a long time, the war sacrifice said, "I understand, Lord Zhanluo... Let's try the skills of the three gods in Daoyu. You want to go together!"

"Go ahead and explore their strength. I'll plunder here! Attention, don't rush forward. If the knife field can exist for such a long time, there must be something extraordinary. At that time, after the war, there were so many surviving forces. We didn't notice them, but this does not mean how bad they are. Be careful, there is no big mistake!"

"Well, I see!" After saying that, the two jumped down from the cliff and flew to the knife field in the distance.

On the peak, the warrior wearing bronze armor suddenly stretched out two fingers, and a battle flag between his fingers was displayed in the wind. The two fingers of the war flag were thrown, and the battle flag fell to the range of the defense of the knife field with the sound of sharp ears...

On all sides, the eyes of the children of the war clan swept across the void with the flag, and when the war flag sank into the mud, there was a roar in their mouths, and then the children of the war clan lined up in thousands of rows with white snow knives in their hands and went towards the knife field...

In the distance, the disciples of the knife field immediately made a roar. The sitting figures stood up one by one. A long knife emitted a cold light, and the sound of footsteps came from the knife field. The disciples of the knife field quickly lined up in front of the knife field to meet the enemy.


A sound of a knife came. Finally, the knife field was conservative on the ground. A cluster of long knives inserted into the soil trembled and converged into a huge river. In the river of the knife, a middle-aged man in a wide green robe sat in it. After that, another knife field had already appeared at the feet of a god-level strong As soon as he stepped on it, the quite large open space between the swordsman and the warriors of the swordsman suddenly shook violently, and then in the tremor, the soil broke open everywhere. From the ground, several knife-shaped boulders slowly rose, and the handle of the knife was towards the sky. The god-level master of the knife field pinched Slide off the side, revealing the mirror-like knife below


A loud sound of knives came. The hundreds of feet of stone knives were blazing, and a blind knife gas visible to the naked eye expanded. Several stone knives were integrated, forming a huge barrier, abruptly blocking the way of most of the disciples in the knife field.

The sound of breaking the air came, and the two god-level masters jumped up and jumped on the huge stone knife. Their eyes flashed. They quickly swept over the disciples of the knife field below, and then their eyes moved to the two god-level masters of the knife field.

"Who is the coming warrior?" A god-level master of the knife domain shouted.

"War Sacrifice!"

"Wind of war!"

After the two answered, they jumped up in the sky, not to the clouds, above the stone knife, the three god-level masters of the knife realm also turned up...

Between god-level masters, the aftermath of the battle is too wide. If we fight here, I'm afraid both sides will suffer heavy casualties! It's a different battlefield!

Below, the disciples of the knife field are as dense as rain, stationed on both sides of the stone knife, and the stone knife defense in the center. Any attempt to cross from the stone knife must be remembered by the soaring knife gas on the stone knife. On both sides of the stone knife, the warriors in the knife field are as dense as clouds. At that time, it was exchanged for hundreds of thousands of Haohan knife gas, and the bright knife gas, which illuminated the heaven and the earth as bright as the day.

The stone knife array is curved, and the range is very large. Obviously, the knife field has studied the defensive strategy. It has attacked each other several times and defeated the attack of the war clan in number. Although the children of the war clan are strong in the face of dozens of times their own disciples in the knife field, it still seems a little difficult.


Another war flag was shot down from the cliff. The landing point was just at the edge of the stone knife gas range, and a loud voice came from the cliff from afar: "Target, stone knife!"

The children of the war clan, who were originally divided into two torrents, suddenly stopped, and then closed themselves. There were bursts of choking knife sounds, and then tens of thousands of magnificent knife gas pulled out hundreds of feet of length, and the knife gas converged with each other, split heavily from the air and bombarded on


There were countless cobweb-like cracks on the side of the huge stone knife, and then a click came, and countless stone debris mixed with dust. The stone knife's gas rose sharply, shaking off the residual powder, and a layer of smooth stone was exposed underneath. This magnificent knife was only a few feet less thickness of the stone knife. It's just...

Almost at the same time as the children of the war clan below took action, there was a loud noise in the sky. In the low thick dark cloud, the two heptuous knife gas suddenly exploded in length, and the two completely different knife gas cut the dark clouds of the sky into two halves, revealing a gap dozens of feet wide, almost At the same time, not far from the knife gas exploded, two completely different magnificent knife gas exploded. The violent airflow blew down from the air, and the strong wind hit the surface, making people unstable. A loud shout came from the air from time to time. In the knife gas that covered the sky and the sun, the clothes of four small figures fluttered, and their bodies It suddenly disappeared, but reappeared thousands of miles away, and there was no sign of appearing and disappearing...

In the knife field, the children of the war clan kept coming out of the knife and bombarding the stone knife. Finally, a click came. On the stone knives, cracks deep into the interior of the stone knife appeared one after another. On the high mountain, a trace of essence flashed out of Zhanluo's eyes. Far away, the stone knives were

In that silence, Zhanluo suddenly stretched out his hand to the stone knife. On the bright pupils, the cracks on the body of the stone knives quickly expanded, and then burst into hundreds of gravel, which shot backwards under the action of an invisible force.

At this time, a dense sound of footsteps came from the knife field, and countless armored? What?? Planting and descending the peony team, you and the silly team chanting and slashing? Does the team of Huaiwei Squid Zheng? Wandering around?? Slang hugging? What are you doing? Do you have sodium? ? 19. Smash? The seal of the peony team? What is the seal of the pit?

Dozens of powerful white knife field strong men came out of the core of the knife field. Zhanluo's face changed wildly. After counting carefully, he found that there were more than 80 god-level strong men. In the crowd of more than 80 years of god-level strong people, a teenager in plain white cloth robe slowly walked out of the knife field It's quite handsome. It's not too handsome. On the contrary, it has a strong bookish atmosphere. The hair is not too dark. It is casually tied behind the head with a cloth, and the look on his face is extremely indifferent...

The man walked out slowly under the support of everyone. He looked flattered and humiliated. He had a kind of calmness. Suddenly, the man raised his head. Above his star-like eyes, there were two thin eyebrows with frost white in the black...

One thought of reincarnation, Jun Qianshang!

While seeing the man, Zhanluo's mind changed wildly. He looked up and shouted in the air, "War sacrifice, come back quickly, the war clan belongs to, retreat!"