After soaring

Chapter 498 The Rise of the Central Dynasty 2

In the Central Dynasty, Peris's skills were the worst. Because of this trip, Fengyun Wuji did not bring Peris here. Let him directly lead the killing army, control several other legions, and guard the central magic mountain. Perris's skills are not good, but in this regard, Fengyun Wuji found that he still had some talent.

Gur's method was very direct and cruel. The whole thing turned into a humanoid machine. Wherever he passed, all the crawling demons in the abyss were bombarded into a mass of magic spirit by him, and one of them would be bombarded one by one.

The underground passage is getting wider and wider, and it is getting wetter and wetter. A few minutes later, after leaving behind the body fragments of the low abyss demon behind them, the three of them had come to a magical fork. Several channels with a radius of hundreds of feet are gathered here.


The thick fog shook, and bursts of screams came from all sides of the fork. A cold look appeared in the dark fog. Guller killed a large number of low-level abyss demons with magic skills. The blood flowing from the bodies of these low-level abyss demons soon attracted the attention of more of such low-level abyss demons who wandered outside the abyss. More and more abyss demons gathered - these low-level abyss demons were very beneficial to grab on the cave, and they were not at all. The whole cave was almost full of these abyss demons.

Seeing that the passage was blocked, the whole underground passage was becoming more and more fishy. He kept an indifferent expression. The silent Taixuan suddenly took a step forward, crossed Fengyun Wuji's body, turned around and said, "Master, I'll do it too!"

"No need!" Fengyun Wuji flashed an extremely impatient look in the darker black pupils around him. He waved his hand and said to Gullel, "Get out of the way, too!"

"It's the lord!" Gull gave a confused look at Feng Yun Wuji. Go back and go away.


Fengyun Wuji's body suddenly burst into a thick magic fog, 'Bun!' In the crisp sound of the ground, the back of the two huge devil's wings, with sharp edges like knives, stretched out.


Two huge feet stepped on the ground heavily. Where they landed, the ground was deeply sunk.' C-c-c-c-c!' A continuous sound of bones rose higher and higher from Fengyun Wuji's body. In the surprised eyes of Gull and Taixuan, Fengyun Wuji's body rose higher and higher, until the two dark horns on his head almost met the top of the cave. It just stopped soaring.

In the blink of an eye, Fengyun Wuji opened his human form and changed into his own magic body. A strong sense of oppression is everywhere. With the height of Guliel and Taixuan, they are not even as good as Fengyun's knees.


Feng Yun Wuji was shrouded in a thick magic fog. In the magic fog, a long tail cone shook, and the whip was in the air, making a 'crackling' sound.

behind him, Taixuan's eyes rested on Fengyun Wuji's tall demon. A complex look flashed in his eyes: "In addition to the soul, Wuji's distraction is already a complete demon clan! ..."

When recovering the ferocious demon body, the killing magic gas condensed in the body suddenly ejaculated in all directions, like a sps of cold water, pouring on these crazy low-level abyss demons stimulated by the blood of the same kind, calming them down. However, what is more frightened by these low-level It was emitted unintentionally and unintentionally. It belongs to the violent atmosphere of the top demons.

Top demons, nature has the ability to intend and fear low-level demons. This strict hierarchy has a strict maintenance mechanism. The world of the law of the jungle, this is almost an implicit rule.

In the form of human beings, the breath of the top demons on Fengyun Wuji is covered by the human body. Once the magic body is restored, the breath that frightates all the low-level demons will be released unreservedly.

Although Fengyun Wuji does not belong to the category of demons in the abyss. But when his eyes touched the strong body, the dense low-level abyss demon, the light in his eyes gradually faded, and there was a faint fear.

Fengyun Wuji's body bowed, his arms suddenly exerted force, and a series of ferocious bones on his back bounced out one after another, and each ejected, making a steel-like 'buzz' sound. With a big mouth, an angry roar - "Roar!"

An invisible storm swept around, in the thick fog. When the dense low-level abyss demon heard the roar, he seemed to be frightened, screamed in panic, and ran desperately to the place where he came.

'Dad!!' The sound shook up and down in the cave under the ground, but in a blink of an eye, the dense abyss demons around them disappeared clean, leaving several empty and wet caves.


Fengyun Wuji closed his wings and re-entered his body. The tall magic body also shrank slowly like a broken ball. Shaking his head, Fengyun Wuji muttered to himself, "I'm still not used to it... I haven't used the magic body for a long time, and now I'm almost used to this human body."

"Lord, there seems to be a fire ahead!" Gullel pointed to the distance and said a faint blush from the ground, "In a while, we should be able to reach the abyss."


answered faintly, and the three of them flew all the way forward. The terrain of this passage is downward and extends to the depths of the ground, so in Gullell's eyes, the fire seems to be at the end of the ground.

The firelight is two rows of evil abyss demon statues on both sides of the wet cave.

The two rows of ferocious demon statues are less than three feet high and are made of unknown black, with only one head and half a chest. Down, they are already some old black stone platforms. Some underground organisms are attached to the surface of these stone platforms. After several changes, the thin roots left light yellow fine lines on the stone table, just like a beautiful pattern.

On the top of this row of demon statues that stretched to the end of the darkness, all the horns in the center were cut off, and the center was sunken, filled with some unknown oil. The thick firelight was emitted by the burning of these sticky black oil.

Strangely, although the fire was very red, and the black smoke in the whole channel was stained like a fire fog, the ink in the sinking of the head of the demon statue did not decrease at all.

At the end of this row of abyss demon statues, a half-moon-shaped dark curtain on the ground will be covered up.

Fengyun Wuji's eyes are like electricity. Soon on both sides of the dark curtain. On the foreheads of the two complete abyss demon statues over ten feet tall, two sunken word marks were found: on the left is the word 'deep' that exudes a cold smell, and on the right is the word 'abones' that exudes dark smell.

"Strange visitors are not welcome here. I'll give you ten breaths, get out of here immediately, otherwise - hum! Those who enter the abyss will die!" A voice revealing a powerful breath crossed the layers of space and echoed in the corridor of the demon statue.

When Taixuan and Gull heard the sound, their faces suddenly changed, and they looked at the wind and clouds together.

"You are Alonso. The leader of the so-called Abyss Legion? Although Fengyun Wuji was not shocked, he blinked his eyes indifferently. Keep an eye on the front.

Fengyun Wuji's inquiry did not get an immediate reply from the other party. On both sides of the cave, the sound of sparks bursting was clearly audible.

"That's good, that's it! Those who come are not good, and those who are good will not come. It seems that you are determined and don't want to leave! - Then you don't have to leave. The voice of Alonso, the demon of the abyss, floated from the ground.

"Alonso," Feng Yun Wuji frowned, and a strong anger floated between his eyebrows: "I will tell you very clearly. The tone of your voice made me very unhappy, very unhappy.

Before the words fell, the right hand turned over, and a ball of balls condensed from extremely pure magic appeared in the palm of the hand, spinning rapidly.

Fengyun Wuji rotated his right wrist and shook his five fingers. This extremely condensed sphere of magic immediately turned into a black horse to cross the void and bombarded into the dark!


The earth shook, and thousands of dark lights burst out in the dark curtain.' With a bang, the whole black light curtain cracked. Above the half-moon cave. Large pieces of earth and stone fell. Soon, a huge gap appeared in front of Fengyun Wuji and others. At the other end of the half-moon-shaped cave with a width of hundreds of feet, a huge underground abyss of black fog appeared in front of everyone.


At the other end of the gap, the sound of a large drop of water dripping from the wall of the cave dripping into the abyss passed through the black fog and reached the ears of everyone. In the loom, you can also hear the sound of tides rising and falling in this incalculable underground abyss.

"Is this... the abyss?" Gull stood at the end of the passage in shock, standing on the edge of the half-moon-shaped gap, overlooking the darkness below, I don't know how deep and wide the abyss.

is not so much an abyss. It's better to say that this is another piece full of darkness, sea and space.

At the foot of Feng Yun Wuji, the man had turned into a green smoke through the gap and appeared over the abyss. Standing over the abyss, it seems that the passage, the underground passage, with a faint light. It's more like another world.


The sound of splashing came from under his feet. Under the abyss, the powerful breath quickly approached the surface of the water. The violent turbulence under the water caused the water to constantly turbulage one by one.

Fengyun Wuji stared coldly at the endless, dark and bottomless abyss under his feet. As soon as Taixuan and Gull were about to cross the half-moon gap, they saw Fengyun Wuji erecting a palm behind them and stopped him: "You two stay in the cave, don't come over. I can handle Alonso and the Abyss Legion by myself.

"Yes, my lord!" With a little hesitation, Taixuan and Gull still retreated obediently.


The sound of splashes is getting louder and louder. He glanced at it, and the surface was under the abyss covered with black fog. The ferocious spines and long curved horns are exposed everywhere..

"Alonso, I don't talk nonsense. On this trip, I am here to conquer you. This seat is the emperor of the emerging central dynasty. Think about it, this identity will not humiliate you. It's time to use people. As long as you obey me, you and your abys legion are one of the five legions in my name. In the whole central dynasty, you are under one demon and above ten thousand demons. If you refuse - hum, I'm saying that in the front, no matter how harmful your abys field is, as long as he is still in the same field, I can't help it. Not to mention you, looking at the demon world, the emperor of any dynasty can't defeat me with the field!"


When saying this, Fengyun Wuji's generous cloak cooperates with the hunting and dancing, and then combined with Leng Jun's expression and Wuqi's momentum, there is a kind of top demon's soul-inting charm!

"Dare to dare to call our lord's place name outspoken!" A burst of angry shouts came from below with the splash of water on the canopy. In an angry shout. One

The ferocious, the huge abyss demon nearly ten feet long rushed out of the abyss, and the whole calm abyss was boiling. As long as you can see, it's all a cold abyss demon.

Perhaps the reason for living underwater for a long time, the abys demon gave birth to a pair of pair of fin-like short wings, and the body surface was covered with a layer of sticky **. When they surfaced, these sticky ** kept sliding down from the body.

Fengyun Wuji's eyes are like electricity. His eyes flashed like lightning on the surface of the vast abyss, and then locked several abyss demons who had just made sarcasm.

"A demon of the abyss dares to be presumptuous in front of this seat. It doesn't matter! Go!" The back of his right hand turned over, and his five fingers swept over, but he didn't see how he was hot. Among the dense abyss demons, a huge abyss demon with a fierce face and a ferocious force suddenly collapsed. Fengyun Wuji pressed down with five fingers, and the abyss demon howled, and the whole nearby a large area of abys demon was bombarded into the bottom of the abyss by an invisible force falling into the air...

"Der him! Kill this arrogant guy!"! On the surface of the abyss, the dense abyss demon's bronze bell-like eyes flashed with fierce light, and waves rushed away from all directions.

"Alonso, come out! Is it possible that you are going to use this kind of cannon fodder-level demon to consume my power? Fengyun Wuji's pupils contracted, but his eyes did not stop at any abyss demon that roared over.

"You can think so. - I've seen too much of an arrogant guy like you. On your way here, did you see those dead bones all over the ground? They used to be as arrogant as you! However. It doesn't matter. They only have dead bones left now. Naturally, I won't be stupid and care about a pile of dead bones!" Alonso's voice echoed over the abyss, and his position was erratic.

In the time of the conversation between the two, the magic roared from the sky to the earth. Qi Qi came. Fengyun Wuji didn't even bother to move, so he let the magic of the abyss bombard him.

' Bang Bang!!!——'

Hundreds of thousands of attacks bombarded Fengyun Wuji's body. Every time those magic gas touches Fengyun Wuji's body surface, like mercury, leaked into the pores of Fengyun Wuji's whole body, and was incorporated into his body by the method of sucking stars.

"This guy is weird, close to attack!" Soon, the abyss demon, who would be tectible, noticed something wrong, and the abyss demon floating over the abyss attacked again.

Fengyun Wuji was calm and calm, standing leisurely in the void, slowly to the center of the abyss. There is also a leisurely smile at the corners of his mouth. Up and down, the dense abyss demons shrouded the line of sight, but the wind and clouds looked as if they were not seen.

' Bang Bang!!!——'

All the demons rushed to Fengyun Wuji's body and suddenly stagnate, and their eyes opened violently. With a bang, they exploded into a pile of black smoke and sank into Fengyun Wuji's body.

'Ding Dong Dong!!!'

Fengyun Wuji walked forward without stopping all the way. After him, the abyss demons, who were sucked up the magic of the whole body by the star-absorbing method, kept turning into a dead bone and falling from the sky. Falling into the dark abyss, the splash of the canopy.

Fengyun Wuji stepped all the way to the center of this vast and boundless underground abyss. The abyss behind him has long been full of dead bones.


A cold air and a voice came from all directions. Those abyss demons loyal to Alonso had long been stunned by Feng Yun Wuji's means. In addition, the long-range attack was ineffective, and the close attack... He couldn't get close to his body at all. Finally, he was scared one by one. He looked at the There is no taboo in the middle of the world.

Under the dark water, a pair of horns that just wanted to surface suddenly trembled, and then sank deeper into the abyss.

A group of magic ring attendants, Feng Yun Wuji is like walking leisurely, walking above the abyss, and a cold smile faintly appears at the corners of his mouth.

"Alonso, it seems that you want this seat, please go. Well, I have walked from the central magic mountain to the abyss here, and I don't care about this journey." At this point, my pupils suddenly shrank, and a cruel look passed by my eyes: "Let me come and invite you!"

Fengyun Wuji raised his hands high, his elbows exceeded his shoulders, and his broad and slender palms rubbed up and down. Between the two palms, a black thunderball kept making a 'cracking' sound, and the black thunderball was changeable, emitting the radiance of the scorching light from time to time. The The surface of the abyss reflects the bright scales all over the sky.

In the hole of Fengyun Wuji's whole body, a wisp of magic gas transformed by the essence of the abyss demon that had just been passively absorbed by the star-absorbing method floated out of the hole, winding into the black thunder ball in Fengyun Wuji's hand.

Fengyun Wuji's whole face changed in the bright light bursting out of the thunder ball, half-light and half-dark, with a sneer. Fengyun Wuji pulled back his left palm, and his right palm held the basketball-sized thunder and lightning black ball high above his head, and then threw it heavily!

"Alonso, now, you should come out to see me!" When the ball was thrown out, the sound of the wind and clouds rumbled like thunder, echoing above the whole abyss.

In the frightened eyes of the demons all over the abys, Fengyun Wuji gathered in the palm of his hand with thousands of lights, spinning rapidly and sinking into the cold abyss.