After soaring

Chapter 74 Final War 7

'Sillo', deduce the position where it appears in the next moment. If you don't stop him, according to the growth rate of the fourteenth Lord God, it will be us who will die later!" Chi You shouted violently. Among the six people, he was the only one who was the least damaged because his soul was integrated into the nine stars.

Hearing Chi You's violent shouting, Silo's mutant split sat up, forced himself to cheer up, and once again used the magic power in his body to start a new round of 'prophecy'!

"Here!" After a while, Silo's mutant split opened his eyes...


The black lightning of the incarnation of the fourteenth Lord God keeps disappearing in the universe, appearing, disappearing, appearing... Every time it appears, the black light flashes, and then a large number of corpses disappear. In this way, without the shackles of negative emotions, the fourteenth Lord God has no restrictions, in the chaotic Yu The geometric multiplier-like growth in the universe. The lost magic power is not only replenished, but also increased by dozens of times.

After sweeping tens of millions of planes, the fourteenth god, who manifested as a ten-footed divine body, finally stopped, quietly waiting for Chiyou, who came from three directions, the first distraction, me, the three supremes, and the subsequent arrival of Fengyun Wuji.

"The destruction will be destroyed in the end!" The fourteenth main god crossed the void with the sound of metal trills, and then a huge palm quickly became larger in the vision of Chiyou and others.


A huge translucent lightning ball similar to the 'small universe outside the sky', which rotates before the death of Emperor Shitian, was bombarded out of the fourteenth main god's palm, covering Chiyou, the demon emperor, the three supremes, the first god and the wind and cloud Wuji with lightning. Everyone only felt dark in front of them and had been in a vast and nihilistic 'small universe'...

Trapped Chiyou and others into the 'small universe', the fourteenth main god turned around, and the huge body of tens of thousands of feet high looked down at the motionless 'Bin-Zun'. As soon as his mind moved, a frightening consciousness fluctuated into a faint ripple spread.

"The blasphemer. It will be destroyed by God!"

After saying this sentence. The 14th Lord God's forehead is in the middle of the 'time god' shining. Then a huge palm leaned down at the 'I' - 'Time Tracing' launched!


After calming down for hundreds of millions of years, the 'law of time' suddenly fluctuated. At the time when the fourteenth Lord God launched the 'time retroactive flow'. A dust-like light shrouded the fourteenth main god and the 'Izun' and blurred their bodies. A white beam of light in the dark connects the two deities on the forehead of the 'fourteenth main god' and 'the god' at the same time.


Haohan's 'law of time' suddenly penetrated the two people. Then there was only an earth-shaking noise. The fourteenth main god and the breath of the 'master' suddenly disappeared from the whole universe at the same time...

Among the laws, the 'law of time' is the most powerful. When changing the time in the same time and space, the magic power is consumed the least, the reverse change time is the most, and the reverse change time is the second!

Returning to the past against time means mobilizing the power of time to return the whole universe to a certain period of time in the past. With such a huge change, the divine power to be consumed is self-evident - the greater the scope of the power of time changes, the more magical power is consumed!

'Time Tracing' means changing the universe and going back to the past. The divine power consumed by this process, even the fourteenth main god can't stand it. Only the hundreds of millions of gods have such a huge divine power! Once the time of 'time back' has passed, what awaits him is extreme weakness.

The fourteenth Lord God has always avoided using this top-level power of time, but I and the seven strong people forced the fourteenth Lord God to use this ability!

'Time stationary' and 'time countercurrent' are both changes of time in the same time and space. Although this change of simultaneous space consumes divine power, it is almost negligible compared with 'time retroactivity'.

The horror of 'time traceability' is that it can reverse time and return to the opponent's weakest 'past', so as to kill the opponent when the opponent is weakest. In the process of 'time traceability', the controller of the power of time will not be weakened.

No one is born so powerful, except the gods! The fourteenth Lord God is convinced that the strong man with the power of time in front of him is definitely from human beings. Although he is detached from the race he came from, this point cannot be changed. And 'time retroactivity' is the fastest and most direct way to destroy such a strong man!

It is impossible for human beings to be born to touch the divine power. As long as the powerful existence in front of them returns to the human condition before the contact with the divine power, they can easily destroy him - this is the plan of the fourteenth Lord God!


Shortly after the 14th Lord God and I disappeared in this time and space, I lost the support of the 14th Lord God, and the 'small universe outside the sky' exploded again. Chi You and others were still thinking about countermeasures, but they didn't expect to come out in the blink of an eye. Everyone looked at each other and didn't understand what was going on!

"Sillo, find out what's going on!" Chi You said in a low voice that with his fit with the nine stars, it is impossible for anything in the universe to escape his sense. Nine stars can reach his vision. Then he searched the whole universe, and he did not feel the breath of the fourteenth god and the original god, so he had to say to the mutant soul in the body of the demon emperor. The so-called 'cha' in Chiyou's mouth is the 'prophecy' ability of the master of the conspiracy!

"Hmm!" Silo's mutant split did not refuse and readily agreed, but soon Silo's mutant split opened his eyes: "No, I can't 'prophecy' about them

"What do you mean?"

"It's just impossible to 'prophesy'" Silo's mutant split said, "In this case, there are only two kinds, either the predicted object is dead, or the object of the prediction does not exist in this time and space!"

Hearing the explanation of Silo's mutant split, all the people's faces became ugly. The fourteenth main god and self

Both of them can die, so there is only the latter explanation! ......

"It seems that they are either fighting in the 'past' or in the 'future'!" The white tiger's supreme eyes showed contemplation.

The time is only a few latitudes of 'past', 'present' and 'future'. If you are not in the present time and space, you can only be in the 'past' or 'future', which is beyond the cognition of all the strong present. People who escape into the 'flood of time' can't reluctantly intervene, but the latitude of stepping into the 'past' or 'future' of time is completely beyond the ability of everyone present. Even if Chi You faces this situation, there is nothing he can do! ......


'Time, time, backtracking, flow...

At the moment of the fourteenth Lord's display of 'Time Tracing', there was a sudden roar in their ears, and then everything in their eyes turned into white light and flowed backwards from both sides. The scenery flies away, and countless scenes that should have only existed in the past appear one by one...

... To the north of the ancient plane, I blasted out with one palm and imprinted on the chest of the fourteenth Lord God...

...Time continues to go backwards...

... At the gap in the nine witchcraft plane, countless tall ancient demon gods stand on the earth. After these ancient demon gods is a mysterious and strange 'dark monarch'. I am quietly appearing behind a dark monarch, and above my head, the fourteenth main god overlooks 'this god', forehead' The God of Time is getting more and more brilliant! ......

...Time continues to go backwards...

'Buzz!——'The mutation suddenly, just when the fourteenth Lord God urged the power of time to try to flow back the 'Izun' back to the big dimension, the 'broken silver eyes' of 'Izun' suddenly flashed a trace of white light, and at the same time, the 'time god' on the forehead buzzed However, when he stepped out, he actually showed a trace of getting rid of the effect of 'time traceability', but only for a moment, the footsteps of 'I' stepped out again 'stop', but the 'time traceability' has been affected, showing an unstable trace.

'Buzz! ~'

'I Zun' forehead 'divine' was shocked again. When I didn't know it, one arm of 'I Zun' was slowly raised from under the sleeve robe, facing the '14th Lord God'...

The power of time - time traceability, start...

Not long after the launch of the 'Time Traceability' of the 14th Lord God, 'Bindence' also issued a 'Time Traceability' to the 14th Lord God in the 'past'...

'Buzz! ~'

The scenery on both sides changed, and the light flashed. The two suddenly appeared at the place where they fought for the first time in the north of the ancient plane. Under the urging of 'Izu', time will launch the moment before the 14th Lord God's 'time flow', and then it will go back to the weakest moment of 'the 14 >


The mutation rose again, and the two people's postures were motionless as if they were fixed, while the huge 'time god' on the forehead of the fourteenth main god began to shine brightly, and a dusty light enveloped them again...

The fourteenth main god, 'time traceability' launched...

In the blink of an eye, time flowed back to the battlefield of the big dimension and the blood clan. In the vast void, countless sharp-toothed blood clan vibrating bat wings fought with the vast army of angels. In the back of the army of angels, a group of angels and servants of God knelt in front of the 'I" What...


'I'm the forehead, the time god is bright, 'time backtracking'! ......

In this 'past' 'river of time', the 'time god' of the two foreheads quarreled with each other, competing for the control of the 'power of time'...

The strongest under the two gods understand that this competition will definitely affect the final result of the battle, even the lives of the two. At this time, the danger of the competition is far above the previous battle. For a moment, the two of them will do their best, no longer have reservations, and they can't care about the consumption of divine power!

The time of the 'past' only exists in the 'past' and has no effect on the 'future'. Frequent competition for the 'time traceability' makes the 'law of time' fluctuate violently. Under the influence of the 'rule of time', the conflict between the two 'time gods' is becoming more and more fierce. In the end, the competition between the two gradually turns into the two 'time gods'.


Finally, when a cocoon in the 'law of time' runs through two 'divine grids', the 'power of time' suddenly solidified, and the two strong men 'frozen' at the same time. At both ends of the invisible 'cocoon silk', two huge 'time gods' emit bright light at the same time as if they are competing with each other, one clear is dark, one dark, one dark...

The two unstoppable 'time god' are almost exactly the same. The only difference is that the 'gode' of the 'fourteenth main god' seems to have two smoother edges and corners than the surface of the 'god' of 'the god'


Finally, in this competition, the divine status of the fourteenth Lord is getting brighter and brighter, while the divine status of 'I' is getting darker and darker...


When the 'cocoon' that connected the two gods collapsed, in the 'past', the time fluctuation belonging to the 'master' completely disappeared, and only the time fluctuation of the 'fourteenth main god' launched the 'time traceability'! ......

...Time continues to go backwards...

Countless scenes belonging to the past turned into white light and flowed through both sides again, drawing into the depths behind...

...big dimension, inherit the 'heritage' of Isaac, the 'Lord of Redemption'...,

... In the battle of Jiuyou, the palm of the 'I Zun' was upside down on the head of the '14th Lord God'. This should have been the place where the 'I Zun' dealt with the '14th Lord God', but the breath of the '14th Lord God' did not weaken, and the breath of the '

...time, time, backtracking, flow...

...'My Lord' and 'The King of Nothingness'...'My Lord' and 'The Emperor'...'My Lord' and 'The Demon Emperor'...

... Yuanshen three points!


In the void, Fengyun Wuji and the first distraction changed color almost at the same time, and a feeling of extreme weakness surged into the heart.

"Wuji, what's wrong with you?" A layer of white light shrouded Fengyun Wuji and the first distractance at the same time. Under the cover of this soft white light, both of them had an unreal feeling. Seeing the abnormal situation of Fengyun Wuji, the Supreme White Tiger's face changed and shouted.

"What's going on?" Chi You's face also changed wildly.

At this moment, there was a storm in my heart, and there was no time to answer Chi You's question. At this moment, he suddenly felt the existence of 'this god', which directly broke through time and space and connected the three gods. He felt that the most powerful Buddha in the three gods seemed to have encountered some unprecedented crisis at this moment, and while endangering the 'one', it began to affect the two people in normal time and space...

"It's not good! ..." The first distraction shouted, and the body shrouded in white light suddenly emitted countless light spots and disappeared, and almost at the same time, not far away, Fengyun Wuji also turned into a little light and dissipated in the darkness...


After the two disappeared, there was a dead silence in the void. No one knows what happened. Everyone was silent, and their hearts seemed to be as heavy as a lead stone. The Demon Emperor was extremely uneasy. If the fourteenth god won, it must be the two of them that he would destroy next.

"Let's get out of here!" The demon emperor stood up, the dragon robe sang, and said, "Even if you stay here, it doesn't make sense now. The battle that exists in the 'past' is not what we can enter at all.

Chi You seemed to be a little unhappy, but he didn't say anything. Although the Demon Emperor's words seemed immeathem, what he said was true.

"You go!" Chi You was silent for a moment and waved his sleeves.

The Demon Emperor lowered his head and walked out slowly. He seemed to be thoughtful. He was not worried about the abnormal situation of Feng Yun Wuji and others, nor was he worried about Chi You. He began to think about what he would do if the fourteenth Lord God won...


"There will be no future!" Chiyou said coldly.

The three supremes changed slightly, but they didn't say anything: "Let's go. I hope the fourteenth Lord can be delayed for a while!" The three supremes look in the direction of Taigu. Although they care about it, they are beyond their reach! Stepping into the latitude of the 'past' of time, even the 'gods' are out of reach! At present, the only thing the three supremes can do is to destroy the demon clans that invade the ancient times with the power of holy beasts and settle the war!

In the void, the shadows shook, and the three supreme diseases flew towards Taigu like meteors...

The 'eyes' were withdrawn from the backs of the three supremes. Chi You looked up at the 'nine stars' above his head with some melanx and muttered to himself, "There will be no future... At least, we will not see each other again for a very long time! ..."


Just when Chiyou said to himself, looking up at the sky, the mutation suddenly rose--

A huge golden thunder fell from the sky and fell into the void of the east, which was a 'thunder of divine punishment'! That direction... is exactly the direction of the three supremes leaving...

Chiyou's face changed wildly and suddenly shouted, "Let's go!" As soon as his mind moved, the nine stars in a million square circles above his head condensed at a point, and he wanted to save the three supremes. At this moment, Chiyou forgot the hatred with the four supremes, but instinctively wanted to save the three supreme However, he is still slow...

"Shuzaku, run away! ——"

Chi You heard the supreme cry of the white tiger in the distance, and the voice was hasty and panicked. Then the golden clouds fell from the sky and faintly saw that the sad sound of the three holy beasts seemed to be heard in his ears, followed by the golden light. Tens of thousands of suns seemed to have exploded in the dark, and the dazzling golden light covered everything in it, and even Chiyou's star power was blocked...

"Not good!" In the void on the west side, as soon as the Demon Emperor walked out not far, he heard the loud noise behind him. When he turned around, he saw a thunderbolt of divine punishment falling on the ancient three supremes. The moment he saw this scene, the emperor's lips were pale in an instant, and all the blood faded clean.

A doomsday feeling surged into his heart. He looked up at the sky in a hurry, and then fled to the distance like a rabbit!


Above the underworld, dark clouds converged, and a huge golden lightning chased in the direction of the demon emperor's escape. Above the huge golden lightning, there was a pair of cold huge golden eyes, and the golden eyes stared at the demon emperor who fled west under the sky!

The whole heart of the demon emperor seemed to fall into the ice hole, and it was cold. He knew that the eyes above his head belonged to Erlo, the chairman of the conspiracy.

"It's coming to him!" The Demon Emperor was very clear in his heart, and an idea crossed his mind: "If I leave him to Silo, will it let me go?"

The Demon Emperor did not know the answer. At this moment, he was in a hurry like a homeless dog. He knew in his heart that it was not the first time that he had helped the partner in his soul escape the pursuit of the god Silo. Even if you give 'this' to him, you may not be forgiven. Moreover, once the 'that' in the soul is handed over, it means that hundreds of millions of years of forbearance have been put into nothing, and all dreams have been turned into nothing. The Demon Emperor is unwilling, so he is still hesitant.

Just when he was still hesitant, the 'that' he regarded as a partner had made a choice. A strong feeling surged into my heart, and the 'Sillow mutant split' suddenly felt that he could not escape this time. This feeling was very strong!

"What are you going to do? Do you know what you're doing?" Suddenly, the demon emperor's fleeing body stopped. He said two 'what' in a row like crazy, as if he had never thought of what happened to him, which made him very angry!

A ethereal smoke escaped from the body of the Demon Emperor, and the gray fog changed rapidly in the void. The place where it landed had turned into a vague figure. As soon as it took shape, it fled quickly to the southwest.

"I'm sorry, my good friend. This time, I have to sacrifice you!" Silo's mutant split said silently to the Demon Emperor in the bottom of his heart. When the Demon Emperor was still hesitant, he made a decision. He was determined to sacrifice this old Chinese partner who has cooperated for hundreds of millions of years. Although it is a pity, it is actually not so difficult for him to find a host. After all, there are many


A golden thunderbolt fell from the sky, but the demon emperor did not dodge. He just turned around and looked at the back of the 'Sillo'smutated split' who suddenly broke out of his soul and fled to the southwest. His eyes were full of anger, pain, unwillingness, and extreme despair of dashed. After a roar, the body of the Demon Emperor turned into powder and exploded, and even his soul dissipated.

He hid all his life, but he didn't want to hide at this moment, and he didn't want to hide. At the last moment of destruction, he didn't make any struggle...

"What the hell is going on? How did the ontology appear at this time? And who is the one who destroyed the three supremes of the ancient times? I feel a strong breath of light, which should be the main god of light. When did the body actually join hands with these light gods? Silo's mutant split was full of doubts. His emperor was like a homeless dog. The demon emperor was soon forgotten by him. The combination of interests did not have much to be missed. At this moment, he was only eager to find a new host and avoid the tracking of the body. He even made the worst preparation. Even if he found a partner who was not very capable, it didn't matter. The most important thing was to avoid the pursuit of the body first.

In the state of smoke, Silo's mutant split is faster than that of the Demon Emperor. Even compared with the ancient sword god of the universe at the speed, this Silo's mutant split is not much different - this is his instinct.

Thinking of the Demon Emperor, he felt somewhat guilty. In fact, he deceived him. The Demon Emperor was not his first collaborator. And there are also a lot of divine power in his body. With the ability to compress the divine power and cover up the breath, the Demon Emperor is ten thousand miles away from him! Although the body is being traced quickly, he is confident that he can get rid of it again, find a partner again, and continue to forage in the battle of gods and demons.

His speed is getting faster and faster, and I don't know how long it took, Silo's breath seemed to be far away. Silo's mutant split was finally relieved. He knew that he had escaped another disaster.


Suddenly, a huge crack opened in front of him, and the sound of waves faintly came from the open crack. Silo's mutant split opened his eyes, and a faint light reflected in the dark fell into his eyes through the crack. At this moment, Silo's face was as gray, and his lips trembled, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything.

The crack quickly opened on him, and finally evolved into a huge crack, under which was an abyss filled with fog - the dark abyss, which was the residence of the dark gods. On the undulating dark abyss, a pair of huge eyes were staring at it, like a mother staring at home...

It knows it is wrong. It has always thought that it has passed the pursuit of the ontology, but in fact, it has always been under the control of the ontology. When the huge crack opened, revealing Haohan's 'dark abyss' in the rear, a closed door opened in its mind, and a large amount of information poured into its mind...

It has never escaped the control of 'it'. Everything is just a conspiracy, and it is the chess piece of ignorance. It is not the only chess piece played by Erluo, the chairman of the conspiracy...

All secrets are revealed before the final end, endless information pours into its mind, and all confusion is opened for it...

Erlo, the chairman of the conspiracy...

Any god needs divine power, and Silo also needs it. Unlike other gods, the gods absorb the power of faith to obtain divine power, while Silo absorbs the divine power of other gods...

Before the battle of gods and demons began, Silo sowed countless seeds from the abyss. Outside, these seeds were called 'Sillo's mutant split'. Silo was rational and had no feelings, but the seeds he sown had rich feelings. Silo relied on these seeds to prey on the splits of the gods and absorb the divine power! Some of the seeds took a long time to wake up, and some of them woke up when they were broadcast. All the 'seeds' thought they had been hunted, so they kept fleeing, but in fact, Silo never chased them. Once the seeds are broadcast, they will ripen, and Silo will harvest these ripe 'seeds' at the right time

The invisible 'silk strings' connect Silo with his 'seeds', which can't even block time and space, and the 'seed' has never felt this 'silk string'! ......


Sillo escapes the sight of other gods in this way and obtains divine power...

At the moment of knowing the truth, 'Syllo's mutant split' suddenly wanted to cry, laugh, wanted to roar... But in the end, all the emotions disappeared, leaving only dead numbness.


The huge crack slowly healed, and the 'Syllow mutant split' slowly disappeared under the dark abyss of Haohan...

While harvesting some seeds, sprinkle some 'seeds'. While some 'seeds' are sleeping, some 'seeds' are absorbing nutrients and growing rapidly... Just waiting for the next battle of gods and demons, these awakened seeds will wake up, and then Silo will broadcast a new batch of 'seeds'... ...

--This is the 'master of the conspiracy', Silo! ......
