Phoenix Empire

Chapter 31 Soulless Puppet

Lingyue naturally did not find a girl in white hidden under the shrine, and what the moon gods said to her was undoubtedly from the girl.

The four ice walls flashed like water. The girl raised her small and delicate face and looked at the goddess statue in the shrine. The corners of her lips smiled slightly. A childish face unexpectedly became charming and mature: "You should feel very gratified to deal with him with the chess piece of Lingyue. The battle for the king's power of the moon will never stop. Sister, we have also imprisoned each other in this ice palace for 18 years, 18 years of silence, 18 years of love, hate and loneliness, are you tired of it?

"Well, well, when you wake up, the struggle between us will start again. At that time, don't show mercy to me..."

"Because I also want a fair contest."

The solemn goddess statue actually shed tears. The girl looked at the drop of ice tears falling, and the strange and mysterious pupils shot a proud sharp light. It was invincible domineering and domineering rampant!

When Lingyue just walked out of the fragrant forest of bell fruit, she encountered an assassination.

There are not many people who assassinated her, only one, a masked killer with strong martial arts skills.

Lingyue has also practiced the strange skills of "fog snow silkworm" for eight years. Although the martial arts academic method is not as good as the reincarnation of the swordsman Ling Yue and the magician, it is more than enough to defend herself.

After dozens of battles with the masked killer, Lingyue took off his mask. When she saw the man's young and handsome face, Lingyue was a little surprised: "Who are you? Why did you assassinate me?"

The man was indifferent and did not answer, and there was only a coldness of ridicing on his face. Without saying a word, he attacked Lingyue viciously and wanted to kill her. Lingyue was forced to have nowhere to escape by his almost crazy killing, and she had to barely fight with it.

"Who the hell are you? I have never had a grudge against anyone. Why do you hate me so much instead of killing me?

Lingyue kept asking, answering her only painful shouts and roars.

The man seemed to be greatly stimulated. He kept waving two knives to vent his resentment. He was so crazy that he was almost desperate to hit the dagger in Lingyue's hand and threw her to the ground.

"What are you going to do? Let go of me!" Lingyue scrambled to push him away, but found that her whole body had nowhere to exert her strength. She only heard the man's roar.

"Why? It's because of you that our family was destroyed. It's because of you that I became an orphan or even a wanted criminal, and there was nowhere to go!" The man stared at Lingyue's eyes, and his voice trembled with hatred, "Because of your cowardice and incompetence, how many people in our Ling family will be brutally poisoned by Hua Che?"

Lingyue was puzzled and looked at the man's twisted face in confusion: "What are you talking about? What annihilation? Who the hell are you?"

The man sneered: "You haven't seen me, but I've seen you, cousin Lingyue. I'm the son of your third aunt Ling Zilu. Isn't it your order to behead all 1003 people in our family, including slaves? You and Hua Che joined hands to kill my mother and the old moon master. In order to sit on the throne of the moon master as soon as possible, you even kill your relatives without mercy, cut off the grass and root, and leave the chickens and dogs..."

"No, it's not like that. I didn't give such an order, and I didn't kill anyone. Who told you this?" Lingyue struggled, and the man rudely stopped her struggle: "You are afraid that your background will be spread by us, so you ordered to raid our house overnight and kill our whole house, even ten-year-old children!"

"What? Don't even let a ten-year-old child go?" Lingyue muttered to herself, and no matter how many explanations she had become powerless, she had understood some things in a trance.

No one will really understand her. The reason why she is misunderstood is that she is also contaminated with some anger under the protection and influence of that person, right?

"I can sneak into the palace to assassinate you, but I didn't think I could escape." The man suddenly smiled ferociously, "Someone told me that if you die, Hua Che will lose a puppet representing the royal power of the spiritual clan, and he will not be qualified to become the moon king of the musk moon kingdom again, and the prestige established in the minds of the people will gradually collapse. Therefore, Yueer's cousin, for the sake of our Ling family Jiangshan, just sacrifice yourself!"

The man's two knives were suddenly raised, and Lingyue was strangled by the neck and unable to move, so she could only look at the two cold lights and lightning approaching his cheeks.

"No, teacher, help me!" At the moment of death, the instinct of survival made her shout loudly. At this moment, the man's double knives seemed to be restrained by some force and could not cut her, but to herself.

The neck was cut off, and the man's head flew out, and blood poured down on her like a waterfall.

Lingyue saw the man's headless body collapsed beside her, and screamed again. The severe pain in her heart suffocated. She got up in a trance and tried to escape in a panic, but suddenly bumped into a person.

The snowy white robe is really him.

Hua Che and Youqi stood in front of her, and behind them were two bodyguards in blue.

Lingyue was shocked and looked at Hua Che's smiling face: "Teacher, why are you still like this? Why did you use my will to kill Aunt Zilu's family? Why do you still kill her only son who remains in the world now? Why? Teacher, what is human life for you?

Hua Che looked at her face calmly with grief and pain without regret, but still like a master and apprentice, patiently told her, "I'm saving you. Yueer, weren't you asking me to save you just now?"

"But you shouldn't kill!" Lingyue retorted.

Hua Che smiled, walked to Lingyue, picked up her face, and whispered, "If I don't kill him, how can I save you? You know how dangerous it was just now. If I come a step late..."

"No matter what, it's wrong to kill people. How many people's blood has been shed in this palace? Is there the blood of my relatives in every inch of the earth, isn't it?" Lingyue shouted loudly, tears like a rain curtain. A pair of watery clear eyes have never dried up. They are either flashing waves or full of tears. They are pure and painful. "My parents are dead, and my grandmother has also left me. Aunt Zilu was also killed by you. How many people do you want to die? How long can I Lingyue live?"

"Ye'er--" Hua Che interrupted, "In this palace, no one is your relative except me. It is they who are single-minded to kill you. It is they who are ruthless and righteous first. People do not offend me. I will not offend them. If people offend me, I will offend them. You will be the lord of a country. You should not have unnecessary mercy and weakness. Anyone who violates them will be treated equally. Those who violate them will be blamed. According to the law of my Muyue Kingdom, they should be executed. Don't think of anything. Friendship, the benevolence of women, have you forgotten what the master taught you?

"Teacher, Yueer can't do it, Yueer can't do it like you, can't..." Lingyue kept shaking her head, and the sadness and bitterness made her chest hurt violently.

"Let me do what you can't do for you." Hua Che stroked her face and wanted to hold her in her arms. Unexpectedly, she suddenly broke away, looked at him with resentment, wiped her tears and ran into the forest. However, she just ran out a few steps, shook her delicate body and fell to the ground.


As long as she is dizzy, there will be nightmares. In the nightmare, she always cries and screams, and even suddenly sits up and looks at him with a pair of frightened eyes or avoids him.

Every time he saw her eyes, Hua Che always felt a heartache and held her tightly in his arms. At the beginning, Lingyue would resist to break free. Later, she could not resist his domineering and gradually calmed down.

became a puppet doll without a soul again.

Huache tried various ways to coax her to laugh or ask her to say a word to him, but the girl was stunned and didn't even move.

No, Hua Che ordered all the medical officers to come to see a doctor for Lingyue. All the medical officers could diagnose the cause of the disease, but no one could cure the symptoms. Hua Che was angry and killed several medical officers, but he could not return Lingyue's sentence.

The disease is in the heart and can't be cured.

In the end, Hua Che had to accept this fact.

However, the accession ceremony of Yuejun, the moon lord, was still held as scheduled, but the young moon lord on the throne never said a word.