After soaring

Chapter 15 Under the Biggest Boss

At the moment of shock of the eight dynasties, hundreds of millions of dark fallen angels vibrated their wings and covered the sky...

"Boom!" ----"

Eight loud noises unfolded between the Fallen Angel Legion and the Dynasty Emperor, and the eight dark fields expanded, encircling the projections of the two Lucifers into the field respectively. Near each famous projection, the fallen angels within a hundred feet were also involved in the realm of the dynasty emperor at the same time.

In the blink of an eye, I saw black broken feathers all over the sky, shooting out of the shrinking field...

Seeing the battle between the emperor of the dynasty and the army of fallen angels, Uriel's eyes lit up beside him and turned around and said, "Your Excellency, it seems that there is also a hatred between the emperor of the dynasty and Lucifer! We might as well move. Unite with the emperor of the demon kingdom, and at the same time, he besieged and killed the fallen angel army.

Michael's expression did not change at all. With a wave of his hand, a large number of blue-winged angels and blazing angels gushed out of the arched portal.

"No hurry, the relationship between the Emperor of the Demon Dynasty and the Fallen Angel Legion has always been unclear. The possibility that they lure us into it is not ruled out.

"However, it seems unlikely that the dynastic emperor and the fallen angel army will join hands..." Urel hurriedly explained.

"What if it is the order of the Lord of Nothingness?" Michael asked rhetorical. Seeing that Uriel was speechless, he then said, "We are the power in the middle of the void. Not long ago, in order to welcome the Creator Angel, they all contracted a lot. It's hard to say that the nihilistic king is aware of the abnormality. And... Anyway, Lucifa chose to submit to the dark gods after all, and they also belong to the demon world.

"... Lord Chuang Angel, you have just been born. You should know that when we were born. It also takes a little time to adapt to our body and strength. Give Lord Chuang Angel a little time to familiarize him with his body and ability. If we want to destroy the demon clan, we are not in a hurry. Michael said indifferently.

Urel thought about it and muttered, "I see..."

Although Michael did not do it himself, the offensive of heaven was at the time when the armies of various dynasties were in contact with the fallen angel army. Strengthening the attack intensity and frequency, a large number of high-level angels are constantly pouring out of the arched light gate, killing the densely below, covering up the whole demon hall of the fallen angels...

In the field space, the eight dynasties showed their magical powers, and their powerful field skills were constantly displayed. Although Lucifer's casting face was strong, it was soon defeated by the eight dynasties.


The light of the field flashed, and the figures of the eight dynasties reappeared in the rear of the Demon Hall, the original humanoid body. It has changed into a magic body several feet high, full of magic and murderous.

"Oh! As soon as the light flashed, the emperors of the dynasties had not yet calmed down. A few lights flashed in front of him, and there were 16 more projections of Lucifa. Exactly the same cold expression, exactly the same twenty-four pairs of wings, as soon as they appeared, the wings shook, and several black-and-white clusters of light broke out. After bombarding the emperors of the eight dynasties, they had no choice but to sacrifice the field again and involved Lucifa in the field...

In the Devil's Hall, Lucifa's eyes flashed. Under your feet. A continuous stream of dark abilities poured into the body crazily, and the energy consumed by the projection. It was soon filled up again. With the unique role of the Demon Hall, Lucifa can almost continuously release the projection split, and at the same time get supplements from the Demon Hall.

In terms of heaven, the blazing angel does not come out, and the Lucifer's body does not come out. A large number of fallen angels fell from the sky, but neither Lucifer nor the seven monarchs cared at all.

The soft sound of the Demon Hall resounded through the heavens and earth, and every moment, a black ripple spread between the heavens and the earth. The fallen angel who had just fallen to the ground was immediately sucked in by the Devil's Hall, re-forged, and constantly gushed out of the Devil's Hall...

The Samir dynasty.

Dark clouds rolled in the sky, and the clouds in large groups turned into spiral vortexes, rotating in the sky. On the ground, the tide-like dynastic army roared and kept pouring towards the huge gap of more than ten kilometers. On the other side of the gap, the dark knife light broke through thousands of feet and flew out of the crowd. With each knife light, dozens of dynastic warriors were split away, but soon more demons made up for it. Cut off one and make up ten.

In the Central Dynasty, there are many people who can break through the space. However, in the face of this large-scale dynastic war, it is easy to fall into the encirclement of the other party by breaking the space channel alone. No matter how powerful the opponent is, in the face of dozens of times, hundreds of times, thousands of times, can only be killed in seconds for a moment.

So, as soon as you enter, although the battle situation is fierce, there are not many demons who really join the battle group, and most of them are squeezed behind.

In the demon space, the heart demon stood on the back of the dark demon dragon Amcard, silent. He watched quietly as the tide-like army kept rushing forward. No one knows what he is thinking.

"Olan Gudel, Asura, Taixuan, Batulik, Alonso, you five come with me!" The demon suddenly said in a low voice. The deadlocked war is definitely not what he hoped for.

The light flashed, and the five figures had already appeared around the dark demon Amcard. The heart demon's eyes flashed a dark light. Under his feet, Amcard's heart felt something, and the dragon's wings spread out and flew forward quickly. After a few feet, the air turned into a current, ripples, and Amcard slowly disappeared into the void from his head to his tail. After him, the figure of the five strong men of the Central Dynasty also slowly integrated into the void and disappeared...

Large-scale dynastic war. It could have been used by great wizards and sacrificialists to perform black magic. Open up a black space portal, but the Central Dynasty is too military, and it has not been rooted for a long time. It is not good at this kind of large space portal used to open up war sites. And the heart is simply, directly with the power of the strong, ** naked to avoid such a huge space gap, as a transmitter.

On the other side, Samir led the whole dynasty generals and wizards to float in the void. In front of them. The black ocean current composed of demons is changing, and the black gap in the distance is looming in the ups and downs of the black ocean current.

"Your Majesty, the offensive of the Central Dynasty is very fierce. Although we have blocked them in front of the gap, we consume far more than them! If it goes on like this, there will be no reinforcements from other dynasties. I'm afraid we can't stop them!" A purple-haired black-haired demon with more than two feet high in scales stood in the wind, and his thick body hair trembled in the wind. At the same time, he respectfully said to the Samir Emperor in front of him.

Samir looks like a burly middle-aged human man with a beard on his face. Hearing the words of the demon behind him, Samuel's face was black and blue. Andre's reply to the other eight dynasties has long been spread to Samuel.

"These bastards obviously want me to bear all the losses alone!" Samuel's fists crackled, and no one likes to be designed, especially as a dynastic emperor. But the situation is. It is impossible for Samir to avoid the Central Dynasty at all. The other party has come to the door. Once he escapes, he will lose his prestige in the whole dynasty, and the Samir dynasty will collapse without fighting. The only thing that comforted Samuel was that Andrea promised to send Jiuyou soldiers to support him.

Those powerful demon warriors trained by Andre are powerful and corrosive, which can be very slandered by any dynasty emperor. Although these Jiuyou warriors have a great defect, that is, their minds are incomplete, and there are almost no biological mood swings. However, one of its biggest advantages is that. The training time is fast.

Andre has a few brushes, and the emperors of the dynasties know very well that these secret troops could not have been trained by him very early. The only explanation can only be in Andre's hands. Hold a training for these tough people who are not afraid of death. The secret skills of powerful demons.

"I don't believe that the Lord of the Killing is so powerful!" Samiha said to himself. While thinking about it, in the feeling of magic, several powerful dark breaths cut through the space and quickly pushed towards the Samir dynasty. The breath of the leader is like a thick ball of ink, and the strong breath is like a heavy hammer, defending the heart of Samir.

"Oh!" Suddenly, there was a loud shout, and Samuel didn't think about it. His wrist shook, and a spiral cloud storm broke out of the air. With the power of destruction, he broke through the air and went up to the strongest breath in the induction.

"Oh! The magic gas broke through the air, turned into a black rainbow across the void, dragged thousands of feet away, and bombarded heavily into the void.

"Roar! A long roar came from the depths of the void. Almost at the same time, a steel-cast black palm quietly poked out of the void. With five fingers, his palm stood in front of the black ball of light emitted by Samuel. Lin Lei

"Shh!" In mid-air, the strong men of the dynasties took a cold breath and looked at the air in shock - the nebula-like black ball with the magnificent power of destruction disappeared quietly in the palm of the steel-cast palm, without the slightest wave of shock.


With a violent space vibration, the huge dark dragon Amcard rushed out of the space passage. In the loud noise, the unparalleled airflow splashed in all directions.


He cut through the void like a meteor and appeared over the dark land of Samuel. The dark dragon dragged a huge figure of more than a hundred feet and drew a perfect arc in the void. The excited Amcard looked up and let out another huge dragon roar.

On the back of the dragon, the heart demon sang in a black robe, and his eyelids were open, naturally revealing a shocking breath.

"Samir, I give you a chance, submit, or destroy!" The demon's face was gloomy, and there seemed to be a thunderstorm brewing between his eyebrows. The loud and frightening voice swirling over the Tamir dynasty with the sound of the wind.

"It's up to you?!" The pupil of Samir shrank. Dark clouds covered his face, and a trace of cold murderous intention passed by.

"Humph. It's really a toast without eating, and eating punishing wine. The heart demon looked down at Samir with an indifferent and ruthless look. In the eyes of the demons, he raised his arm and slowly rose above his head. At the same time, he said coldly, "Samir, you can die."

When the palm of his hand was raised to the highest point, the heart demon's right hand suddenly shook and rushed out like a spiritual snake. A punch hit the depths of the void above the head----


The dark clouds around seemed to be pulled by an invisible hand, rotating, and wrapped around the hand wall raised above the head by the heart demon.

"Kill!" On the ground, the powerful magic shadows picked up with thick smoke, and the halberd killed the heart demon. The long halberd was about to poke into the heart demon's body, and he could hear it in his ears! A strange noise. A flower in front of him has lost the trace of the heart demon land. When he looked up again, he saw that the heart demon turned into a long rainbow in the sky and ejected to the top of the sky at an amazing speed----

"The ninth day of the star-sucking method!" The loud shouts resounded through the world, and the whole dynasty shook. When I looked up, I saw that the heart demon had turned into a small dark shadow and disappeared in the night. In the depths of the green underworld, a little faint light slowly emerged. The tens of thousands of faint light spots form huge vortexes one by one, and the center of this huge light point vortex is holding one hand over the top of the head, like a demon.

When tens of thousands of vortex-shaped light spots appeared in the underworld, the demons who had been rushing to the gap in space suddenly stopped, and a strong sense of crisis prompted them to suddenly calm down. All around, silent, only the rest. At the gap, there was a scattered sound of tearing.

coincidentally, all the dynastic demons raised their heads, when the stars in the sky were reflected in the pupils, and they were getting bigger and bigger. The panic finally filled these demonic faces.

"It's not good. Hundreds of millions of stars appeared when the Demon Emperor's dynasty was destroyed!" Among the dense group of demons, a demon straightened his neck. He hissed.


In the sky, the screams of the stars breaking through the sky came one after another, connecting into the sound of the tide. The breath of destroying everything is heavily pressed in the hearts of the demons of the dynasties...

A violent look flashed in the bottom of Samuel's eyes, and he saw that the heart demon used the star-sucking method to attract hundreds of millions of stars flowing near the plane. How could he make him want it?

"li!" With a shocking roar, Samuel stepped on the void with his right foot, and a bang came out of the air like an arrow from the string, and swept away at the heart demon. The sky was attracting hundreds of millions of stars to a cold smile in the heart demon's eyes of the Samir dynasty...

Almost at the same time, the five figures lined up and appeared over the army of the Samir dynasty. It was Asura, Tai Xuan, Olan Guder, Alonso, and Batulic's five demon strong men.

"Asura - Infernal Hell!" As soon as Asura Fu appeared in the sky of the demon sea, he held his hand over his head, and his body flew back flat. In the palm of the right hand, a little black cyclone quickly swelled, and the curly Sanskrit sounds scattered out. In the blink of an eye, all the demons within a hundred feet of Asura disappeared, and one by one they disappeared into the seemingly small and big hell...

At the moment when the Demon Emperor Asura took action, Taixuan flashed, and the man had appeared over the temple of the Samir Dynasty, and his right foot stepped out along a reasonable curve of heaven and earth---


Taixuan's right foot fell on the ground, and the space quickly collapsed, and Taixuan's magnificent body became unreal in an instant. The whole body seemed to fall into another time and space, and his whole body kept spitting magic air out.

"Kh-ha! In the sound of swords and soldiers, behind Taixuan, a high earth magic shadow stood up. The left shadow of the magic shadow was wrong and divided into two slanting magic shadows. When the right wrist was turned over, several narrow shadow weapons appeared between the palms.


It is the sound of several swords and soldiers. The magic shadow behind Taixuan turns into two, two into four, and four into eight. The eight magic shadows are equally cold, but there are very subtle differences. Between the wrists, a strange shadow blade clicks.

"All demons of Taixuan's seven kills are killed!"

The ferocious demon shadows, more than five or six feet high, staggered each other and stepped out one step. They had already circled behind Taixuan, each slanted out in eight directions. Eight thousands of feet of dark light broke through the air and cracked the void into eight...

When Asura and Taixuan showed the strongest unique trick. Alonso, Batuk. And Olan Guder used powerful killing moves from all over the world at the same time. The whole Samir dynasty suddenly turned into a tragic killing scene. Countless demons were killed in an instant, and screams broke through the sky...

The Simian dynasty and the hinterland of the fallen angel army became a battlefield at the same time. The central dynasty, the Samir dynasty, the other eight dynasties, the fallen angel army and heaven fought fiercely at the same time, and the battle became more and more fierce. Among all the forces. The Legion of Fallen Angels is in the most dangerous situation. At the same time, under the strong attack of the eight dynasties and heaven, there are hundreds of thousands of fallen angels at each moment. However, Lucifer relied on the Devil's Hall to have the ability to instantly resurrect ordinary angels, and the huge number of fallen angels, and resisted the offensive of the eight dynasties and heaven with human sea tactics, so. On the surface, it seems dangerous, but in terms of heaven, I have doubts. In the case of never using the blazing angel, it is the safest.

"Fuck, ***What are those bastards in heaven thinking?" I don't know how many batches of projections were smashed by Lucifer. Finally, even the emperor of the dynasty couldn't help scolding the sky. This is obviously a good opportunity. The emperor of the dynasty personally did it and cooperated with the powerful trick of the blazing angel of heaven. It is absolutely possible to put Lucifa in a desperate situation.

The eight dynasties obviously sensed the breath of the heavenly blazing angels in the huge arched door, but these guys were unwilling to die. They just sent some irrelevant so-called high-level angels to join the battle group, so that the eight dynasties suffered the seemingly endless of the fallen angel army. The attack.

The scolding of the dynasties also shouted out the hearts of the emperors of other dynasties. He looked up at the bright light doors, and their hearts were itchy.

"These blazing angels, I'm afraid that we will work together to play a celebrity with the fallen king and make them up!" Constantine the Great thought for a moment. Suddenly said. With one word, the emperors of the dynasties suddenly turned gray one by one.

"Try to contact their archangel Michael. I feel her breath." Another dynasty emperor proposed.

"It's useless. This may aggravate their suspicion." Constantine quickly refuted the suggestion of the dynasty emperor, which seemed very stupid: "As long as Lucifa sits in the Devil's Hall. It is impossible for us to destroy the Fallen Legion of Angels. Only the current plan. Only go deep into the demon temple and fight against Lucifa's body. In this way, the suspicion of the heavenly blazing angel can be eliminated.

The emperors of the dynasties suddenly fell silent. After Lucifa fell from heaven to the demon world, almost no one had seen him take action. The dynastic emperors didn't know how high his real strength was. Just as the emperors of the dynasty hide their strength, the fallen king maintained three points of spare power even in the fierce battle and did not take all his strength. If you are in a hurry, there will be a dead net, and the emperors of eight dynasties can escape two, it will be quite good.

The strength of the three parties has reached a very delicate and embarrassing state at this time. Either party and the other party are hostile, and it is unlikely to unite. For the coalition forces of the eight dynasties, it is necessary to deal with the endless attack of the fallen angel army, and at the same time, it is necessary to guard against the low probability of occurrence. Heaven will do his best to destroy the weaker dynastic army!

"This matter should be left to Andre. He mentioned this plan and must be completed by him. The eight dynasties communicated with magic knowledge while responding to Lucifa's new wave of projection attacks.

"Well, this matter should indeed be done by Andre. His skills are beyond us, and only he can force Lucifa out of the Demon Hall."

Go deep into the center of the army of billions of fallen angels, and fight with the fallen king who sit in the devil's hall and constantly extracting power from energy - such a danger, no one wants to risk the eight dynasties!

"Where's Andre? The god-level master under my command has already been sent to him. If he wants to take action, he should also appear now!" Sagres suddenly said... After the bright light door, Michael, the archangel, had been watching the battle between the Fallen Angel Legion and the dynasty army, and the two frowned deeper and deeper: "Uriel, maybe we missed some opportunity..."

Michael stood up slowly, and the sacred power belonging to the blazing angel swelled:

"Urel. Prepare to launch a wave of heaven redemption!!"

Uriel was shocked and immediately said respectfully, "Yes. My lord!"

In the Demon Hall, almost at the same time as he sensed the breath of the blazing angels in heaven, Lucifer suddenly opened his eyes, and the two stars-like lights flashed away in the hall. When the dazzling light disappeared, the demon temple also lost the trace of the fallen king.

At the back of the Demon Hall, eight dynasties have just destroyed millions of fallen angels in the bounded field. Suddenly, there was a flower in front of them. There was already an extra shadow. When he saw the cold face clearly, the emperors of the eight dynasties couldn't help but be shocked and exclaimed, "The fallen king!"

Lucifa didn't say a word. With the speed of the vertical and horizontal space, he attacked the eight dynasties almost at the same time, and the eight figures hung upside down above the dynasty emperor at the same time. Twelve pairs of twenty-four light wings unfolded behind, and the whale swallowed the dark energy within millions of miles, and at the same time, it split like lightning. In the face of Lucifa's strong attack, the eight dynasties had no time to launch the field, so they had to spread out their palms and connect...



Eight loud noises in a row, Lucifer and the emperor of the dynasty held eight palms in a row, and eight huge black and white light balls flashed and burst from the void...

Lucifa's action finally made Michael understand what kind of opportunity he had missed. With a shaking of his body, he had already crossed the portal and flew to the Demon Hall...

The war in the demon world reached its peak on this day, killing filled the whole demon world, and the strong magic spirit covered the sky. Countless demons are immersed in killing. Influenced by the powerful killing atmosphere between heaven and earth, many ordinary demons distributed on the earth also tore up crazily. No one noticed that the demons who were constantly dying in killing did not die out of their broken souls or escape to the kingdom of the Lord of Souls. Instead, waves gathered and turned into wiss of dark magic gas, like a hundred rivers and the sea, from all directions of the land of the demon world, to a place - the Jiuyou altar.

Outside the Jiuyou altar. This situation is not obvious. However, near the Jiuyou altar, the strong smell of killing is mixed with broken souls. Completely turn the area near the Jiuyou altar into a sea of smoke. A large number of broken souls full of the power of killing rushed crazily to the center of the Jiuyou altar along the ancient dark green steps of the Jiuyou altar.

The center of the Jiuyou altar has turned into a bottomless hole, surrounded by thick killing power swirling, constantly passing through the holes in the center of the Jiuyou altar through layers of space, and sinking into the Jiuyou...

Through the layers of space, he bet his eyes on the world of the nine ghosts, and saw a huge dark green fog constantly surging, struggling...

The land in the northwest of the demon world.

More than a thousand Heavenly Demon God masters sent by each of the eight dynasties, plus the original dark expeditionary army of the Demon Emperor Dynasty, a total of 10,000 heavenly demons and gods, 100,000 heavenly demon emperor-level strongmen, millions of heavenly demon emperor-level strongmen, tens of thousands of heavenly demon god-level demons, and with powerful means, The northern demon world attracted a billions of demons below the level of the earth and the sky, all of which went northwest under Andre's order.

Ten thousand demons-level strongmen belong to different dynasties, and each of these strongmen has a unique dark attribute field. In the middle of the war, they are all unique characters. It was naturally disobeded to the assignment to Andre, but the dynasties had orders, which only made them obey Andre's orders under the current situation. Therefore, in the hearts of the demons and gods, there is still a war, and they plan to return to their respective dynasties.

On the land of the northwest demon world, the demons rushed to the west. On their bodies, a black armor reflected a faint cold light under the dark sky.

Located in the center of this Haohan army, there are 100,000 heavenly demon god-level strong men, and on the outside, there are heavenly demon emperor-level strong men, and so on. Ordinary demons are out of the ranks of demon-level demons. A large area, black and pressed.

On the outside of this low-level demon, the Jiuyou warrior trained by Andre showed fierce light, holding a long halberd in a circle, lined up in the outermost layer. All low-level demons, as soon as there is a escape path, there is no edict to kill!

The army moved forward silently, and the demons at the demon level and above received the order: everyone, all walk. Floating walker, kill no edict!

This command is very strange. But no one dares to object to anything. Even the heavenly demon gods dare not complain - the number of Jiuyou warriors is far more than that of the heavenly demon gods, and they are very corrosive, which has a great sense of threat to the strong demons!

"If the Jiuyou warrior hadn't practiced the incomplete Jiuyou magic skill soul, it would have been almost the same. I have already sent these guys to the Jiuyou altar as sacrifices!"

In the rear of the army, Andre stood on the dark clouds in the sky, overlooking the migrating army on the earth. Behind it, there is a black cloak, hunting and dancing. There was a proud smile on the handsome and feminine face.

What to deal with the fallen king of Lucifa, what hegemony, what strange tricks, it's all his fucking nonsense. From the beginning. That's not the idea I got.

Andre looks down, and this huge legion has entered the place of the Jiuyou altar. In the center of this army, the ten thousand demon god-level strong men obviously noticed the strong clouds around them. With the intuition of the master, they vaguely felt that something was wrong here. There has been uneasiness on some people's faces.

"Ah! What is this?!!" There was an exclamation from the crowd.

In the sky, Andre frowned, and immediately the sound reached the ears of the dynastic generals below:

"If the order goes down, just tell them. The huge altar below is our secret weapon to destroy the fallen king of Lucifa. It was given to me by the twelve dark lords living under the abyss. Tell them that when the altar is launched, they must have piety and respect for God in their hearts. Those who do not respect God do not need to take action. The power in the altar will tear them to pieces and turn them into ashes.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Soon, in mid-air, among the dynastic ministers standing together, dozens of heavenly demon-level generals were separated. Send Andre's orders to the army. The army that had just boiled up soon calmed down.

In the demon world, almost everything involved in the majesty of the Lord God will be crazily believed and worshipped by demons.

"Lord, next! What should we do?" After the army stabilized. A general flew up. Standing in front of Andre, he asked respectfully.

"Tell them. I will awaken the servant of God! All they need to do is to fear their gods in their hearts!" Andre said indifferently.

"Yes, after the general turned his head and left, Andre's sleeves brushed, and the man had crossed the void like a wild goose, fell in the center of the altar, slowly fell, and finally suspended more than 20 feet on the altar. In all directions, hundreds of millions of eyes were bet on Andre from all directions.


neatly took out the slate made of parchment from his arms. Andrea blinked his eyes, and then read the content of the slate:

"The soul as the medium, the blood as the guide... The fourteenth Lord God, who existed at the beginning of the universe, please listen to my call - wake up!"

"Bone of the Thunderbolt!"

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and a huge thunder cut through the void and fell straight on the only low mountain next to the altar.


Cracks are cut down by scorching lightning, climbing the whole mountain, bang! With a sound, the mountain burst, and a huge palm protruded out of the mountain. Under the gaze of the demons, an ancient demon god with a breath like an abyss stood up from the inside of the mountain. The pair of eyes, like candles, burned brightly under the dark sky.

The red eyes swept from the ground and finally stayed on Andre's body. The magnificent voice shook the sky:

"Andre, you did a very good job. When the master comes out, you will get your reward!"

After saying that, with a big move, the slate flew into the hands of the ancient demon god. With his eyes condensed, the hundred feet tall ancient demon god stepped into the center of the ancient altar and recited a spell that was completely different from any language Andre had heard:

In the sound of the incantation, on the twenty-six bronze columns, clusters of dark green flames suddenly ignited in the open mouth of the ferocious demon statue and the headless fallen angels. Immediately after. Starting from the central circle of the altar, the flame clusters of ink greenland extend down the railing...


A sharp roar. In the abyss pool shrouded in the magic fog in the center of the Jiuyou altar, a dark golden character burst out. Before Andre realized it, this huge rune had risen to the top of the sky, casting a shadow, covering hundreds of millions of demons.

"Boom!" In the sound of thunder, heaven and earth suddenly fell into the darkness of silence. In this dark world, the only thing left is the huge dark gold characters falling rapidly from the sky.


Dark gold characters hit the ground with heavy text. Hundreds of millions of demons, including the heavenly demon god-level strong man, screamed, and the strong body was smashed in an instant under the attack of this rune, and the bones were left.

Andre was shocked and looked back, but when he saw the vast land, the magic was surging. In the nine-you magic spirit like a huge wave, the vague demon souls struggled in pain, but they could not resist the suction that turned into a huge rune. Hundreds of millions of powerful demon souls gathered along the trajectory of the character text to the center of the Jiuyou altar, wispools of fog like fog, constantly flowing into the abysss pool in the center of the Jiuyou altar.

In the originally dense world, there were only Andre and those Jiuyou warriors who had no mind, as well as a few dynastic ministers who didn't know whether they were lucky or something. Looking at the dead world, a cool air suddenly surged from the soles of Andre's feet to the top of his head.

"This is a strong man with a field!" There was a cooing swallowing sound in the throat. Andre moaned in his heart. So many masters, even the idea of resistance, are not even interested in the idea of resistance, are bombarded by this strange, at first glance, the seemingly less powerful character text into fans!!

In fact, it was not only Andre who was stunned by this change, but also the dynastic ministers in mid-air. The demons only knew what Andrea had a plan, but they never thought of it. That plan is actually to lead those demons to this strange, weird and terrible place!!!

A wave of primitive killing force, mixed with a large number of strong or weak soul fragments, like the water of the sluice, poured into the bottom of the demon world through the abys pool in the center of the Jiuyou altar. It is also in the most mysterious world of nine ghosts!

Next to the abyss pool. The hundred-foot-high ancient demon god held the slate and waited quietly. After the ancient demon god, Andrea's waist was straight with a pale face, and he dared not say a word.

With a large number of souls and killing forces gathered from all sides to the nine-you demon world, under the abyss pool, in the depths of the earth, an extremely dark breath suddenly appeared in Andre's soul induction. At the beginning, the breath was not strong, but soon, it grew rapidly at a geometric multiple speed, in the blink of The time will reach a frightening level.


Under Jiuyou, a fierce roar came from the depths of the earth, broke through the sky, turned into a huge gray air column, and bombarded into the depths of the green underworld. In the roar, the strong shuddering smell of resentment and destruction made Andre shiver.

"Master, I finally woke up!" Next to the abyss pool in the center of the Jiuyou altar, the muttering voice of the ancient demon god made Andrea tremble all over his body and subconsciously raised his head.


Thunder rolled, at the end of Andre's eyes, spewed out of the abyss pool, the end of the huge gray air column connecting heaven and earth, a circle of clouds with the smell of death and destruction spread to the earth...


Outside the sky, a thunderbolt from the sea of chaos that I don't know where it is, cuts through the heavy void, passes through the gray air column, and falls into the abyss pool. The whole demon world, far away, suddenly a darkness...

This sudden darkness hides the last faint light between heaven and earth. Several battlefields, which were originally fighting fiercely, calmed down in a breath.

"This is..." Lucifa stagnated, stopped at the most ten feet away from the emperors of the dynasty, and suddenly turned his head to look to the northwest - in the induction of the fallen king, where a secular existence was waking up. This sudden darkness was the harbinger of its awakening.

Above the Demon Hall, rows of heavenly portals were dim. In the middle of the portal, the twenty-four-winged angel's body, which had just stepped out of the sole of a foot, suddenly stopped, and then slowly retreated back.

Although fighting is the instinct, survival is also at the beginning of creation, and the Creator God gave the angel. On the other side of the portal of heaven, in the northwest of the demon world, the creative angel feels an extremely powerful existence. Its power is beyond the ordinary, which makes the newly born creative angel have a strong sense of threat!

"We were cheated!" Constantine waved his hand and stopped the momentum of the other dynasties to continue to attack. He turned around and said with a gloomy face, "We have been used by Andre!"

The emperors of the eight dynasties and Lucifa fought hard and suffered a lot of injuries, but after a long battle, they did not see the plan. Andre should have appeared. At this time, the sky and the earth were dark, and in the northwest, a breath of destruction spewed out. At this time, how could several dynasties not understand that this group of people were used by Andre to drag Lucifa.

"Withdraw it! ..."

The Samir dynasty.

The army of the Central Dynasty has fought with the army of the Samir Dynasty. Without the cover of a gap, the Samir dynasty retreated. The army was divided by the Eight Legions of the Central Dynasty one by one, and at every moment, a large number of corpses were left on the ground.

The sky and the earth have all been opened up into battlefields. In the sound of bang, the corpse fell like rain.

Above the dark clouds, the Samuel the Great knelt in the void alone. One arm had already gone nowhere. A large stream of blood flowed from the surface of the body, and the breath became very disordered.

Looking up, Samuel looked not far away, and his eyes were full of hatred.

The heart demon doesn't care about the hatred of the weak. Looking up at the sky, the dark pupils of the heart are full of changes.

Under this calm image, the inner mood of the heart demon is fluctuating. The magic spirit transformed by the killing demon in the body is running at a speed of 100 times as usual, like a black flame, beating in the body of the heart demon, causing his mouth to dry. Killing magic, there is a faint trace of breaking out of the body.

In the dark, the heart demon sensed an inexplicable summoning, which seemed to come from a existence that had a great relationship with itself!

"I seem to have... I missed something!" The heart demon murmured, and his mind moved. The huge magic knowledge had penetrated layers of space. In the induction, the northwest demon world that called for the source burst away. At the same time, a huge magic knowledge rose from the direction of the fallen angel army in the southwest and burst into the Jiuyou altar... "Boom!"

In the northwest demon world, the great earthquake, like the loud sound of rolling wood sliding through, came from under the Jiuyou altar, getting closer and louder and louder. The huge ancient altar also vibrates in this sound.


Another fierce roar broke through the ground. With the fierce roar, a powerful dark breath of terror finally broke through the sky under the abyss...


When the extremely horrible breath came to the world and appeared on the altar, Andre's heart was severely damaged, and he was the first to endure this strong pressure. Wow, he opened his mouth and spewed out a spring of blood, and his body flew out like a broken kite...

In the flying out of the killing, through the afterglow of the corners of his eyes, Andre clearly saw that on the Jiuyou altar, under the unsadlying magic fog, one was only more than ten feet high, like a black iron cast black shadow forked and stood on the altar.

Andre clearly noticed that the neck of the shadow was empty!!

The fourteenth main god is like the head!!!

A relaxed look at the right arm, the horrible existence, grabbed the altar, lowered his head and lowered his eyebrows, and swallowed into his stomach with a respectful face...