After soaring

Chapter 44 The Inevitable Ruling


In the deafening sound, the huge planets were shrouded in a vast fog. Under the fog, the bright electric light shone. In the void of the universe, there was a fog that was as thin as gauze...


Over the huge star domain, time fluctuates. Under the action of this power of time, the rule system with the whole star domain has also become disordered...

The power of time - acceleration!

Under the influence of the power of time, it floated in the big dimension, and the magnificent power of faith accumulated from the first battle of gods and demons gathered at an abnormal speed and rushed to the Redemption Hall.

With the surge of divine power, on the forehead of the Buddha, the crystal transformed by the redemption deity burst out a more dazzling light than the sun, which covered the holy light like an ocean above the cathedral. In the holy light of the sky, the shadow of the main god standing above the church became thicker and clearer...

"Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! May your kingdom come, and may your will walk in the world..." The loud hymns lingered over the constellations. In front of the cathedrals, dense believers knelt on the ground, closed their eyes, ignored, and prayed devoutly. They could not feel the change of the power of time at all. For a moment, all believers were shocked by the miracles performed by the Redeemer. Their hearts were baptized in the holy light, and all their evil intentions faded away. In their minds, there was only one thought left - piety!

With the mobilization of the great dimension space, the time rules fluctuate more and more violently. When the time fluctuates to the most violent, the redemption temple is over the sky. With a loud bang, the heaven and the earth suddenly turned white, and in this dazzling white light, my body flashed. Then it disappeared. The next moment, my body appeared again in the torrent of time...

The distant demon world. Just when my body escapes into the torrent of time again. In the thick fog of the devil, the fourteenth Lord God suddenly felt it. A pair of dark eyes opened. At this moment, it felt its own existence, which was a very mysterious feeling. Neither of the two time gods were perfect, but they were close to perfect, and also had the effect of controlling time in a wide range. The forehead of the fourteenth Lord God, the white time god shines crazily in the dark. Hiddenly and far away in the big dimension, the gods of the Buddha echo each other...

"Boom!" Only a loud noise was heard. The demons outside the thick fog only saw a huge black thunder and lightning bursting in the thick fog. Before they understood what was going on, they found that the breath of the fourteenth main god had disappeared from the demon world...

The power of time runs through every corner of the universe. In this vast torrent, the ripples of the Taoism are open, the ripples are in the center, and the huge dark shadow of the fourteenth Lord God appears in the torrent of time again.

When the fourteenth Lord appeared in the torrent of time, I suddenly felt it. He suddenly turned his head. The cold eyes passed through the layers of space, just in time to interact with the eyes cast by the fourteenth Lord God.


The moment when the eyes of the two people intersect. The whole river of time roared, and invisible lightning shuttled between the two, and the silver-white torrent of time roared, and the whole tossed...

In this torrent of time, both of them clearly saw the shining time on each other's forehead, and time seemed to be still at this moment. In the pupils of the two people, the image of each other is reflected, and in the torrent of time, the epitome of the two people is reflected.

"Cock!" The fourteenth Lord's right hand, which was close to his side, trembled, as if he wanted to lift it up, but soon drooped again. No one knew what it was thinking at this moment. In the distance, my face was always cold, without any expression, and the two looked at each other like this. Time passed quietly. After a few seconds, the fourteenth Lord God finally turned around, and the huge divine body slowly disappeared from the torrent of time. Almost at the same time, I also turned my head silently, my body flashed, and slowly disappeared from the torrent of time...

The existence of two old enemies, at this moment, did not fight again, but tacitly chose to ignore the existence of each other. In the northwest demon world, there is silence. The fourteenth Lord stands quietly in the darkness, waiting silently; and at the other end, I still collect the precious wealth accumulated over the hundreds of millions of years in an orderly way!

My unscrupulous behavior not only attracted the attention of the fourteenth Lord God, but also attracted the attention of a group of forces...

Covered the edge of the Holy Light Belt for millions of kilometers, the twelve Quadriptus angels stared at the dark void under them. In the endless darkness, huge planets are distributed far and near. Among them, a vast layer of fog appears strangely on the surface of the planet. In the fog, the bright thunder flashes, and the rumble is endless...

In the Holy Light Belt, the light angels who had been flowing through the shuttle all stopped at this moment and stood densely on the edge of the Holy Light, looking down. Youda's star domain completely fell into a dead silence at this moment.

Not long ago, a large number of light angels who came forward to investigate the situation were twisted into powder without warning at the moment when they approached the foggy and lightning flashed. The whole process was silent, without any battle process, and no enemies were seen!

In the eyes of the angels, the area where the planets are located, the rule system is completely disordered, and those angels who enter the star domain are strangled by these disordered rule systems.

It is not too powerful to change the local rules. Twelve angels can do it easily, but such a wide range of rule changes are completely beyond what the angels can understand.

"Wait for Lord Nora!" For a long time, a blue-winged angel frowned and said.

Here, a faint shadow suddenly emerged from the ground composed of holy light. The faint shadow floated gently like thin paper. At the same time, it kept changing in the air. In the blink of an eye, there was a long hair like seaweed. Dressed in a light veil, the light angel, who was not as beautiful as a woman on earth, appeared in the void, and her body was full of extremely pure sacred breath.

"Participating adults!" Almost while sensing the breath of the wise angel, the twelve angels knelt down respectfully. There is a pious face on his face.

"See the Angel of Wisdom!" Around, the dense cloud-like light angel had already knelt down under the pressure of the wise angel.

The eyes of the wise angel who crossed the sky in the form of plane projection did not stop for a moment. Suspended in mid-air. Behind it, a bright light bloomed, and the light wings of six thin as cicadas unfolded one by one. Under the eyelids. A pair of crystal-like eyes reflect the gorgeous light, and each light is a plane.

However, when the wise angel's eyes flashed over the void below, the eternal brilliance in his eyes suddenly stopped.

"I will directly report this matter to Lord Vladimir, the great Lord of order!" At the moment when the wise angel had just appeared, he seemed to have found something amazing. He did not want to stay in this large dimensional space for a moment. After leaving a word that shocked the angels, his body turned into a thin shadow again. Instantly scattered into pieces and disappeared into the void...

Intelligent angels are a very special existence in the power structure of heaven. After their birth, they are blessed by the gods of heaven and have strong abilities.

The angel of wisdom comes and goes faster, and it seems that he doesn't want to stay anywhere for a long time.

In the rank system of heaven, the wise angels are a unique existence. They do not have strong fighting ability, but they have strong analytical ability. Although the rank is under the blazing angel. The wise angel does not belong to the direct jurisdiction of the blazing angel.

In the hierarchy system of heaven. There are two chain structure systems. One is for conquest, led by the twelve-winged blazing angels. Responsible for commanding hundreds of millions of angels to calm down all resistance forces. Its structure is blazing angels, power angels, seat angels, light angels, and battle angels; the other is the spread of faith, which is responsible for spreading the faith of the Lord God.

When it is related to the battle, and the angel cannot solve the battle, the angel of power is summoned, not the angel of wisdom. Only in one case, the angel will not summon a powerful high-level power angel, but a wise angel, that is, when the blasphemer appears!


In the huge dome space, dense angels occupy every corner of this space like ants.

"Ding!" In the moving holy light, a pair of crystal-like eyes suddenly opened, and then a bright light and shadow turned into the heart of heaven. There, a huge holy pillar of light with a radius of dozens of kilometers penetrated the ocean of light where heaven and the gods live, that is, the heaven

"The wise angel Nora saved the divine servant, Lord Miranovic!" The bright light and shadow knelt down outside the holy pillar of light.

"Say it!" Above the Holy Pillar of Light, a loud voice suddenly sounded. At the same time as the sound, outside the holy light pillar between heaven and heaven, a light flashed, and the wise angel was suddenly rolled up by a powerful force and disappeared strangely.

"Say it! This majestic voice floated from the sky, and the light flashed around. The wise angel Nora had already appeared in another space. In this topless, dark space around, a thick giant with milky holy light all over his body stood in front of the wise angel. The wise angel kneeling on the ground is not even as tall as one toe of the giant.

There was silence around, and a faint sage fell from above the darkness, covering the hundreds of feet tall giant and the angel of wisdom. After the giant, there is a huge door light that emits the pressure of heaven.

"Angel of Wisdom, what's going on this time?" The servant of God stood in this space, looking down at the wise angel like an ant under his feet, and asked, Milanovic's face was calm and majestic.

After creating seven powerful blazing angels, the Lord God created a large number of God's servants in the country and gave them the power of God to replace the will of the Lord God and patrol the world.

----The Secret of the Gods

"The great Lord of redemption, Isaac, since his fall, has been absorbed by a powerful blasphemer who suddenly appeared!"

"What!!" Hearing this, the giant of light changed his expression and exclaimed, and then seemed to think of something. He suddenly pointed out and said, "Let me see this powerful blasphemer!"

On the forehead of the giant, a huge diamond crystal burst out a burning light, and a cloud of light burst out from the fingertips. Falling into the forehead of the wise angel, the six-winged wise angel knelt on the ground trembled suddenly all over, bursting out a circle of light from his body. The void in front of the wise angel twisted, and then a clear image appeared in the eyes of the huge god servant: in the dark large-dimensional void. Countless planets are running quietly among these planets. But there are many planets shrouded in a vast cloud...

There is silence in the space. The face of Milanovic, the servant of God, changed one after another.

"Nora, go down to me. I will tell this matter to the great Lord of order!" After saying that, he ignored the wise angel under him, suddenly turned around, stepped out, and stepped into the huge light door behind him surrounded by clouds and fog. On the other side of the huge light door, there was a vast light. The more light away from the light door, the more burning the light emitted. The more dazzling it is, the more dazzling it is after a million miles, there is a dazzling light that can't be seen directly, where all sentient beings can't even look up at the ground light and heat. There, even the servant of God can never get close!

When Miravinochi, the servant of order, disappeared in the endless glory of the Lord God, the distant big dimension, the divine power in my body grew rapidly. It would have taken a long time to collect the complete power of faith. Under the powerful time acceleration of this god, it was completed in a very short time.

The fluctuation of time gradually calms down. And above countless planets. The holy light that covers the sky and the sun also disappears into the air, reappearing a blue sky. However, above the Gothite churches, the huge shadows of the main god still surround these churches, and among the many churches, the shadow of the main god above the temple is the strongest.

I closed my eyes tightly and didn't move. The strong light emitted from the projection of the huge master god behind me swallowed up its body. In this miracle that affected countless planets, my figure seemed to be shrouded in the holy light, revealing only the projection of the Lord of Redemption like the legend in the eyes of countless believers.

In all directions, the anthem is still continuous, and the devout prayers of a large number of believers are still providing a continuous source of pure faith power for me, and my forehead, the time divine power, which was originally fixed in form, evolved again under the impact of a large number of pure divine power. In the place adjacent to the time god, a large amount of divine power has been absorbed, and the redemption god has also begun to change. A wisp of sunshine-like light burst out from the inside of the god, and there are countless golden characters hidden in the light. Against the golden rune, my body gradually exudes a faint breath, which is above the hundreds of millions of creatures in the universe - that is the breath that belongs to the Lord God.

At the same time, at the other end of the universe, in the ocean of light full of light, a brief dialogue takes place between the supreme existence of the digital universe...

" successor, survival, or destruction? ..." In the endless light, a wisp of powerful spiritual fluctuation fluctuated in the vast void that existed from the time of chaos.

"...the blasphemer...destruct!" Another powerful and cold wave of consciousness soon responded in this eye-catching sea of light.

" successors... continue to flow... can't avoid..." Another voice with a metal trill said. After saying that, Haohan's boundless ocean of light suddenly quieted down.

"...Lord Vladimir..."

As this wave of consciousness spread to the whole ocean of light, suddenly, it seemed that all eyes were focused on the ocean of light

It was another long silence. After a long time, the grand and majestic voice of Vladimir, the Lord of order, sounded in the whole ocean of light:

"Survival...light will be complete again...darkness will withdraw from the universe

The voice of the Lord of Order announced the result of this discussion. All the waves of consciousness faded back to the original country, the sea of light calmed down again, and a wisp of lingering sound echoed in this bright place:

"Deblasphemers, survive... inherit the throne of Isaac... stop the dark gods!!"

I don't know that its fate has been decided at the other end of the distance, and it still silently absorbs the power of faith and improves the divine style.

Almost not long after the ocean of light made a decision, on the other side, under Haohan's dark abyss, a pair of huge golden eyes suddenly settled when sweeping through the large dimensional space, and then the whole dark abyss rose up, and a horrible voice roared: "New light power! ... the successor of Isaac... destroy it!"

In the ocean of light, at the moment when the dark abyss was turbulent, a pair of cold golden eyes opened, staring coldly at the distant dark abyss...