After soaring

Chapter 517 My Lord's "Two Worlds"

"A black holy flame bursts out in the center of the bottom. In the holy flame, a weak divine power that has not been dried up oscillates in the holy flame at a certain frequency and absorbs a trace of extremely faint divine power fluctuations in the void in some way.

'Wow!' In the blink of an eye, the black flame wrapped the bottom of the tetahedron and quickly expanded to the entire small tetahedron.

'Shuh!——' When my palm once again brushed not far from the top of the golden tettahedron, a little holy flame soared up and burned from my white finger skin. My finger trembled slightly, but still brushed calmly from above. When my palm stopped, the white?? On the finger, there was a scorched mark like a lotus flower. In the flesh and blood of the finger, a faint sacred flame drilled into the depths of my flesh and blood, trying to burn to the depths of flesh and blood.

At the same time, the golden tetahedron, which has been slowly rotating, suddenly stopped, and the whole golden tetahedron was wrapped in the holy flame. The golden shell was slowly flowing black like a layer of water waves, covering the four bodies with a mysterious color.

The tetahedron is constantly changing, first changing from gold to black, then back to gold, and finally to dark gold. In this change, a wisp of extremely thin red gold beam of light burst out from the corner at the top of the tetahedron, through the palace of the Demon Emperor Dynasty, and sank into the cloud sky without

Where the red-gold light connects with the clouds and the sky. The void suddenly twisted and changed, and the whole demon emperor dynasty suddenly had a strong wind. Outside the dynasty palace group, the soles of the ordinary dynasty warriors of their feet floated. They only felt that they were going to be swept up by the strong wind, so they had to sink the soles of their feet, or simply pushed the halberd in their hands

In the twisted space, golden lights were fanned down from the clouds and sky. The light shines on the whole dynasty space. Around, the soldiers of the dynasties were already stunned and looked up at the air one after another. However, without waiting for them to see the changes in the air, they felt that above all sentient beings, with a strong breath like a rushing tide emerging from the depths, and all the demons trembled in such a huge and angry pressure. The head that was originally carried to the sky crawled to the ground at a faster speed in a blink of an eye. One by one, I dare not come out.

The distorted space stretched out. In the light and shadow of the sky, a pair of golden eyes quickly blurred and cleared. Around the golden eyes, the holy flame was dazzling. Every trace of flame seemed to represent the main god who lived under the dark abyss and usually only observed the universe with indifferent eyes. Anger at the robbed of his own split.

Seeing that the dark Lord God is about to open his pupils. When his pupils open, it is the time when all the blasphemers of the Lord God are completely destroyed. When it's a thousand times.' A transparent 'world' in my palm suddenly expanded, and as soon as the light lit up, I suddenly disappeared without a trace...

The rolling clouds were rolling in the sky. When the ancient ape was an adult, it summoned the red clouds. It has become the most prominent existence in the sky. In my world, there are no days, no moons, and no stars. Only the rolling clouds covered the sky. Thunder kept falling from the clouds, smashing the mountains on the continuous ground below. Every time the mountains were smashed by the thunder, they twisted and quickly recovered as before.

In half of the world, there are mountains and rivers, the earth, and the other half of the 'world' is a transparent 'world' made of countless rules. In this 'world', the rules are presented in this world in a materialized way, which can be completely by the body. Watch it.

In the dense 'rule world', there are many colors and filaments of different thicknesses, each of which represents a rule, and none of these rules are static and are constantly changing.

A huge half-shaped mountain, suspended in the regular world, occasionally a river and a forest. But none of these materialized things can stay in Haohan's rule world for a second. Everything is in a complex and complex change, which is different at every moment and never repeated.

At the normal world boundary between the 'world' and the 'rules', a green robe, a white robe, and two men sat quietly on the ground, staring at the "rules" world opposite the forbidden life without blinking. The changes of thousands of rules are presented in their bright and deep pupils, and the flame-like breath emitted by the two people changes correspondingly with the change of the 'rules' on the pupils.

These two people, one of whom was the sword god who was circled into the field by me a long time ago, and the other was a war general and a loyal former bodyguard in front of the War Emperor.

No one can measure the mind of 'Bizun', and it can't be guessed according to common sense. The two of them have been circled into this world by me since a long time ago. They witnessed the changes in this world and witnessed with their own eyes the birth and evolution of the 'rule world' built in the vast nothingness.

In this long time, I have rarely come to this world, and I have never revealed the tendency to release the two people in this world. The two also thought about resisting, but the longer they stayed in this world, although they had not fought with me, the existence of this world and the earth-shaking changes it has made in millions of years, even the birth of the 'rules' world opposite the place of death, have made the two of them deeply understand the relationship with the 'hea'. The gap that cannot be bridged.

Resistance is in vain - the two gradually understood this truth. Gradually, from hostility to mutual comity, I recently discovered the infinite benefits contained in this world - the world of rules.

Everyone knows that the rules are invisible and cannot be seen with the naked eye. But in this space, the rules are presented directly with the naked eye in a way that is difficult to understand. Although they don't understand the principles, as strong people with keen vision, both of them are about to realize the infinite benefits that this world of rules can bring to them.

At this point. The two of them have just completely eliminated the idea of getting out of this world. At this moment, even if 'I' makes a mouth and let them go out, they will not go out - looking at the universe, there is no more suitable place to retreat and enlightenment than at this time.

The world of 'Izun' is full of many unknowns. And the most mysterious one is the wisp of lightness under the feet of the two people


In the material world, these green silks cannot be seen with the naked eye, so neither the sword god nor the war generals can observe the evidence that these 'original' have regarded them as two experimental objects. However, in the opposite rule world, these green filaments that emit soul fluctuations are presented directly and objectively.

On the network node of the 'rule world', a group of light green light is constantly agitator. On these light masses, the two felt a stronger and stronger life - this discovery shocked the two strong men inexplicably.

In the dark, they can't help but have an association in their minds, that is, the owner of those cold and ruthless eyes is trying to recreate in this 'world'. The regeneration of heaven and earth, the process of the birth of life!!

When the third god gets the secret of the 'world' from the supreme of the sky, it is the time when the 'prin-respect' gets the secret of the world. However, my reason and huge ability to analyze and deduce are destined to be different from its 'world'.


Although in the retreat, when the 'I' suddenly came to this 'world', a trace of consciousness distributed outside the body of the sword god and the heart of war quickly felt the change of the world. I couldn't help opening my eyes.

"It's him!! ..." When Huo opened his eyes and caught the silent image that appeared like a king. The state of mind of the ancient well, which has been exercised for countless days and months, can no longer be maintained, and suddenly exclaimed.

Although the Sword God didn't say anything, the violent shaking of his broad shoulders at that moment showed that his inner shock was the same as his fighting spirit.

The two of them stared closely at the air, and the silver-white figure under the disaster cloud, whether it is the heart of war or the sword god, can see that the goal of the owner of this world is obviously not them - because opposite it, there is a mutilated black powerful life - a huge positive four sides emitting a strong black atmosphere. Body. There is no nose, no ears, and there is not even an obvious body, but the burning black flame constitutes the image of a human body. There is no mouth, but both of them can feel the silent roar that hurts the soul.

The disaster clouds in the sky are rapidly decreasing, like a whale swallowing, sinking into the incomplete main god split, and the tetahedron continues to grow.

"That thing... has something in common with the smell of robbing clouds!" The knife god frowned and suddenly said.

"The robbery of the cloud has always had no place to come, no place to go, and no one knows the reason. It is clear why... At present, it seems that the number of disasters between heaven and earth is closely related to this strange tetahedron with something above all creatures." Zhan Xin looked up at the sky. Instinctively, Zhan Xin was in awe and disgusted the strange object.

"I'm afraid it has met a big enemy!" The God of Sword muttered that in the impression of the God of Swords, 'I' is millions of years old, and it is rare to enter here, but there must be something wrong when you come in. The strange existence of the sky and the expression of 'my lord' show that 'it' has met a powerful enemy.

Just when the tetahedron kept bursting out with a strong black breath, and at the same time, it constantly absorbed the sun's disaster clouds, and at the same time, it shook the world from the inside with divine power, constantly bombarded the sky, trying to communicate with the 'noumenon' outside the 'world', I finally seemed

'Boom' Buddha suddenly took action, and the sword god and the heart of war sitting on the edge of the world were shocked to find that they could not move suddenly. The sky was constantly being called away by the clouds, the air in this world, and the tetahedron that was swelled and covered by the black ..., everything suddenly stands still, and the heavens and the earth are all there - it is time that is still.

'li!' With a sharp sound from me, a circle of invisible fluctuations seemed to relieve the effect of the prohibition of time. At the same time, a 'bent' lip, a ball of silver-white light containing pure divine power came out, directly penetrated the black flame that seemed to be weak and strong outside the four-sided body, and bombarded on the tetahedron

'Bun!' The indestructible golden tetahedron suddenly burst into a mass of black smoke, directly exposing the original golden tetahedron in the center. The silver-white beam of light ejected from the mouth of the 'I Zun' accurately bombarded it, and directly bombarded the gold tetahedron into unbreakable powder, turned into The world is empty, and the faint cracks also quickly disappear...

Over the Demon Emperor's Dynasty, the huge golden pupils and the fluctuation of the breath of the main god with anger, in the 'Izun' entered his own world, the half-empted eyes couldn't help stagnate, abruptly losing the sense of the other half of the body.

A huge golden beam of light fell and enveloped the hall of the Demon Emperor's Dynasty. The whole hall was clear. The space where the hall was located was huge and small, presenting a transparent state in the eyes of the main god - the main god seemed to want to search for the existence of 'beneunior' and another solit origin in this way.

Although the origin of each split is insignificant to the main god, in the war between the gods, each origin is precious.

When the eyes of the Lord God scanned the space, the remaining breath of the original divine origin quickly disappeared, and it existed in a way that could be connected weakly, but could not sense the position of existence. In the end, all of a sudden, it completely disappeared.

"Roar!" There was silence between heaven and earth, but the soul of every demon felt the silent roar of the dark god from above. An invisible storm rolled through this space, and the demons only felt that their souls were burned by the fire, which was extremely painful. Some low-level demons couldn't stand it. As soon as their bodies softened, they fell to the ground and could no longer get up - although the body was there, the soul was completely destroyed!


A black thunder with supreme majesty fell from the sky and bombarded heavily on the dynastic hall. The whole hall burned a burst of black holy flames, and the dynastic hall slowly collapsed and fell in the flame, completely erased the traces of its existence from this space by the holy flame.

'Dida! ~'

The origin of the split has completely disappeared, and the Lord God has no intention to stay and completely disappeared. And in the sky, it rained in a light rain unconsciously. The whole dynasty, from the demon emperor to the ordinary pawn, stood on the ground like a wooden chicken. After a long time, he turned his head and looked at the hall of the dynasty...