After soaring

Chapter 41 Put it down

Nine stars are like beads, hanging high in the dark night sky. Under the night sky, the sword pavilion is beautiful and Cui Wei, like a giant beast, squatting quietly on the ground. In the faint dim light, a long and thin shadow slowly stepped on the cliff of the Sword Pavilion along the undulating ridge in the night.

"Uncle! ..."

When Feng Yun Wuji stepped on the cliff of the Sword Pavilion with one foot, a young and astringent voice came from behind a stubborn stone. Feng Yun Wuji suddenly stopped, raised his head indifferently, and looked at the place where the sound came.

Next to the stubborn stone with a little weeds on the edge, a young man in white knelt on one knee on the ground, and the long iron sword in his right hand was inserted on the ground, motionless. He seems to have maintained this posture for a long time, and has been quietly waiting for the arrival of Fengyun Wuji.

"Uncle! It was another low cry. In the breeze, the teenager slowly raised his head, and the long hair on his forehead covered his face trembled. In the dark, a drop of shiny ** fell from the long hair, drew a shallow track in the void, and fell on the gravel...

Seeing the teardrops, Fengyun Wuji shook, and his lips opened to say something, but in the end, all the words he wanted to say turned into a long sigh.

Before being bombarded by the fourteenth Lord God, he stayed with Simon Huanran. He could have done something...

However, seeing the tears of self-reproach, how can Fengyun Wuji bear to sprinkle a handful of salt on the tormented heart of the teenager?

Next to the rough stubborn stone, Ximen, dressed in white, slowly raised his head, and the haggard face was full of crisscrossing tears. This is a boy with a musful nature. I'm not good at words at all. When a close person passes away, he will only express the pain in his heart with tears.

"Uncle. Brother... The son is here to say goodbye to his uncle!" Ximen Huanran bowed deeply to Fengyun Wuji, and his voice was still so astringent. He said something in his life. Maybe not as many ordinary people have said in a day.

"The disciple wants to go to the lava plain and guard him when his brother wakes up. Until he wakes up!"

The teenager's head was buried deep in his arms, facing the wind and clouds, lying on the ground, maintaining an extremely respectful posture. His voice was very light and very low. He is weak, but reveals an immutable will.

On the other side of Ximen's radiant appearance. There is also a hidden side of extreme stubbornness, which is the kind of persistence that can't be changed once you pay attention to it.

Feng Yun Wuji didn't say anything. He quietly looked at the teenager's lying down figure and suddenly remembered a long time ago...

In fact, he is not only a disciple of Ximen Yibei, but also his disciple. Once, he also called him a master, but. At that time. He is not called Ximen Huanran, but Mu Huanran. The orphan of a fast sword gate...

When he pulled it out of the pile of corpses, the mutilated teenager stood in front of the corpses all over the same door without crying. The expressionless face, just like today, just kept crying...

"Alas! ..." Feng Yun Wuji let out a long sigh in his heart. Now the late injury has left him, and Ximen Huanran, who is half a disciple, is also leaving...

In the dead silence, Fengyun Wuji finally waved his hand and said, "Go!"

"Uncle Xie!" The young man in white looked at Fengyun Wuji gratefully, knocked his head respectfully, and then jumped down from the other side of the cliff with an iron sword in his hands. He resolutely flew to the west of the Sword Pavilion, the place where he woke up late, and slowly disappeared into the vast night...

Ximen Huanran has always thought that some people in the world do not need friends, and he belongs to one of them.

Day after day, sword practice, this kind of life began before the soaring and lasted until now. Ximen Huanran always thought that this kind of life would last until the end of his life.

Once, he had a group of people who regarded him as relatives, but all of them died in a sect fight. Before they died, they covered him with their own bodies and saved the life of the youngest brother. Kuai Jianmen is the most

After the orphan. That sect dispute made him lonely in this huge world from then on. The originally indecisive teenager became more taciturn.

In the following days, two magnificent men walked into his life. One pulled him out of the corpse and brought him into Taigu, giving him a new life, and the other became his master. The sword skills of Kuaijianmen pay attention to a fast word. The world's martial arts are unbreakable, but fast can't be broken. Ximen Huanran never thought that a person's sword could be so fast, and he never thought that in this universe, whose sword could be faster than this taciturn master. However, even these two masters rarely communicate with him.

Simple life, practicing swords every day, this is the whole life of Ximen Huanran. This kind of life continues until another person appears...

"Hello, I'm late! The sword god is my master!" When a teenager carrying a fire-like sword crossed the desert wind and snow, came to the place where he practiced his sword in the snow, and stretched out a hand with a smile, his life changed a little from then on...

He still practices his sword in the wind and snow every day, and he is still so silent, but beside Ximen Huanran, there is already a teenager carrying a long sword on his back, from the snowy field to the North Sea...

Friend, late injury, taught him the meaning of these two words. Delayed injury, let him know that life still has the meaning of his existence. Late injury, in his gray world, introduced the light of another world...

In the meager twilight, the vast earth was getting closer and closer. The teenager quickly approached the place where he woke up late, and vaguely remembered the unforgettable voice in his ears: "Huran, you go first, I'll go back to Taigu later! ..."

A strong look of guilt flashed through the eyes of the wooden teenager, and he could have stopped him. He didn't expect that this wait would last so long...

"Brother, I'm coming." The teenager holding the iron sword slowly fell from the air, and the white shadow brushed the tops of the Cangwu tree. He fell lightly on the burning ground: "I will always protect you until you wake up! ..."

The teenager sat cross-legged on this empty land, and his eyes slowly opened. Between the thin sky and the sky. The young man's thin body turned into a dark shadow and integrated into the night, motionless...

Since then. Ximen Huanran guarded the earth and woke up late, silently spent a long century, and never left again...

On the cliff, Feng Yun Wuji sighed and stepped into the sword pavilion. Push open the wooden door. What greeted the wind and clouds was a cold darkness, empty in the sword pavilion. It seems that something is missing all of a sudden.

"Disciples of the Dark Pavilion participate in the Lord!" In the corner of the wall, a figure wrapped in black knelt on the ground and said respectfully.

The dark pavilion is responsible for intelligence, but in general, they only need to quietly hand over the simplified information to the wooden table in the sword pavilion. There is no special thing, no summons, and they must not take the initiative to contact themselves

The appearance of the members of the dark pavilion made Fengyun Wuji temporarily forget Ximen's appearance and frowned. Feng Yun Wuji said, "What's the matter?" Long hair as white as snow. It is very eye-catching in the dark Sword Pavilion.

"Master, madam, not long ago. After leaving the Sword Pavilion, do you need your subordinates to persuade your wife back? The lady in the mouth of the members of the dark pavilion naturally refers to the phoenix concubine.

Fengyun Wuji stood there in a swoot and finally understood why he felt a little different. Concubine Feng's departure was completely beyond his expectation.

Hundreds of years of retreat, divine differentiation, and billions of planes of investment do not mean that Fengyun Wuji knows nothing about what she has done during this period. In the divine consciousness, when absorbing the vast amount of information in the void with the huge divine knowledge, Fengyun Wuji saw what happened to the late injury, and also saw the top of the cliff. The phoenix concubine did for herself.

Feng Yun Wuji slowly closed his eyes, and it seemed that the red and soft figure appeared in front of him again. Every day, he held the carefully prepared fragrant tea, pushed open the wooden door of the sword pavilion, came to his side, poured the tea end, and then on the edge of the cliff, holding his knees, with a smooth chin on his knees, and quietly looking at the distance, quietly and peaceful.

These pictures flashed through his mind, and a trace of warmth suddenly rose in his heart, and his chest was filled with a faint touch.

"Master, do you need to get your wife back?" In the corner of the Sword Pavilion, the members of the Dark Pavilion wrapped in black robes raised their heads and asked again.

"No, let her go!" Feng Yun Wuji waved his hand, and his expression returned to indifference and calmness. The members of the dark pavilion were stunned, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Master, do you really... don't need it?"

"Let's go down!" Fengyun Wuji nodded slightly and waved his hand at the same time. In the corner, the puzzled members of the dark pavilion quickly retreated.

"For the rest of my life, I can't promise you anything. Leaving, for you, maybe it's the best choice..." Fengyun Wuji looked at the east of the Sword Pavilion and said to himself. In the east, thousands of miles away from the Sword Pavilion, a gloomy red and quiet walk between Chongshan...

Fengfei can completely use the faster way of stepping on the air, but she uses the slowest way of walking. I don't want to give up, or I want to stay near the Sword Pavilion for a while and look at the haunting figure. Fengfei doesn't know and doesn't want to know. All I know is that I chose to do so.

"I won't be your burden, and I don't want to be your burden." Suspended in the lofty mountains, Princess Feng thought silently. In my mind, the magnificent figure restrained the disciple's body, raised his head in the rainy night, and roared in pain.

When the man's closed eyes overflowed with tears, when the head of green silk from the tip of the hair to the root of the hair, the roots turned white as frost, Concubine Feng finally felt the man's burning feeling of melting under the indifferent appearance. When I felt the real feelings of this man, an uncontrollable heartache surged into my heart at the same time.

At that moment, countless thoughts surged through her mind. She thought a lot, a lot. In a flash, she even felt that she was too selfish.

"There are too many things on your shoulders. Too many feelings and too many worries will only destroy you in the end. Delayed injury is an example," Fengfei looked back at the direction of the sword pavilion from a distance. So I didn't leave for a long time. I just wanted to see him for the last time.

Concubine Feng saw a white-haired Fengyun Wuji walking on the cliff of the Sword Pavilion. I also saw Ximen leaving, and saw Fengyun Wuji pushing open the wooden door and walking into the dark sword pavilion.

"Now, it's time for me to leave." She said to herself, "From now on, I will never be your burden again. Now. You really belong to yourself, and you belong to the ancient times.

In an instant, Concubine Feng suddenly had a deeper understanding of the father who had been angry all his life. The original father should also be facing such a choice.

Looking in the direction of the North Sea. Concubine Feng's heart suddenly became extremely calm. Looking back at the night, the sword pavilion standing alone on the top of the mountain. The phoenix concubine's fiery red sleeve robe was thrown in the air, and then she resolutely turned her head and turned into a fiery red streamer, disappearing into the bright night sky and disappeared...

In the Sword Pavilion, Fengyun Wuji has been watching Concubine Feng, watching the beautiful figure disappear in the east, and has not moved for a long time. When the fiery red figure completely disappeared, Feng Yun Wuji suddenly became extremely calm in his heart. In the world. Everything, at this moment. They all seem to have left him. And in his life, after this moment, there is only one goal left...

Snow field.

"Sister, are you thinking about him again?" In the wind and snow in the desert, a mountain of tens of thousands of feet high, standing on this ice and snow-covered mountain. On the ice peak, a beautiful girl wearing a thin skirt said with a smile.

"You Ruo, what are you talking about?" In front of the girl, a woman in a white skirt who did not eat the fireworks of the world came to her senses from the state of being stunned and turned around and scolded gently, but there was no sense of blame in her words.

"Sister Hanyan, do you miss Brother Wuji?" Princess Youruo smiled and suddenly said straight.

"Ah! ..." Ao Hanyan was stunned and did not answer immediately. This question seemed to put her in a dilemma. There was a blank look on the beautiful face.

I haven't seen him for a long time, right? Ao Hanyan thought stunned. On this former ice and snow peak, she has been with the princess of the wind clan for a long time. Perhaps it is the reason why they have similar feelings for the same man. The two gradually developed a sister-like relationship in this ice and snowland.

This simple question made Ao Hanyan fall into deep meditation. On a sad day, the master asked her to swear that she would never walk with this man. Although the Ice and Snow Temple has long been extinguished, and the war emperor and war concubine, who fought with the master for a lifetime, have passed away for a long time. The reason for making the oath at the beginning is no longer applicable, but...

"Sister Han Yan, I really want Brother Wuji, I want to see him!!" Without waiting for Ao Hanyan to answer, Princess Youruo said to herself. She moved lightly under her feet and sat down beside Ao Hanyan. Her hands were wrapped around her slender legs, and her chin rested on her knees. She looked at the dense snowflakes like rain under the peak and did not move.

Ao Hanyan's heart suddenly twitched twice, and a painful feeling of being breathless tightened her neck.

Actually, she doesn't want to! Ao Hanyan and You Ruo sat side by side, looking at the distance, and thought silently. However, he already has a wife, and she has also made a vow. Besides, he has never expressed his feelings for her.

Maybe I have always been self-imposed. Proud smoke thought, and suddenly felt a burst of bitterness in my heart. He and she can't be together in this life!

Snowflakes fell one after another. At the top of the peak, they were blown away by the cold air outside the proud smoke, roaring and drifting into the distance. At the top of the cliff, two beautiful women were silently distracted with the same man and the same thoughts.

"You Ruo..., let's go." I don't know how long it took, Ao Hanyan suddenly stood up and leaned over to the girl beside him.

"Ah, where are you going?" The girl was stunned, as if she hadn't fully recovered.

"Go to the sword field! ..."

"!!! Sister, really?!" You Ruo finally came to his senses, grabbed the white palm at the bottom of the proud cold smoke sleeve, and said excitedly.

"Well," Ao Hanyan nodded. Just now, perhaps because of a frank confession, Ao Hanyan made an important decision:

The second battle of gods and demons is coming. No one knows how many people will survive in this war, or the whole Taikoo...

If it is impossible for both of them to walk together in this life, why don't you look at him a few times before you die? From the snowy holy peak in the wind and snow desert, it moved to a barren peak along the edge of the sword area. Looking at the top of the mountain, you can see the sword pavilion turned into a black spot from afar.

I just want to look at him from afar every day for the last period of time, the sword pavilion where he is. In this way, it will be enough...

"Master, is this a violation of the oath made to you at the beginning? ..."

Standing quietly on the top of the dark mountain, his ears and temples fluced with the wind, and the proud smoke looked at the sword pavilion in the distance, and his mood became extremely calm...