After soaring

Chapter 414 Fallen the god, build the tower to gather the divine power; abandoned land, encounter the old ministry

A series of space ripples spread in the dark depths, and a skeleton with white light crawled out of the black hole in space. A stream of green fog escaped from the bones and hung around the skeleton. The skull's head and two silver-white eyes rotated, looking very horrible.


The sound of muscle growth and blood passing through the blood vessels came from the light green fog. In the dark universe, the huge energy of the ancient existence converged from all sides and kept pouring into the green fog...


With a slight explosion, the green fog bursts away. Under the fog, my body recovered again. The huge and pure power is lucky in the body. With the nine-turn life-and-death mystery, I am almost immortal.

Indifferently, he stretched out his palm and explored in the void, and a ball of energy instantly turned into a silver-white robe. I grabbed the robe, almost instinctively put it on my body, and then walked towards the temple. In my mind, it was still running non-stop, deducing the blow of the emperor.

When I appeared outside the temple, above the glorious temple, opposite to the huge sculpture nearly a hundred feet high, a huge black pyramid with a length of nearly a hundred feet floated quietly in the air. The tower body emitted a demonic dark light, and the base was fixed on six hundred iron cables, each of which was pulled straight.

At the top of the pyramid, 'the emperor, still wore the extremely cold silver mask. When I appeared, 'the emperor, with a trace of extreme fear in his eyes, but soon turned his head.

"Go..." "Your Majesty, the astringent and hoarse voice echoes in the void: "...belief...a lot of faith and soul..."

The dense demons looked up, and the dead demons had been cleared up, with a large number of new demons. Under the call of the demon lord, he gathered here again from all directions...

Under the pyramid, the strongest group of demon lords form a circle, kneel on the ground, and arrange the layers of demons in a circle to the outer layer. They expand around and look down from the sky, like a black layer of still lines.


'Emperor, a hand raised above his head, and the huge golden statue burst out a dark golden flame and shot down. The dark golden flame burned, and a dark gold pattern was tattooed on the forehead of each demon leader.


bursts of roar came from below. The demons roared, with a scorching and crazy light in their eyes. Like a tide, it rushes in all directions...

I indifferently passed these demons who crossed the ground from his side and quietly beside the emperor, like the emperor, coldly looking down at the fanatical believers below. In the black and white world, the invisible lines extend from the pyramid. Immerse yourself in the demon souls that are gradually disappearing in this flaky universe...

The infinite expansion of my mind, quietly watching, demons poured into countless planes, conveying a new 'belief of God'. Whenever there are a large number of believers who believe in the new god' emperor in a plane, the dark pyramid tower becomes darker. At the same time, there is an invisible force like the dark golden filament intercepted by me in the demon world extending to that plane...

At this moment, I became an irrelevant bystander. Standing quietly on the side of the 'Emperor', witnessing this instinctive, rationally almost cruel' anti-god man, collecting the huge divine power needed...

For me, there is nothing more interesting than witnessing an anti-god person who builds its country step by step. The deduction of rules is almost exhausted, but more new things are breeding in this corner. My consciousness is constantly deducing, and the deduction without any foundation is destined to spend more energy and Time, but I am not short of time...


Abandoned land.

In the muddy swamp, a crippled demon god is half hidden in it, revealing only two huge curved horns and an ugly head with a pleading face. Almost half of the demon god's body is a complete skeleton, and a termite unique to this place keeps drilling and grabbing it.

Despite the weak breath, it is not dead yet...

In the sky, a huge dark shadow passed by, and the first divine spirit of complete magic fell from the sky, falling into the mud like a meteor, splashing mud all over the sky.

In the first distraction of purple eyes, the light flashed, and he blurted out almost in disbelief: "God?!!"

Although they have been separated for a long time, the three gods also retain the complete imprint in front of the split. The strange fluctuation emitted by the half-dead demon god in front of them has changed a lot, but the first distraction recognized the essence similar to the ancient demon ape god at a glance.

The first distraction was excited, and the ferocious light flashed in his eyes, looking at the half-dead demon god as if looking at a snack. There was a vast fog around, and there was no strong existence nearby.

"It's really unlucky to meet me," I said to the weak demon god on the ground: "Although your god is incomplete, I'm still interested... You can rest!"

"Slow down," the demon god in the mud shook his dark eyelids, splashed a smudge of mud, and said powerlessly, "Great existence, if you want a god, please take it, just give me a life. I am willing to work for adults for you to drive!"

"Real is it?" The first distraction said coldly, "But... I'm not interested!"

"You are not interested, but I am very interested in your body!" The big demon god, who was still unharmed, suddenly laughed ferociously, and the skeleton shook up. The white skeleton straightened up one by one, lifting the huge unrotten head, facing the first distraction, and his eyes were full of demonic light.

"Do you want it? Ps! I just want to leave this place where birds don't shit!"

The demon god roared, and a powerful demon knowledge turned into a foggy rain-like volley shot at the tall first god ̄ ̄ Fengyun Wuji...

Fengyun Wuji looked coldly at the sudden outbreak of the demon god. His ferocious and terrible face could not see any expression, waiting for the foggy and rainy magic to break through the space. When he was about to cover his whole body, he said leisurely, "Comparing with me, you really want to die!"

It was like a materialized spirit of killing breaking out of the body, breaking through the fog and rain like a huge sword. With just one, it opened a dense hole in the huge head of the demon god.

The ferocious head suddenly stiffened, and then the dark golden blood burst out, and the remnants fell heavily into the dust.

Fengyun Wuji strode forward, gently scratched his right-handed finger, and cut open the huge head. In the almost corrupt head, a dark golden crystal mixed with blood slid out...

Feng Yun Wuji bent down. The palm of the hand explored this crystal stained with blood, and the crystal was once the crystal was bought. A great pressure came, as if the whole world was pressing on itself. Such a huge weight made Feng Yun Wuji's palm tremble, and the crystal slipped from the palm of his hand and slipped into the mud.

"What's going on?" Feng Yun Wuji stood still in a sway, motionless. The crystal half caught in the black mud was still reflected in the purple pupil. At that moment, Fengyun Wuji had a strange feeling: this divine crystal is simply part of this heaven and earth. At that moment, it was not this crystal that shook itself at all, but this huge and unparalleled world.

Strong ** and strange feeling are struggling in my heart. A beast's instinct tells him that as long as he is greedy for this crystal, he will never get out of this strange place.

Fengyun Wuji's face changed. After all, he slowly stretched out his demonic and slender hand. As soon as his fingers approached the crystal, a feeling of being peeped by thousands of eyes surged into his heart, and his fingers suddenly stopped.


With a soft sound, Fengyun Wuji's right index finger nails suddenly lengthened and deformed, turning dark as ink, and slaid towards the crystal in a thick fog. Then after the sound, Fengyun Wuji's cultivation of his whole body's strength was just knocking down a little tiny fragment.


A loud noise, thousands of forces in all directions are rolling towards the wind and clouds...

Fengyun Wuji's purple eyes sank, and a thick ink color appeared in his eyes. He stepped on the corpse of the demon god with one foot, and his hand stretched over his head. 'The method of sucking stars has already taken action.

Thousands of forces were pulled by a powerful and mysterious force, and passed by Fengyun Wuji. Under the guidance of the 'Star-sucking method, the two collided, and the four-four phases were in harmony. The suction was so powerful. A huge black air column wrapped Fengyun Wuji's huge demon body from the bottom up. It's like a peerless demon god.

"Gagaga~" The two horns on the head of Fengyun Wuji trembled, and for a moment, he was arrogant and domineering, and his momentum was shocking: "Shun Lao Zichang, and those who rebel against Lao Zi will die. You waste materials, I have now cultivated the eighth floor of the star-absorbing method. You

Fengyun Wuji (the first distraction) is extremely comfortable in his heart. The body automatically absorbs the strong killing spirit between heaven and earth, while the consciousness is intensive in the 'star-absorbing method. A long time ago, he (the heart demon) felt that this star-absorbing method was tailored for the demon world. The body before the distraction It integrates the essence of 360,000 top 'magic" magic skills.

In this retreat period, the deeper Fengyun Wuji's cultivation at the eighth level of the Star-sucking Dafa, the deeper he realized.

Star-sucking method, the initial ability, undoubtedly, is to borrow the water prison of the demon world 'plus 360,000 copies of magic power, the strong absorption ability of magic qi', so that it has a strong domineering ability to absorb other people's cultivation. But in fact, it can correspond to 360,000 top magic decisions, and the ability of the star-absorbing method is just a little bit.

Guide force, borrow the force to change the trajectory of the opponent's bombardment force, and make all the attacks fail. This is the 'Star-absorbing method excavated by Fengyun Wuji, a hidden ability. Before distraction, the body waded a little, but carelessly ignored further excavation.

"Hahaha..., I'm really a genius. Only the 'Star-sucking Method' discovered by Laozi deserves the title of the top magic power in the demon world! Hahaha..." Fengyun Wuji is in high mood. In the perception, the more than a thousand magic knowledge hidden in the fog is not in mind.



Two huge roars came from the front and back sides. In the fog, a turbulent magic gas in front of him rushed out like a roaring wave. The strong surging magic roared and turned into a huge demon god a hundred feet high, which condensed into a huge iron pestle, roaring, strode on the mud and splashing. The mud waves hit Fengyun Wuji. Before the attack arrived, a powerful murderous atmosphere broke out of the air and bombarded Fengyun Wuji...

At the same time, the earth shook, and a heavy step came from behind him. There was no need to turn his head. Fengyun Wuji had already seen through the magic knowledge that another powerful demon god in the whole body was strode, and a huge dark shadow was pressed from his head like Mount Tai from his hand. Before it was suppressed, the huge pressure had Avoid the mud within dozens of feet of the body as if it were run over by a giant, as smooth as a mirror.

Feng Yun Wuji frowned and his face sank: "The spirit of killing!"

In the whole world, there is nothing more ** than Fengyun Wuji's spirit of killing. An inexplicable sense of touch came from the bottom of his heart. Fengyun Wuji faintly felt that the two extremely powerful breaths had a great relationship with themselves.


Fengyun Wuji unexpectedly did not resist, allowing the two demon gods to bombard his body. However, when the two demon gods were only more than 20 feet away from him, Fengyun Wuji suddenly made a fierce roar in his body, and a tide-like murderous atmosphere gushed out of his body and turned into a ferocious and cruel to the The face was formed in that face. The two huge 'demon gods suddenly stagnated, and the huge body was scattered into clouds and fog. Under the clouds, a pure spirit of killing fell into the huge face that roared out of Fengyun Wuji's body...


Fengyun Wuji let out a groan of satisfaction, and at the same time, the huge ferocious face gushing out of the body also showed an expression of enjoyment...

"The Lord of Killing?!!" In the bulging fog, two surprised, shocked and unbelievable voices dispersed the fog and spread from afar, followed by two firm voices: "I see my master!!"