After soaring

Chapter 51 Entering the Void

The demons coming from all directions still don't understand how they came back. Then I felt a huge force coming from the front. Within a thousand feet. No demon can resist it. They screamed one by one. Throw it out like a broken kite.


When thousands of tall ancient apes have two white tuses. Waving a huge fist. It suddenly appeared in the center of the battlefield. The demons were stunned. Even the dark monarch Ashlisha was shocked to forget his words. In front of these huge ancient apes. All the demons have become so small. The word burly. It completely lost its meaning in the face of the huge. Most demons are not even as high as the soles of these ancient apes.

The cold eyes under the Ashley Brake cloak were dull. With his wisdom, he didn't understand it for a moment. How did this group of ridiculously powerful ancient apes appear in this void?

The violent atmosphere of the ancient demon ape, which belongs to the flood, soon spread throughout the void. Thousands of powerful ancient apes gathered together in the violent atmosphere. It has become so powerful that it is as strong as substance. Demons with low strength. Suppressed by this violent atmosphere. I can't even move. I can only look up. He looked at the ferocious giant with trembling all over his body.

In the dark army. The other eight dark monarchs who were originally in the war were also shocked by the sudden appearance of a thousand giants. One by one, they put their eyes here. Follow the contract at the beginning of chaos..." Ashlisha quickly reacted. The bare white finger bones drew a strange golden rune in front of him. Then he lowered his head and sang a burst of spells. It sounds extremely fast. Many notes are connected together. The spell was almost completed in a short time.

"Humph!" Naturally, the first distracted mind will not let it complete the spell so smoothly. The physical strength of the dark monarch himself is relatively poor. The melee ability is not good. But the spells they master. Arcane art. And the call of the main god. They can exert amazing power.

Move your mind. Thousands of ancient apes roared up to the sky. One by one, their fists, which were more hairy than the body of the dark monarch, roared out like lightning. From all directions, he bombarded the dark monarch Ashlisha!

"Dark Light!" At a time when huge fists were about to hit the body. The monarch of Ashlisha finally completed this arcane. The bare white bone scepter in his hand pointed to the top of his head. A circle of light like the sun burst out of his palm. Protect Ashlisha. The sun-like photosphere took shape. Then burst out with an unparalleled black flame

" Bang Bang Bang Bang!!----"

Only in the time of lightning and fire. A hairy giant fist completely ignored the obvious black flame with divine power fluctuation. It was bombarded heavily on the dark monarch Ashlicha. Originally, it was unparalleled. A light ball like the black sun on earth. After receiving thousands of punches in a row. I can't stand it. Especially. These ancient apes will also use the star-absorbing method.

The dark light summons the black sun, which contains powerful destructive power. According to Ashlisha's memory. Use this trick. All creatures within a radius of thousands of miles can be emptied. It is the blazing angel. We should also retreat temporarily. This kind of self-confidence. After suffering thousands of ancient apes. It was completely destroyed.

Ashlisha's body swayed like a broken doll under the giant fist. Every punch of the ancient ape has the power to collapse the world. Even the demons at the level of demons are in pure power. It can't be compared with these powerful and outrageous ancient apes. Every punch is hit. It made Ashlisha feel a little closer to the death line.

The field of death can resurrect the army in other people's field. But it doesn't mean that people who use the field of death can not die. Ashlisha began to feel scared.

"The owner living under the abyss. Your servant Ashlisha asks for your mercy..." With a little imprint left by the Lord of Soul in his mind. Ashley kept calling.'s what he said. The black sun overhead seems to go out at any time...

Periphery. A large number of demons rushed to the many ancient apes. Dense demons from top to bottom. It is surrounded by a thousand-foot curtain of light. It is densely surrounded by many ancient apes. The dense attack came from all directions. The dense attack came from all directions. Although these demons are not strong. The first distracted mind swept a large area. But it is continuous. It's endless. It's not just killing. There is not much reduction. It's really annoying. Within a radius of 2,000 feet. The body of the demon drifted into a river. But the dark army does not seem to have decreased at all.

It's just a blink of an eye. The black sun above Ashley's head was blown like a candle in the wind. It will go out at any time. At this time. In the sky. A wisp of bright silver made a smooth arc in the dark. It fell into the ancient ape group.


In the sound of the explosion like the beginning of the universe. A thick black flame shot out in all directions.. Looking down from the sky. In the void. It's like a sticky black water wave out of thin air. The ripples spread out towards the four or eight. Black ripples. The powerful ancient ape is like being weathered. Silently turned into powder. Together with the demons around them, they were silently destroyed into powder.

Above the dark army. The nihilistic king raised his hand. The thrown silver scepter broke and flew away. Reintegrate into its hands. Just. This scepter given by the gods after a blow. It immediately became dim. Like an ordinary scepter. The nihilistic king's mind moved. The magnificent divine power from the distant dark abyss is reinjected into it. The silver scepter radiated a dazzling brilliance again. Finish these. The nihilistic king looked at the center of harassment. Take a look. The nihilistic king couldn't help but be stunned. Even the silver crown above its head trembled - the ancient ape, which should have been destroyed, appeared densely in the dark army. And the number is more than before it took action.

The battle is still going on. A long battle line. The light and dark army is still tearing up fiercely. In the hundreds of millions of confrontations. The riot caused by the first distraction was just an inconspicuous ripple - powerful beings such as the king of nothingness and the angel of creation appeared. Of course, the ancient ape is not so surprised. Although. This ancient ape appeared in groups!

The face under the cloak of the dark monarch Ashley became pale again. There is extreme panic and anger in the pale. It made him panic. Close to it. The split of the Lord of Soul is also tens of thousands of feet away. And it was besieged by a dense army of angels. Among them are high-level angels in heaven. And the strongest god is distracted. At this moment, he is entangled by the blazing angel Mezzodan. It is basically impossible to rescue. And the soul master is the most angry. Nothing is the ability to resurrect the ancient ape killed by the nihilistic king with the starry scepter. It is its unique field of death. Ashleysha is fully confirmed. These re-emerging ancient apes are not newly derived. It is resurrected. These ancient apes were destroyed at the moment. Then he was resurrected!!

Over the light army. Raphael, an blazing angel with a beautiful face that is not like a human, has just released a powerful arcane sword of the sun. It destroyed a large number of dark armies within tens of thousands of kilometers ahead. He was so tall one by one in the dark army. The very eye-catching ancient ape attracted attention.

"Lord Michael. A powerful demon appeared in the dark army!" Raphael said to Michael the archangel, "But. Although they belong to the dark camp. This demon seems to hate demons of the same clan even more!"

"I've already noticed it. Don't worry for the time being. Michael's fiery red hair fluttered: "If he appears in the army of light. I will deal with him on my own!"

Raphael nodded. Stop talking. Put your hands together. A huge cross holy light thousands of feet wide fell obliquely above the void again. It bombarded into the dense dark army on the opposite side. A large number of demons didn't even scream. It was twisted into pieces by the holy light...

From mixing into the dark monarch Ashlisha. The king of nothingness threw the starry scepter in his hand. It's just a time to think. But the first distraction has been resurrected once by the thousands of ancient apes made out of the reproduction field.

No matter what field it is. There is something that cannot be manipulated by the field. That's the divine power. Whether it is the field of replication or the field of power. It can't change the quantity and quality of divine power.

The first distraction mastered the killing power brought by the killing god. However, this divine power cannot be expanded into the body of every ancient ape. If not. In the compound field of the first distracting. What appears is not a thousand ancient apes. It's a thousand-headed killing of the golden body! Who can compete in the universe like this?

Although there is no divine power in the body. But a thousand ancient apes with star-sucking magic land can't be dealt with by anyone. Not to mention the instantaneous destruction. Through the layers of darkness. The first distractor sits in the center of thousands of ancient apes. Look up. Look at the nihilistic king on the bright throne in the sky. For the first time, I looked up to the creation of the Lord God.

"As early as the time in the demon world. There is a legend. The scepter in the hands of the nihilistic king and the crown above his head are the creation of the Lord God. Have a strong power. Today, it seems. I'm afraid that's true. These guys have something to do with the Lord God. They all have their own hands. If it hadn't been for the thousands of ancient apes, it would have weakened its attack with the star-absorbing method. I'm afraid I will also suffer a lot of losses!" The demon thought to himself. In a pair of dark devil's eyes. The expression is changeable.


A rumble of thunder came from behind the dark army. A golden light can be faintly seen at the end of the void. The first distracted mind was a thw. He glanced at the dark monarch Ashlisha not far away. I know that this guy summoned the Lord of the soul.

"It's really troublesome. I didn't expect it. The Lord God of Darkness actually came forward for these ant-like servants. The first distracted heart muttered. There has been a retreat in my heart. The first distraction was not arrogant enough to be alone to deal with the billions of dark army. The ability in the field of death has been secretly learned. The goal has been achieved. It doesn't matter if you kill the dark monarch or not. The place where the mind moves. In an instant, there were thousands of ancient apes. The dense ancient apes stand up to the sky. Let's roar. In the chaotic cries of the demons. He rushed out in all directions.

Facing a large number of ancient apes. The dark demon's face around him is afraid. They retreated one after another. A large area of space was emptied in an instant. And in the dense army of demons. The shadow flashed. Eight powerful dark monarchs swayed in black robes all over. With the dark gods summoned by each other. It came up from all sides.

above the void. The nihilistic king tightened the silver scepter in his hand. His eyes fell on the ancient ape that attacked in all directions. Seeing the ancient apes hundreds of feet in one step. Go straight over. The dry arms of the dark monarchs slowly stretched over their heads...


The attack of the dark monarchs is about to take action. Thousands of extremely ferocious ancient apes suddenly disappeared into the void like a bubble.

The dry arms raised above their heads and stopped abruptly. Above the dark army. The silver scepter in the hand of the nihilistic king is also stagnant. Soon the nihilistic king came to his senses. Quickly swept through the void on which the ancient apes were based.

However, there was originally a space for thousands of ancient apes to stand. It has already been empty. Where is the shadow of half a person? Huge magic knowledge quickly swept through the demon army in this blank area. All the demons swept through the eyes of the nihilistic king one by one. The holy flame in the distance soared to the sky. The shouts of killing are endless. The holy light of the heavenly cross shoots from the void from time to time... The battle continues. A large number of demons still haven't noticed what's going on here. In their eyes, there is only the bright army opposite. Dense of demons. The devil roared. Waving magic-filled weapons. Kill towards the front. In this surging tide of demons. It's too difficult to find a demon with abnormal movements. Although the nihilistic king has a strong spiritual power. But in the army of hundreds of millions of demons. Where can you quickly find a demon who deliberately hides his strength? Especially. The strength of that demon is not below it at all!



Taotian's murderous intention and tyrannical atmosphere have accumulated into a vast sea. Surging above the dark army. In this surging magic tide. A high-level demon in the incarnation of the first god is following the magic tide. Kill forward. His speed is very slow. A large number of demons killed him from his side with a ferocious face. But he didn't notice this abnormal demon.

The first distraction did not go far. It's not far above him. It is the nihilistic king who is looking for in the army of demons. The silver throne is as bright as the stars in the dark. The first distracted mind raised his head. Look further up. After he deliberately took away all the breath. The golden thunder cloud, which was transformed by the soul lord who lost the sensing object, patrolled around the void. Then he went into the depths of the universe. Disappear.

The most dangerous place is the safest place. Although the eyes of the gods have accumulated here. However, in the face of hundreds of millions of light and darkness. Neither the God of Light nor the God of Dark will easily use the thunder of divine punishment. And the light and dark gods are watching the results here at the same time. It is to balance each other. No one will take action easily!

"Bamp!" ----" The dark light flashed. The angels of light within thousands of feet around the first distracted mind were encircled in the field. When the glory of the field spreads again. All the light angels involved in the field have disappeared.

"Kill! ----" The first distraction roared. Incarnate into a demon god-level strongman in the demon world. With the rolling magic tide, he went to the bright army. Here. It's his magic test field. Endless killing and death are his nourishment...

In the first god, he became one of the tens of millions of top demons. When I was in the rolling magic tide. On the other side of this huge ups and downs. The Demon Emperor and Chi You are quietly touching into the army of demons - it is impossible for the pure army of light angels to sneak in.

" Chi You. Remember your promise!" The Demon Emperor shook his sleeves. Shock away a few demons. At the same time, he said to Chi You with magic knowledge.

"When did I go to my word?" Chiyou said indifferently. There was a trace of disple pleasure in the voice. At the same time, it rushed forward. The Demon Emperor followed... inside.

A wisp of dazzling essence suddenly burst out. Fengyun Wuji finally opened his eyes from the adjustment of the breath. The breath in his body is agitation. Originally, it consumed a lot of mental strength. After a few days of interest rate adjustment. Not only recovered. It has been strengthened a lot. The sword relic on the forehead seems to have increased a little.

Brag your sleeves. Feng Yun Wuji stood up. While he stood up. In the underground space. The dense Pangu people also opened their eyes. There is a lot of light in their eyes. At this moment. The breath of many Pangu people is surprisingly similar to Fengyun Wuji.

After leaving a spiritual imprint. These millions of Pangu people are equivalent to the split of Fengyun Wuji. Fengyun Wuji can completely command these Pangu people like an arm.

Take a look at the dense Pangu people. What Feng Yun Wuji saw was only his own reflection. Sigh in my heart. Such a powerful people. But you can't have your own consciousness. It's a pity.

The next moment. My mind is moving. The sound of Fengyun Wuji's tent scattered into countless light spots. Disappear into the void. And while he disappeared. In the underground space. He is five feet tall. The strong and terrible territory of the Pangu people also disappeared into the underground space at the same time.


The underground space leads to the entrance to the ground. A flash of light. The dense Pangu people appeared on the ground out of thin air. In front of them. It is the fifth supreme in white clothes and white hair.

"Rumble!" At the moment when the wind and clouds stepped on the ground. The whole Taikoo plane suddenly shook violently. It seems that a pair of invisible giant hands pounded the plane hard. The earth under his feet suddenly shook violently. T-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t- In the loud noise. Several peaks straight into the sky collapsed in front of Fengyun Wuji without warning.

Fengyun Wuji is in a heart. At this moment. He felt the loosening of the source of the plane under his feet. This originally stable plane is moving towards a trend of collapse.

Strong vibration. It affects the whole Taikoo. Countless ancient people felt this abnormality as much as Fengyun Wuji. Everyone stopped for the time being. Taigu all of a sudden. I fell into an unusually quiet time. Face by face looked up into the air.

In the dark night sky. The nine stars, which represent war and chaos, suddenly became much darker. The power of nine colors of stars extends to the whole universe.

In front of millions of Pangu people. Fengyun Wuji looked up at the nine stars. There was a doubtful look on his face. My mind is moving. The light flashed in the eyes of the wind and clouds. The black pupils turned into cold and ruthless silver again. Originally, there was nothing between heaven and earth. Suddenly, there are endless vertical and horizontal veins.

The frosty long hair moves with the wind. The body stands like a mountain. Don't move. Endless information from all directions poured into his mind crazily. With the spiritual support of Haiti. Fengyun Wuji broke the delusional silver eyes and directly crossed the ancient plane. Visit Haohan's void of the universe. The original magnificent information. This moment suddenly increased by a thousand times. It's coming like a tide...

In the world of black and white. It's cold. No mountains, no water. There is no plane and no creature. There are only all kinds of crisscrossing. I don't know where the crisscrossed crystal cocoons that extend to the universe. Even with the ability to break the delusional silver eyes. It is impossible to exhaust this system of rules that is more dense than silkworm cocoons.

is crisscrossed. The highest part of the cocoon silk is as vast as a sea of smoke. There are nine stars hanging alone. Each star is connected with countless regular cocoons. Under the gaze of broken silver eyes. Wiss of smoky and foggy things gathered from all corners of the universe along regular cocoons. In the nine stars in the depths of the void...

See here. Fengyun Wuji suddenly opened his eyes. The silver-white silver eyes faded again. The vibration of the ancient plane this time. Obviously, it is caused by the enhancement of the nine-star force. And in the observation just now. Feng Yun Wuji suddenly found it. The chaos in the universe is the reason for the increase of the nine-star power. And in the source of chaos that makes the power of the nine stars continue to increase. One is the center of the universe. The other one. In the void not far from Taigu...

The sleeves brushed the void in front of him. Fengyun Wuji's five fingers opened one by one in the void. The bottom of the palm. Infinite changes of light and shadow. In the blink of an eye. A dome-shaped space emitting a faint light appeared at the bottom of the palm of the wind and clouds. In the dome space. Ups and downs. Birds and beasts are all available. It is a miniature world that looks at it carefully. It is just a miniature Taigu. Fengyun Wuji is on display at this moment. It is the secret world of the supremes.

The edge of the dome space transformed by the projection of the ancient plane. Clouds are surging. Light and shadow are still changing. Feng Yun Wuji closed his eyes. The crystal-like sword relic on the forehead shines brightly. The magnificent spirit suddenly penetrated into the world.

The edge of the miniature ancient plane. Light and shadow are intertwined. The shadow continues to extend outward. Large or small planes gradually appear around. Extend further out. Suddenly, black spots came out one by one. Many black spots are arranged in a circle. Surround the ancient plane.

Feng Yun Wuji suddenly opened his eyes. The cold light in my eyes - in those black spots. He felt the breath of the Nine Ghosts. A big swing. Feng Yun Wuji's palm stretched out in the air was taken back. In mid-air. The miniature world dissipated.

"The canopy! The wind is passing by. Fengyun Wuji and millions of Pangu warriors disappeared.

"The confusion. Elders of the North Sea. Elders of holy beasts. The west gate is to the north. Lonely and harmless. Come and see me!" The magnificent voice echoed over the Holy Mountain. The light flashed on the top of the Holy Mountain. Fengyun Wuji has stepped out of the temple of the holy mountain.

"Bun!" ----" Between the Sword Pavilion and the Holy Mountain. A flash of light. One by one, a man more than five feet tall came out of thin air. It is densely spread out.

"Pangu warrior!!!" When these strong men appeared. There was an exclamation around. In the eyes of everyone. The appearance of these Pangu warriors is obviously a little abrupt. However, after the initial surprise. Immediately, there was a roar of landslides and cracks in the four directions. Not long ago, he was fighting against the Nine Demons. These Pangu people have made great contributions. This earned them the respect of everyone.

Holy Mountain Underground Stone Room. A large number of powerful masters gathered inside. There was a heated discussion in twos and threes. From time to time, some patterns are drawn on the ground. I think it's proof. Every moment. Then some went out. Then another man entered the stone chamber. The strategy of Taigu in the battle of gods and demons has lasted for a long time. Except for the stone room. There are tens of thousands of stone rooms and caves in the temple. Similar discussions are also under way. The temple has recalled successive temple controllers. They are responsible for presiding over the discussion between the stone rooms and the caves. In addition. A large number of masters were sent to various places in ancient times. Search for the whereabouts of the ancient war monument...

When the magnificent voice of the wind and clouds floated over the temple. Elders of the North Sea. Ancient witch. Lonely and harmless. The west gate is to the north. Those who have a strong potential. The confusion is participating in the discussion in the stone room.

"It's the supreme voice!" The elder of the North Sea raised his head. Listen for a moment. Get up immediately.'er. The body shakes. Then he disappeared into the underground stone room. Confused at the same time. Lonely and harmless. Ximen Yibei and many strong men also jumped out of the stone chamber. After a moment of stagnation in the stone room. The discussion continued. In the corner of the stone room. Thick stacks of files have been stacked. It's all about the discussion. Several temple staff are sorting out these documents...

"See the Supreme!" The top of the holy mountain. The elders of Beihai and his party said respectfully.

"Don't be polite." The wind and clouds are blowing with big sleeves. He said, "I'm confused. Immediately call the army of the queen of the gods and the strong who reached the late stage of the god level in the latent cultivation. Follow me to the void!"

"Ah!!" Everyone raised their heads in surprise.

"Lonely. West Gate. You two come with me!" Fengyun Wuji looked cold. The order is quite concise.

"Supreme. What's going on?" Fengyun Wuji suddenly summoned the army of the Queen of God. And there seems to be a big action. This puzzled everyone.

"The demon world sent the Jiuyou demon army into the void. Constantly destroy the plane around Taikoo. This chaotic force generated by killing and destruction. Absorbed by nine stars. It makes the power of nine stars increase rapidly. The demon world hopes to do it in this way. To speed up the process of surface cracking. Not long ago. The oscillation of the ancient plane. It's because the star power has condensed to a certain extent!"

Everyone looked at each other in consterance. Although the action of the Nine Demon Legion was a little sudden. But no one doubts the unscrupulous words.

"Yes. Supreme. Ying Confused immediately went to gather the army of the Queen of God!" On the side. Wearing a black robe, he took a few steps forward. He said respectfully. Then walk out quickly. Jump down from the edge of the temple. It turned into a black rainbow and went out.

"The elder of the North Sea. At the bottom of the cliff are Pangu warriors. I have subdued them. If the demon world comes to attack. Temporarily presided over by the elders. The predecessor of the ancient witch. The soldiers of the Pangu people are under your command. For a moment. I will hand them over to you." Feng Yun Wuji's eyes turned. To the ancient witch clan leader in the crowd.

The ancient witch didn't say anything. There was no refusal. There are different colors in the turbid eyes. As early as the moment of stepping on the Temple Square. He had noticed the extremely burly Pangu warriors under the cliff. It is harmonious with the witchcraft of ancient witchcraft. At a glance, you can see the spiritual imprint left by Fengyun Wuji in the minds of these Pangu warriors.

"Wuji. It has become really strong. It's not the young man in the battlefield of gods and demons anymore!" The ancient witch thought silently in his heart. If you want to leave a mark in the minds of these powerful Pangu warriors. And there are so many Pangu people. It's not an easy thing. This itself can show the huge spiritual power of Fengyun Wuji.

"Supreme, please rest assured. The ancient witch will do his best to support the elders of the North Sea!" The ancient witch nodded. Say it.

Feng Yun Wuji nodded. At this time. Ying Dou has also come with an army of masters after the gods: "See the Supreme!"

"Get up!"

"Thank you, Supreme!"

Not long. More strong gods came from all sides when they heard the news. Feng Yun Wuji turned around. To the west gate to the north and loneliness, he said, "The west gate to the north. Lonely and harmless. You two, go with me!"

"Rely respect the supreme will!" The two of them answered quickly.

"Let's go!"

"No!" In the roar. A row of gods rolled up into the sky like a flowing river and sea. Soon, it broke into the air one after another. Disappeared over the sword field.

"Sister. He's gone..." After the wind and clouds of white frost finally disappeared. The edge of the sword field. A beautiful woman turned around.. Say it.

The power of nine stars is enhanced. When many planes in the universe are in turmoil. The land of the northwest demon world. The gray fog suddenly rose ***. The extremely corrosive gray fog is like the water of the sluice. It rushed in all directions.

"Kh-ha-ha! ----"

The huge cracking sound resounded through the northwest. Deep in the depths of the earth. A stream of violent Jiuyou magic spirit is like the root of an old tree. From the place where the fourteenth Lord God lives, he climbed to the whole demon world. The land of the demon world. Countless demons who are absorbing the power of the nine stars only feel that the magic spirit between heaven and earth has suddenly increased dozens of times. One by one, they woke up abnormally. It speeds up the absorption of magic.


In a loud roar. A huge shadow stood up from the middle of the thick fog. The higher it rises. The higher it rises. In the frightened eyes of the demons. The magic shadow grew to nearly ten thousand feet high. The huge body is almost the same as the sky! And at the same time. A breath that stands above all sentient beings. It also spread from the northwest demon world. Where the breath comes. No demon can stand.

Under the stimulation of the nine-star power. The fourteenth Lord God finally revealed his huge killing body. Fourteen pairs of eighty straight golden horns. The rib gave birth to four pairs of golden demon wings. Behind him is a golden tail cone thousands of feet long. Eight pairs of golden demon wings. Three pairs of heads. The sun and moon stepping on the stars is the complete state of the fourteenth Lord God. Not here.)

"Bun!----" The place shrouded in gray fog suddenly shook heavily. Then the whole space turned dark. Even the fourteenth Lord God in the middle of the gray fog was also hidden in the darkness. At the same time as the sound came. The sky. Nine magnificent starpowers broke through the air. Into the darkness below...