After soaring

Chapter 508 The Secret of the Demon Realm


The lonely footsteps sounded in this remote space standing in the demon realm. Chiyou walked all the way, and countless old men in black sitting on the ground crossed by. These old men in black had silver hair and silver whiskers, like a rock, closed their eyes and sat motionless.

In the surroundings, although there are a lot of people, Chi You is walking alone in a dead place, and you can't feel any breath of life, as if these old people have already sat here and passed away for years.

The strong magic spirit under his feet curled up, setting off this exotic area more dark and strange. In this place full of strong magic, Chiyou's heart calmed down abnormally. The violence that once turned into the first day of the demon disappeared at this moment. His eyes swept through this familiar space, and Chiyou's heart was flat. And, suddenly, time went back to hundreds of millions of years ago. At that time, he was just one of the people in black sitting in this circle.

These are all his people! The world only said that Chiyou was born, and there was a group of violent and evil demons behind him, but he did not know that he was just a little sami in black who guarded the mysterious head in this foreign country. Only here, these people are the real people of Chiyou.

"Everyone says how powerful I Chiyou is, and they don't know that any one here walks out from here. Even if it's not as good as Chiyou, it won't be too far away... Secrets, there are too many secrets here. Even if I was born, grew up here, and set foot here again, I'm still Chiyou suddenly stopped. He stopped. Look up at the smoky subway cage, which is really a secret place to suppress all this.

"Roar! ~ "The huge iron head also seemed to feel low. He roared hoarsely, but the direction facing the iron head was looking at Chiyou outside the area. The direction of the black square box where Chiyou's armor is placed.

Chiyou knows in his heart that Chiyou's armor can be big or small, and it comes from it. Even if it is integrated with Chiyou's armor, what it can sense is still it.

"No wonder the master asked me to put Chiyou's armor outside. In fact, these results have already been guessed. Chiyou's state at this moment is very strange, that is, it is different from the situation under the control of the evil soul, and also different from the situation under the control of the good soul. The whole person shows a very natural breath, just like the combination of two souls in the body.

A strange feeling surged into his heart. At first, Chiyou didn't care about it. However, when he crossed several rows of people in black sitting in circles and stepped on the black boulder stone steps of the tall castle, a strange itchy feeling surged into his heart.


When you step on the stone steps. A strange feeling came from his chest. Chi You stopped and lowered his head and suddenly saw that under the black sleeve robe, wisms of black totem like drops of ink were winding from below. At first glance, it looks like blue veins and vines, and the skin bulges one by one.

The chest suddenly became itchy, and Chiyou's face changed. The five fingers of the right hand are curved like iron claws. He tore it hard, but listening to a crack-like sound, Chiyou's robe was torn. It is blue and black. Like a chest forged with blue iron. On Chiyou's chest. Pieces of burning red like soldering iron bulge from under the skin, and bursts of smoke rose from the chest.

"Ah! ~" Chi You suddenly felt a drama of the soul.:... Head. It made a cry of pain, and it felt like a seed was put down in the soul a long time ago, but now the seed began to take root and germinate, crazy about absorbing the nutrients around it, and pumped out the ear.


The screams tore the space, break through the air, and the pain comes quickly. It goes quickly. When the pain disappeared, Chiyou supported the ground with his hands and black iron-like forehead. Sweaty, a kind of battle with any strong enemy. I have to feel tired and rush to my heart.

"What have you done? What have you done to me?" Chi You suddenly looked up and roared at the black castle. The strong murderous spirit rose from his body, and his dark eyes at night showed an extremely ferocious look.


In extreme anger, Chiyou's long black hair trembled straight, like the angry King Kong, and the stone steps under his feet made an unbearable 'tocking sound.'

'Alas! ~' A long sigh passed from inside the castle.: |, - Look at your chest.

Chi You suddenly bowed his head, a dark golden '? The d'-shaped rune was suddenly reflected on Chiyou's cold eyes, and Chiyou was stunned for a moment.

"You have completely grown up, my people!" The voice in the castle sighed, "... Although you and I were born in chaos at the same time, it was a billion and eight thousand years apart. My mind is unstable, that's why I'm ** for that skull. Hundreds of millions of years ago, you stole the shoulder armor and fled in a hurry. Although I know, I didn't stop you. You don't have great wisdom and perseverance. Even if you stay here, you will gradually lose your nature. In this way, it's better to let you go. One drink, one peck, it's all determined by heaven. Although you have created boundless evil, who can be sure of your merits and demerits?

Chi You's head was 'buzzing', and his eyes were staring at the dark golden ground on his chest? The word d' is motionless.

"Drink!" A loud shout suddenly sounded in Chiyou's ear, like a paste running through the top, and like a twilight drum shaking the bell, making Chiyou suddenly echo.

"Idiot, why don't you come in?" The voice shouted.

Chiyou shook his body, made a 'crack' sound all over his bones, and slowly straightened up. Chiyou strode into the black castle.

In Chiyou's impression, this is the first time he has stepped into this place. In the past, when he was taught martial arts, the master never let him enter.

Before the scene in the castle was reflected in his eyes, a strong breath of death came to his nose. Here, like silence for hundreds of millions of years, life and death, silence and rebirth

Silence lies in this. Here, it is full of the strongest death gas

Chi You took a deep breath, then opened his eyes and looked ahead--

Inside the castle, there is a huge circle, and the surrounding walls, together with the floor, are covered with thick dust - it is the product of flesh and blood after it is decomposed into ashes. The faint breeze swirling in the abandoned and forgotten castle, lifting up the dust of the ground. A corner of the surface was faintly carved with black iron. After a long time, the underground black iron floor. There is still no change at all, and it is still as bright as before. Just on the surface. It is covered with a thick layer of dust.

In the huge castle, on the ring walls around it. There are thousands of concave arched caves. In each cave, there is a skeleton with a strangely large skeleton, covered with dust sitting in it. Between the joints of those skeletons, there are black bone beads, which are obviously many years old.

Each skeleton raises its head. Stare at the center of the dusty castle.

"Soon, there will be a place for me here," bursts of shaking came from the front. Chi You suddenly looked up and saw the center of the hall. A huge stone pillar stood in the center. Inside the stone pillar, a huge head full of awning slowly raised its head, and the dust of the canopy shook off his head. A canopy of dust came to my nose.

This is an old man like an angry King Kong. His beard has already turned white, and his face is full of deep wrinkles, but the mighty has not changed at all. Contrary to this powerful head is the gray robe and under the robe. The bone and flesh of the ground are like a bamboo pole man with a pumpkin head.

The stone pillar in the hall is empty on many sides. The old man squatted in one of the caves, and in the other three caves of the stone pillar, he squatted with three skeletons, deaf to the ground.

Chi You glanced at the skeleton shelf in the three half-man high stone caves outside, and his heart trembled slightly. But he didn't say much sadly, "Are they all dead?"

"Well, now, I'm the only one left. In a short time, I will become like them!" The old man didn't seem to have moved for a long time. At first sight, he saw someone coming in, and his body, which had been sitting cross-in-side, moved, and immediately a shackle shook in the silent hall. In the dead space, the sound of the iron cable sliding was particularly loud.

In the sound of the iron rope, the python-like bulging iron cables under the gray and shabby robe shook the clothes. ** came out, and the iron cables wrapped my thin body with the stone pillar.

The broken clothes flew out. The pieces broke apart again, getting thinner and thinner, and finally the whole thing turned into a piece of flying dust.

Chi You raised his head indifferently. The eyes went up along the ten-ten-foot high-altitude stone pillar and crossed the top of the empty castle. The bet on the one hanging in the void above is constantly shaking the subway cage.

'Wow!--' Chiyou swept away a thick piece of white ash under his feet, and the dust rippled, revealing a piece of '? When the corner of the word d' came, Chi You's pupils suddenly contracted, but he didn't say anything. He just bent his knees and sat down opposite the powerful old man.

"Master, or, I should call you the first master who completely surpasses the divine level, Emperor Shitian!" Chiyou is cold and iron-like, stiff and stiff.

"Hahaha..." Di Shitian's eyes suddenly lit up and shot out the stars-like brilliance. He looked up and laughed and said, "Okay, my good apprentice, after so many years, you have really made great progress. You are no longer shy and introverted at the beginning, and the whole little sand is stunned. Your brother, I'm afraid he will never catch up with you.

"No matter how high the martial arts are, if you are trapped here for the rest of your life, you will have the ability to breathe the universe, and it is no different from the local chickens and dogs. I don't want this kind of life, so I chose to leave at the beginning, but now, I'm back. I don't want to go back to my original life, but to get back what belongs to me. You should understand!" Chiyou said coldly.

"Oh," Di Shitian stopped laughing abruptly and blinked his eyes: "Don't you just want to get your skills back?"

"At the beginning, I was induced by Xuanyuan, and I was willing to hand over half of my own skills to Xuanyuan, which was sealed and suppressed by him. Humph, don't pretend that you don't know. Although I handed over the thoughtless spirit to Xuanyuan, it was not that I couldn't feel it. Before Xuanyuan completely sealed my half spirit and power, I sensed that he had been here! Humph, I'm afraid you passed on the skills he used to induce my heart at the beginning!!"

"That's right, it's me!" Di Shitian's response was clean and neat, and there was no meaning of half cover.

Chi You was stunned and then said angrily, "Then you still pretend to be stupid. What about the other half of my ability to be sealed? Answer me, give or not?"

With a flick of Di Shitian's finger, a small blue and white porcelain bottle popped out of his fingers and fell on Chi You. He walked around the uneven black iron floor for several times and stopped.

"Take it. This is what you want." Emperor Shitian doesn't care.

Chi You stared at Di Shitian, and slowly stretched out his hand in disbelief. As soon as he grasped the celadon bottleneck with three knuckles, a feeling of spiritual flesh connection came from the bottom of his hand. Chi You doubted looking at Di Shitian: "What do you want to do?"

"It's nothing! This belongs to you. It is impossible for me to suppress him for a lifetime. If I'm not going to return it to you, I'll just destroy him. Wouldn't it be better. Sooner or later, I will return it to you, or you will take it back, either explicitly or secretly. It's better to take the initiative to return it to you," Di Shitian said indifferently.

"It's too weird, it's too weird. Old man, what do you want to do? There was a strong uneasiness in the bottom of Chiyou's heart. He simply didn't even call Di Shitian, but changed it to an old man.

Di Shitian finally restrained his smile and looked at Chi You solemnly: "Billions of years ago. I have surpassed God, but this

My human land grading system. In the face of the demon clan and the divine clan, it can be much stronger than the supreme. To some extent, I can also be called the fifth supreme of mystery. It's just that now. I, the supreme, have reached the end of my life.

The voice paused. Di Shitian turned to Chi You and said, "For so many years, we have been unable to hide. Are you weird? Many years ago, you have shown a strong curiosity for so many years. Are you even more confused?"

"Yes!" Chi You said coldly, "After all these years, are you finally ready to tell me the truth?"

"You can say that." The emperor sighed. Then he bet his eyes on the depths of the void and told Chi You the greatest secret of Taigu with a look of rememorial...

Billions of millions of years ago. The world is dark yellow, and the universe is chaotic. In the dark abyss, thirteen dark gods were born, and in the kingdom of light. Thirteen bright gods were born one after another.

The main god of light and the main god of darkness, each has its own chief and different functions. A dark god corresponds to a light god, and the two sides are in balance with each other. In the dark, it conforms to the greatest of many laws. The law of balance - this is the foundation for maintaining the operation of the universe.

Hundreds of millions of years after the birth of the Dark Lord God and the Light God, when the gods were seated. The Lord God found that in the sea of chaos between light and darkness, a god beyond all the Lord Gods of light is quietly being born.

This is the fourteenth main god. Its birthplace is not in the dark abyss. It is not in the Kingdom of Light. It appears quietly in chaos at the same time as the birthplace of the God of Light and Darkness. And quietly absorb the power of the dark abyss and the kingdom of light to nurture the main god.

It is powerful and surpasses all the main gods. So much so that when all the main gods were successfully born, it had just formed half of its body. Unlike other main gods who can only control one law, the fourteenth main god can control many laws.

If there is nothing unexpected, the fourteenth main god will become the lord of the gods, dominate the light and dark gods, and become the most powerful existence in the universe.

But this situation violates the law of balance. An existence that is above all sentient beings and independent of the top dust of the pyramid completely violates the law of balance and is not allowed to be seen by the law of balance.

The existence of the universe requires a balanced system, and the appearance of the fourteenth Lord God breaks this balance - its birth is doomed to be wrong from the beginning.

Under the effect of the balance rule, the fourteenth Lord God was only half born and was erased, but the existence of the Lord God is too powerful. The law of balance is not conscious. It is just a dead thing that runs in the dark and maintain the existence of the universe. It can affect other laws and then affect the whole universe. The rules can't completely erase the existing brand of the landlord god.

When the law of balance came into effect, the fourteenth Lord God already had consciousness and woke up, watching the throne of the Lord of his own gods being destroyed, watching his own glory being erased, and generating the injustice of heaven and earth and the impulsive desire to destroy everything in his heart.

In order to counterbalance the fourteenth main god, under the balanced and regular action, human beings were born. In the process of birth, human beings are constantly consuming the divine power and energy of the fourteenth main god.

The energy of the fourteenth Lord God was consumed by human beings when half of the Lord of saliva was born.

Under the guidance of injustice, only half of the fourteenth Lord God tried to destroy all living things, which caused the dissatisfaction of the gods. Finally. The fourteenth Lord God was suppressed by the gods and sealed in the demon world. At the same time, because of its injustice, he turned to darkness. Therefore, he is known as the fourteenth Dark Lord God.

The gestation process of the main god was so wonderful that no one noticed it. The head of the fourteenth Lord God is under the sea of chaos. Under the cover of the sea of chaos. These are hidden from the gods. To hide it, the first human beings were born in chaos.

Almost at the time of the birth of the first ancient human beings, the same understanding and voice sounded in the bottom of everyone's hearts, which was an almost instinctive omen of life: guarding the head of the fourteenth Lord God. Live and die, suppress it, otherwise, once the fourteenth dark god is successfully integrated, human beings will be completely destroyed. All turned into flying ash...

"This is the magic land, the origin of this ancient castle. It is also the reason why all our people will be suppressed here forever. In the demon world, there has always been a legend about the fourteenth dark god. They thought that it was really just a legend, but only we knew it. The fourteenth dark Lord God is a real existence. Emperor Shitian said solemnly, "So far, there is such a legend. Space and time. It is the most original source and ultimately a powerful existence. There are space laws and time rules. But there is no law of time. It should be among the gods of light and darkness, and there is no rule of time.

"But people don't know. The law of time exists, and it is the ability to belong to the fourteenth Dark Lord God! It was originally. It should be the Lord of Killing, the Lord of Time! The Lord of the gods controls the whole universe. It's just half of the energy he gave birth to. It has given birth to a vast universe, hundreds of millions of planes. Countless human beings. It is so powerful that it can be seen. Di Shitian pointed to the huge head in the iron cage and said, "If. The fourteenth dark god, truly fully integrated, then we human beings must first become the object of the killing land. To destroy human beings. Destroy the ancients first. The death of Taigu, the world, the whole human world. Then it will all fall into the abyss of despair, and there will never be a day!"

Chiyou's face changed. The eyes became extremely complicated, and a blue vein was faintly visible on the cheek. Constantly twitching, beating, suddenly. Chi You suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed: "Hahaha..., old man. You can tell jokes.

... You treat me as an idiot, then the fourteenth Lord God, why do you have to destroy other places and it's not human beings? It's none of our business! ...Even if it really wants to be counted, it can only be counted on that messy law of balance!"

Emperor Shitian sighed and looked at Chi You with a compassionate look. He pointed out a thin finger in his left hand and pointed to the sky: "What are you the four sacred beasts guarding the ancient land? Why does such a powerful thing not have divine consciousness, but need to be controlled by the four supremes?

Chi You stopped laughing abruptly and subconsciously said, "Why?"

"Because the four supremes are the products of the law of balance, and they themselves are part of the law of balance. Think about it, why can only human beings use the four holy beasts? Isn't there a monster in Taigu? Isn't the monster turned into a human form? Why are there no monsters among the four supremes? Why can only human beings drive these powerful four sacred beasts? Do you think it was accidental that Xuanyuan met the four supreme beasts and achieved the supreme position before the battle of gods and demons? Do you think the birth of mankind is accidental?

"Yes, the fourteenth Lord God hates only the law of balance, but part of the product of the law of balance is the four holy beasts, the four supremes! The four supremes are equivalent to the human gods who master the law of balance. Once the fourteenth Lord God is resurrected and does not destroy human beings, who will perish? Di Shitian said coldly, "We are here to suppress this head for hundreds of millions of years. In the meantime, I am also here to help guard it. The kind of instinctive hatred and resentment from Taotian must have also felt it. Do you think it's just because we suppressed him? Do you think it's just because we are closest to him?

"Look at the surrounding walls and look at the corpses of those strong people of our clan. What do you think we are doing? We, the people of our people, are destined to be connected with this fourteenth god. Even if you escape from here, you, the set of Kaijia on your body, still represents the tenth dark god. See your chest'? Have you got the e-shaped imprint? With a 'sneer', Di Shitian tore open the residual clothes on his chest, and a tree tumor appeared on his chest. E' glyph: "See it, this is the imprint of our clan. This is the mark left by the fourteenth Lord God on each of us who suppress him. When its power invades our bone marrow, the seal master will clearly emerge. And this is really a sign of your growth. We have used our own bodies and souls for generations, as well as the energy absorbed at the beginning of chaos, to constantly consume the divine power contained in this head, hoping to weaken the ability of this Lord God when he is resurrected. When all our people perish, it is time for 'it' to recover.

The emperor's god lowered his head a little gloomy: "Look outside the castle. This is the only one we have left. When our last group of people died, this head will see the sun again, and the next is the ancient people. No one knows what the future will be! We are just doing our best."


Chiyou clenched his iron fist, his knuckles turned white, and his joints made a continuous crisp sound. Boom! --' Chiyou punched the ground heavily, raised his head, and his eyes were red: "Can't we escape? What about the demise of Taigu? What if the human race perish? As long as we live freely, will it be fine?"

"Hey hey," Di Shitian sneered: " Chiyou, don't worry about it. Anyway, you are always a human race. Escape? Humph, how far can you escape? After you escaped from the castle for so many years, don't you still want to come back here in the end? - This is called fate!"

"Well, are you kidding? Are you the kind of person who believes in fate!!"

"Alas!" Di Shitian suddenly closed his eyes and said, "Take this bottle away and get your skills back. Then get out of here. This time, you can do whatever you want. We won't stop you! Go ahead, when the time comes, you will naturally come back here! This is life!"

"Well, don't worry, I, Chiyou, will never come here again. What fate, bullshit, Chi You only believes in his fist!" After saying that, Chi Youhuo stood up, and the cloak behind him shook straight. Then he stepped on the dancing dust and resolutely went to the castle. At the moment he stepped out of the castle, Chiyou's body could no longer stop the shaking.

"Brother, you're out!" The little black Sami stood up, arched his hand with one palm, and said respectfully.


"Brother, are you leaving again?"


"This is my brother's armor. I haven't moved it," Xiao Shami bowed and said softly, "Brother, take care!"

"Well, you go, Master's side-- take good care of me!"

"Yes, brother, I will definitely do it!" After Xiaosami finished speaking, he walked slowly to the castle.

'Touch!——' The crack suddenly closed, and the gate of the castle was also closed.

"Bun!" Chi You raised his foot and kicked the wooden box heavily. The wooden box suddenly burst into fragments, and the wood fragments flew around. The armor rushed out of the fragments and turned into a shadow and flew far away...

"What is the fourteenth dark god? I, Chiyou, have never believed in breaking my fate!" Chiyou's face was ferocious, and his right hand suddenly tightened. With a click, the jade bottle broke. At the moment when the jade bottle broke, a huge magic column suddenly burst out of the jade bottle and swallowed Chiyou in an instant...


Above the nine heavens, there was thunder, and rolling dark clouds rushed in all sides. In the sand and gravel magic field, suddenly flying sand and stones. The vast wind and strong magic completely covered this area. Between reaching out, there were no five fingers...