After soaring

Chapter 31 Chapter 1


When the huge body of the king of purgatory carried the first distraction, crossed layers of void and poked out a head from the sky of the abandoned land, this sealed place that had been calm for a long time was awakened again. Huge demons came out of the air and swept to the void where the king of purgatory was.

"Hahaha..., I'm back again!" The king of purgatory was condescending, looking down at the earth, proudly sensing the anti-godists trembling in its magic power. The thick giant tail dragged the long black smoke, drew a smooth arc in the void, and fell to the ground...

Looking for supplements in abandoned places has become the habit of the king of purgatory. On the vast earth, there is a gray fog. In this space that drifts out of everyone's eyes, the anti-godists are free to die. Despite the divine features, these deities full of flaws are jokes in the eyes of the king of purgatory. Except for the center of the abandoned land, the ancient rebels ruled by Diapol, the king of purgatory is almost fearless.

But no matter how powerful the ancient gods are, their abilities are limited by the abandoned land created by the gods, and they can never get out of here. But the king of purgatory can freely go in and out of here with the glory of the gods. Thinking of this, the king of purgatory couldn't help but be proud - this is its territory.

In the sky, the wind is rattling. On the back of the wide lava of the king of purgatory, the distraction is like a peak in the sky, standing straight. At this time, the first distracted mind was wearing a black robe from the top of his head, and he naturally and casually patrolled the earth. In him, there was no excessive domineering and wildness, but a kind of flicting anger was revealed invisibly.

The heart demon's face is as heavy as water, and there is no expression on his face. The pair of dark eyes blink from time to time. At this time, there is always a wisp of cold light bursting out of his eyes. At this moment. Only then did he reveal the cruel atmosphere of the superior who is in charge of the demon world, hundreds of millions of demons, life and death.

Standing quietly on the broad back of the king of Purgatory, the heart demon let the magic sweep the void on his side. If it had been in the past, he would have been furious and think that his dignity had been violated. But now, deep in his heart, there is peace. In both ears, the wind was rattling. Although the heart demon forced the burning flame on the king of purgatory under his feet and let it automatically separate under his feet to avoid burning the robe, it did not separate the wind.

The wind of the abandoned land is cold. With a wet fishy smell...

Standing on the back of the king of purgatory, there is an illusion in a trance: this land has been waiting for a long time, and it seems that he should have returned to this land long ago.

Tens of thousands of feet over the earth, the ground is condensed by the magnificent spirit of killing. Unlike the last time, this time, the heart demon is confident enough to take away the killing power that has accumulated hundreds of millions of years in this abandoned land. Sucking stars and turning nine times, it is already another world. The novel was published in à. 16.

"Master. Shall we go to eat first? There are a lot of gods here. Maybe it will be of great benefit to the master's practice of magic skills!" At his feet, the charming voice of the king of purgatory floated into the ears of the heart demon, which made him recover.

"If you want to eat, just go." The heart demon glanced at the king of purgatory indifferently and saw through its true thoughts. For the king of purgatory, every time he crosses the seal of the abandoned land, he spends a lot of ability. If you don't eat some gods, it's too cost-effective.

The longer you control the law of the real name of the purgatory demon god, the deeper the heart demon's understanding of this false law. The so-called law of real name is not a law at all. At least, there is no such law in the initial understanding of the law now. The main gods created purgatory and purgatory demons. And the real name controls all these powerful purgatory demons. Some ancient purgatory demons even have the strength to reach or surpass the ancient gods. But a real name can still make them bow down.

The demon god of purgatory can evolve in the way of swallowing the god. Enhance their own strength, but when their abilities evolve, the deeper the connection with the real name law is, the more unable to escape the shackles of the real name. What's ridiculous is that all the purgatory demons seem to instinctively believe that continuous evolution can eventually escape the shackles of the damn real name - after all, being mastered by creatures much weaker than themselves is something that all the strong hate.

"Roar!" With the permission of the heart demon land, the king of purgatory was excited and shook his huge head. Two sps of smoke spewed out of the two black noses. He smiled strangely and soared into the air. He waved his tail in the void and flew to a miasma-filled dry forest

"Hahaha..., it's time for me to eat again. You damn ants, offer your divine skills..." The excited laughter of the king of purgatory echoed in the void...

Looking at the king of purgatory who left like a dragon with a tail, a trace of pity flashed in the eyes of the heart demon's eyes. This trace of pity only existed for a moment, and quickly disappeared from his eyes. The kings of purgatory can never know that their existence is closely linked to the ancient rebellious gods and the abandoned land: the main god created the purgatory demon god to balance the number of ancient rebellious gods, while weakening their strength and constantly devouring the deities of the abandoned land; and when the purgatory demon gods devoured enough de The rebellious god, but the ancient rebellious god born this time will no longer want to oppose the main god, but will become the most loyal servant of the main god! ---- This is the real name law, and the heart demon will never tell the king of purgatory.

The eyes were withdrawn from the distance, and the heart demon looked up at the sky. At the end of his eyes, it was vast. Under that vast appearance, what is hidden is the real purpose of the heart demon's trip - the magnificent spirit of killing!


Slowly closing his eyes, the heart demon took a long breath, and a gust of wind suddenly rolled up to the ground, blowing the black robe on the heart demon to hunt and dance. At this time, the heart demon finally opened his eyes, and a bright light shot out of his dark and deep eyes.



The words of stars spit out, the heart demon's whole body robe sang, and the wide right robe suddenly lifted over his head like lightning, like the peaks of the sky pointing straight to the sky...


"Law!" ----" wrapped the heart demon. While the violent hurricane took shape, twenty feet behind the heart demon, a huge shadow of the demon god suddenly appeared. As soon as it appeared, it was like a heart demon. He raised his head with a blank face and looked into the depths of the sky. The huge right arm was lifted into the top of his head in the same posture as the right hand of the heart demon, and went straight into the depths of the clouds...


One hundred thousand kilometers above the abandoned land, the strong spirit of killing that has been stagnant for hundreds of millions of years is suddenly stirred by an invisible giant hand and swirling crazily. In the blink of an eye, a huge vortex with a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers is formed in the sky, and the vortex is still expanding. In the vortex, the smoke is smoky. Lightning flashed and suddenly disappeared, reflecting the uncertainty of heaven and earth.

In the distance, the king of purgatory bent down and flew to the center of the abandoned land.

"It's terrible... The master's ability is really terrible!" Watching more and more anti-god people being pulled up from the ground by the star-sucking method, thrown into the air, and then swirling and flying to the terrible hurricane, the king of purgatory couldn't help but feel cold. There was a sudden loosening of his feet, but even the strata was loosened. The king of purgatory tightened his heart and did not dare to neglect it. He suddenly shouted, "Field!"

Awn! A circle of fiery light expanded from the body of the king of purgatory with blazing flames, and it was not until then that the huge suction disappeared. Standing in the field of thick smoke, the king of purgatory raised his head and looked at the sky through the field. There, a large number of mud and stone flew like grass stems like human grass. There was a vast expanse between heaven and earth, and blazing lightning flashed through the sky from time to time. Looking at this doomsday scene, the king of purgatory was in a moment and had no desire to eat. It was not until this moment that it realized what kind of horrible existence it brought in...

In the center of the earth, the heart demon stands proudly on the earth like a peak in the sky. The huge magic shadow behind him set him up more and more as terrible as the demon god who destroyed the world. Between heaven and earth, the majestic spirit of killing poured into the shadow of the demon behind the heart demon, and then transformed into the purest dark ability and poured into his body. These killing forces, which have been accumulated since ancient times, have all become the best tonic for the heart demon, constantly nourishing his soul and body.

The vast killing power between heaven and earth rushed into the heart demon's body. Under the stimulation of these primitive killing spirit, the killing demon's body finally mutated...


In the crisp sound of bones, two golden horns broke the bones of the heart demon and stretched out from under his cloak. At the same time, the two muscles behind the heart demon's shoulder suddenly beat, and there was a crisp sound. Two golden demon wings stretched out from behind the heart demon with a slip of flesh and blood.


The heart demon's chest straightened, and he opened his mouth and let out a sharp arrow-like roar. In this long roar, two points of gold gushed out of the heart demon's pupil. In the blink of an eye, it expanded to two pupils and dyed the eyes of the heart demon land into a golden yellow.


In the sound of thunder, the heaven and earth suddenly darkened. When the darkness passed, there was a golden demon god with a height of tens of thousands of feet between heaven and earth - the golden body!

"Bun Bang Bang!!----"

In the night, ten thousand cold stars suddenly appeared. The Lord of Killing revolves around the incarnation of the heart demon. Stepping on the sun and the moon, holding ten thousand stars - the killing body transformed by the heart demon is actually 50% or 60% similar to the divine body of the fourteenth Lord God!

"Not enough, not enough, far from enough! ..." The killing spirit pouring into the body like a vast ocean still can't satisfy the heart demon. Meet the fourteenth Lord twice to let the heart demon understand how big the gap between the two sides is. Eyes are fixed. The black ripple is passing by. Everything turned into a dead sand...

Under the guidance of the obsession of becoming stronger, the consciousness fluctuation of the heart demon becomes extremely active. Deep in the sea of consciousness. The skills were turned over one by one, and they were browsed through the mind of the heart demon land one by one. Under the guidance of instinct, the heart demon tried to find a way to make himself powerful at the fastest speed.

Star-sucking method, killing demons, guarding a family of magic skills, field..., when the heart of the ninth move of the demon road to heaven and earth floated in the mind of the heart demon, there was a sudden roar in the sea of heart demon consciousness, like thousands of thunders exploded, and then, the change into a blank.

"That's it! ..." After a long silence, a voice shouted in the heart of the devil...

Rob the devil's way, and the creator falls to the stars. When creating this skill, the falling stars did not have the ability to destroy the heavens and the earth. On the contrary, the long time from the demon world made his body extremely deteriorated. The only thing that can not be affected by the laws of heaven and earth in the demon world is consciousness. When Luo Xingchen created this skill, what he relied on was his own talent, understanding, and perseverance.

From the first move of the heavenly demon dance to the ninth move of the heavenly demon disaster, it is all deduced by Luo Xingchen in the sea of consciousness and made an epiphany. The most powerful part of the nine ways of robbing demons is not how powerful attack energy can be cultivated, but in the terrible growth of consciousness. The nine ways to rob the devil, one by one, break and stand back, and the disaster will soar! Ascension, consciousness!

The ninth move of the falling stars to rob the devil's way. When the heaven and the earth were robbed, the consciousness has grown to a terrible point. In the water prison, even the body of the East can't carry his powerful perverted consciousness. Even if Luo Xingchen tried his best to suppress his own consciousness activities, within a hundred feet around him, those who were close to him immediately turned into powder. In the end, Luo Xingchen was blown up to death by his terrible consciousness when he expanded the demon road that had been transformed by his life's efforts!

Before his death, Luo Xingchen left a warning. And half of the beckonous skills of the ninth move of the devil's way. The ninth move of the real robbing of the devil's way is that he didn't even get the East Breaking the Sky!

Fengyun Wuji Yuanshen is divided into three parts, trinity. In terms of understanding, the dignity is the highest, and the heart demon is the lowest, but it is definitely not much worse. In the sea of consciousness. The heart demon browsed the skills of the demon road over and over again. His magic knowledge, since he began to be distracted, for the first time and the most magnificent deduction--the deduction of the demon's ninth type of heaven and earth demon disaster

The first god drove the king of purgatory, crossed the layers of void, and came to the abandoned land on the third day. It was in the void that he encountered the robbed magic road and seriously injured the yuan god. At the time of dying Andre.


A circle of ripples spread, and the ragged dark guitar gudled hair stepped out of the void and scratched one in the air