After soaring

Chapter 7 Meteorite Lower-4 (The Last Chapter)

In the dark confined space.

Bind by countless crisscrossing dark gold locks in the middle of the disordered space, the emperor's eyelids, which passively met the continuous attack of the dynasty emperor and the dark monarchs, trembled twice, and then completely opened and looked up at the top of his head. The golden eyes seemed to have crossed layers of space and looked What are you looking for in the origin of the billions of cosmic plane?

At this moment, the heart demon on the edge of the battlefield produced an unreal illusion: the emperor's mind never seemed to be on the surrounding dynasties and dark monarchs, and it was performing from beginning to end. That's why he didn't escape--the heart demon believes that with the emperor's strength, it is completely possible to break this space and go away--because the emperor has been waiting for something. It may be something, or it may be a certain moment.

After being so still for about dozens of seconds, the emperor finally withdrew his eyes looking into the depths of the sky.

This strange move couldn't help but attract the attention of all the demons present. The voice of a dynasty emperor came into the mind of the Demon Emperor: "The Demon Emperor... There seems to be something wrong."

Before the demon emperor answered, the ten dynasties suddenly found that the emperor's breath suddenly changed and disappeared from perception. I haven't reacted yet. What happened? The dense body protection power in the emperor's body disappeared without warning - the emperor completely gave up resistance! The protection of losing divine power, as many as ten rules running in this dark space, act on the emperor's body at the same time. First of all, take effect. It is the power of decomposition derived from the disordered time and space of Sagras the Great. In the blink of an eye, the flesh and blood that had just been born by the emperor melted and decomposed like ice. Soon there was only one more skeleton left...


A dark golden faith that had been rejected by the divine power outside the emperor's body suddenly shook, and then penetrated the emperor's dark golden bones in one fell swoop.


Under the chain reaction. Hundreds of dark gold faith shackles over and shot at the emperor's body, and the whole dark gold chain sphere vibrated...

"What the hell is this...?" The emperor's strange reaction made many dynasties suddenly feel at a loss, and there was a little uneasy in their hearts.

Although the emperor's reaction is very strange, the strong's fighting instinct almost makes the emperors of the dynasty come to mind for the first time. This is the idea of the best time to attack.

The magic knowledge of the emperors of the dynasty had already been locked on the emperor, and at this time, the emperor suddenly restrained his breath. After withdrawing the protective power outside the body, under the breath induction, the emperors of the dynasties hesitated in their hearts. At this moment, the spell has also been completed. Under the air sensor, he can't think of a hand, and it doesn't work.

"Shot out!" Ten powerful consciousness fluctuations spread all over the void. Pass it on to each other into the sea of consciousness of each person. In a hurry, they exchanged glances, and the emperors of the dynasties shouted at the same time and took action at the same time.


The ten tall magic shadows born in the chaotic period roared at the same time, pulled up from the dark clouds and waved their palms. The torrent of ten divine powers broke through the air, destroying the dead all the way, smashing layers of emptiness, and bombarding from the four directions to withdrawing the divine power of the emperor outside the body


The torrent of dark divine power sent by the ten dynasties has not yet fallen on the emperor's body. Mutant mutation----


In the continuous crisp sound. Countless cracks as thin as hair penetrated from the emperor's dark golden bones and quickly spread all over the skeleton. It seemed that an invisible huge force was to pick up the skeleton that was about to break. I pinched it inward with force. In the click, the golden skeleton, which is difficult to break even the divine power, completely collapses, the complete skeleton collapses, and can no longer be maintained intact. Countless large and small pieces of bone, first contracted and collapsed, and then burst out, just in time to meet the magnificent divine power sent by the ten dynasties - this time, in order to avoid change, all the demon emperors exerted all their strength.

At the first contact between the two sides, the emperor's skeleton was completely broken into powder and turned into a golden fog.

"It's not good!" On the edge of the battlefield, the heart demon has been closely watching the development of the situation. Although the emperor's skeleton turned into powder, the skull covered with a silver mask did not break apart. Almost at the moment when the skeleton was completely bombarded into powder, the emperor's closed eyes finally opened. In the original light golden eyes, it turned into black and white, and the left black changed.


The remaining golden head suddenly opened its mouth and let out a fierce roar that almost wanted to tear the space. The fierce roar was like an invisible spiritual storm, sweeping through the whole confinement space. Even if he was as strong as the emperor of the dynasty, he couldn't help covering his ears in pain and retreating, and there was a pain in his mind.


After a short roar, the emperor's last remaining head also exploded, and all the golden blood gathered from the body to the cranial cavity shot away in a fog...


The deafening scream was just the beginning, and the emperor's feet heard a shocking sound. The confinement space jointly performed by nine dark monarchs cracked a huge gap.

Under the dark space crack, a golden light came from below. The tip of the heart demon's eyes has already seen clearly that the golden light is simply a huge golden statue.

Before the golden statue appeared from below, the two vast breaths like the starry sky poured into the space from below at the speed of geometric multiples and expanded crazily. In front of the huge breaths of these two strands on all living beings, looking at heaven and earth like ants, ignoring one hair and ignoring everything, all the demons and strong can't help but feel a small feeling from their hearts. In that breath, there is a power that frightened the soul. A wave makes all the demons and strong shudder. Ji Ping wants to crawl on the ground to feel - that's the breath of the main god.


With golden, endless light and heat, the huge golden statue flew in from the dark gap under the emperor. It floated quietly under the silver-white mask. A golden luster with the breath of the gods was quietly sprinkled away.


Dozens of feet away from the base of the huge golden statue, a figure coughed. In the tumbling air wave, he rushed out to one side, and as soon as he rushed out the golden luster, he escaped out at full speed. In the darkness, a faint trace of blood could be seen splashing in the direction of the shadow's escape. The man was naturally passively rolled into this space by the power of the golden statue.


While stroking his chest and coughing, he looked back at the huge one in horror. A golden statue with an indifferent face. Despite the absolute field protection, Anjigude was also injured by the huge and pure power that suddenly gushed out of the golden statue, splashing a few mouthfuls of blood.

With a glance around, Anjigude quickly calmed down, but his heart was still ups and downs: "What's going on?"

In fact, not only Anjigud, but also Lucifa, the fallen king, etc., is also confused in his mind. There are many people who have seen the emperor's temple. As for the huge golden statue in front of the temple, it is naturally impressive. But no one expected that this golden statue, which was only thought to be decorated, would emit such a shocking atmosphere of the main god.

The emperor's self-explosion suddenly broke through the sky and came to the golden statue. Everything is full of indescribable strangeness. Everyone has a retreat in their hearts, but the persistence of God's style still can't be easily put down. That's why I'm late. I watched from a distance. In my heart. There is still a trace of luck.

Above the bright golden statue, the silver-white mask floated quietly in the void. Around the silver, the golden powder that should have been a complete skeleton turned into a drop of **-shaped golden fog, and there were some faint red stars, and all the fog rushed to the center. The fog gathered more and more, and gradually formed a small tear-shaped drop of water - that is the blood of the god of all the blood in the emperor's body.


All the golden fog gathered in front of the silver mask and gathered into a drop of golden blood of God. Under the blood of the god, countless red stars converged into a point, turned into a bright red blood, fell from under the mask, and fell into the endless darkness...

At that moment, the heart demon's soul moved and suddenly looked back. His eyes followed the trajectory of the neglected red blood in the void and sank into the depths of darkness.

A feeling of blood connection surged into the heart. In the dark, the heart demon rose a kind of enlightenment - that was, or once, a drop of his blood.


The void trembled, and the drop of divine blood broke into the silver mask and dyed it golden. And behind the mask, the two tetahedron crystals originally hidden in the emperor's head, or more accurately, one black and one white two gods quietly floated in the night, slowly rotating...

Ding! The silver-white mask, no, is on the golden mask. The other pair of eyes suddenly opened, one is as dark as ink, and the other is as white as feathers, but the same, cold and ruthless, without the eyes of the golden god. In the darkness, two virtual shadows that released infinite pressure slowly emerged from the left and right sides of the golden statue. But no one can see the heads of these two virtual shadows.

The emperor finally completely abandoned its human form and returned to its origin. Divinity finally replaced the character and woke up...

Thousands of feet away, the heart demon is like a realization. In the mind, a large number of distant memories quickly sulged out and became clear in front of my eyes...

At a moment of 10 million years ago...

A golden profit crossed the void and tore off a small piece of blood skin from the arm of the escaped teenager...

The story begins here...

A drop of blood made the emperor, allowing him to get rid of the muddle-headed awakening and awakening of the ancient battlefield of gods and demons, and had his mind. A drop of blood made countless annihilated and semi-annihilated long-term memories began to wake up, and also began the life of the emperor's legend, and also began the life of entanglement between the emperor and the owner of this drop of blood...

However, God is always God, a drop of blood. Let the meteorite of the ancient battlefield of gods and demons become the emperor of the light and dark country, and have the qualification to return to the divine throne, but at the same time, it is also given a layer of bondage to the divine throne...

The only way is to get rid of human nature. Only in this moment can we achieve divinity. Lost in the Haohan universe, the emperor of the earth found the origin...

At the same time, half of his body had been integrated into the source of time and space, and he suddenly stopped.

In my mind, the traces of memory branded by the emperor suddenly became restless, and countless fragmentary memories suddenly reorganized spontaneously. In Haohan's universe, there seems to be an invisible force, which runs through all barriers and communicates between the emperor and me.

At this moment. I once again felt the emperor, and also felt that it was completely awakened...

Two inhuman beings, at this moment, have reached a high degree of unity in the soul - rationality is close to cruelty!

A series of distant memories passed through my mind. The secrets of the emperor can be seen in the light of me.

I'm like a bystander, with the memory flying through my mind, I went back to the battle of gods and demons hundreds of millions of years ago...

Billions of years ago, the first battle of gods and demons broke out. Angel. Demons, blood, fighting in every corner of the universe, death, each of them is millions! And at this time. The ancient people have not yet appeared in the eyes of the races.

The war in the secular world will never determine the outcome of the battle of gods and demons. What can determine the outcome of this war can only be the war between the Lord God...

In the void of darkness and death, thirteen dark gods and thirteen light gods attack each other. Between the dark Lord God. Separately with each other. But in the face of the attack of the gods of light, they are united with the outside world...

A dark god corresponds to a light god. The ontology of the two sides has not officially fought, but tens of thousands of splits derived from the body have spread all over the universe, emerging in all battlefields, tearing up, destroying...

When every god's split is annihilated, at the same time, under the dark abyss, above the light heaven, more distractions will be derived at the same time...

When any two main gods are too close to each other, the pressure released can easily tear the plane around the body into pieces.

When the body of the dark Lord God comes out of the abyss of darkness, and the Lord God of Light steps down from heaven, and the two Lord Gods fight in the void of the universe, the result will be at the cost of the fall of one side...

The war between the main gods rarely involves the essence of the gods...

In the first war of gods and demons, the opponent of Dismason, the lord of war, was Isaac, the lord of redemption! The war between the two masters of darkness and light lasted for billions of years. Countless dotuplets fell into the dark corners of the universe.

When the ancient people suddenly emerged in the vision of the gods, when the ancient supreme and the holy beast appeared in the eyes of the gods to sweep away all the creatures under the main gods, the war began to escalate.

The gods began to re-examine the war. On the dark side, Dismason, the Lord of War, supervised the attack of the demon world on Taikoo. Coincidentally, heaven also reached an agreement, and Isaac, the Lord of Redemption, supervised Heaven's attack on Taikoo...

The war escalated because of the existence of the supreme. The dark gods began to step out of the abyss that had not been inhabited for a long time, and the gods of light also began to walk out of heaven...

XX billion years after the outbreak of the battle of gods and demons, Dismason, the lord of war, walked out of the abyss and met the Lord of redemption in the universe

In the fiercest time of the war, the four supremes of the ancient times were born. Qinglong, rosefinch, white tiger and Xuanwu formed the array of four elephants, trapping the two main gods.

At the moment when the four elephant array was formed, the Lord of War and the Lord of Redemption lost the connection between the universe, which was integrated with the law and belonged to their own divine power.

The moment before the divine power was exhausted, the Lord of War and the Lord of Redemption finally realized what had happened. Under the leadership of reason, the two main gods decided to fuse their divine powers together at the same time. At the same time, they rose up to integrate all the divine power together and bombarded the array of the four elephants.

The divine power of light and the divine power of darkness, at this moment, in a special way, avoid the constraint of the power of balance. He cheated the four elephant array and bombarded the Oriental Green Dragon...

Xuanyuan is seriously injured! ......

When the two Lord Gods decided to merge, they had lost the glory of the Lord God. Once the integration begins. It can't be terminated.

The divine can only be briefly integrated, just as the fields of rule can be intertwined. But it can't be consistent!

The divine character cannot be integrated, but the divine soul can be integrated. The non-pure and imperfect soul cannot carry the divine character of the main god, and loses the power of the vast earth, the divine character of the god, and the form begins to fade.

The fall is inevitable, and the only thing that can be done is. That's how to ascend to the throne again.

At the moment before the fall, the Lord of War and the Lord of Redemption quickly thought about the way back to the throne for themselves, and used the shortest time to recover the power of distraction, and used the remaining power to make a series of arrangements...

Return to the sea of chaos, which was born, erase the consciousness of the fourteenth god in the sword of time in the sea of chaos, and open up the passage of the sea of chaos to each plane, and call the law. The opening of the entrance to the sea of chaos is linked to the nine stars in the underworld; before the death of their respective servants, the dark monarch, left the riddle about the sea of chaos; in order to leave a glimmer of hope for the future, the two worked together in the corner of the universe to create a temple, and put all the scattered power into the Lord of the Golden God. At the same time, they left their own breaths; finally, at the moment before the arrival of the supreme, the two created a new virtual soul with the last little god to take over the two gods - this is the emperor. And the seriously damaged souls of the Lord of War and the Lord of Redemption. At the same time, they dived into their respective gods and fell asleep. Forced interruption of subsequent integration...

The first war between gods and demons lasted for XXX billion years, and the Lord of the war, Dismason, fell. Isaac, the Lord of Redemption, fell. At the same time, in the pile of corpses of the two people who appeared on the ancient battlefield of the earth gods and demons, the emperor sat up, staring blankly at the void with silver-white eyes...

On the emperor's face, after being slept by the two gods, the remaining part of the soul merged to form a silver-white mask, covering the emperor's face...

In the void of the universe, where the strong demons did not notice, a huge black gap slowly opened. behind the black gap, a huge, huge star with a golden red flame rolling, flying out from behind the gap...

"Boom!----" The whole universe is shaking...

The sixth star of the nine stars, the emblem, finally broke through the air. In the billions of planes of the universe, countless creatures looked up at this huge golden red star. In the dark night, the six big stars lined up, shining uncertainly... In the depths of the water prison of the demon world.

A silver-haired sword senior sat on the ground cross-legged, covered with gully wrinkled, with a sighing expression on his face: "... still, it appeared..."

Hosted by the saint and the ancient witch, the French witch joined hands to launch the reversal of the nine stars at the cost of the soul of ancient human beings. After all, it is a little late. When the array was launched, the nine-star beads were the trend of the universe. When the sixth star micro omen appeared, the star power had reached its maximum. Even if the power of the nine stars is reversed, it can only temporarily suppress its appearance.

In the confined space.

absorbed the blood of the god, and the last remaining golden mask of the emperor swung gently and slowly floated to the golden statue below. While drifting, it kept rising. Finally, it was completely covered on the face of the golden statue. The mask was up and down, and two pairs of black and white eyes were combined into

At the moment when the mask fell on the golden statue, the core of the space-time source in the center of the universe, the indifferent body suddenly shook - the breath belonging to the emperor completely disappeared and completely disappeared from the whole universe.

At this moment, I understood that the emperor had completely disappeared. In my mind, the complete imprint under the emperor's brand suddenly fell apart and turned into nothingness...

It never existed, and it doesn't matter if it passed away - this is the emperor and his fate!

In the universe, from the imprint of the existence of the emperor, all the marks left by the emperor in the universe were erased by a force set hundreds of millions of years ago with the moment when the golden mask fell. In another moment, I will no longer remember the existence of the emperor.

Lost the mask to cover up. The two golden gods the size of the goose incubation stones, which were originally hidden deep in the emperor's skull, were completely exposed to everyone's sight...


At this moment, everyone's eyes were attracted by the two bright, almost transparent gods. A pair of eyes clearly reflect the tetahedron floating quietly in the void. In the depths of the pair of dark or bright purple pupils, there is a feeling called greed at the same time.

All the voices have subsided at this moment. There is only dead silence left.

After the ten dynasties, Lucifa exuded half holy and half dark all over his body. Although the handsome and almost evil face was calm, the shaking long golden hair and the black and white wings of the sky exposed the excitement in his heart.

In front of the divine, even if you are as strong as an blazing angel, you can't keep calm! ......

The narrow eyelids shook gently, and Lucifa's breathing suddenly became a little rapid, and a trace of disordered airflow drifted away. Move the golden curly hair on the temples. Behind them, the wings of the twelve pairs of blazing angels contracted inward and slowly opened...

Afar away, the demon element in the heart demon's body ran rapidly, turning faster and faster. The dark and evil eyes suddenly contracted, releasing an extremely fierce breath all over the body...

Time seems to have slowed down by hundreds of millions of times at this moment. The universe is a constant sand. In an instant, hundreds of millions of years...


A flood of heaven and earth, and a huge roar like the yellow of the universe, broke through the silence of the void, and also restored the normal flow of time. In the dark clouds, ten huge magic shadows suddenly burst out. Above the golden statue, he rushed to the two gods wrapped in the night.

"Bone of the Thunderbolt!

Ten dynasties rose from the ground and rushed to the golden statue like a night otter. At the same time, a huge red lightning burst from the layers of dark clouds and straight through the gap between the ten dynasties. One step ahead. Pounce on the divine.

"R Lucifa!! There was an angry shout from all directions, and the lightning flashed in the air. He suddenly turned into the body of the fallen king, and the twelve fallen wings behind him were shaken, and Lucifa shot forward at a faster speed...

In the universe, who can compare the speed with the fallen king?

"Humph!" The heart demon sneered and saw Lucifa's body sink into the divine light around the golden statue, but his feet did not move at all. His palms suddenly soared, and the void stretched out to the two gods in the night sky, and the star-absorbing method suddenly took action ----


The void mourned, and the whole space in front of the heart demon collapsed inward and turned into a storm, like a whale swallowing, shooting backwards into the hands of the heart demon...

"It's okay!" At the moment when Lucifer took action, Michael, an archangel with long chestnut flame-like hair, suddenly opened his eyes.


Over the hinterland of the fallen angel army in the demon world, in the dark blue depths, an indescribable huge force hit the wall of the space. After the violent shock, a huge light door thousands of feet high appeared over the magic hall. If you gather the sky full of light, the bright and crystal portal of heaven, suddenly cast a milky holy light...

"The Lord said that everyone who believes in me will be blessed..." In the devout hys, countless fingernail-sized ** little angels either play the harp, or hold the Bible, and fall from the holy light with the rain of flowers...

In the devout singing, a galactic practice poured down from the huge arched portal...

In the Devil's Hall. The seven monarchs of hell opened their eyes at the same time and looked solemnly at the top of the demon temple, in the direction of the sky portal.

"The Lord said that everyone who betrays can be destroyed!" In the huge portal, a man in a milky white robe and a holy face stepped out calmly, standing among thousands of leaked angels, standing like a crane standing in the crowd.

With his right hand up, there was an eye-catching and dazzling ball of light in the man's hand. Behind the man, with a sneer, six pairs of white and sacred wings cut through the holy robe, shook a few times, and unfolded behind his back.

The eyelids blinked indifferently and stared at the demon hall below. Gabriel, one of the six blazing angels, raised his right hand. The mass of light, like the sun on earth, turned into a white rainbow and broke out of his palm, with endless light and heat. Like fish shuttling through the dark and fallen angels.

"The light of punishment!" Looking at the light that broke through the sky, Galle spit out these four words indifferently...

In the confined space.

Lucifa is like a new star rising in the night sky, and his whole body shoots out the dazzling luminance. The brilliant brilliance broke the holy light outside the body of the golden statue. As soon as he thought about it, Lucifa's hands were about to hold the star in the night sky.


The two gods trembled. The golden god, who was finally immersed in the fusion, raised his head, his cold and ruthless eyes swept over Lucifer's body, and finally there was a trace of abnormal movement on his face.

"You all deserve to die!" Around the golden statue, the huge virtual shadow with a holy breath suddenly became much clearer, and a voice with infinite pressure came from the shadow.

As soon as the voice fell, the golden god raised one of his right arms: "The law!"

Lucifa's right-hand front end, less than three inches. A god suddenly spit out countless dark golden runes, and the gorgeous runes instantly formed a torrent, a torrent between substance and nothingness.

In the body of the golden statue, the golden holy hui suddenly burst, like a star explosion, shooting in all directions, where the holy hui expands, all the demons shrouded in the holy hui can'truding.

Zan Zheng Zheng!!"

In the hands of the dark monarch. The dark golden sling of faith collapsed and shattered inch by inch. In a flash, nine dark monarchs were deprived of control of the confined space by an irresistible force.

"In the name of redemption, seal!"

A simple sentence. In the whole space, as far as Lucifa, the fallen king, and as far as the heart demon who was exerting the star-absorbing method, suddenly could not move. Although I can still sense what is happening around me, everyone can't move. Including the dark monarch.

"Boom!" This sentence. The seven words, like a huge thunder, hit everyone's mind. No one thought of it. The strength of the emperor is so powerful!

"Is this the power of the Lord God?!!!" The heart demon was slapped hard in the face!

In the face of this vast and holy power, everyone's resistance seems futile and powerless!


As soon as the idea moved, the two gods that everyone fought desperately for fell in the right arm of the golden statue. Under the mask, a holy force spread to the left eye, and both eyes, one black and one white, were turned into a holy white light.

In the frightened and uneasy eyes of everyone, the golden statue closed its eyes.


The void trembles, and in the void around the statue, layers of lattice-like plane projections appear. In each lattice, there is a cobblestone-sized tetrahedral dark pyramid suspended. One pyramid after another, from the inside out, constantly expanding, suspended around the golden statue!


The next moment, the golden statue opened his eyes again. This time, in his eyes, there was a golden ocean...


In the surprised eyes of everyone, the golden god raised its head and let out a fierce roar. With a mouth, a golden beam of light containing pure and magnificent divine power broke out of the mouth of the statue and turned into a pillar of skylight, breaking through the space and sinking into the endless green underworld...

Above this confined void, a huge gold pyramid is formed out of thin air. On the surface of the gold tower, countless dark gold runes swim away quickly...

In the hundreds of millions of planes of the universe, the dark pyramids of faith established by countless wandering demons in the universe shook at the same time. In the plane, the earth cracked, the sky shook, and the thick dark clouds accompanied by a strong wind converged towards the pyramids in the plane!


In the shocking noise, white light sprayed out from the plane of the light and dark belief scattered by hundreds of millions of dollars in the universe, and sprayed out with this white light, and the power of the source of countless planes!

These original power of the plane forcibly extracted by the pyramid of faith, which is integrated with the plane, crosses the void, a trace of silk, a wisp of wisp, converging from all directions to the dark void, on the base of the huge yellow pyramid transformed by the golden divine power spit out from the mouth of the golden statue.


Not long after the appearance of the nine-star sixth star micro omen, countless creatures were just ready to withdraw their eyes. Then I saw a huge white light spewing out from the depths of the universe and turning into a giant pillar of the sky, bombarding heavily on the sixth star micro omen that had just rushed out of the black gap.

is like a mirror. All the original power of the white plane that shoots on the sixth star microstar, after a slight pause. It turned into a straight white beam of light, crossed the huge black gap behind the sixth star, and entered the dark and unknown depths of the space behind the gap...


The white light gathered by the power of countless planes seems to hit something, and the vibration caused by the powerful impact triggered a silver space storm on countless planes...

In the confined space, all the closed demons fell into a very strange situation.

The seal makes the demons vulnerable at this moment like a baby, losing control of everything. But at the same time, it makes everyone's magic knowledge merge with the magnificent and magnificent breath of this golden statue.

At this moment. The golden god seemed to turn into a towering tree. His roots and branches were forked one by one, and deeply penetrated into the bodies of all the demon strong men. These demons constantly ingested the body of the strong demons on one side, and at the same time, they ingested their soul power. All of this has been turned into the nourishment for the growth of this towering giant tree!


In the depths of the underworld, there was a huge thunderous sound behind the black gap. The thunder rolled like a tide, spreading all over the planes.

Next, there is a long silence! ......

In the demon hall of the demon world, thousands of bright arched light doors are opened one after another in the underworld, and the holy light angels in the sky poured down from the sky like mercury. Fighting with the fallen angels of the Devil's Hall. Every moment, there are millions of fallen angels. Before the fallen sky fell, they were turned back by the gate of heaven and the Devil's Hall below. Resurrected. Join the battle again.

Under the largest arched portal, the three blazing angels Michael. Gabriel, Uriel stood in the void, looking up at the direction of the nine stars and the sixth star, silently.

"I seem to... feel the breath of Lord Isaac, the Lord of Redemption!" After a long silence, Uriel finally stared and said.

"Impossible, the Lord of Redemption has fallen! ..." Gardred affirmed.

"Give the Lord of Order..." Michael suddenly said.

Just as the three blazing angels were talking, above the head, a small, almost imperceptible lightning escaped from behind the black gap, silently crossed most of the universe, and fell on the huge golden pyramid above the confined space! Boom"

The confinement space burst into a burst, and a huge thunder cloud storm formed above the head of the golden god. In the thunder cloud storm, the stars were dotted, and the light of the stars were dotted into a huge spiral nebula disk above. Between the nebula, the rumble of thunder is endless, and thousands of purple electricity shuttle through it quickly...

"This is! ----"

In the shocked eyes of the demons, a kingdom belonging to the main god slowly opened in front of them...

At this moment, the nine dark monarchs, the emperors of the ten dynasties, the fallen angel Lucifer and the heart demon felt something that only the main god can feel - that's the universe!

In the Haohan universe, a law that runs through the whole universe and dominates countless rules. After hundreds of millions of years of calm, this moment suddenly fluctuates again. Countless rules subordinate to this law have fluctuated.

In the hands of the golden statue, the god belonging to Isaac, the Lord of redemption, became brighter and brighter.


In the dark void, gloomy and dark lightning appeared in the flat sky. These countless lightnings converge into a huge cobweb, with the magnificent divine power integrated with the law, flashing, from all corners of the universe to the fast-expanding golden statue in the confined space.

Son the god!

If a fallen master god obtains enough divine power and opens the passage to the kingdom of the main god, and obtains the eternal divine power in the kingdom of the main god, in order to moisten the divine body, in the second form of the divine body, he can communicate the law that belongs to him in the universe, and dominate the law, and obtain the magnificent Divine power.

When the divine grid is connected with the flood of laws and divine power in the universe, it falls to the divine grid. It will evolve again until it reaches the divine form of the Lord God.

When the main god is shaped, the fallen main god. Then he ascended to the throne again!!

Swelled to the top of the golden statue thousands of feet high, with lightning and thunder. The wind is rolling, a picture of the end of the world. Contrary to this appearance, the strong demons felt a terrible divine power in the body of the golden statue. On the right side of the statue, the pale white shadow became clearer and clearer, and the left black shadow became more and more dim.

Look, if it continues to develop like this, and after a moment, it has gained the universe. After relying on the divine power of Haohan, Isaac, the Lord of Redemption, is about to ascend to the throne again. At this time----


A white light full of destructive power came from the depths of the universe, and in an instant, it crossed the layers of space and bombarded the golden statue!


A sad cry, accompanied by an angry roar. Before everyone understood what was going on, they found that the power that bound the body had disappeared. If the practitioners are here, they will definitely recognize it. At the moment when Fazu was about to become a god, this white light appeared at the same time!

Silo, the lord of lies, also known as the lord of conspiracy, incarnates hundreds of millions. One of the dark gods! One of the derivative abilities. Prophecy!


Above the image, the huge golden pyramid burst into pieces. On the left side of the golden statue, which is almost condensed into an entity, the virtual shadow belonging to Isaac, the Lord of Redemption, is finally fragmented. It turned into a white fog and sank into the black shadow on the left.

"Ah! A moan that seemed to have been asleep for hundreds of millions of years sounded in the void, in the dark. A strong atmosphere of war soared.

"XX's. Here we go again!" At this moment, all the demons didn't even think about it. The girl ran away and fled in all directions like lightning.

Just kidding, the awakening process of Isaac, the Lord of Redemption, almost killed everyone. This time, the awakening place, there is no doubt that it belongs to the consciousness of Dismason, the Lord of War.


Before the strong demons ran far, from the void of the western universe, a white light broke through the sky and bombarded the golden statue. Unlike the white light of the last time, this time it appeared in the white light of the earth, with a strong, and everyone was extremely annoying, the breath of the gods of heaven.


The huge statue completely exploded and turned into a huge fireball. In the statue, the breath of Dismason, the lord of war, also disappeared quickly.

Lord of order, Fritimier.

In the distant void, a pair of golden eyes stared coldly at the void. In the distance, another pair of golden eyes also looked at it.

The Redeemer, Isaac. Failure to become a god!

Lord of war, Dismason, failed to become a god!

Darkness and light, balance again!

The huge explosion, the two gods are divided into two meteors, sink into the depths of darkness, disappearing...

The source of space-time.

When I came out of the light film, what appeared in front of it was an endless darkness.

At both ends of the darkness, there is endless light on one side. In the light, there are twelve huge shadows. It is the sea of light, the birthplace of the gods of light; and at the other end, it is full of darkness like water. In the darkness, twelve figures standing between the world, which is the abyss of darkness.

The two holy places that gave birth to the gods of light and darkness, which are difficult to measure with light years apart, are displayed in front of me in this strange way at this moment.

It's far away, and it's also the end of the world!

In my eyes, the light golden light is getting brighter and brighter. Gradually, in the dark area between the sea of light and the dark abyss, twenty-six dark golden torrents appeared in my vision - that's the law!

Each law torrent corresponds to a main god.

The appearance of the Buddha was like a stone, thrown into the calm lake. In the depths of the dark abyss and the ocean of light, twelve pairs, twenty-four giant shadows of more than ten thousand feet shook, and the void began to shake.

Seeing that, the eyes of the Lord God were about to bet on it, but there was still no panic and tension on my face. Indifference and reason seem to have become his only

My eyes calmly swept over the torrent of the twenty-six laws, and then stopped in the nothingness far away from the torrent of the twenty-six laws. Another silver torrent gradually appeared in Ben Zun's eyes.

"Buzz!" The Zhenyuan in my body shook violently. At the same time, twenty-six pairs of cold eyes slowly opened in this place of time and space...


While twenty-six pairs of eyes slowly opened, I stepped on a firm step and walked slowly towards the silver torrent.


Silver ** splash, before twenty-six cold and rational eyes overlooking all sentient beings in the world, my figure also fell into the silver torrent at the same time - law, time!

Endless information about the law of time poured into my mind. Standing in the torrent of the law, I slowly closed my eyes and began to immerse myself in thinking. But what it didn't notice was that while it closed its eyes, its body was rapidly decomposing under the erosion of the silver torrent. Unreparable decomposition. At this moment, nine

The life-and-death Xuangong suddenly seemed to be sealed and did not play any role. Finally, my body completely disappeared!

Twenty-six golden eyes swept over and over again the place where I appeared, but I got nothing.

Almost at the same time, the heart demon in the escape of a black rainbow suddenly stopped. He looked at the void with a solemn face - at this moment, the heart demon felt himself.

Under the gaze of the heart demon, my breath disappeared little by little, completely disappeared, and no longer exists in any corner of the universe!

"Boom!" Countless thunderbolts seemed to explode in his mind, and the demon was completely stunned: "What the hell happened? What's wrong with me?

At this moment, the heart demon feels that his hands and feet are cold before!

Ahead, the starry sky is deserted...