Crazy Emperor

Chapter 96 Starry Ancient Battlefield 1

The headless female body walked into the cabin, and then there was no movement after a deafening roar in the cabin.

After the headless female body entered the cabin, the imprisonment of Qiao Yun and his party was lifted, and everyone breathed a long sigh of relief.

The Nether ship went to the cave in the forbidden land of the small village. Because it had seen the powerful power of the headless female corpse, the ancient leaders who were ready to move also retreated one after another and stared at the ship made of skeletons, as if they were afraid of forgiving the headless female corpse in the cabin.

The power of the headless female corpse not only makes Qiao Yun and his party afraid, but also the ancient people who have always been extremely fierce and inhumane.

The Nether ship went to the cave, and the leaders of the ancient hundred clans followed far away.

When the ghost ship entered the mouth of the cave, Qiao Yun was stunned and the dragon statue standing at the mouth of the cave exuded vitality, as if it were a spirit. An angry young man.

The originally lifeless stone statue can faintly feel the weak vitality in the stone statue, but at this time it emits vitality. How can Qiao Yun not be stunned?

The hot waves came. Qiao Yun and his party stood on the deck of the underworld ship and walked through the deep corridor. After almost two columns of incense, Qiao Yun and his party walked out of the corridor. The vast sea of fire made everyone feel hot and sweaty like rain...

Gui Guzi moved forward two steps, obviously very cautiously and boxed; "The human world has encountered misfortune. Now that the ancient hundreds of ethnic groups have invaded the Kaiyuan Continent, no one can escape from this misfortune. I hope that the old dragon can allow me to enter the heaven..."

Qiao Yun learned some information about the mysterious man in the cave from Guiguzi, and the dragon statue standing at the mouth of the cave was the real body of the old dragon, and his duty was to protect it.

When Qiao Yun asked Gui Guzi about the spring of life in the cave, he saw Gui Guzi with a black face and shouted coldly; "Don't ask more about some things, and you boy, don't pay attention to the spring of life. At that time, you will lose a lot of life."

Gui Guzi said something like this, and Qiao Yun is really difficult to ask.

The ghost ship went to the castle, and they passed through the energy aura that could be seen clearly with the naked eye of the shield castle and came to the castle.

The building is very gorgeous, magnificent and beautiful. It is hard to describe the palace. A cool and clear limbs that burst into the body seemed to be baptizing the body of Qiao Yun and his party. They only felt as if they had infinite power.

Wu Sheng said with a smile, "The spring of life is really extraordinary, and the breath emitted by light theory can have an impact on people."

Everyone was stunned when they heard the spring of life. You should know that the spring of life can repair the soul and resurrect the dead as long as the body is not destroyed. How can it not be moved?

Ghost Valley is also sighing; "Yes, whether the spring of life brings great ** to the human world, even the heavenly world is the same, just like the divine vein of the earth and the essence of the earth, it is a rare spirit in the world."

When it comes to the spirit of the earth and the divine veins of the earth, Qiao Yun can't help but think of the peaceful teacher. When he was depressed, the teacher taught himself.

When a column of incense traveled through the castle, the Nether ship took Qiao Yun and his party over a big well, and saw a rising fog at the mouth of the well, and seven stars flashed on the mouth of the well...

"The Big Dipper Seven Star Array, it's really here..." Gui Guzi seemed to be a little excited.

Seeing Guiguzi's excited appearance, Qiao Yun and his party were also sure that this big well was the way to heaven.

The Nether ship went to the big well, and the seven flashing star spots at the mouth of the well appeared seven star lines and connected together, forming a strange starry sky-like pattern...

There is a scene of the desolation of the human world on the pattern. The dry earth is covered with blood, the bones are everywhere, and even the weeds do not grow...

When they saw this desolate scene, a sense of sadness rose in everyone's hearts, and a pair of eyes kept turning to the mouth of the cave. The martial arts man's white hair fluttered, his two fists were clenched, and his blue veins bulged and shouted loudly at the mouth of the cave; "Hurry for thousands of years... In a thousand years, my martial arts maniac will come back.

"In a thousand years, we will all come back... Kaiyuan Continent, goodbye..." When the Nether Ship entered the big well, a sad sound came from the big well.

The vast starry sky seemed to be boundless at a glance, relying on the underworld ship Qiao Yun and his party stepped on the passage to the heaven.

It took three years to travel. They traveled through this starry field for three years, and stayed on the Netherworld ship for three years without any changes. The cabin was calm and bizarre, and the headless female corpse had never come out in these three years, which also stunned Qiao Yun and his party.

The underworld ship took Qiao Yun and his party to a strange starry field. They were surrounded by ancient war. A dilapidated ladder floated in the starry sky, and a mountain was also devastated, and cracks like spider webs appeared, as if they had turned into powder at a touch.

"Well, how can there be war in the starry sky field?" Everyone was shocked. Obviously, it seems that there is a world-class strong man who has fought in this starry field.

Guiguzi was particularly cautious and quickly stopped; "Don't ask more about this. Now at the border near the heaven, everyone has to be careful. Something bad may happen?"

When he heard Gui Guzi's words, the old goat suddenly flirted and asked quickly, "Old boy, you seem to be very familiar with heaven. What will happen when you enter heaven?"

"Yes, can you tell us what will happen when you arrive in heaven?" Everyone was a little worried.

Giguzi said slowly; "I can only tell you that the passage here is a forbidden land in heaven, and this forbidden land is regarded as a return by heaven, so it is also extremely dangerous. I hope you will be more vigilant."

Just as the Nether ship approached the ancient battlefield, a man accidentally touched the mountain full of spider webs...

"K, K..." The mountain range immediately turned into shatter, and the ruins of the ancient battlefield dissipated like smoke.

Everyone looked at this scene in horror.