After soaring

Chapter 76 The End of World War 9

A sword full of hegemony, destruction, hatred and death expands the whole universe. In front of this sword that makes the universe pale, everyone has a small feeling.

"Attack him!!" In the dark, there was a dark expeditionary force shouting. Ximen Yibei's kendo did not come out. It was just that the sword had given them a feeling of being let alone, and everyone was shocked.


The ancient plane is in all directions, and the dense dark expeditionary force coincidentally took action in the direction of the sword, and even the 'tyhilistic king' was also forced to take action!


All the light was restrained in this shocking noise, leaving only a pure, imperceptible darkness. In the deepest part of the darkness, a burning sword light expanded, and in the blink of an eye, it quietly covered the whole universe, followed by a dead silence, like a change of thought. In the meantime, it seems that countless long cosmic centuries have passed, and the domineering sword light has finally subsided, and the darkness that enveloped the whole universe has gradually disappeared...

But the night was getting thinner, and the situation in ancient times gradually appeared. With Ximen in the north and loneliness as the center, countless bodies and meteorites of the Dark Expeditionary Force fell to the ground, and outside the plane, the bodies of the floating Dark Expeditionary Force overlapped, as tired as rivers and seas. The pale faces of these Dark Expeditionary I'm stunned and don't believe it. Even at the last moment, they never thought that human swordsmanship could be so domineering and superior!

With this blow alone, Ximen Yibei destroyed nearly half of the soldiers in the billions of Dark Expeditionary Force, and the whole ancient void turned into a sea of corpses. The world attack is incoherent, but the number of dark expeditionary troops is too large. At the moment before the launch of Kendo, the attack of these dead and powerful dark expeditionaries won space for other companions to survive, which also made the Kendo of the world stop hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from ancient times.

The heavens and the earth are silent, and the surviving Dark Expeditionary Force has also suffered minor or serious injuries. The most important thing is the damage to the soul. At this moment, looking at the accumulated floating corpses not far from their feet, the survivors' faces are miserable - these are all powerful people at the level of demons, and they are actually swords by Kill it in seconds!! Even in the first battle of gods and demons, the loss of the Dark Expeditionary Force is nothing more than that! Looking at the gap in the plane, there are two human beings standing on the bodies of the dense dark expeditionary force. It is not clear in the hearts of the demons whether they are shocked, afraid or admirable!


In the ancient plane. The 'Hilous King', who had just stepped into the ancient land at a distance of only 100,000 feet, was completely angry. It never thought about it. Two human beings despised by him. Unexpectedly, he was able to cause such a heavy blow to the Dark Expeditionary Corps under his command.

"Human beings. Damn human beings!" The king of nothingness roared. Suddenly folded. I folded my body. Lightning rushed to the west gate to the north and was unharmed. The 'star scepter' in his hand was raised. The whole earth is chanting angrily. It is less than 30 feet away from the north of the west gate and lonely. The singing stopped abruptly. The 'Starry Sky Scepter' also slowly fell. The king of nothingness looked at the two human beings in front of him. My eyes are full of astonishment...

In the face of the angry 'hilistic king'. If you are lonely and harmless, you will not be surprised or afraid. There is no intention to dodge at all. There was only a faint smile on his face. His eyes were not on the 'nohilistic king' that flashed the ground like lightning. Instead, it skimmed across the sky. Falling to the three supreme meteorite landing places...

"You can do it. We have all done it! The saint's predecessor left. Jun Qianshang left. The confusion is also gone... It's time for us to go now.

Wuji. I wish we still had time. I can fight side by side with you. But... We can do it in the end. It's the same. Wuji. Can Taigu be preserved? Now. It's up to you! ...Goodbye to the three supremes. I hope you are safe! ..."

"West Gate. Let's go!" Lonely and unharmed, he stretched out his palm and held it with Ximen Yibei's hand. They have been fighting together all their lives. And after death. We will also protect this land together! When the two hands are on the ground. The feet of the two people decomposed in an instant. It turned into the most subtle dust in the universe. Fly away. It's coming. From the feet to the top of the head. The whole body quickly decomposed - they were out of vitality. This is also the reason why the 'Hilistic King' stopped singing!

'World Defense' and 'World Attack!' The scope of the wave is too wide and too domineering, which has completely exceeded the current level of the two people, and it seems to burn vitality! The moment of recruitment is also the time when life burns out!

Slowly raised his head, lonely and harmless. The last thing he saw was the vast sky. ... After God blessed our people, all consciousness disappeared and sank...

A light wind blew by, and both of them completely turned into dust, integrated into the wind, and floated in the ancient land...

"Your Excellency! ..." In the distance, seeing the loneliness and the west gate turning into dust, everyone knew that there was no reinforcement at all. For a moment, they couldn't help but feel wet. They looked at the direction of the two people disappearing one by one and choked...


In the XX year of the outbreak of the battle between gods and demons, the sword demon was lonely and unharmed, and the west gate showed the strongest 'world attack' and 'world defense' in the north, and was at the gap in the southeast plane...



Shortly after the fall of the lonely and injury-free Ximen Yibei, in the southern nine witches, a magnificent golden thunder and lightning suddenly fell from the sky, through layers of space, and landed on the head of the 'ancient witch' behind the army...


"Doomsday Festival" fell dust, and on the page, the blood stains left by the ancient witch were fresh alone...

"The patriarch! ..." A group of witches on their bodies rushed to the ancient witch in grief. After confirming the death of the 'Ancient Witch', South

In the darkness outside the gap, a pair of huge golden eyes slowly disappeared...


In XXX years after the outbreak of the battle between gods and demons, the ancient witch's use of the powerful "Doomsday Festival" attracted the attention of the gods and was killed by the dark main god. ......


"Kill! ..." In the roar, the surviving dark expeditionary army roared angrily and rushed into the ancient plane again. It was lonely and unharmed and died in the north of the west, and everyone had no scruples. A large number of soldiers were killed by two people in one move, which made the dark expeditionary army angry, and this hatred shifted to other ancient people.

"Kill!" Inside the ancients, the ancient people roared with tears in their eyes, like a tiger coming out of the mountain and killing the dark expeditionary army. In front of them, the scene of loneliness and injury and the death of Ximen Yibei seemed to appear in front of them again. Everyone's eyes burst and blood splashed out...


In the latitude of the 'past' of time, the flood of time roars, time keeps flowing backwards, and the scenery on both sides of 'Izun' and the '14th Lord God' changes rapidly...

When is the 'this dignity' the weakest? Not before getting the 'heritage' of the big-dimensional 'Lord of Redemption' Isaac, nor the moment when the time is turned back and the divine power is exhausted, but before the 'three points of the Yuanshen'...

Fengyun Wuji 'Yuanshen Sanfen' is just the cultivation of the sixth day of 'Yinjian Sword Body**'. In the future, 'Yuanshen Sanfen' has the birth of 'Izun'. There is no doubt that this period is the weakest!

In the vast river of time, the light flashed. Just as the fourteenth Lord God was about to appear, two figures suddenly appeared on both sides of 'Izun'! These two people have no 'time god' on their foreheads, and the other has no magic power in his body. According to reason, it is impossible to enter 'here'!

But at the moment he saw the identical faces of the three people, the fourteenth Lord God seemed to understand something...

When he passively pulled into this unknown 'where', and at the same time saw the weak breath around him, Feng Yun Wuji and the first distraction suddenly understood why he was covered with a layer of light and was pulled into here out of thin air, and he also understood where this place was!

This is the 'past', which is also the reason why they can't move! While the fourteenth Lord God acts on 'the origin' with 'time traceability', it also affects them. When the time goes back to the third point of the Yuanshen, they are also entered the 'river of time'!

In this strange 'past', the three people can't move, but the soul that was already close to ** is getting closer and closer under the influence of 'back to time', and there is even a tendency for the soul to be hidden into one.

"No!" The first distraction let out an unwilling roar from the bottom of his heart, and a pair of dark pupils were wide open, staring at the fourteenth main god, with hatred and murderous intent in his eyes. No one knows what kind of changes will happen when the 'time goes back to the three gods' return to the three points? The first distractor doesn't know, Fengyun Wuji doesn't know, and I don't know...

The first distraction only knows that if he returns to the three points before the Yuanshen, he doesn't know what the other distractions are like, but he will definitely be destroyed...

'Time Traceability' is still continuing. The sudden extra two people in front of him made the fourteenth God temporarily change his plan. It withdrew its decision to take action and continued to launch the 'power of time'. According to his understanding, the breath of 'I' will become weaker and weaker, or even disappear. That's the best time to do This time, he wants to completely destroy this opponent!

Time, time, backtracking, flow...continue...

After all, the fourteenth Lord God is not the master of conspiracy. He can't predict the future. He doesn't know that this seemingly wise move is his biggest mistake!

Time continues to go back... Yuanshen three points...

When the time went back to tens of millions of years ago, when Fengyun Wuji had just decided to 'the three points of Yuanshen', something unexpected happened. No one expected that things would actually develop in this direction...

With the reversal of time, 'Benzo' and the first distraction, the surface of Fengyun Wuji's body was covered with an increasingly prosperous layer of brilliance at the same time. When time returned to the 'three points of the Yuanshen', the 'first distraction', the body of 'Fengyun Wuji' trembled In the countless crystal light spots, two fluid-like things folded in the air and sank into the body of 'I Zun'!

Among the three gods, the first god continues to have the heart demon, the fifth supreme is the emotion, and the one who really inherits the body is the 'real god'. Other existences, whether the first god or the fifth supreme, the body they have later is not the 'body'!

With the reversal of time, the souls of the three people are next to each other in the body, and the three huge and horrible souls show the image of fusion! ......

"Those who oppose God will be destroyed by God!" The loud voice of the fourteenth Lord God resounded in the latitude of the 'past' of time, and the sound fell. A huge palm of the fourteenth Lord God flashed to the extremely weak 'Ihonest'!


A burst of burning light emitted from the mind of the 'noumenon'. At the moment of life and death, the three distractions finally gave up Jiedi, melted into one, and the three gods blended! ......

Countless information, skills, memory feelings, all fused together at an incredible speed at this moment...


The strangeness of the three gods did not escape the eyes of the fourteenth god, but it did not care. Today's 'I am" is his weakest time. Even if the three people are integrated, it is an indisputable fact that all the divine power in the body has disappeared. In the face of such a 'weak' opponent, the fourteenth Lord God doesn't think that there is any change that can change the mortal situation of this 'weak' opponent!


When all the information, skills, memories and feelings are all integrated, another real 'Fengyun Wuji' is born! With a soft sound, 'Fengyun Wuji opened his eyes, the moment he opened his eyes, the fourteenth Lord

The eyes of the 'human' in front of me actually made it impossible to see through those eyes. The fourteenth Lord God felt a powerful soul that shocked him, which was still several times more powerful than the 'self' and the 'fifth supreme'!

"Bone of the Thunderbolt! ~"

The fourteenth Lord's palm fell, the divine power was surging, and there was a magnificent divine power between the palms. However, this move could not be blocked by the current weak wind and clouds. So Fengyun Wuji didn't stop it!

The soul, consciousness, experience and emotion are completely integrated. Although the physical condition is in the weakest time, the soul of 'Fengyun Wuji' has reached an unprecedented and strongest moment.

"Boom!" A magnificent consciousness that made the universe pale broke through the air and bombarded into the mind of the fourteenth god at a much faster speed than the speed of the fourteenth god. The 'bang' in the brain of the fourteenth Lord God is like countless thunderbolt, and the powerful soul, in the face of the "Fengyun Wuji" after the fusion, is actually like an undefense. At the moment when the terrible god saw through the sky, even the time passed around him was affected, stirring up ripples all over the sky.

This note surprised and bombarded into the mind of the 'fourteenth main god', and suddenly exploded a gap from the control of the fourteenth main god. At the moment when the soul of the fourteenth main god was shaken, the body of 'Feng Yun Wuji' shook and turned into a lightning and flew away in the opposite direction of 'time

The huge body of the fourteenth Lord God is like an upright giant in the latitude of the 'past' of time, looking down at the 'Fengyun Wuji' not far from his palm, there is no emotional wave in his eyes.

Time is not space. In the past latitude of 'time', no matter how fast the speed is, you can't escape from the 'cage of time'!' Fengyun Wuji's speed seems to be as fast as a shock, but in fact, it has not moved half an inch, but his speed is still surging.

The fourteenth main god looked down at the 'opponent' as small ants indifferently. No more hesitation, the huge iron palm bombarded with magnificent magic power...

"Boom!" A palm fell, but there was an empty feeling at the bottom of the palm. A trace of vibration finally appeared on the face of the fourteenth Lord God without any expression.

"That's impossible!" This idea flashed through my mind like lightning, and then the golden eyes swept through the void between the openings and crossed the latitude of time. The 'fourteenth Lord God' finally saw the 'wind and clouds' that were quickly shuttling through the latitude of the 'past' of time.' What is absorbed by the 'law of time' is the 'law of time'. The 'Fengyun Wuji' when it is traced back to the 'three points of the Yuanshen' not only loses the bright divine power, but also 'loses' the 'divine'. Without the 'divine power' and 'divineness', it is impossible The fourteenth Lord God never thought that 'Fengyun Wuji', who was so weak that he still had the ability to travel through the 'time latitude'!

Without 'divine power' and divine style, you can't use the 'power of time'. It's speed that Fengyun Wuji relies on! Although he has no divine power, he still has a sword element, and he also has the first-class insight and unparalleled speed of the universe.

The time of 'Bizun' immersed in the power of time is also above the '14th God'. For the understanding of the power of time, even the 14th God may not have the depth of 'Bissan'. When the three gods are integrated, all experience and memory are also integrated.

Although the 'Fengyun Wuji' at this moment is the weakest time, he has the understanding of 'the original' in the way of immersion in time, and also has the ability of the first god to use the 'sucking stars**', and also has the unique speed of the third god in the whole universe!

In the fourteenth Lord God's seemingly meaningless speed, it is actually the understanding of 'Fengyun Wuji' in the experiment! In the latitude of the 'past' of time, although the speed of 'Fengyun Wuji' shuttle is still very slow, it is getting faster and faster. With this kind of shuttle, his breath is getting stronger and stronger, and the energy lost in the 'time latitude' is pouring autonomously to 'Fengyun Wuji'!

There was finally a trace of vibration in the emotionless eyes of the fourteenth Lord God, which was definitely not what he wanted to see. As soon as his body shook, the fourteenth Lord God roared and quickly stepped into the 'time latitude' to chase 'Fengyun Wuji'. He will destroy him before this terrible enemy regains his 'divine' and 'divine power'. Otherwise, what awaits him will be his own destruction!


In the 'past' time, there were ripples all over the sky. 'Fengyun Wuji' and 'the fourteenth main god' quickly shuttled through the latitude of time. The time distance between the two was rapidly approaching, but the speed of Fengyun Wuji was increasing exponentially, and the growth was getting faster and faster!

If the time exceeds a limit, what effect will it achieve? This question, which has been answered by the third distractor, is the opportunity to step into the river of time and touch the power of time, but at this time, it still does not have the ability to exert the power of time. What if the speed continues to increase?

When the speed increases and it is impossible to increase, you have the ability to change time and make time pass quickly. Perhaps it can be said that people with this speed also have the ability to accelerate 'time' - there is not only one way to contact the power of time!


Seeing the giant palm of the fourteenth Lord God fall, at this time, the "small" "Fengyun Wuji" body suddenly burst out a spiritual wave that discolored the wind and clouds. The fourteenth Lord God could only watch the speed of "Fengyun Wuji" soaring, and abruptly escaped from his fingers with the slight

'Time Latitude', the fourteenth Lord God stopped. It knew that it was meaningless to chase it again, and it could not catch up. It could only watch 'Fengyun Wuji' disappear at the end of 'time'! ......