After soaring

Chapter 449 The Law of the Demon World, Give--

"Humph!" Several angry hums came out. Behind Anji Good, several people, who were several feet tall and dragged a long purple-tailed behind them, grabbed the long black halberd with thick arms, and then soared into the air, turned into a thin arrow, with the sound of a sharp roar, and shot at the wind and clouds in the air.

In the field, Anjigud did not stop him. The four-winged angel gave him a very strange feeling. A wisp of thought crossed his face. Then, Anjigude waved and said to the demons behind him in the field, "You go too!"

Dozens of dark shadows rise up in the sky again, going to the wind and clouds. In the void, the sound of sharp roaring for a moment is endless...

"Damn bird man, come on, let's play in this field!" A Heavenly Demon Emperor laughed and expanded his own field. The darkness came on his face and wrapped the wind and clouds in an instant.

"The Demon Emperor's Field!" After a long roar, a dark field expanded in the void, instantly encircling the storm and clouds.

Feng Yun Wuji's face was expressionless, and his body flew at a speed. His dark eyes reflected the dark clouds all over the sky.

"Explosion! ~" In the dark, a violent shout broke through the air, densely like a big net coming towards Fengyun Wuji...


In the cover of tens of thousands of thunder and lightning, a dark shadow is small, but it is a huge halberd...


In less than a second, it was almost the moment when the demon clan circled Fengyun Wuji into the field. The explosion broke out, and the endless demons turned into dark clouds. It swelled violently, and at the same time, the wind suddenly rose. From the sky, a wild air flowed to sweep in all directions, turning dozens of unprepared angels into fans...


A scream. The magic gas turned into a dark cloud, and a black image flew back like a kite. It was the Heavenly Demon Emperor who circled the wind and clouds into his own field. The burly and tall figure was full of dense scars, and the black blood of the canopy sprinkled down the 'tches'...


Before everyone could react, a long halberd shot out of the magic air mass in the void, and pierced the heart of the demon clan with a 'boom' - it was his own weapon!

In the thick clouds, the four wings behind the solemn Fengyun Wuji are open. It fell from the sky like a meteor - that field could not hold him at all, so he used the rules of the 'sword'. The earthquake came back, and the whole explosion!

Looking from afar, I saw a thin black rainbow slanting down from the sky. Above the path, fields opened and circled the black rainbow into it. However, before he could breathe, the whole field exploded. At every explosion, a magic shadow screamed and fell from the air - Fengyun Wuji was like a broken bamboo all the way, and no demon clan could stop him from his footsteps.

On the ground, Anjigud stared intently at the four-winged angel in the air. When the four-winged angel easily broke through a famous heavenly demon emperor, the field of the heavenly demon emperor, the pupil of Anjigude suddenly contracted: "This can't be a four-winged angel!!"

No ordinary four-winged angel can be so powerful. Even an angel can't break through a strong demon clan with a field so easily!

"Who the hell is he?" An idea crossed my mind. Anjigude had no time to think at all. On the opposite side, Fengyun Wuji had fallen from the sky with the momentum of Wanyi. Anjigude looked tight, and the light film in the area around him quickly retreated, closed in front of his chest, and turned into a huge black deep crystal wall, facing the unstoppable Fengyun Wuji


Several stols came from behind him, and countless demons roared and popped up from behind Anjigud. The ugly face was full of ferociousness.

Fengyun Wuji fell like a meteorite, witnessing more and more demons below to intercept. A cruel sneer appeared at the corners of Fengyun Wuji's mouth. In the sneer, Fengyun Wuji stretched out his right hand like electricity, facing the many demons below...

A white light extends from Fengyun Wuji's hand along the palm of the hand, instantly forming a huge 'light curtain' with a radius of hundreds of feet down from the sky, covering the demon clan flying all over the sky together with Dark Gude...


When the vast white light turned upside down to the ground, a huge force shocked the whole earth, shaking loudly, and thousands of smoke and dust splashed hundreds of feet like a running horse!

Between Anjigude and Fengyun Wuji, the hundreds of high-level demons spread out from the side of the light curtain, suddenly like being eaten by thunder, stagnating all over, and then shaking violently. On the surface of their huge bodies, countless crisscrossing sword marks appeared out of thin air. What's more, they suddenly I don't know when, I was filled with the power of horror kendo that was scary enough. When I opened my mouth, what spewed out in my mouth was not the roaring wind, but the white sword spirit...

Ah! ~

The most tragic howl shocked the sky. In front of Fengyun Wuji, the strong men of these demon clan, as fragile as babies, not only suddenly unable to move their bodies, but also shot out a blazing sword spirit from their orifices, just like being pierced by countless lightswords and inserted into the air! !


Hundreds of strong demons struggled for a moment, and then followed the way. They fell down like a meteor and smashed into the ground heavily. At the same time, a large wave exploded beside him...


The surface of the black crystal wall stretched out in front of Dark Goode suddenly appeared dense narrow sword marks. Each one was several feet long, and one sword mark after another emerged on the crystal wall at a geometric speed. In the blink of an eye, parallel to the black crystal wall, countless bright sword lights formed a horizontal huge Umbrella...

A sneer appeared at the corners of Anjigude's mouth. At the same time, in the depths of Anjigude's pupils, a beating black flame suddenly appeared. In the black flame, there was an extremely small golden rune flowing, behind Anjigude. The cloak rolled, about fifty feet in front of him. A huge and obvious space fold was suddenly formed. With this as the boundary, half of the sword light suddenly broke away from the control of Fengyun Wuji, and all of them shot back, and the sound of 'swool' was endless...


The two waves of swordsmen are anniuminating each other, and the most domineering swords in Fengyun Wuji's body are constantly gushing out. There was almost no interval between the new wave of attacks. His eyes swept over the huge transparent fold, and Feng Yun Wuji frowned slightly. Sure enough, as long as he passed through the 'fold', all the attacks returned.

There is no hesitation. On the one hand, Fengyun Wuji has increased the collar of the sword

Hit frequency, on the other hand, the eyelids are closed. The next moment, the broken silver eyes and pupils, in the black and white world, dense rules appeared in the eyes. There is no room for it...

A strong uneasiness surged into the heart of Anjigud, through the luster of the field and the blazing sword. Anjigud found that the four-winged angel opposite actually had a pair of silver-white eyes.

"How can this come back? How can a four-winged angel be so powerful? How can those silver and white eyes be possible? Even if it's a blazing angel. I don't have such eyes... Is it that heaven has created any new angel, or is it the new angel of the Lord God?!!" Angie Good roared in his heart, and he felt that the angel had come strangely, and his performance was strange and strong and strange. It's not a four-winged angel at all!

Just when these thoughts turned in Anjigude's heart, Fengyun Wuji's silver-white eyes suddenly shrank. In the sea of consciousness, the rapidly changing deduction was in the cocoon of defense rules controlled by Anjigude, a small rule loophole was excavated, and the counterattack was sent out in an instant...

In the center of the transparent space folds, a small ripple spread out, a layer of thousands of waves, and the whole space folds suddenly appear a series of fibrous fine structures. The sky is covered by endless swords in the field. The densely translucent 'space fiber' dispersed in an instant...

sneer! ~

Anjigude hid in the 'absolute field', but the whole arm came out with the decomposition of the folds of the space, and sword marks appeared, and the black blood dripped down his wrist and splashed to the ground.

While the 'space folds' broke, Anjigut made a quick decision and reduced the entire dark crystal wall, that is, the defensive space of the 'absolute field', to a ball, which could cover the body. At the same time, Anjigude made this transformation. At the same time, a stronger wave of attacks has been bombard

Boom! Boom! Boom! ~

With Dark Jigude as the center, within a hundred feet, the earth fell, and a large area of the ground turned into powder. The thick smoke and dust rose thousands of feet high, and it was a devastated scene...

When the explosion stopped and everything returned to silence, a gust of wind surged through the center of the smoke, sweeping an open space from the dust. In the thick smoke like a running horse, a stone pillar ten feet high protruded the ground. At the top of the stone pillar, there was a black dome light curtain that formed an upside down. Anjigude, who was on the ground, gradually stood up. Behind him, in the cover of the rolling yellow dust, a large number of demon corpses were scattered on the ground, all over the wounds of his body, still constantly swallowing the white sword light...

"Tai, ancient, people, class..." Anjigut got up from the ground, raised his head, looked up at the already empty sky, and said word by word.

Several fights are enough to make Fengyun Wuji understand that Anjigude's 'absolute field' is invincible in defense, and it is meaningless to continue to fight.

Returning to the area recorded on the parchment, the four 'Roussicfa' have been waiting here, full of blood stains, and it appears that they have gone through a war. Fengyun Wuji followed with one move, and the four incarnations have turned into pure dark energy and sank into the body.

"The first distraction..., Anji Good will be your great enemy of the demon world!" Fengyun Wuji said to himself that a long time ago, the connection with the first distraction was disconnected. The only certainty is that the first distraction is not life-threatening, otherwise, the rest of the two distractions could not be settled.

Not long ago, Fengyun Wuji felt that the breath of the first distraction suddenly became much stronger, but there were still some problems in communication, and Fengyun Wuji could faintly feel that the first distraction was undergoing a huge change.

"Everything, I look forward to your performance... I will give you the greatest help!" Thinking like this, Fengyun Wuji slowly closed his eyes. In the sea of consciousness, the structural map of the area of this region emerged, and the whole map was constantly improving.

A team of light angels passed through the sky and glanced at the twelve pairs of bright wings. He walked away silently along another road without saying a word.

I don't know how long it has been. Suddenly he opened his eyes, and a thoughtful light flashed through his eyes, and then Feng Yun Wuji rose up. It turned into a meteor and went to the southeast. In a moment, it passed and turned back, and there was no stagnation under his feet. Go straight to the other side. In this way, the wind and clouds stopped.

Stop at Fengyun Wuji to inspect the place. In each place, there is a huge circle on the surface of the earth. Looking down from the sky, it is exactly the hiding place of the sword of time, forming a nine-star pattern.

"Sure enough. The chaotic land and the nine stars are dark. When the second star appears in the sky, it should be the time when the sword of time appears!" The speculation has been confirmed that Fengyun Wuji has been clear about the time when the sword of time appeared. However, another doubt came to my mind: "Will the second star appear so soon? Why is it the second star again?

All kinds of doubts came to my mind. Just as Feng Yun Wuji was trying to delve into the mystery, a deserted voice came to his ears: "Lord Lucifa? I don't know. Where have you been?"

Fengyun Wuji suddenly woke up, but saw that in the distance, the deep-faced Dark Jigude was slowly coming from the rolling clouds.

"Anjigut, what are you looking for?" Fengyun Wuji said slightly unhappily, "If something happens, I will come to you!"

A strange color flashed through the eyes of Dark Good, and he bowed slightly. Anjigud regained his calm look and said slowly, "Not long ago, we were attacked by a suicide attack in heaven, and we were seriously injured!"

"Oh?" Fengyun Wuji pretended to be very surprised: "With your strength, it will be badly damaged? Did the blazing angel appear?

"No, it's an angel with four wings that don't know the rank," when he said this, Anjigude stared at Feng Yun Wuji's eyes.

"Four-winged angel? The angel and the wise angel are both four wings. Did the wise angel appear? Even if it is an angel of wisdom, with your strength. Can't you stop it?"

"No, it's not a wise angel. He is an angel with four light wings.

"Isn't it an angel of wisdom?" Fengyun Wuji's voice was cold: "Anjigula, are you kidding? ...Maybe I should consider the correctness of the alliance with the Demon Emperor!"

Anjigude looked slightly, arched his hand and whispered, "Please don't misunderstand the fallen king. The strength of the four-winged angel is much stronger than that of the wisdom angel, almost close to the strength of the blazing angel, and the most unique thing is his field... In fact, I suspect that the angel is not at It's an angel!"

"Oh? What do you say?"

"He should be an ancient human and a master of kendo!" Anjigude said in a low voice, said, eyes

Staring at the wind and clouds.

"Anji Good, I don't like this joke," Feng Yun Wuji shook his head, his face was calm, but his heart was shocked: "This An Ji Good, really can't be underestimated! You have to find an excuse to leave.

"Your Majesty the fallen king, you are the king of hundreds of millions of fallen angels, and you also have a status in the demon world. Our Demon Emperor is sincere to form an alliance with the adults. At present, we are seriously damaged, but we can't see the movement of the fallen king. If His Majesty the Demon Emperor learns, I'm afraid he will be very unhappy. He even thinks that the Lord is simply teasing our Majesty. In this way, it's not good. Sitting as the Lord of the demon world, should the Lord also send some high-level fallen angels to cooperate with us to show sincerity? Anjigude said, "Your Majesty the Demon Emperor is not willing to be the enemy of the fallen king. However, if Lord Lucifer asks our majesty to think that you are deliberately insulting him, I'm afraid you have to do something to make both sides unhappy. In any case, our majesty still has some say in the thirteen dynasties.

"Are you threatening me?" Feng Yun Wuji waved his hand impatiently, "If your majesty likes war so much, just come, I will wait for him in the Demon Hall!"

After saying that, his body shook and disappeared.

Anjigude stood still in a stun, and a voice came from the rear: "Your Excellency, but it has been confirmed that this fallen king does not seem to cooperate with us very much. I'm afraid it is fake. It is very likely that it has some kind of connection with the four-winged angel."

After the thick fog, a cow's head, human body, cold eyes, cold-breathed demon appeared behind Anji Good, and a cow's tail kept shaking behind him.

"No," Anjigude stretched out his hand and said thoughtfully, "The fallen king. After all, he is the king of depravity. In the demon world. That's not the face of either side. If he had agreed just now, I would have doubted it. But he left in a hurry... It's hard to say. It's possible that the four-winged angel was impersonated. If we talk about these twelve-winged fallen angels, at least the other party needs to have seen the fallen king before they can pretend exactly like him. However, do you think that in the demon world, the fallen king will let a guy who sees him and is malicious to him escape from 'hell'? Over the years, it seems to challenge the fallen king's land, but no one can live and leave! ..., I have always doubted him. It is also because he is arrogant as a fallen king. We have always disdain to deal with us, the sharp demon - although we may not look up to him!"

"Your Excellency, maybe he knows. You are deeply loved by the Demon Emperor and are deeply loved by the second prince of the Demon Emperor. In the dynasty. With a high position of power, I just pulled down my identity to deal with you. I don't know, or maybe the fallen king feels that the environment is not good, so. Do you really want to form an alliance with His Majesty, the greatest power in the demon world? The two-foot-tall bull-headed demon thought for a moment and said.

"Milaskachi, that's why I've always been sure. The fallen king himself is a secret figure in the demon world. The creatures of heaven and earth, especially Zeng Gui, are the head of the blazing angel and the archangel. Although they have fallen, they are arrogant in nature and still can't get rid of the ground.

The demon named Milaskachi was silent for a long time. Then he said, "Your Excellency, your loss is a little heavy this time. The losses of other dynasties are not as serious as ours. After the second prince knew it, he was very unhappy, which would make him lose some power in front of His Majesty the Demon Emperor... How to make up for this loss, adults still need to think about it!"

"Our dear second prince, are you still worried about the fleeing human race?" Anjigud said calmly, as if he didn't hear Milaskachi's warning at all.

"The second prince likes human women very much. In the past, he often went to Taikoo to find some women to have fun. Due to the majesty and prestige of the Demon Emperor in the demon world, those human beings did not dare to make any strange movements for a moment and put up with it. But millions of years ago, Taigu suddenly flew up a boy and almost injured the second prince. The sacrificial master of the dynasty said that the field of the second prince has not been discovered, but his prediction is that the field of the second prince blessed by the main god will be the most powerful field in my demon world. Therefore, the second prince is loved by the demon emperor. Even if his martial arts are not high, it will far exceed the status of other princes With the nature of the second prince, it is inevitable to be scalded by a human race to escape in front of a human race. Milaskachi said indifferently.

"What happened later?" Anjigula turned his back to the bull-headed demon and asked, "In the status of an adult, how can that man escape? - This matter has always been a secret in the dynasty. The second prince does not allow anyone to mention it. How can you know that he is not afraid of the blame of the second prince? By the means of the second prince, I' Wake up. You will feel bad!"

Milaskachi smiled inadvertently: "Haha..., my lord, it's up to you! - As you know, Your Majesty strictly prohibits all princes from entering the underground water prison. If the second prince wants to go in, he must not disturb too many people. He can only bring some subordinate demons. I can know, but it In front of me, there happened to be a demon, a little subordinate of mine.

"So it is," Anjigud said, but there was no surprise on his face: "I heard that the second prince has always been collecting information about the celebrity clan, and it did let the second prince collect some very interesting things..."

"Your Excellency, you are really well-informed," Milaskachi smired and quickly grabbed the words: "You're right. The matter of the second prince has been handed over to me for a long time. Hey hey, there are some things that are really wonderful. Your Excellency, how is the human race who was humiliated by the second prince and taken to the underground prison of the demon world and escaped from the sea of hell?

"Say it, don't talk nonsense."

"Hey hey, my lord, you don't know. That human being is now a figure on the commanding side in Taigu. Those ethnic groups in Taigu do not sell his face. It is said that he is also a prominent human war emperor in our demon world, and also has a close relationship with that human race. More than that, the human being actually set up a sword domain, which is valued by the temple, and the most interesting thing is--" At this point, Milaskachi stopped and glanced at Anjigut: "He, like you, is a genius. Your excellency, you have been born for millions of years. But he has achieved his cultivation at the level of the Demon Emperor today. And that human race, hey hey. Interestingly, he has not soared for more than a million years, and he is now cultivated, it is said. It has also reached the late stage of the god level of the martial arts system of the human race, and is known as the genius of the ancient billions of years! - And your excellency, you are also the top demon that has not been encountered in our demon world for hundreds of millions of years..."

"Oh." Anjigude's mind moved: "The second prince used His Majesty the Demon Emperor to place his eyes in Taigu?"

"Yes, adults are really smart." Milaskachi Road.

Anjigud pondered for a moment. He said, "Go back and tell the second prince that the human race has appeared in the sea of chaos. You can even say directly that our loss is caused by the sneak attack of a large number of ancient strong men led by the human beings. By the way, the second prince. Should we send more help?

Milaskachi was stunned, and then raised his thumb and said, "Your Excellency is smart! ...... I'll do it now. Your excellency is waiting for my good news.


Hahaha! ~

Milaskachi laughed and stepped into a vortex-shaped black hole behind him. After that, the black hole healed quickly...


Let's talk about Fengyun Wuji's performance of Chaos Land. The key to the sword of time is the second star of the nine-star couplet. Anjigude provoked the second prince with the help of moving troops, and heaven attacked wildly to vent the hatred of the two famous angels being slaughtered. Only when there are no top angels to intervene, it is difficult to expand the war for a while. The chaotic land fell into a kind of calm for a while. Now let's follow the first distracted mind. Enter the purgatory full of purgatory fire and sulfur smell...

When Fengyun Wuji and others entered the chaotic land, it was the time when the first distraction desperately rushed to the direction of the turbid demon pool...

"Despicable underground demon clan, you can't run away! Hahaha..." The voice of the king of purgatory resounded through the sky. The flames all over the body showed a bright yellow in the purgatory, with a huge tail. He laughed and flew forward into a black line on the ground. Where it passed, there were bursts of strong winds with the smell of sulfur...


The body of the king of purgatory floated down from the air, and the huge cones of thousands of feet in his hand smashed the wind and clouds, smashing a huge hole with a bang. Gravel splashed all over the sky, and the first distraction collapsed like a dragonfly. Before the giant cone fell, it jumped away...

"Damn big lizard, I can't forgive you!!" The pure purgatory fire is very vicious. This is almost a place that is only suitable for purgatory demons to live. Only their strong and abnormal bodies can adapt to the pressure and flames of the huge land here.

The fire of purgatory quickly burned the muscles of the whole body. Although the burning slowed down because of the strength of the wind and clouds. But the burning pain of the burning body was so painful that the first distractance was almost furious.

"Quick, fast, fast..., it's easy to run to the turbid demon pool. Anyway, this body doesn't want it..." Just in a few breath, Fengyun Wuji's whole body was also touched by the king of purgatory and burned. The thick black smoke rose from the surface of the body, and the huge gravity from his As if to squeeze out from the inside, a sharp front came from behind him. Feng Yun Wuji didn't think about it. With a dry howling, he jumped up with all his strength...


Another huge explosion rolled up from under the body with an unparalleled violent wave. Under the effect of this momentum, Fengyun Wuji rolled all the way down like a broken kite...

"Now, dedicate your soul to me, hahaha..." The king of purgatory stood behind Feng Yun Wuji with a smile, raised his two-headed giant cone with both hands, nailed the 'ant', and there was a rumbling sound behind him...

"What's going on?" The king of purgatory was stunned and subconsciously looked back, but in the distance, countless purgatory demons lined up in several lines, like ten thousand horses galloping, rushing here crazily. In their eyes, it was completely crazy...

"Stop... stop..." The king of purgatory shouted, but no purgatory demon god stopped. Although compared with the body of the king of purgatory, these demons are shorter, they are also nearly ten thousand feet tall, and only what seems to be a flat and boundless purgatory can accommodate these creatures. .

So many purgatory demons rushed in front of him, and there was no intention to stop at all. The king of purgatory felt cold in his heart and suddenly remembered something. He didn't think about it. His four hooves stamped heavily under his body, and he was already like a wandering dragon. Skimming towards the sky...


The loud sound shook the whole purgatory. It's not just at the feet of the king of purgatory. The whole purgatory is in all directions. Countless purgatory demons are running wildly. He rushed to the demon pool in the middle of the first distraction, and saw the Purgatory Demon God, who was nearly ten thousand tall, rushing straight over. The huge soles of the feet pressed straight down, and the whole thing has been burned almost like the skeleton. It's just that Feng Yun Wuji left a few skin and flesh sparsely, and a strange look flashed in his eyes...

The king of purgatory looked at the next tall earth body in the sky, and the earth trembled violently at the feet of these 'beasts'. It seems that it can break at any time...

Unlike the turbid demon pool in the demon world, in the impression of the king of purgatory, the turbid demon pool in purgatory is blessed by the dark god. As the darling of the master god, the huge bodies of the purgatory demons are not without reason. Every time the turbid demon pool is opened, countless young 'Purgatory Demon Gods' will be crazy about it, because this is an opportunity for them to advance every 100 million years. The more times you soak in the turbid demon pool, the taller your body will be. The ability to have the ground will become stronger and stronger. Unlike those ants in the demon world, the advantage of the purgatory demon god is power. Absolute power, which can break the power of all skills!! And a huge body. It is the source of all their power!!

Purgatory demons have always been extremely rebellious masters. Except for the landlord god living under the abyss and the ruler of the real name who have to obey, there is almost nothing for them to obey. And the king of purgatory can be the king. And he became one of the best, just because he was born early enough. There is enough earth power. And he was blessed by the Lord God, with a pair of winged pounds, able to fly at will, as for his loyal subordinates. That's a no! - Purgatory Demon God's nature is lazy and alone, and it is destined that they don't have a common landlord!

When a wave of purgatory demons surged past under him. The king of purgatory breathed a sigh of relief and Ding Qing looked at it. The place where the ant fell was empty, and it had long disappeared...

In the distance, a huge purgatory demon god was dark with horizontal lines under his belly. A negligible little skeleton lay on its feet, with both hands and feet. He grasped the gully on the fat belly of the king of purgatory.

"Damn it, it's so easy for me to choose the star-absorbing method. I didn't think of practicing the nine-turn life-and-death Xuangong at all. I didn't expect that I wanted to become the same as Taixuan's immortal sixth turn. Fuck!" The first distraction followed the attached Purgatory Demon God up and down. Under him, the raging fire of purgatory almost clung to its back. Only the dry squee

made a burst of 'crack' sound, but the first distraction had already burned out the body and nerves, and there was no pain.

I don't know how long it took, just when Fengyun Wuji felt that he would never go to the end, the turbid world magic pool finally appeared...

"Damn it, this... This is the turbid magic pool..., it's so big!!" The first time I saw the black lake, I could hardly believe my own eyes - this is actually a pool! It should be called the turbid demon lake! Dong! dong

Thousands of purgatory demons crossed curves in the air, and then fell into the turbid demon pool surrounded by black smoke on the lake...


At the moment when the remaining skeleton was immersed in the turbid demon pool, a drill of pain surged into his brain. The first god suddenly separated his hands, and his body fell off from the body of the purgatory demon god. The skeleton suddenly collapsed and raised back hard, like a big frog that had been removed, a shriek from his mouth and A breath rushed out of the water and went straight to the sky...

A cold and chaotic ** penetrated into the bone along the first distraction of the bones. At the same time, a cold and cold energy poured into the sea of consciousness crazily. The last remaining bones of Fengyun Wuji melted in an instant, leaving only the shadow of the next body...


Countless young purgatory demons poured into the turbid demon pool, and the burning king of hell on his body suddenly touched the quality-like pool water in the turbid demon pool, which was extinguished, and a wave of cold and strong energy crazily squeezed into the hole of their whole body. The turbid demon pool was suddenly surging and

Although the first divine howling was sharp, it did not attract much attention in this huge wave. If you want to be as big as the demon gods, the wind and clouds are almost small and can be ignored. No matter how big the waves are, it will not cause the demons who are absorbed by the power from the turbid demon pool. Meaning!!

Under the surface of the water, the consciousness of the first distraction is surrounded by cold and darkness, although the body almost disappeared. But it did not die. When the water of the turbid demon pool poured into my mind for the first time. The severe pain almost made him collapse, but several times, the sodom's perseverance made him forget it naturally. When the pain passed, Fengyun Wuji saw the most powerful side of the turbid demon pool - the pure dark power. It is more pure dark power than the magic spirit and magic element practiced by any demon clan. This is the most original state of all dark forces. From the beginning of the universe, there is a pure dark state!!!

The underwater waves are turbulent, and a magic force flows in it. In the dark, a little golden light suddenly lights up, which is the smallest pieces of bone powder, one after another. The bone crumbs melted in the turbid demon pool are under the pure dark power of the turbid demon pool. After retransforming, countless golden bone powder gathered without powder. Under the traction of an invisible force, it condensed into a bone shape under the water!

A piece of bone powder was turned over, and a line of red marks suddenly shuttled through these golden bone powder. Looking carefully, the silky red marks are composed of countless rolling small runes - these are the blessings given by the landlord gods living under the abyss to their darlings! The near-death situation of the first god triggered the blessing of the Lord God!