After soaring

Chapter 463 The World's Martial Arts 2

Knife domain.

The earth shook, and the snow was flying. Under the formation in front of the War Emperor's palace, rows of ice walls of different heights broke out of the snow. Outside the ice wall, the cold air is argon, and a powerful divine consciousness broke out of the Palace of the War Emperor. He went straight into the row of ice walls.

'War Clan Martial Arts'.

On the first ice wall, there are only four characters: dragon flying and wind dancing. Then a crisp click came, on the wall behind the first ice wall. It emerges densely. A martial arts classic from shallow to deep.

Almost at the same time. At the foot of the Sword Pavilion Mountain. According to the direction of the eight hexagrams, there are huge black rocks on more than a thousand feet of highlands on eight sides. In the middle of eight black rocks. A huge rock stands in it, and on the front is the four-character "Sword Domain Martial Arts" that penetrates the rock body, and the back. It is engraved with dense rope head small words, which is the martial arts of Jianyu Zhenge.' The idea of sword body'

Wind clan. The witches all use supreme power to transfer underground rock mass. It has carved the powerful skills of our own family.

And the temple opens all martial arts to the Holy Mountain. Engraved with a lot of modified advanced martial arts...

In comparison, the revision of the law does not need to be done in this way. Almost all the practitioners in the world are concentrated in the Golden City. There are not many real heirs of all the ancestors. Even the saints only continue part of it. But the rest is limited by qualifications. Unable to master, for the practice of law. It's just a few more metal 'bamboo slips' circulated to each other - there are still some differences between law practice and martial arts practice.

When all parties announced the place of martial arts, there was a strange man on each side sitting side with his eyes closed, motionless, that is, he did not participate in the detailed decision, and did not practice the martial arts. It's just meditation - these people. It was after Fengyun Wuji obtained the consent of the saint. The revision of the law sent to all parties in advance. They have high attainments in soul and consciousness. It can be as good as the wind and clouds. Easily integrate the soul into the void.

The skill is published. One of the biggest worries. It is the human earth skills that have spread into the hands of demons in the demon world. Although the vast majority of races in the demon world cannot practice human skills. You purgatory demon or something. It is a place where it is impossible to practice human martial arts. However, it is not ruled out that some races can practice human martial arts, such as the places that Fengyun Wuji has encountered. The body structure is very similar to that of human beings.

The human race is so moving. It may not attract the attention of all parties. It is not known whether the spies of the demon clan in ancient times except for the temple have been completely cleared, but there is no doubt that the leakage of martial arts skills is inevitable, and the only thing Fengyun Wuji can do. It is to use the method to cultivate the souls of some strong people into the plane. Measure the original ability of the soul to monitor all the 'mons' who come to see the details. As long as you find the 'demon' disguised as the clan, kill it immediately - this is also the biggest measure that can be done to avoid the main ancient practice. For those local skills such as the unique learning of the town, it strictly eliminates the possibility of the 'demon clan' from sneaking into the ground and stealing the land. It's like the rock that deliberately recited the sword. Fengyun Wuji left a trace of mind on it. As long as any non-human place is close, it will be immediately discovered.

Taigu has existed for more than 100 billion years, and it has been a long time since the establishment of the prototype of the ancient martial arts system. Many people have already chosen a certain skill after soaring. And if you practice to a certain extent, if you turn to other skills. There are many difficulties, and many top skills need to be scattered for these re-cultivators. Everything starts all over again. Regardless of the hardships. It's just a point of loose work. It is possible that when the body is really exhausted, the body will instantly turn into ashes! So. For many masters who have practiced ancient martial arts. Even if you encounter advanced skills, whether you can practice it or not depends on luck.

plus. Out of consideration of the outflow of magic and some selfishness. Taikoo has never made a real announcement of martial arts. Even the underground martial arts of the temple has some major defects, and there are many top skills. Like the mind of the War Emperor, it is absolutely impossible to find it in the temple.

But all of this. Not long before Fengyun Wuji. After founding and announcing a project to restore all the true qi to the most basic and original true qi. It has been solved.

This time, a large number of Taigu's top martial arts sites were announced. It immediately caused a sensation in Taigu. The 'restore the heart method' spread from the sword field. Making all this possible, a large number of ancient masters gathered in various places where martial arts were announced. Among them, there are not only a large number of masters of liberal factions, but also other strong people who have admired some martial arts for a long time. Many masters who are dedicated to cultivation were also awakened and walked out of the cultivation,

The six parties announced their achievements, which only played the role of throwing bricks to attract jade land, sword domain and knife field. As well as the announcement of achievements by all parties, there are also several blank walls, so that the masters of all parties can leave their top martial arts here.

The top of the cliff of the Sword Pavilion. The wind and clouds stood tall, the wind blew, and the robe hunted and danced. Mr. Jian, the dense crowd gathered.

"My original purpose was finally reached..." Fengyun Wuji looked down and was deeply moved by the behavior of all parties, and each of them left his own masters of the secret record of martial arts on the stone tablet.

"Master, there have been more and more people gathered from all directions to the Sword Pavilion in the past two years..." Chichi stood behind Fengyun Wuji. He said a little excitedly, "It's too ancient. There are the most people who use the detailed skills of the sword domain and the knife field. In the sword field. There are the most people who leave their own achievements.

"Yes. Remove the main god of light and darkness, the martial arts of the human race. It should be the strongest of the three races," Dugu sighed sadly, "I understood Haohan, the ancient martial arts very early. But until this moment. That's how I feel this kind of Haohan!"

At the foot of the Sword Pavilion Mountain, outside the black rock where the achievements are recorded according to the position of the gossip, there are countless small stele forests. Some ancient strong people feel that their martial arts are no worse than the black rock. Then in the open space next to those black rocks, the underground rock layers were taken out, turned into a monument, and on top! I go to my own martial arts skills. These stele forests are also arranged from the outside to the inside according to the level of strength and weakness, and the more inward. The stronger the success.

Fengyun Wuji is very clear that the sword pavilion is so popular is not because of the Haohan or powerful martial arts of the sword pavilion. Seriously speaking, the martial arts of the sword field are very limited. That is, in terms of superbness. Take the golden battle as an example, such strong body protection skills will not be much stronger, but it is by no means none, and there are some other skills in the sword field. Compared with other forces. Taking the war clan as an example, the sword domain is not as good as it.

Sword Domain is now famous all over the world. But in terms of strength. On the whole, it may not be stronger than the warriors.

The real attraction of the sword domain. But it comes from the miracle of its own creation, millions of years. It has created a first-class top existence, and its power is close to the supreme. After the so-called battle of gods and demons, it is most likely to become the fifth supreme existence.

Explore the mystery behind the miracle. The idea of the sword body. Call it out.

In the year of a huge monument in the middle of eight black rocks. Fengyun Wuji clearly described the source of the mind sword body Dafa, and the mind of the sword body Dafa was completely derived from a gap I found in the underground martial arts collection of the temple. After several deductions and perfections, it has finally been decided, and there are nine layers of the sword body method. Now. I have deduced nearly the eighth floor, after it is fully established. Once again, the eighth level of martial arts skills will be engraved.

In this announcement of martial arts, it is claimed that there are nine floors, but the announcement is only seven and a half floors, but at the same time, it has attracted the attention of many masters. It's just the sword body method of Fengyun Wuji.

Although it is claimed that the deduction has not been completed. But at the same time, it still makes many ancient masters enthusiastic about their skills and investigate the original, which can only be attributed to the miracle of martial arts - the seven-and-layer and a half-eight-layer martial arts mind has created a strong existence that is almost supreme, so how should the complete nine-layer heart be powerful? Just think about it. It's thrilling enough.

In the sword domain, millions of batches of ancient masters are studying the idea of the sword body. At the same time, the underground martial arts of the temple also ushered in a wave of upsurge, many after the ascension. Preliminary selection after martial arts. There were no ancient strong people who stepped into the underground of the temple. Finally, the power to enter the underground of the temple for the second time was used.

In the temple martial cave mentioned on the Fengyun Wuji monument, the incomplete skills originally engraved on the stone wall ushered in a large number of masters to read. Compared with the two, the conclusion is very clear: the same species and the same origin. But the skills are definitely different!

I feel the selflessness of the wind and clouds. Maybe for other reasons. Anyway. There are a large number of gossip stones around the sword field. It's like a star in the Haitian monument forest.

Fly down and attack these stele forests. Fengyun Wuji muttered to himself, "Time... If there is enough time, there are so many complete decisions. How many masters can be created without any retention!!"

Everyone behind me was silent when they heard the words, time... Everyone looked up at the four stars in the sky with complicated thoughts. Will gods and demons leave enough time for human beings? ......

"Master. What should we do next?



Yes, wait. Waiting for the arrival of that moment..."

In the inclination of a dark flake universe. A country with an iron cable structure lies quietly in a corner. It is developing quietly, and the whole country is busy. Countless demons are working hard in this country, and no one dares to be lazy. Because. The owner of this country is attacking them.

In the magnificent temple.' I sat on the throne with an indifferent expression. Countless lights and shadows change in the silver-white eyes. Every time, I will slowly stretch out my palm and gently scratch in front of me, and at this time. Sitting aside, the 'Emperor' will always stare at him with all his mind. In the tension. With a little anger.

The Land of Chaos. The strange 'Fengzun' throws the sword of time. At the same time, it detonated the chaotic land, but all of this can't bother the powerful existence of the powerful 'imperial' and 'Bizun'.

The 'Emperor's' ability to manipulate space has reached the point of being amazing, even the Buddha is not enough, but no matter how strong the ability of 'manipulate space' is. It's not as strong as a 'time still'.

Although he was unwilling to share it with others, in the case of 'I" getting the 'Sword of Time' first, the 'Emperor' had to accept the fact of sharing divine power with others.

I seemed to have analyzed the anger of the 'imperial' and the possibility of taking action, and finally chose the best place to separate the 'time countercurrent' rule from the sword of time. And one-third of the divine power collected by the Sword of Time from the battlefield. The rest was returned to the 'King'. There was no hesitation or reluctance during this period. It seems that this is not a very important thing.

The palm of my master gently stroked the void in front of me, every time I stroked it. They will all be in the void. Bring out a piece of water-like ripples. At the same time, a fixed circle spreads around with extremely light ripples. Every time I brushed the palm of my hand in front of myself. The light in the whole temple will become blurred.

There is no sun and moon in the universe, and I have the new 'time' rules in countercurrent. The ability to be single-intentioned. Deducing with all your strength, compared with the simulation ability of Fengyun Wuji.' The effect of the eyes of time. But it's much better. This is a difference between the body and the imitation.

The palm of the hand stroked. Rest again, stroke again, rest again... I keep doing these seemingly meaningless simple movements, which are extremely slow, after each completion. My indifferent face will look a little pale, with a few faint weakness, as if the strength is exhausted. The 'Imperial' seems to have been looking for the flaw of the 'I'. However, the 'I' always follows a certain moderation. Whenever the symptoms of weakness appear, I immediately stop practicing. Turn to a long and complicated deduction in the sea of consciousness. The emperor has never found a chance to do it.

In the days when the ancients began to calm down and the silent participation of all parties was announced.' I'm in the corner of the universe, quietly deducing the rules of time, day and night...

Outside the temple, the demons climbing on tens of thousands of crissscrossing iron cables have become more and more uneasy recently. They have always been the temple where the 'supreme existence' lives. From time to time, they emit a strange and dangerous fluctuations. Every once in a while, they will become vague and terous, as if they Before the ink was dry, he touched the rice paper hard.

The 'Emperor' is majestic all the time. Let these demons have to temporarily suppress the doubts in their hearts.

In the temple, my palm strokes the void, and a large area of things will become blurred. And the influence of this mysterious force is getting bigger and bigger.


In the temple. I stretched out my palm again.' The emperor suddenly became very nervous and stared at the palm of the 'I'. A strange force enveloped half of the temple. With the movement of my palms, the two thrones and the steps are on the ground. Together with the huge pillars connected to the top of the temple, they all decomposed as the palm of my hand touched. Returning to the most, this fluctuation continued to expand outward. Outside the hall, time suddenly stagnated, and the lame universe suddenly fell into a silent state by--

The bodies of countless laborious demons suddenly stiffened, and the light from the huge statue at the top of the temple also stood still. Then, time went back. One by one, the demons climbed on the criss-crossed subway cable retreated amazingly one by one, and the strange objects on the ferocious demon statues quickly fell off...

I am by your side. The 'Emperor', who originally turned his head and stared at the palm of his hand, seemed to be about to let go. He turned around with the expression on his face. It is also caused by initial tension and anger. Turn to the initial indifference and calmness.

"My lord, how's the matter you promised me?" A distant voice penetrates time and space. It sounded in my mind.

The palm of my hand is slightly sluggish. The demon whose original body regressed immediately advanced at an alarming speed. Those black ferocious demon statues. There are also many strange and meaningless small objects on the body. The silent state was broken, and the noise of the demons burst out again. Everything has returned to normal again.

The emperor's body shook. It seems that I will be distracted at this time. Look at 'I' - my palm has been taken back. Looking at the temple again, there was a puzzled doubt on the 'imperial''s face, as if he felt that he had forgotten something that should not have been forgotten.

I responded to the first distraction's inquiry with silence.

Although I can't see it, the connection of the soul makes the first distraction feel that my 'eyes' are passing through the time and betting on myself. A simple word is clearly expressed in the eyes:!

"Hey hey, you shared so many rules for the third, far ahead of me. This is a little unfair. I asked for compensation, and it was on the battlefield of Styragu. You promised me a request, won't you forget it?" The god in the demon world connects with me through the soul. As he turned over and fell lightly from the forehead of the king of purgatory. On him, there was a huge palace on the same high ground as the body of the king of purgatory - this is a palace of the devil's land, but at this moment, because of the arrival of the first distraction, he changed his master in a blink of an eye.

Around the palace. The demon clan with the secret code crawled on the ground, and the trembling line was on both sides of the magic hall. Around the magic palace, there were huge footprints on the ground one by one. Under each footprint is a piece of flesh and blood. These are all masterpieces of the king of purgatory. With the weight of the king of purgatory. One foot down. There is no looseness of the demon clan.

While enjoying the pleasure of being inwe of the little devil, the first distraction thought with regret, "If these little devils were replaced by big devils, how cool it would be! ..."

At the time of the first distraction, the universe was in the void. I casually picked up the 'magic ape change' from Fengyun Wuji's mind and threw it to the first distractor. Then he no longer paid attention to the first god.

The first distraction (the field of vision turns back to the demon world. In the future, it will be called the first distraction with Fengyun Wuji.) As soon as he stepped into the door of the Devil's Hall, his footsteps suddenly stopped in the air, and his great achievements were stuffed into the first mind by me.

"The demon ape changed..." Fengyun Wuji (the first distraction) showed a trace of color in his eyes. Soon the image of the ancient ape came to mind: "It turned out to be that guy... Interesting. Huh? It's actually the third enlightenment!!!"

"I'm the one!!! ..." Fengyun roared angrily and roared through the void, echoing in my soul, but in exchange, I ignored it.

"This is simply laziness in disguise... I really don't know how the distraction can separate such a thing. Humph! Just like a stranger!" Feng Yun Wuji said angrily, "However, this ape has changed. But it's really a good thing, the third understanding. It's still so good. Tut-tut..."

"Big, big... people. Spare my life..." A trembling voice came into Fengyun Wuji's ears from the magic hall. Fengyun Wuji swered, and then shook his head to remove the distractions in his mind. Only then did he carefully look at the demon emperor who got up and came to the place---} box obviously. The appearance of the king of purgatory made this guy go crazy with fear. I just want to live my life.

Fengyun Wuji quickly changed into a majestic expression on his face and stared coldly at the demon emperor under him. Don't rush and say, "Forgive my life? Very good. This seat is the time to employ people, if you are really at ease. And be loyal to the words of this seat. I can consider spareing your life.

"I can take a bloody oath. I will be very loyal!" The demon emperor quickly raised his head and said.

"I don't have to swear. I'm really not interested in a guy like you. If it's a demon god, maybe. I will spend a little time on it, and I will take your soul and half soul.

"I don't know if my master is interested in my soul and help!" Outside the Devil's Hall. A plain, unrestrained voice came from afar.

Fengyun Wuji did not turn his head, but seemed to have expected the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer. After hearing the sound. He said coldly, "Humph!! You are talking to this ant-like existence! I found you a long time ago, but I didn't expect it to be until now. How dare you follow me. Come on, how are you going to die, Perris?!"