After soaring

Chapter 6 The escape of the `Emperor`, and the closure of the `Izun` world

In the world of 'Bendo'.

There is no day or night in the 'world', the heart of war and the sword god sit side by side, and the two have almost forgotten the time. I also forgot everything in the outside world. I'm also getting used to the scene that 'I' appears once in a while.

"Knife God, how long will it take for 'it' to appear?" The heart of war sat on the ground, with a chain rope from his waist deep into his body, and the other end disappeared into the void. It was this chain cable that bound his freedom.

The knife god looked dull and tried his best to blink his numb eyes. After a long time, he said in a thick voice, "He will appear in two minutes."

"Is it? I bet you're right." The heart of war was a little helpless.

The two of them fell into a long sitting again, quietly looking at the air, trapped by the shackle of faith diagonally above the 'imp' in the air.

"Two seconds, one second... It's time to appear." It seemed to respond to the voice of the heart of war. The 'I' in white clothes appeared accurately at the end of the eye of the heart of war, and the position was not bad at all.


The trembling of faith, greeted by the 'I' was greeted by the 'Emperor'' with a pair of fierce and hateful eyes, as well as the roar of extreme anger.

For 'I', 'Emperor' is angry and helpless. When the 'imperial' expressed his resistance with a fierce struggle, the 'I' always looked down at it with cold and indifferent eyes, without any fluctuation on his face.

The heart of war knows that if necessary, 'it' can completely maintain this posture until the end of the universe. Time is for the top strong man in the universe on the opposite side. It doesn't make any sense.

And obviously, the 'Emperor' gradually understood this truth. After struggling for a break, he did not move, as if he were dead, hanging quietly in the air. Let it be deduced by the 'I'.

On the silver-white eyes, the light and shadow change, and the rules of the whole world also change. The twelve shapes are different, and the body surface patterns first appear as demon sculptures with different totems of unknown meanings.

Then.' The bright light and shadow in the sky of the emperor appeared again, and the whole and gorgeous light made people dare not look at it at all. With the current power of the sword god and the heart of war, when the light mass that shoots infinite light and shadow appears, they can't help but turn their heads. Avoid it. It's gone.

In the light and shadow, there is a dark gold one. With an obscure and difficult atmosphere, at the same time, a huge dark gold totem that suppresses the soul appeared first. This kind of thing, in terms of breath, is more similar to the heart demon's change of the 'Lord of Killing'? The word e' is divine, but it is different. Compared with the divine spirit of the Lord of Killing. This dark gold pattern reveals a more strange and deep atmosphere.

Every time this pattern appears, the heart of war has a strange feeling in the face of the existence of all sentient beings. It seems that it is some kind of supreme existence. There is a faint sense of desolation in the universe. In short, it feels very complicated. There seems to be endless secrets in this thing. However, for some reason, the heart of war always has a feeling that this thing is not perfect - this is a keen intuition from a master.

In the gorgeous lump of light that people can't see, there are dark gold filaments like living things, winding out of the divine totem, stretching along the four directions in an unspeakable beautiful arc. The speed of the dark gold hairspring is getting faster and faster. After that, it is difficult to reach the limit. However, all the dark gold hairsprings have always been in parallel, as if there is a specific law in it.

Soon, a perspective shape gradually formed in the light and shadow of the huge temple. From a distance, it has seven or eight similarities with the temple of light where the 'the emperor' lives.

In the eyes of 'I', the light and shadow changed faster and faster. In the blink of an eye, a copied temple of the 'imperial' rotated and appeared in the void.

What the knife god and the heart of war didn't notice was that when the eyes of the 'I' became empty, and the thin silk swam on the silver-white eyes, and the light and shadow changed, a trace of red filaments like fog like fog came from the 'Emperor''' body, along the s shackle

The faster the light and shadow on the eyes of 'I Zun' changed, the more weak the 'Emperor' appeared, and his head hung lower from his shoulder.

After the appearance of the huge temple, the four directions quickly increased the demon statue and thick purple chains at a geometric speed.

In the end, outside the temple, a vague ball of light twisted and changed, half light and half dark. At this time, the fluctuation of the rules in the whole 'world' has almost reached the extreme. The fluctuations of countless rules disorder made the keen sense of rules and the sword god almost faint.

The two of them no longer dared to be distracted from observing the deduction of 'the emperor'. They restrained their minds and sat upright. At the same time, they turned off the sense of the six senses to the outside world.

However, my deduction, here, is almost stagnant. The black-and-white light mass is constantly twisting and changing, trying to form the bright light and dark statue outside the temple. However, no matter how hard I try, this black-and-white light mass cannot form the bright god statue standing outside the temple of the 'Emperor'. Look.

On the indifferent silver-white eyes, the light and shadow of light and shadow also slowed down. But the 'imp' began to twitch and shake on the shackle. Obviously, 'it' is suffering a lot.

Under the silver mask of 'Emperor', the black and white brilliantly shines outward crazily. In the black and white light and shadow, there seemed to be something to swim out, but it seemed to be bound by the mask and did not appear.

According to the past practice, at this time, if the light and dark statue can't be formed, the 'I' should leave. Right here, the 'imperial' suddenly shook his body, his drooping head, and slowly lifted it up. In those eyes, there was an inexplicable look, as if he was considering some major decision and seemed to be measuring something.

At the moment when the 'I' accurately turned around and left, the 'Emperor''s struggling look was finally settled, and it seemed that he had made some decision at the same time.


A scream tore the void and turbulent the whole world. The original shape gradually became blurred, and the blurred figure quickly became clear, and at the same time turned around. Staring at the 'Emperor' with a strange look.

"Cock!" ~"

On the face of the 'Emperor', the face of the mask seemed to suddenly appear countless fine cracks. The whole mask was broken but not scattered. Among the cracks of the mask, the black and white burning light burst out, covering the 'Immor' not far away.

'I'm about to take action. Suddenly, he seemed to sense something and stood quietly in place without dodging. Let the black and white light under the mask cover the body.

"Yi! ~"

Another long roar tearing the void came from the mouth of the 'Emperor'. In the shrill, a strong thought fluctuated like an arrow, bombarding into the sea of consciousness of 'I'.' My body shook for a moment, but did not resist, but let the 'imperial' consciousness enter his own sea of consciousness. Entering the mind of the 'Izun' with the thought wave, there is also the 'imperial' who has accumulated for a long time. About the scattered memory of being the main god before the fall - the field of the gods, a field that mortals can't reach is gradually in 'ben

The door was opened.

These secrets about the Lord God, any of which is spread, are enough to arouse the madness of all the strong. But now, it is constantly gushing out of the mind of the 'imperial' and into the sea of consciousness of the 'the emperor'. Become 'it's all.

In these memories, some are incomplete, some are complete, some are vague, some are clear, and some are even only one scale and a half claw, and no clue can be seen at all. Many things are undigested by the ' emperor', but this time, the ' emperor' has no reservations and gave them to the 'I'.

"'They', what are they doing? ......!!" Aware of the strange fluctuations in the void, Zhan Xin endured the discomfort and opened his eyes. In the void, one end of the black-and-white two-color light column is connected to the 'imperial' of the body leaning slightly forward, and the other end is connected to the clothes, which turns into a sculpture, a motionless 'Imagn'. The situation looks very strange.

The knife god also opened his eyes when he heard the words, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Look!" In the astonished voice of the battle, 'I' deduced the dark look that had not been performed for a long time, spreading from the footsteps to the head little by little, forming.


At the moment when the light and dark statue was formed, the whole 'world' shook. The knife god was stunned to find that even the special 'half world' behind him had also changed, and the 'rule world' changed rapidly with some special law. And between the regular cocoons, the dark green light mass that exudes the breath of the soul also quickly grows up...

"Wow! ~"

In the loud buzz, the whole world gradually stabilized. All the gorgeous light also disappeared from the void. When the Sword God and the Heart of War looked at it again, they suddenly found it. In this world, there is already a magnificent temple. Around the temple, thousands of demon statues are evenly distributed around. Half of the bodies of these demon statues are solid, and the other half is like water waves, becoming transparent and almost integrated into the void. Between the demon statue and the magnificent temple, the crisscrossed purple chains constitute another spectacular scene.

"Wow! ~"

'Emperor' lowered his head, gasped violently, and his breath seemed to be more low and disordered. Obviously, the cost of his behavior just now was huge.

There is silence between heaven and earth. The sword god and the heart of war also stopped their breath and looked at the air in a stare.

In the sky, 'I' stared at the 'Emperor' diagonally below. I have almost the most powerful divine consciousness and the most powerful analytical and deduction ability in the world. Anything, as long as it has seen it and given it enough time, can be deduced by the perverted ability and the 'broken silver eyes'. However, this time, I am confused.

No matter how it is deduced, the 'I' can't understand why the 'Emperor' gives his precious memory to himself so unreservedly!

Time passed little by little between the silence. For a long time, the 'I' waved my hand and clicked, and the shackle on the 'Emperor' broke.

"Ah!" The heart of war and the god of the sword stood up and looked at the air in almost disbelief.

" actually released 'it'!" Zhan Xin was surprised that only the sword god knew the difference between it and 'it' in his mouth.

"Rumble! ~"

The whole world roared again, and the heart of war and the sword god looked at the air in shock: the exit of a 'world' suddenly appeared above the head of 'I'. On the other side of the channel, a burst of fresh air poured in from the channel. It is the ancient atmosphere that the two of them are looking forward to and familiar with.

At the same time, he stared at the 'Emperor' and slowly stretched out a white jade-like flawless finger, pointing to the passage above without a sound.

Get out of here! - The meaning of 'the original' is clearly expressed in the gesture.

The 'Emperor' raised his head in astonishment and looked at the 'I' for a long time, with an unexpected calmness on his face. A light that 'I'mou' can't understand passed through the 'King''s eyes. That light.' I didn't understand it, but Zhan Xin understood it.

In that look, there was a trace of hidden deep disappointment and despair, and at the same time, there was a trace of hope that was difficult to understand.


After getting out of the 'shackles'. The emperor didn't stay for a long time. He turned his body and quickly swept towards the underground passage above the 'world'. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared.

At the moment when the 'Emperor' disappeared in the bright passage, the sword god and the heart of war. The almost numb heart suddenly came back to life. The two people are dry, with hopeful eyes that they have never had in their lives. He looked eagerly at the direction of 'I'.

At this moment, one second is disguised as countless minutes, and every second is so difficult. Although they were eager to die, the two of them didn't dare to say anything - it's useless to say it!

It seemed that he heard the voices of the two people, and finally turned around. In the silver-white eyes, there was a change.

' click!! ~'

The shackle on the two of them broke, and the moment the voice sounded. The two could hardly believe their own eyes. The hearts of the two of them were beating.

'Boom!' Before the joy in their chests spewed out of their mouths and turned into a roar, they felt that they were swept up by an irresistible force, and there was a change in front of them. It seems that after a cosmic century, and it seems that it is just a moment of fragrance, the two have already appeared in an empty mine. Around, a familiar breath poured into the nose.

The arrival of hope is often unexpected.

In the vast ground, the two of them stood there in a daze, not moving, as if worried that as long as they moved gently, everything in front of them would turn into phantoms, and the two returned to the 'world'...

In the 'world', after the two longest 'passers' also left, the 'I' did not leave the 'world' immediately. After quietly staying in place for a long time, I sat down cross-legged. In my mind, I slowly digested the huge and fragmentary memories obtained from the ' emperor'.

When 'I' unconsciously think about these things, the time around me becomes disordered, sometimes fast, sometimes slow. I don't know how long it took, when I opened my eyes again, the silver-white eyes completely turned into pale gold.

stood up silently, and a person quietly walked down the void. With an unusual calmness, he slowly walked into the newly formed magnificent and solemn temple with a consistent pace. Through the porch columns, the head of the hall, sit down on the black rave stone throne, which is exactly the same as the memory, separate your hands left and right, fall on the smooth black rave stone handrail, and then close your eyes. In the whole hall, there was no sound, and the breath of 'I' disappeared strangely.

Here, it suddenly turned into an empty nothingness 'world', without any creatures!

Above the world, the bright passage for the 'Emperor' to leave is quickly opened. The 'world' of the Buddha is also completely separated from other spaces with the bridging of this channel...

The demon world.

The killing is endless. However, no force dares to easily set foot in the old site of the 'Light and Dark Country' in the northwest. The terrible strength shown by the emperor in the 'Battle of the Strong' has shocked the strong in the whole demon world - Lian'

Jun' is not the existence of an opponent, and who dares to win easily?

After a light flashed, he wore a nearly fragmented silver mask on his face, and the 'imperial' with a wide black cloak behind him crossed the sky like a meteor, appearing on the old site of the dark country in the past.

At the moment he appeared over the old site of the light and dark country, the figure of the ' emperor' moved from extreme to quiet. The whole thing was like being bombarded by thunder, suspended in the void.

Under the 'Emperor', the prosperous 'light and dark country' in the past has dissipated like smoke, and the place where the magnificent temple was originally located has now become empty, and no trace of the existence of the temple can be found. And around this site. Countless broken arm remnants are scattered on the fragmented ground. The squirming maggots devoured these bodies, which also indirectly proved that the war that once happened here was a long time ago.

The 'Emperor''s eyes slowly passed by on the ground, and in the end, it seemed to finally understand. Something happened here.


In the shrill sound, a circle of white light burst out of the 'Emperor''s body and shot into the four directions. The destructive white light is within reach of the earth. The corpses, the maggots, everything on the earth, all fell apart in the magnificent white light and were completely annihilated.

The scream of extreme anger came from the northwest of the demon world and affected the whole demon world. Countless demons shuddered in the shrill voice. The shrilling sound showed to the whole demon world. The return of the top existence of the past, and the inexistible anger in its heart!

The shrill sound stopped for a long time, and the roar subsided, and the figure of the 'imperial' also disappeared from the northwest demon world, over the old site of the original light and dark country...

Sword Pavilion.

After completing the transaction with the heart demon. Fengyun Wuji also went to a big worry. For him, the most important thing is to complete the deduction of the 'rules of the sword' as soon as possible. After all. Although it is called Supreme, the integration of Fengyun Wuji and Qinglong has never been so perfect, which is a big defect. The only way is to make up for it in other ways.

Fengyun Wuji's fast letter in his mind plays the rules of the sword.' There is no certain rule to find the rules of the sword, which is almost completely out of the level of the skill of the sword body. This is a kind of 'jumping' progress. Fengyun Wuji has a vague feeling. It is simple. The probability of wanting to deduce the 'rules of the sword' through the first few layers of the 'word body method' is only a second. Even if it takes a long time, nothing can be achieved. However, the only thing Fengyun Wuji can do is this.

In the long self-study and deduction, Fengyun Wuji has no concept at all, let alone. Naturally, I didn't notice that on the top of the holy mountain beside me, the figure of 'I Zun' has not appeared for a long time - Fengyun Wuji did not know that 'I Zun' has blocked himself in his 'world' and entered the 'dead pass'!

I don't know how long it took for an idea to suddenly pass through Fengyun Wuji's mind. At the beginning, this feeling could still be blurred, but Fengyun Wuji quickly caught it and materialized it.

"The rules of the sword represent the most original and most common damage in the world. What it represents should not only be the sword, but also the ultimate way of knife, gun, halberd... and everything in the universe, but the ultimate way of the power of damage. If you want to understand the 'rules of the sword', you may need to use yourself as bait to feel the nature of all kinds of damage in the universe.

When this idea clearly emerged, Feng Yun Wuji heard his heart beating, and a great joy surged into his heart. Fengyun Wuji has a feeling that he has found the right direction!

With Fengyun Wuji's current skills, he can hurt him, which is almost a handful. It is obviously impossible to practice with this body. Moreover, the more important thing of this trip is the perception. Naturally, it does not need too much skill.

At this moment, Jun Qianshang's reincarnation formula came to his mind. Fengyun Wuji remembered the countless reincarnations of firm will and faith in the 'reincarnation field' of Jun Qianshang...

After three days...

The white particle 'Sword Relic' in the heart of Fengyun Wuji's heart beat. When the 'sword relic' was beating, under the cliff of the Sword Pavilion, the ancient strong people who were immersed in self-study suddenly felt that a powerful consciousness beyond people's imagination rose from the top of the Sword Pavilion, divided into tens of thousands, and disappeared into the void. At the moment when tens of thousands of gods, which are not as strong as human beings can have, broke through the air, on the cliff, a wisp of wind and clouds raised the green silk on both cheeks. When the green silk fell, the breath of wind and clouds completely disappeared from the top of the sword pavilion. Left in front of the cliff, it seems that there is only an empty shell left...

Among the billions of planes in the universe, each plane welcomes a special guest. After a wisp of wind, human beings with exactly the same faces were born in these planes. There was no energy in their bodies to destroy the world. In a general sense, these suddenly came to various planes and turned into human gods, only creating ordinary human beings.

They are generals. Blacksmith, swordsman, knife maniac... At the moment when their consciousness disappeared from the body, the lives of these people were real. It's started.

The life of mortals is always so short. In a flash, after a hundred years, it turns into a blank of loess. Return to the dust. For a hundred years, for the existence of Fengyun Wuji, it is too short-lived and almost negligible for a short time...

Fengyun Wuji did not notice that he divided the divine consciousness into tens of thousands and was reintoted to hundreds of millions of planes. When you realize the 'rules of the sword', in the towering sword pavilion. A lonely woman in phoenix robe gently stroked a lazy and beautiful Li Luan in her arms, and her eyes fell on his back through the gap between the two thick wooden doors in the Sword Pavilion. In the woman's beautiful eyes, there is a trace of confusion and deep sadness.

The light wind blew across the cliff and also took away the last trace of divine consciousness in Fengyun Wuji's body. At the moment when the divine consciousness completely disappeared from the body. After the door, a woman's long ground sounded in the sword pavilion. Lonely sigh...

The demon world. Forbidden Forest...

The second prince Andre and Anjigut stood quietly above the ruined trees, surrounded by rolling flames and thick smoke. Here, it seems to have turned into a world of fire and sulfur. The scorching air turned the forbidden forest into a place of death.

And all this is just because Andre woke up a huge fiery chaotic monster under this forbidden forest.

The monsters of the wilderness, ordinary people, have strong strength, and the fierce atmosphere of the mining world, which is their ability. Every fierce beast is a top killing machine in the demon world, and few demons dare to provoke it. Under the forbidden forest, it is a huge monster that has existed since the beginning of chaos.

In the forbidden forest, the dense, huge forest, in fact, is a strange plant called 'chaotic grass', and this plant is the favorite food of this chaotic monster. The destruction of Andre and others in the Forbidden Forest just woke up the top fierce beast in the space that was sleeping under the ground and opened up by himself.

Whether it's Andre or Anjigud, it's a rock

The thunder doesn't move. In front of them, the powerful warriors recorded on Andre's parchment were rushing forward one after another, consuming the chaotic monster of this top fierce beast with the 'Demon Sea' tactic.

"Roar! ~" The body is wrapped in the immortal flame, there is ~. The body, the wings of the dragon, the chaotic monster of the devil's tail howled, and the terrible flames kept swallowing out of his mouth. On its body, a circle of red field luster surges. Every time the field expands, a large number of magic warriors will be burned into ashes by the flames in an instant.

"It has consumed too many of your subordinates. Even with the number of powerful subordinates you have now, it can't stand its consumption. If it continues to be consumed like this, I'm afraid that when it is exhausted, your men will have no more adjustable soldiers. Anjigude finally couldn't help saying.

"That's why I need you and me to do it." Andre's answer was far beyond Dark Good's expectation.

"It's now, absolute field, take action!" Andre, the second prince, looked into the air and suddenly shouted. Almost at the same time as his voice sounded, at the end of Andre's eyes, a sun-like fireball with the sound of thunder rolled down from the sky with lightning - the chaotic monster also seemed to have a certain IQ, and it was clear that Andre and Anjigud were the culprits of all this. The enraged chaotic monster sprayed out its own inner elixir

As soon as Andre's words came out, the burning inner elixir of the chaotic monster had sprayed in front of the two, and a wave of melting gold and iron fell from the top. Anjigud's face changed greatly, and his wrist was raised, and the brilliance of the 'absolute field' expanded in front of him. At the moment of action, a selfishness crossed his mind. After a moment of hesitation, Anjigud still expanded the scope of protection in the absolute field and sheltered Andre behind him.

"You made a very correct decision," Andre's cold voice audiblely sounded in Anjigud's ear. Just as Anjigud blocked the attack of the chaotic monster with the 'absolute field', Andre also took action. With a flash of light in his eyes, Andre's eyes became dark. In front of Andre, Anjigud felt a cold current coming from behind him. Soon, he felt that Andre's breath had changed. In an instant, Anjigude seemed to have changed into a person and became gloomy and terrible. From his eyes, a stingark light was revealed - in Andre's soul, the hidden evil soul finally at this moment. Approaching the control of Andre's body, he personally dealt with the chaotic monster.

"Roar! ~"

Andre took a step forward, crossed the body of Anjigude, with a mouth and a roar like a bell. The roar was more fierce and violent than this domineering chaotic monster.


The afterglow of Dark Ggud's eyes caught the roots of Andre's hair that automatically floated to the back of his head one by one. A trace of black and gray smell came out. And Andre was originally white?? On the original pang, ugly lines emerge, like the lines of the same mesh leaf veins. All the lines gathered in Andre's mouth.

"Wow! ~ "A smoke of extreme evil and darkness ~ If there is a life-like smoke, it will easily pass through the wall of his 'absolute field' in Dark Gy Good's shocked eyes. A mouthful gently sprayed on the inner elixir of the constantly rotating monster.

'Oh! ~' The surface of the inner elixir of the scorching chaotic monster, .:.: sprayed by black smoke. It turned black, and at the same time, the evil and dark smoke dispersed into wisms and spread all over the surface of the inner elixir, wrapping the huge inner elixir for a week.

"Dad! ~" Inside the monster whose color has become dim. The original gorgeous luminance has long disappeared and turned into an ordinary stubborn stone, rolling twice. Then it didn't move.

"Wow!" In the sky, the front hoof of the chaotic monster who lost its inner elixir was lifted, and there was a sad hiss in hissing.

"Well, I'm really looking for a dead end." A completely different hoarse voice came from Andre's mouth, and his body flashed, and Andre had disappeared with a 'squeak'. When Anjigud locked his figure again, Andre had already appeared in the sky, in front of the panicked monster.

With his right hand raised, and in Andre's hand, a handful of black smoke was pulled into the shape of a sword and quickly formed into a long metal sword emitting dark gold.

When he saw the long sword in Andre's hand, the panic in the eyes of the chaotic monster was even worse.

'Andre' did not give it a chance to dodge at all. As soon as he raised his hand, the strange sword in his palm stared into the forehead of the chaotic monster - the inner elixir of the chaotic monster is their essence and the source of strength. Without the inner elixir, the strength of the chaotic monster has dropped by more than one degree.

"Wow! ~ "In the sound of grief, the chaotic monster's forehead belt. =: fall......

In Anjigud's fearful eyes, 'Andre' walked down from the air and stood beside the corpse of the chaotic monster. With a wave of the long sword in his right hand, he cut open the corpse of the chaotic monster. After working, Andre cut off a piece of flesh from the belly of the chaotic monster - it was another 'pir paper'.

"Wow!" Andre shook the blood on the parchment with satisfaction, then carefully rolled it up and stuffed it into his arms.

"Although the inner elixir of the monster was polluted by me with the evil spirit, it is also a good treasure, so I gave it to you. After refining, your magic will be much more pure. After finishing this, 'Andre' was obviously very happy and casually said to Anjigut.

"Thank you very much." Anjigud's eyes moved with Andre, and he replied. For Andre, after seeing the strength of the monster's inner elixir in one breath, the uneasiness and fear in Anjigu's heart were even greater.


Just as Andre was ready to leave the forbidden forest with the careful income of 'pared paper', a roar with powerful fluctuations suddenly swept over the forbidden forest. Andre couldn't help but stop and showed a look of listening at the same time as Anjigud.

Hearing the angry roar of 'Andre''s face, he was a little uneasy. After carefully identifying the direction, Andrea finally breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed.

"Anjigud, you ask. Did those stupid things in the dynasty move the 'light and dark country'? Andre turned his head and said to Anjigud.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves. Anjigude thought for a moment and seemed to remember something. He raised his head and said, "When I came, I heard several generals in the dynasty say that the 'temple of light' in the light and dark country was moved to the dynastic space, just right for your majesty to live as the palace of the dynasty. I don't know if they really did it."

"What?" Andre could hardly believe his own ears: "How dare they do this... Tut, my lovely father, I got into trouble with a terrible enemy because of these stupid guys. Hey hey, it's really interesting. These idiots can do such stupid things!"

Noting the sudden arrival of the 'Emperor' and the unsistible anger mixed in the roar of 'it', it is not just the evil soul in the sea of Andre's consciousness...