After soaring

Chapter 328 Reincarnation is the most ruthless-- 1

"I said, I don't want to compete with you with martial arts! ..." Just as the Emperor of War was about to sacrifice the unparalleled and unparalleled 'knife', a strong consciousness tip into the sea of the Emperor of War's consciousness like a sharp cone. A sharp pain came, the soul trembled, and the whole handle holding the sword was unsteady.

The extremely cold and true qi gathered in the chest collapsed and dispersed while the divine consciousness was attacked, re-entering into the seven meridians and eight veins, and the 'knife' could no longer be used smoothly.

The War Emperor was originally calm with a cold expression, and finally showed a shocked look. The extremely strong wave of divine knowledge directly and fiercely attacked the War Emperor's consciousness. From its perspective, it obviously came from the wind and clouds that the War Emperor once ignored.

"What a powerful consciousness!" The War Emperor muttered that the strength of the divine consciousness was far beyond the expectations of the Emperor of War. The divine consciousness exercised by the thought of the sword body is far stronger than that of the ancient strong people of the same level. Although the third division of the mind is only part of the complete soul, the process of absorbing geomagnetic veins in hundreds of thousands of years .

is the way the War Emperor appeared from Fengyun Wuji. He had expected the most dangerous consciousness attack that Fengyun Wuji might choose, and he was still a little unprepared - Fengyun Wuji's consciousness is too powerful!

The War Emperor's existence time is far beyond Fengyun Wuji. He has the strength to be proud of the whole ancient times and make heaven and earth color. However, the Xuanbing Hanjue practiced by the War Emperor does not pay special attention to divine knowledge and earth skills. The long years have given the War Emperor a strong divine consciousness that is far stronger than the general god-level late master, but this kind of power is not insurmountable. At least, the strength of the divine consciousness exercised by Fengyun Wuji's idea sword body method, which pays special attention to the degree of consciousness exercise, has been able to shake the divine consciousness before the Make him unable to gather all his thoughts, strike out the frozen everything, and freeze all the vitality!

The fight of consciousness is the most dangerous. Fengyun Wuji unexpectedly attacked the divine consciousness, which made the "one knife" of the War Emperor die in the womb, but in the blink of an eye. The Emperor of War's body stood up, and he came out with a cold god's body in the vastness, and he turned back to the consciousness of Fengyun Wuji. The two huge consciousness interssect in the void! ~


A huge earthquake of the sky and the earth. In the void above the Emperor of War, broken black space cracks emerged one after another, and countless space cracks were born and died. From the space cracks, there were bursts of winds from other planes that were enough to tear the high mountains.

Thunderbolt! !

The black and white colors alternate on the head, and the frost and snow and dark clouds are intertwined like canine teeth. Taoist silver snake spreads on the top of the head...

The two magnificent gods unfolded all kinds of means in the blink of an eye and attacked each other. The way of divine consciousness is ever-changing. It is especially better than the means of the devil, among which it is difficult to be dangerous to the outsiders.

Sunmingly, there seemed to be two fierce beasts entangled in the void, fighting fiercely...

A leisurely sigh came from the void. After that sigh, there was a whisper: "One thought of reincarnation, Jun, Qianshang!"

A huge wheel seal came from behind the War Emperor. Straight around, the scenery around is changing. The thunder, the dark clouds, the lightning, all retreated back very quickly...

"Reincarnation, the most ruthless! Only by keeping your heart can you get rid of it. Remember, remember..." Jun Qianshang's divine consciousness was directly transmitted to the mind of Fengyun Wuji. Then in the perception of all consciousness, Jun Qianshang's voice became lower and lower, and then the whole disappeared...

A sense of trance surged into my heart, surrounded by muddy, and I only felt countless things passing by quickly from both sides. I wanted to take a closer look, but I found that all my efforts were in vain, and my strength seemed to disappear at a very fast speed...

In a daze, Fengyun Wuji felt that he seemed to appear in front of a huge wheel, but the wheel was composed of countless small wheels. Around the huge wheel, there was a dark and cold nothingness. Countless resentment souls shuttled through it, making a whine. In the confusion, Fengyun Wuji felt that there was a kind of The breath came, and it seemed that the Emperor of War...

Fengyun Wuji just crossed such an idea in his mind, and suddenly a great suction came from a wheel-shaped hole in front of him. Fengyun Wuji's consciousness was attracted by this, and it disappeared into the endless darkness like a tide...

For a long time, it seems that after a long time, from the endless darkness, a soft call came: "Wuji, Wuji, wake up, it's time to wake up..."

As if hundreds of millions of years had passed, Feng Yun Wuji opened his eyes and reflected a familiar face in his eyes.

"Wulji, why are you here?" Feng Yun Wuji exclaimed and immediately stood up.

"Wuji, I drank secretly last night and woke up like that. Haven't you woken't woken up yet!" Zhao Wuji smiled and said, "I'm not here. Where is it?"

Unlike Zhao Wuji in Fengyun Wuji's impression, Fengyun Wuji found that Zhao Wuji was wearing a patched blue cloth robe, rolling his sleeves, revealing his bronze arms.

Sitting up, Fengyun Wuji looked around a little confusedly. This is a grass house. The layers are very simple. The thatched grass on the top of the floor is not thick, revealing cracks, and a handful of snow fell from the cracks - outside, it was snowing outside.


Zhao Wuji smiled and suddenly opened the wooden door. Outside the door, the fierce wind swept a lot of snowflakes into the door, and a whist of wind echoed in the room.

"Let's go. On such a big snowy day, it's a good time to catch rabbits. The snow is thick and cold. They bury their heads in the snow and catch them accurately. This winter, the rabbits have changed their hair, white, like snow, and the meat is better than when they are gray. Go and catch some, so that the food will be available this winter.

With that, Zhao Wuji grabbed a slingshot and stepped out of the door. After turning around, it disappeared. A rustling of footsteps came from outside the door.

"Wait!" Feng Yun Wu Ji stood up, and his heart was very confused. He looked at the small hut again, and a strange feeling surged into his heart, and he always felt strange.

"What's going on? Zhao Wuji should not be so young. I was obviously competing with the War Emperor with divine knowledge. How could I suddenly appear here? ...What's wrong with this thated house? And... this worn cotton on me? What's going on? Feng Yun Wuji was in a daze in his mind. Suddenly, two completely different notes appeared in his mind

My name is Fengyun Wuji. I'm an orphan. Zhao Wuji is my brother. We live in this that we live in this that we have lived here for many years... Wuji is my good brother, very good buddy. We beg for food outside, look for things, and are often beaten, but he He is always protecting me, and he is always beaten... Neighbors look down on us... I drank with someone else yesterday, and my head was dizzy...

A run of memories appeared in Feng Yun Wuji's mind. Those memories were so vivid that it was as if they had indeed experienced it personally.

"Can Jun Qianshang's reincarnation actually modify people's memory?" Feng Yun Wuji thought to himself, stretched out his palm, and a trace of snowdust fell from the roof and fell from the palm of his hand. It was cold.

Everything is so real, there is no doubt that it is true...

"Wuji, let's go!" A cold wind came to his face, and Zhao Wuji, who was red with a cold nose, ran in again. Looking at Fengyun Wuji's dull appearance, he smiled and said, "Hahaha... You bastard, you dreamed again. You really think that you are a peerless master, helping the weak and helping the poor. It's just a dream. You Do you want to eat? ...Hurry up, let's go hunting in the pine forest together... Those kids in the east of the city also went there late, but they can't catch anything. In this winter, they can't find food..."

"Dream? "..." Feng Yun Wuji said doubtfully. Suddenly, in his mind, one memory quickly faded, while the other memory became clear...

My name is Fengyun Wuji. He is an orphan. This is my brother, Zhao Wuji. This year, I am 16 years old, and he is 17 years old...

Grabbing a simple wooden bow hanging on the mottled wall of the drafting house, Feng Yun Wuji followed Zhao Wuji and strode out. Outside the door, a large stream of cold wind blew into the arms with snowflakes, and a stream of coolness went straight to the heart and spleen...

"What a real feeling! ...Is it true that I really just had a dream?" Feng Yun Wuji muttered in his heart.

Through the slate street next to the fallen tung tree, in the indifferent eyes of sparse pedestrians. The two walked out of the city step by step, and their eyes flashed through the faces of those passers-by from time to time. A familiar feeling surged into their hearts, familiar and strange...

Outside the city, a mountain that is not low is covered with dense pine forests. The pine needles that still maintain green in the cold winter are covered with a thick layer of white frost, which also folds a lot of branches, one by one. They are all heavy, and the roots are tilted down...

Fengyun Wuji and Zhao Wuji walked slowly in the woods. Looking around carefully, Zhao Wuji held a bag in his hand. The bag kept beating. There was a snow rabbit in it, and behind Fengyun Wuji was also a stream of birds that were originally jumping among the pine branches - although it was winter, some birds still did not fly away from here...

Just now, when holding the wooden bow, Fengyun Wuji's men had astringent feeling, but there was a familiar memory of the wooden bow in his memory... No matter which memory is real. Fengyun Wuji's superhuman comprehension has still not changed. In a short time, Fengyun Wuji experienced the process from an astringent archer to the sharpshooter.


Suddenly, there was a scream in the pine forest, and both of them were shocked.

"Go and have a look! ..." Zhao Wuji threw down the bag and ran towards the screams.

"Don't go..." Fengyun Wuji just wanted to stop it, but in the blink of an eye, Zhao Wuji had disappeared after a few pine trees and disappeared...

With a sigh, Feng Yun Wuji had to keep up.

Curiosity is the most deadly, causing some unnecessary trouble! - This is another idea in Fengyun Wuji's memory.

Follow Zhao Wuji's footsteps all the way. The dense forest stood in front of me. I couldn't see further away for a moment. I only felt that the thick pine trunks were bumping towards me...

After a while, Fengyun Wuji finally saw Zhao Wuji and walked over slowly. Fengyun Wuji put one hand on Zhao Wuji's shoulder and asked, "What's going on?"

At the same time, his eyes subconsciously crossed Zhao Wuji's shoulder and looked forward.

It was an empty mine. The area was not very large. There was a stubborn stone covered with snow in the center. When Feng Yun Wuji saw the people next to the stubborn stone, his pupils suddenly shrank and said coldly, "Emperor of War! ..."

The snow-haired man in white robe raised his head, his face was cold, and his eyes were raised to Fengyun Wuji, and suddenly stagnated: "Fengyun Wuji!"

"Oh, Wuji, how could the Bai family's nursing home know you?! How can you..." Zhao Wuji said in a shocked voice, and the sound stopped with the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

The Emperor of War gently turned his hand back to his right hand and took the opportunity to pull the knife back. On his side, a rich man with a frightened face and a mink face bleeded in his chest. He fell down and fell on the snow, shocking a snow fog...

The war emperor slowly pulled out the knife, stood with the knife in his hand, his clothes fluttered, and he raised his legs and walked towards the two people.

"Bai Jia Nursing Home, what do you want to do?" Zhao Wuji said in horror, and his tongue was a little unclear.

"What are you doing?" The Emperor of War smiled and said, "As soon as you find out, of course, kill, kill! ..."

After saying that, I suddenly cut it down...

"Wuji, run..." Zhao Wuji exclaimed and pushed Fengyun Wuji away, while he opened his frightened eyes and looked at the knife...

"Wulji, come on!" Seeing that the sword was about to cut on the top of Zhao Wuji's head, Zhao Wuji was still motionless. Fengyun Wuji was in a hurry. He stepped over Zhao Wuji in three or two steps, stretched out his right hand, and subconsciously shouted in his heart, "The fifth sword courage!"

But his hand was empty, and there was nothing. On the opposite side, the cold knife light split. Although the momentum was amazing, it was completely different from the sword spirit of the War Emperor in the impression of Fengyun Wuji. At most, it was just a master who had not soared. This kind of attack should be avoided by Zhao Wuji!

But Zhao Wuji remained motionless and seemed to have been scared.

"All right, do I have nothing but a sword?" Fengyun Wuji roared and punched it out directly. However, with this bombardment, Fengyun Wuji's heart was cold...

In the Dantian, it is empty, and there is no half of real gas. On his fist, there is no wind bursting out... He lost all his martial arts...