Phoenix Empire

Complete sentiment

Before writing this speech, I have been waiting for your comments, because I want to find my shortcomings from the loopholes and suggestions you have pointed out and what I have expressed is different from what you have seen.

I don't think I'm suitable to be an author. When I gradually entered the realm of writing a book, I fell in love with almost everyone I wrote. Whether it was good or bad, I wanted to give her the human nature and life values that belonged to her, and perhaps because I wanted to protect human nature too much, which often caused the opposite. Result.

When writing the role of Lingyue, I also had a hesitation. She did not have a too prominent personality, that is, she is simple and kind, gentle and restrained, tolerant, but has her own unchanging values of life and attitude towards others. This is the first character I conceived when I wrote a novel. It is as innocent as my childhood. It may not be suitable to write at this age, but I still chose to challenge this character that has been eliminated and forgotten by the current trend. I like this character very much, because in this full text with power as the main event, I regard her as a beacon and show a way for all the other supporting actors. She is weak in appearance, but in fact, she also has a strong side in her heart. In others choose to adapt to society or be paranoid with others. When she changed her life against the sky, she still insisted on peace, kindness, righteousness and the beauty she yearned for. She once wanted to change the people around her with her own heart and her own ideas. Therefore, when Ling Zilu rebelled at the beginning, she accused Ling Zilu as a junior, and she would also go. Judging whether it is true or not that Ling Zilu pointed out that Hua Che was her enemy of killing her mother. At first, she was helpless, unable to resist anyone, and did not advocate force. As a writer, I thought from her point of view that she first needed a person who gave her confidence and arms, so there were Yushu Ziyi and Ling Yufei. Some assistants who have helped her, her political philosophy is very simple, that is, to cultivate the country with benevolence and righteousness, for the benefit of the people, and express her thoughts, I have also written many details to enrich her character, such as the confrontation with Hua Che at the court meeting, and many life details to admonish her. She can't ignore Hua Che. Her feelings only influenced him to change him from thought, but in the end, when she found that she could not change a person's mind, she really began to resist. There were also some small tricks, but I was afraid that the change of character's personality would be a little abrupt, but I didn't dare to let her do too much, so In this regard, she has become an unknown and very low-key character. In the article, she has been taught by five teachers, but Hua Che has taught the most and should be talented. I really failed to show this. Only one chapter of the confrontation with Lingyu "talking on chess" slightly highlights Point, when others are competing for the country, she just wants to protect peace, and it is precisely this idea that only wants to consider the overall situation peacefully that turns her character into a cowardly sigh. In a word, what I deliberately expressed has become the biggest loophole. It is my biggest failure that I can't write her so that everyone likes it. I must improve it.

I'm ashamed to say that because this book has suffered a lot of blows in the process of writing and I have become tired of abandoning writing, so many of the problems that I didn't notice have come out. During the completion of the book, I was also in a hurry. Finally, I reduced a lot of pen and ink in the struggle for power, and pure In fact, when I first wrote this book, the male and female protagonists I set were Hua Che and Lingyue, corresponding to nightmare demons and dream gods, one evil and one right. Therefore, writing about Hua Che's protection of Lingyue, Lingyue's love for Hua Che has become the main line of the full text.

All the stories of the full text take place in the palace. The Dragon Pavilion is just an episode, and there is no space to transfer when this story is written, and I let all the protagonists connect with the heroine Lingyue. Hua Che, Yushu Ziyi, Shufeicheng and Ling Safeng all fell in love with Lingyue. Therefore, I expressed in the article. Everyone has a different view of love: Hua Che destroys everything that is unfavorable to her in order to protect Lingyue. Shufeicheng is young and simple and just wants to fly away from his loved ones. Ling Safeng just likes it. He falls in love at first sight. Of course, he is also a person who is tired of rolling in the struggle for power. In fact, he likes Lingyue and just wants to be her. It's just a simple person. Yushu Ziyi became an silent guardian. Among them, what I want to highlight most is actually Yushu Ziyi's feelings for Lingyue. He loves Yun'er and is like a lover's wife. However, in the process of getting along with Lingyue, his feelings for Lingyue have exceeded everything, which is a kind of selflessness that is better than love in my imagination. To the perfect feeling, there is no vigorousness like Shufei City, no domineering possession and protection like Hua Che, and no spiritual sacrifice of life for love. He silently hides such feelings and will never forget them for the rest of his life. I only used two sentences to highlight his point: "If love to speak out will become a burden, I will never say it." "I protect her country, and you protect her, use this life."

The character Youqi, like the character Lingyue, has existed in my mind for a long time. It depicts a demonic and poisonous woman who is a little kind and wise. I feel that it is somewhat challenging. I also like this character very much. I once wanted to write a book with her as the protagonist, but this If a woman who can be called perfect in appearance and wisdom is written as the protagonist, it is bound to arouse the reader's disgust. Therefore, her heart is like a snake and scorpion, killing like hemp, and can also show the hero of a man on the battlefield. Therefore, she has become a supporting role, and I guess she must have suppressed the light of the protagonist. The supporting role.

Strictly speaking, the role of Xue Yan is not the protagonist. She is just a shadow. When it is time to appear, she will replace Lingyue's identity and Shufei City. It is indeed a situation that I deliberately laid out. Why did such a situation occur because I, as a writer, am not rational enough, because of the corner of Feicheng when writing books Se has been working hard for Lingyue, but in the end, she can't get anything and really owes him, so I gave him a Xueyan. In order to protect his humanity, I don't want him to quickly abandon Lingyue and have feelings for Xueyan, so that in the end, it will end up with life and death, leaving only love and regret. I think this should also be the best ending for Xueyan. She replaced Lingyue and deceived Feicheng. If she has nothing to impress Feicheng, Feicheng will not forgive her for the rest of her life. Therefore, a pile of mounds left some good memories and unforgettable feelings for Feicheng.

That's right. I'm a romantic. Although I'm dissatisfied with reality and don't believe in reality, I'm still full of illusions about that beautiful feelings. I interpret and complete it with the people I write.

I have been entangled with a few dragon sets in the Shenlong Pavilion. When I write them, my protagonist is out of tune again, so I have been writing them down. Well, if I rewrite them again, the dragon sets can only be deleted. On rainy days, Liu Yingxi also occupied a place in the whole storyline and played a little role. Writing about the two dragon sets of Yun Zheyan and Concubines really didn't play a big role, except for making a little contribution to saving Ziyi. ( In fact, Hua Che's four secret agents are also out of tune. Khan, dragon sets and so on can only become my pawns, and I won't do this in the future.)

Maybe he is too intoxicated with the Three Kingdoms, so he has been trying to write about different genius-level smart male protagonists. For example, Hua Che is a genius in political power, discerning people, employing people, and leading figures. Yu Shu Ziyi is a literary genius. He can learn anything and has an amazing IQ. He should be written as a military engineer. Shulu is a genius in the invention of physical manufacturing organs. In the war years, advanced weapons are often better than martial arts, aren't they? Shufei City is the master of martial arts. Er, even if he is not a genius, I only write him as simple as love. Other male protagonists want to seize power. Ling Safeng, at his age, he can learn everything from books, which is also a genius level. Reincarnation is also a genius in magic. However, I just want to portray these characters, but I finally wrote them down because of my limited ability! As long as you know, why don't you go back and study more!)

For this article, Hua Che is the most written. Alas, let's take Hua Che as the protagonist. The heroine Lingyue is a big failure. Although Hua Che's personality is not particularly plump, his appearance rate is the highest. His image setting is dark and gentle, so after portraying his dark side, I He also wrote more about his gentle side, probably because he wrote so much about gentleness that his human nature was not prominent, but in the end of the story, he had nothing to touch people's hearts, and he really became a complete villain! I can't bear it! Such an irrational author, how dare you call yourself an author, and think about it quickly!)

My biggest dissatisfaction with my article is that I want to write every character black and smart, but dilute their personality, so that everyone only sees their dark side and can't see any other personalities, so it's all the same. In addition, I am very dissatisfied with the narrative style of this book. At first, I just wanted to innovate and use some strange expressions similar to lyricism to turn it into a unique writing style. Later, I learned that this was another failure. ( It seems that you can't innovate blindly in the future, sweat.)

In addition, the reason why the ending turned Lingyue into an ice sculpture to protect the country is to highlight her dedication, and the second is to leave a follow-up fantasy for this story. If one day, when Hua Che, who was reincarnated in another country, led thousands of troops and horses into the musk moon country with his dream of conquering the whole Ximengchuan, Lingyue revived to break the seal to save her country...

What a magnificent scene will it be when the iceberg cracks and thousands of troops come?

Then, the end of this story is only the beginning, and the story about Guo Qing is the real beginning.

This is also my original story outline, which is a story about rebirth.

However, I'm very sorry that this book was indeed written by me. There are so many characters in the first volume that it can't end, resulting in the whole story being too long. Therefore, this book ends here, which can also be regarded as an independent story only about love, and it is civil strife in such a chaotic country. The story that happened under the political situation is not sad, but everyone has different attitudes towards fate.

I don't know what everyone's definition of tragedy is. The ending of the saddest book I have ever read is that the heroine dies, one hero lives alone and regrets, and the other hero is discredited. In the end, there is no concept of love. And what I think is that love doesn't need to be so perfect together. Everyone should have heard that the ending of fairy tales is beautiful, but no one knows what life is like after being together. Maybe it will be happy, and maybe it will be inserted into a third party. After all, beauty is easy to grow old, which is a test of men's sincerity. , a lot of things are uncertain. Therefore, all stories will have a follow-up imagination. You can imagine perfection or sadness, as long as there is love in your heart.

As long as there is love, the story will not be too sad.

Finally, let's talk about the topic of this article: persistence and giving up. All the male protagonists are persistently pursuing, or right or love, but they have developed to a certain ** and choose to give up. Just like our persistent pursuit, they are too tired and lose more than what they get. They will think of giving up. Maybe excessive persistence is not as easy and beautiful as a person who turns around and gives up, but Yes, after all, I was still a stubborn person. After giving up, I let all the male protagonists choose to be persistent again. Hua Che's persistent choice to be reborn and want to continue their relationship with Lingyue. Shufei City persistently guarded her ice sculpture incarnation, while Yushu Ziyi persistently chose to protect her country. The last persistence and the last hope, may everyone have hope in our hearts.

Thank you for Yanyan's colleagues, Concubine and Yutian's comments. Thank you for your support. All suggestions and bricks will become the source of my progress. Readers who are willing to read the article, please pat bricks as much as they are. I will not refuse...\(^o^)/~