After soaring

Chapter 54 The Conspiracy of Heaven and the Stones on the Chessboard

"Wow!" The void trembled, and the dense angels like surging tide flew over from all directions. Before the figure arrived, the holy light of the cross like light and rain bombarded from all directions.

I slowly raised my head and looked at the overwhelming light angel indifferently. The cold eyes closely reflected the countless angel army. Before the overwhelming attack arrived, I suddenly blinked my eyes - time is still!

The overwhelming light angel and the overwhelming attack suddenly stopped at this moment, and then exploded with a bang, all turned into powder and dissipated in the void.

In the blink of an eye, between the remaining ten angels and me, it suddenly became empty. In this space with a radius of millions of kilometers, nearly a quarter of the angels of light are clean in the blink of an eye. And in this process, even the strong angel did not feel any powerful energy fluctuation. It seems that the blasphemer in front of him really just blinked his eyes and made millions of light angels disappear out of thin air.


There was a sound of cold air in the void, and Youda's space was suddenly quiet. In the face of the powerful strength shown by me, the courage of the light angel to fight disappeared cleanly. Angels are never afraid of death, because after death, they can be resurrected through the gate of heaven, that is to say, for angels, there is no death at all. But after witnessing the death of millions of companions in battle, and the death was extremely strange and thorough, this group of light angels who did not know what death was also began to be afraid.


I moved my feet and slowly walked towards the ten angels. One of the twelve angels was slightly killed by me, and there should be eleven angels left. But one of them disappeared quietly at some point.

The huge holy light space is quiet, and the falling needle can be heard. My steps are not slow, but every step seems to step on the souls of these light angels. In the blink of an eye, the terror ability to destroy the army of millions of angels made everyone calm. No one knows. What exactly does this powerful blasphemer want to do? Kill all the angels? Then why didn't it do it?

All ten angels stood up, and a pair of eyes fell on me. No one dares to run away, and no one dares to attack! All sudden actions may cause the attack of this powerful blasphemer. As for the counterattack, after seeing that I easily crush the angel's heart of an angel, no other angel has the courage to attack - the powerful enemy is not terrible, but the terrible is the powerful and mysterious enemy!


Just when I was less than a hundred feet away from ten angels. Suddenly. A huge foot wrapped in a blazing flame poked out of the void. He stepped heavily between the ten angels and me. The powerful holy power contained in the soles of the feet made the whole space tremble up and down.

When the sole of the foot appeared. The faces of the ten four-winged angels showed a look of surprise. Suddenly, he knelt down neatly. He stroked his chest with one hand and said, "See Lord Miravinoch!"

Between the four-winged angel and the original. Stand on the ground. He is a giant who is hundreds of feet tall, whose whole body is composed of milky holy power. The giant is full of strong breath of holy power. The sacred flame of the ground rose under his feet. ** With thick arms. He looked down at me condescendingly.

"See Lord God's Servant!" The dense light angel knelt down. On this servant of order. The light angels felt the strong breath of the landlord god. Only the servants of the earth god who have been bathed in the glory of the main god for a long time can enjoy the honor of the earth.

"The humble blasphemer. Do you want to challenge the majesty of the gods? Miravinoch, the servant of order, is condescending. Overlooking the height of the soles of his feet. Macro voice. In that loud voice. Naturally, it shows the momentum of the upper one facing the lower one.

I stopped, and a strange color suddenly flashed through the cold eyes. On its forehead, the white Redemptive God suddenly emerged from under the skin and flesh, shining in this holy light. A very faint, trembling breath of the soul emanates from me.

For the snooping of the angel, I instinctively felt an offended anger, which was the reason why he suddenly appeared in this place where the angels of light gathered. This kind of angry emotion should not have appeared on him at all before he reached the big dimension.

If the angelic prying makes me feel offended and angry, then the contempt and disdain of Miravinoch, the servant of order, makes me angry. In a loom, a strange feeling surged into my heart, and I felt as if I had seen the giant in front of me. And it. You should have shown humility and awe to yourself! As for those angels, they should obey themselves. Serve yourself with devoutness. In his eyes, there were more angels who obeyed themselves. Those ant-like existences dared to take action against themselves at any time!

A trace of changing light and shadow kept passing through my eyes, and some vague memory seemed to begin to confuse his consciousness. I didn't notice that in his head, the redemption god, which absorbed the magnificent divine power, was emitting strong fluctuations of holy light.

Miravinoch, the servant of order, came from the kingdom of the Lord of order after receiving the prayer of an angel. Mivinoch was obviously deeply impressed by the blasphemer with a human appearance in front of him. It was this blasphemer who absorbed the magnificent divine power left by Isaac, the Lord of redemption, in the big dimension. The blasphemer's bold behavior even shocked Lord Vladimir, the supreme lord of order!

The judgment of the Lord God is not accessible to a servant of God. In the kingdom of the Lord God, there are tens of thousands of God's servants like him. Miravinochi only knows that the blasphemer in front of him is almost arrogant in his provocation to the highest heaven! This is a blasphemy against the supreme gods, which is intolerable!

The silent behavior of the humble blasphemer was regarded by Miravenor, the servant of order, as a acquiescence in challenging the majesty of the Lord God. A strong anger surged into his heart, and Miravinochi instantly sentenced the blasphemer - the power of the main god should not be blasphemed, the blasphemer, die!

"In the name of Lord Vladimir, the Lord of the Supreme Order, above the hundreds of millions of planes. Give the humble creatures in front of you the final judgment! ..." The loud voice of the order of order echoed in the void. In the singing, a transparent palm composed of holy light opened and pressed to me...


The void fluctuated, countless rules fluctuated violently, and the huge palm of Miravinoch, the servant of order, emitted a strong holy light. The light seemed to be a hundred times more dazzling than the sun, and the golden runes at the bottom of the palm of the hand flowed, faintly releasing a faint breath that made the soul tremble. That was the original rune of heaven!

At this moment, I felt a vastness, like a torrent of laws passing from this void, the whole void's rule system, at this moment, all under the influence of the law that existed at the beginning of the universe. I'm like a puppet trapped in the mud, and I can't move! Under the strong holy light, the whole body is reflected in the eyes. And the giant palm with destructive power quickly approached...

The whole outbreak, which was originally suppressed by reason, quickly dominated the body of the Buddha.

"The blasphemy from the lower position!" This idea subconsciously flashed through my mind, and then on my forehead, the god of redemption was bright, and the powerful power of redemption collided with the power of order in the void.

"Wow! When the Redemption God released a strong wave of divine power, behind me, a huge light and shadow rose to the ground, growing higher and higher in the trembling eyes of the angels!

"Boom! The power of order that trapped me quickly collapsed under the collision of the power of redemption. My eyes quickly turned golden, and a breath of the gods of heaven surged from his body. Behind him, the projection of the main god transformed by the light of redemption grew higher and higher, and a pressure on all sentient beings quickly expanded in this void. Miravinochi, the servant of order, could no longer press the huge palm full of the power of order, and his palm began to tremble.

I raised my head indifferently, with golden, cold and ruthless eyes staring coldly at the giant palm above his head and the giant. The previous moment was also regarded as humble like an ant, at this moment. Just the eyes made the servant of God feel great pressure, and his soul was trembling!

"Bun Bang!!----" After the servant of order, the ten angels could no longer withstand the pressure from the soul and knelt down. After the angels, the dense light angels were even more unbearable. They lay on the ground one by one, shaking and panicked. Fear fills their hearts. At this moment. In the body of this blasphemer, they felt it. Pure, the breath of light gods from heaven! The light angels are trembling!

The body of the Buddha was slowly raised like being pulled by an invisible line, and as the Buddha flew higher and higher, the majesty of the soul felt by Miravinucci became stronger and stronger. His huge body trembled involuntarily and seemed to fall apart at any time.

"Bun!" The huge body of the servant of order finally could no longer withstand the breath from the pure redemption of the Lord God. His knees were soft, and he knelt down like pushing down a golden mountain and a jade pillar, and lowered his head high.

"How can it be?!!" While lowering his noble head, Miravenorci's heart was also full of shock.

"Awe him and serve him!" An emotionless voice with a metal trill suddenly sounded in the sea of consciousness of the servant of order. At this moment, Miravinoch suddenly felt the breath of his creator.

"Praise you, praise you, may your glory spread throughout the whole universe, Lord Isaac, the great Redeemer!" The next moment, the proud servant of order completely abandoned his self-esteem and crawled at my feet in the shocked eyes of the angels!

"Lord Isaac, the great Lord of redemption, please forgive the sins we have peep at. May your grace and power spread all over the universe, and we are willing to fight for your glory!" The next moment, ten four-winged angels also crawled on the ground with a pious face.

I was stunned, and the development of the situation was obviously beyond his expectations.

"Rumble!" The dark void outside the place of holy light with a radius of millions of kilometers suddenly burst out a dazzling golden thunder and lightning, and a thunder cloud emerged from the void. Then a huge palm poked out of the crack in the void. While the palm of the hand poked out, a powerful consciousness with a sacred breath seemed to wake up after a long awakening.

"Bun!" After the huge palm, it is half a huge body, composed of pure holy power, in the doubtful eyes of this Lord. The giant of light who woke up from his awakening finally climbed out of the cracks in the void.

At the first sight of me, the giant, who was hundreds of feet tall, crawled respectfully in the void, lowered his head, and said devoutly, "Great master, Mitmis, the servant of redemption, will serve you forever!"


I only felt something crack in my mind, and a familiar feeling surged into my heart. The giant of ground light crawling out of the cracks in the void in front of me feels very familiar. A series of blurred images suddenly passed quickly through my mind.

"It is his creation!" When these images disappear. I suddenly raised a sense of understanding, but soon, there was another consciousness or instinct to tell him. Everything in front of him has nothing to do with him!

In the void, the servants of God crawling on the ground, and the dense army of angels, and the awe on their faces seemed to awaken something. A pair of pictures flashed away from the sea of consciousness of the Buddha. Even the Buddha could not capture their where they were. In the eyes of the Buddha, a look of contradiction and confusion gradually emerged.

At this moment. I didn't know that in the ocean of light above hundreds of millions of planes, a pair of emotionless eyes were passing through layers of space, watching what happened in this void, and everything did not escape its eyes.

"It... will return to... heaven!" When the confusion in Benzun's eyes disappeared, these eyes were finally taken back from the big dimension.

"Yes,...the great Lord Vladimir..." In the sea of light, another voice responded.

"Let him... fight... the big dimension..." The other end of the ocean of light. Another emotionless voice sounded.

"As you wish..., great... Lord of judgment..." The voice of the Lord of Order sounded on hundreds of millions of planes again...

Then, everything fell into silence, in the distant ocean of light, and there was no sound.

In the large-dimensional space, I blinked my eyes. The cold look in my eyes, when I blinked again, under the eyelids. It's a pair of emotionless eyes...

In the humble house. Fengyun Wuji had white hair and shawl, and his face was a little pale. It was also a little haunting, but in his eyes, there was a kind of sleepless excitement.

In this dark and narrow room, there is a lot of paper scattered all over the place. These papers are all the gossips of the Dharma ancestor Fuxi's mouth recorded by the disciples of the Dharma practice. For several days in a row, Fengyun Wuji stayed in this house and kept reading these records.

The essence of a unique learning is obviously difficult to teach through oral narration. Although the magic of the ancestor's prophecy is based on yin and yang gossip, it is not all yin and yang gossip. The art of prophecy has reached a realm of Taoism!

Although the sermon on that day was mainly dictation, in the way of prophecy, it was more about using the technique of demonstration gossip deduction to teach disciples. Therefore, the content after the basic yin and yang gossip can only be understood by observation. Based on this, everyone has different records of prophecy.

Fengyun Wuji looked through different records, but he got very little information in the end. Only to understand the records of the practice of the people, and at the same time use the powerful deduction ability to analyze the gossip deduction

The way of prophecy has almost completely transcended the scope of magic, which makes it extremely difficult for Fengyun Wuji to try to deduce the art of prophecy from gossip. A few days have passed, and Fengyun Wuji can stimulate the appearance of the eight trigrams, but it can't produce a chaotic atmosphere at all, let alone the way of prophecy.

"Hey!" Another day passed, Feng Yun Wuji sighed, stood up, pushed open the wooden door and went out. There was no one outside the wooden door. In the distance, there were shadows. It was the strong man who was awakened by the saints and others when he woke up.

"There is not much time left for me." Feng Yun Wuji sighed, and a trace of worry floated between his eyebrows. It has been delayed for a long time in the land of the end of the law. It is impossible for him to stay here indefinitely until he deduces the life and death of Fazu and the secrets he saw. This trip is more important and practical. It is to awaken these magic practitioners, gather the power of the two veins of magic and martial arts, and work together to deal with gods and demons!

With full of sadness, Fengyun Wuji passed through the passage in the black vortex and came to the place where Fazu fell again. He has been here many times before.

"This is the last time!" Feng Yun Wuji said to himself in his heart that he had made up his mind that if he still couldn't gain anything this time, he would take the strong man of the Dharma Cultivation clan. Since then, he has returned to the ancient times, and the mystery left by Fazu can only be buried forever. After calming down, Feng Yun Wuji sat down cross-legged in this void again, and at the same time, he slowly closed his eyes. In the dark void, a large amount of incomplete information is pouring in again...

After a long time, Fengyun Wuji opened his eyes from the darkness, and a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes - he still got nothing. In the perception of Fengyun Wuji, in addition to the divine power sent by a certain god that destroys this empty message, there seems to be another existence. Detentionally destroys and prevents itself from reading this kind of information.

Feng Yun Wuji is thinking in his heart. This void, for the disciples of Dharma practice, is a holy place. Naturally, no one will try to destroy anything. Even if there is a heart, they may not have that ability, especially their current spiritual power is easy to recover this kind of destruction. If it is not a disciple of Dharma practice, it is not the main god of darkness. Then it can only be...

Fengyun Wuji's heart was shaken. He couldn't believe that that person was... Fazu!! But he told him in his heart that that person could only be Fazu! If it's really him, why did he do this? Did he expect that he would arrive here? And did you deliberately prevent yourself from knowing this information?

One huge question mark after another filled the mind of the wind and clouds. In the distance, several Dharma practitioners appeared in the wind and clouds. They looked here from afar, but did not come over. Fengyun Wuji knew that these practices were sent by the saint to inform him - it was about to leave!

Feng Yun Wuji suddenly had a strong reluctance in his heart, and he didn't want to go back empty-handed like this. Fazu. What should be left behind!" Feng Yun Wuji thought silently. Suddenly, a crazy thought crossed his mind. He doesn't have much time to think. Then I did so.

In my mind, in the grass, Fazu Fuxi performed every detailed action of the technique of gossip deduction, every step, after a moment, Fengyun Wuji once again used the ability to imitate with his mind. At the same time, before the intention to imitate, he divided two groups of consciousness to control his arms...

Fengyun Wuji looks like the breath of Fazu Fuxi, while controlling his arms extremely calmly and deducing the gossip with the two groups of consciousness separated...

In the shocked eyes of several practitioners, Feng Yun Wuji sat down cross-legged again, and then on him, everyone felt a familiar breath - that was the breath of the master.

" Bang Bang Bang!!!----"

Eight consecutive shocks came from a distance. In the eyes of several Dharma practitioners, Fengyun Wuji's clothes bulged. At the same time, he pinched the magic formula by hand. The void began to buzz, and powerful mana fluctuations came from Fengyun Wuji's body. Soon, around Fengyun Wuji, eight Tao ! Exchange! Li! Shock! Xun! Kan! Gun! Kun!

"Impossible!!" Several magic practitioners could hardly believe their own eyes. One by one, they exclaimed, Fengyun Wuji now cast spells. In everyone's impression, the action of the magic ancestor Fuxi's prophecy is almost the same as the vision!!


When the Tongming gossip charm appeared around Fengyun Wuji, the void under him suddenly shook violently. Then in the stunned expression of the practitioners in the distance, a large number of large or small white light spots suddenly emerged from the dark void, and then disappeared into the body like a moth to the fire.


Fengyun Wuji only felt a shock, and his mind suddenly turned into a blank. In the meantime, another door opened to him. At this moment, Fengyun Wuji felt Fazu Fuxi, which seemed to be within reach, but it was never possible to touch it. At the same time, Fengyun Wuji also saw the undulating river of fate through the eyes of Fazu Fuxi

At the same time, in the land of the end of the law, the ten directions in the saint's arms suddenly shook, emitting a faint light, as if warning something.

"For those who master the power of prophecy, from the moment from perspective to the river of fate, his every move is closely linked to the river of fate. His every move will bring countless variables to the river of fate. Any variable will lead to a deviation in the direction of the river of fate, resulting in a different future.

In order to know why, at this moment, Fengyun Wuji's mind suddenly crossed a sentence in the third letter that Fazu Fuxi left for him. After that, the magnificent pictures unfolded in front of the wind and clouds...

At the moment when Fengyun Wuji touched the river of fate, everything had changed. Anyone who touches the river of fate, the moment he touches it, he has unconsciously changed the future. Although in Fengyun Wuji's life, only this time may touch the river of fate, this time, it has added countless variables to the game between Fazu and Silo.

When a stone is thrown into Go, no one can predict how this stone will affect both sides of Yi!

Nowadays, even if Fazu is here, he can't predict how this unexpected move will affect the future. Maybe worse, maybe more... better!

Fengyun Wuji was not able to touch everything that Fazu saw, but when he touched half of it, it was dark in front of his eyes, and Haohan's nothingness came into his eyes again.

Fengyun Wuji slowly stood up. This simple action seemed to consume his great strength. His face was a little pale and a little solemn. He slowly walked back with a sound. No one knows what he saw in that short time...