Crazy Emperor

Chapter 138 What is God's will?

The body of the sky is a disk of all sentient beings. When it falls, the body is divided into nine and buried in the four worlds. Unexpectedly, the last incomplete split head was suppressed in the small six paths. It can also be imagined that even the fate of the owner who created the small six paths is extremely taboo, otherwise how could the head be suppressed in the small six paths?

The God Emperor said with a serious face; "For tens of thousands of years, I have been forbearance in the villain's forces to be the incompleteness of heaven. After tens of thousands of years, I have also learned an important news that the head of the sky has been suppressed in the small six paths, so if I want to get the sky's head, I must destroy the little six paths."

When the news revealed by the God Emperor, not only the ancient strong man, but also the King and the ancient emperor took a deep breath of cold air. You should know how difficult it is to destroy the Little Six Path.

The seemingly approachable ancestors of the Qiao family exuded awe-inspiring murderousness and shouted coldly: "You are responsible for destroying the small six simulations, and the rest of the people will kill these maggots with me." After saying that, the ancestor of the Qiao family was the first to kill the strong man of the villain.

The seven emperors of ancient times, who will compete with each other? This sentence has been widely handed down in ancient times, and the seven emperors can work together to destroy heaven and earth.

The ancient seven emperors gathered together and added that their strength was higher than that of the ancient emperor, and they were more confident to destroy the simulation of Xiaoliudao.

The eight powerful energy looked at each other to implement the integration of heaven and earth to form a huge energy ball that could cover half of the ancient magic city. The seven ancient emperors and the king shouted one after another, and the powerful energy ball collided with the six whirlpools.

The rumble sound came continuously, and the ancient seven emperors and the kings were shocked to retreat several feet, making it difficult to stabilize their bodies.

Under the bombardment of the Seven Emperors of Taigu, Xiao Liudao was finally destroyed, and the strong men of the villain forces panicked. Unexpectedly, Xiao Liudao's copy would be destroyed so easily by the Seven Emperors of Taigu, which meant that fate would not wake up in advance.

However, just as the little six roads were about to be destroyed, a rumble came from the ground, and the powerful momentum could not even be supported by the ancient emperor, like a billion-dollar s of slam down.

The ancient magic city was suddenly smashed, and when the ancestors of the Qiao family saw the sudden change, they also stared at the front after hundreds of feet in the retreat area.

Six sun-like black holes emerged from the ground, and six black holes burst into black light like a round of scorching sun. The black light belt was sandwiched with destructive power. The ancient strong man who was shot by the black light was blown away like smoke.

"The master woke up... Even if the master's divine power is destroyed, it still can't stop the master from waking up. When he saw six black holes like a black sun emerge from the ground, the strong man of the villain seemed to see hope and roared excitedly.

The destructive black light emitted by the black hole like the black sun drew a sky shadow. The figure was thousands of feet taller, and the football-like fire mass shot out a destructive light that even penetrated the earth. The man's virtual shadow made a arrogant laugh that shocked the soul of the ancient seven emperors, and the strong man at the peak of the emperor directly It was shaken by a cloud of blood.

Obviously, the six black solar black holes seen today are the small six paths, and the thousands of virtual shadows may be fate.

"Is this fate?" When they saw the huge virtual shadow, Qiao Yun's side questioned it.

"He is not fate, it's just a divine idea of fate, that is to say, fate has not yet awakened." The God Emperor looked particularly solemn, but he didn't expect that the power of fate was far beyond his imagination.

"Oh, my God, even a divine idea is so powerful. If he really wakes up, I'm afraid that no one will be his opponent." One of them exclaimed.

It exists at the same time as the sky that creates everything, and the power of fate will naturally not be lower than the sky.

The loud voice sounded like a loud explosion; "I am the god of fate to create the little six supreme existence. If you want to disobey God's will, you must be afraid..."

The rumble sound shocked the ears of the ancient emperor and the ancient strong, and the powerful momentum was like hundreds of millions of mountains, which was difficult to support even the force standing high in the sky. The ancestor of the Qiao family was still not afraid of fate and shouted coldly, "What is God's will? In order to create the last body of all sentient beings, this kind of selflessness alone is enough to prove that heaven has compassion, but for the sake of selfishness, you have not hesitate to let all creatures be destroyed once the world turns into chaos..."

When he heard the loud shout of the ancestors of the Qiao family, the huge virtual shadow laughed arrogantly; "What is God's will? Heaven is not just for selfish desire to create an eternal world that does not exist, but it is enchanted to death. Is this the so-called supreme god in your eyes? When the sky dies, my fate will dominate the world. If you are not convinced, I can turn the world into chaos and create my own creatures, and you will disappear in this world.

"Create everything?" The ancestor of the Qiao family twitched fiercely, and then snorted disdainfully: "I don't know how many merits Heaven has experienced to be qualified to create all living things, and you want to create life, which is simply delusional."

"Dare..." Hearing the disdainful sarcastic words of the ancestors of the Qiao family, the huge magic shadow shouted thunderous forgiveness, and a black light flashed out and directly destroyed the body of the ancestors of the Qiao family to pieces.

"Ah..." In the face of the blow of fate, even the ancestors of the Qiao family, who could resist the ancient emperor, then quickly reorganized their bodies, and their originally full face turned pale.

The king came forward in the lotus seat, and her graceful body emitted auspicious brilliance. She shouted coldly; "Even if the sky falls, we will make you never wake up..." After saying that, the king took the brunt attack on the huge virtual shadow, and the ancient seven emperors did not hesitate to bombard the shadow one after another.

The war is on the verge of breaking out, and the ancestors of the Qiao family can't take care of serious injuries to launch a fierce attack. The ancient strongman and the villain strongman are fighting together.

The rumble echoed in the vast ancient demon realm, and the shocking battle was so great that even the ancient demon realm would be destroyed.

Xuantian's broken knife is a killing artifact. Now the broken part has been repaired, and the original dilapidated knife has directly blocked the black light.

Who will compete with the ancient seven emperors?

The seven ancient emperors launched a fierce killing skill against the huge virtual shadow.